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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 00000000; 00000000000000000000; 0000000000000000000a; 000000000000000boo; 000000000000000himom; 0000000000000asphalt; 000000000zeroshaveit; 00000001; 000000conspiracyguy; 00000kerrylies; 0000irishthatcherite; 0000monkeyfistmofo; 000morezeros; 000reneewazherefirst; 00darkshearewuzhere; 00doublegooseegg; 0347thlancerbrigade; 0conspiracyguyrewls; 0darkshearewuzhere; 0hughseriesmoose; 0nickybobaieeee; 0nickybobbadbadbad; 0nickybobevilevil; 0nickybobisbad; 0nickybobisbadaieee; 0nickybobisbadaqieee; 0nickybobisgreat; 0nickybobrunaway; 0nickybobsaveuslord; 0nickybobweirdnos; 0thanos; 100beerclub; 11111111111111111111; 121504stillgoing; 12345678900987654321; 1984; 1bigpoop; 1putyourhansup; 22222222222222222222; 25kposts; 28000; 2bornot2b; 2stpawayfrmthekywrds; 33333333333333333333; 3seszoththread; 44444444444444444444; 4cjisnotamember; 4moreyears; 4mycountryskeyword; 4weddingsandazot; 5; 55555555555555555555; 65535; 65535byacaguy; 66666666666666666666; 666michaelmoore; 77777777777777777777; 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bigdamnheros; bigdickcheney; biggerdorkthankerry; bigrewardforreturn; birdswithoutbowels; bitemyleftzot; blackturbanstootight; blamecanada; blessyourbowels; blob; blueoyster; bollocks; bottlesofbeeronwall; bravenewworld; bubbeluvsbeeber; burnedbeeber; burnedbybeeber; burntchinesefood; burntmybeeber; burstingattheseams; bush; bushcheney2004; bushwins; callannlanders; callmeat50000; callthewarden; canwestopthisalready; captainblack; captainmorgan; carmenelectraisababe; carumba; catherinezetajones; catinthehat; cccccccccccccccccccc; cheesecakeyummy; cheeseonthewater; chilidawgs; chokeyourself; classiczot; cleanyourears; clinton; comicbookcharacters; conspiracyguycopies; conspiracykeywords; constipatedcanaries; corpulance; couldtakeanotherpost; coulter; cracksausage; crapbywhoflungdung; cricket; crime; crunk; cuckoocuckoo; cuzitaintourjob; cuzitsthere; cyborg; cyborgisatroll; cythewondertypist; d; dajooz; dancethismessaround; darkshearewuzhere; davidben; dawnofthethread; dddddddddddddddddddd; 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fiskmetosamabinladen; footingturf; forkinghay; formarmsandbody; formfeetandlegs; formkeywrdwatchgroup; frantictickticktock; freedomtoarmbears; freedumb2003; freepersinspace; fruitbat; fruitfliesinmywine; funwithkeywords; gameskeepersbigwilly; gameskeeperwillie; garignak; georgeorwell; getmeabeeredith; gggggggggggggggggggg; giantcatfishofthepo; givesdumbabadname; glocksandotherguns; gmanindahouse; goasphalt; gobosox; gocookacamel; godhatestrolls; godie; godthedevilandbob; goingforkwrecord; goingtoneedanewone; goodgrief9000posts; goodthink; goodthreadsgonbad; gotwood; grapejelly; greeneggsandham; growingkeywords; guderianrules; guinnessisgoodforyou; gunsandmoreguns; gunsnroses; hachachacha; hammerofthemods; hannity; happychristmas; happygal; happyhannukah; harmlessteddybear; headachemonkey; helloyoucrazypeople; helpimoutofwine; helpmetheygotme; herekittykitty; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh; holyhandgrenade; holyshit; holyshiteonastick; hookedonfonics; horsefeathers; hottrollsex; howaboutamint; howboutthemcowboys; howmanykeywords; hugh; hulkamania; iambuckhead; iamlannydavis; iamwearingadiaper; iatz; ibtz; idiot; ihavethebestkeyword; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; illbeinmybunk; ilovethisthread; imdeadandicantgetup; imronery; ineedcliffsnotes; insanekeywords; interrogatives; intheslithytove; inthewabe; ireland; irelandisgonewrong; irishthatcherite; israel; isthatallthereis; isthisthingon; itisafargreaterthing; itsalive; itsnotchristmasyet; itsonlikedonkeykong; itwasthebestoftimes; itwastheworstoftimes; iwuzhere072205; jacksparrow; jacuzzi; jamesthewonderbaby; jds; jeffbuckleyrocks; jeffgordonstillsucks; jessicaalbatross; jetjaguar; jibberjabber; jingo; jizzmoglobbin; jjfat; jjfatuous; jjfuckhead; jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj; johnbigboote; jotmo; judenrauss; justdan; justthefactsmaam; juswashere; juwish; juwishfate; juwishmodz; juwishryebread; juws; juwswillwin; kangaroojacqui; keepthisthreadgoing; kerry; kerryisaloser; kerrythebuttmonkey; kerryvoter; keyword; keywordabuse; keywords; keywordsgonewild; keywordthievesinarea; kickmeimtrollish; killthisthread; killthisthreadplease; kilroy; kilroywashere; kilroywasthere; kingofthebritons; kingproustpretender; kingproutlives; kittyfood; kittylitter; kittypoo; kittyvomit; kiwiword; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; klingon; klingonmacbeth; knightsofcolumbus; knowledgedecisions; konichiwa; kookkookkachoo; kwvandals; lastkeyword; lastpost; lavrenti; learntospelljews; leaveittobeeber; letthegoodtimesroll; letthisthreaddie; liberal; library; likeablackhole; limitto75000; llllllllllllllllllll; longestzotthread; lostpost; lotofstuffboutnuttin; lotsofkeywords; luigisloogies; makersmarkrules; marsupialbeeber; marsupialroadkill; massalama; maxx; me; meaddakeywordtoo; megathread; messagemassage; metallica; michaeldeeeeehiggins; migrationscultures; mikeiniraqwuzheretoo; milfmilfmilf; ministryoflove; ministryofpeace; ministryofplenty; ministryoftruth; mmmeggsandcoffee; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; moderatemyass; moderatorinstigator; modsareinonit; molassesmiasma; monkeybutt; monkeyfacerules; moosebitmykeyword; morekeywords; morekeywords4u; moremorekeywords; motherofallthreads; mrcreosote; mrduckyrules; mroning; multiparoustaxchick; mustardmeannessmist; mwsisyouroverlord; mybeeberhurts; mybeeberisstuned; mybuttwellkissed; mydoghasfleas; mykeywordiswaybetter; mylamahashairballs; myownprivatearmy; mypenguinhasgas; mypoodontstink; ncnicenessnazi; needsmorekeywords; nemo; nepenthe; neverlearn; nicktoons; nigerianphonescams; nightoflivingthread; nineteeneigthyfour; nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn; noitaint; nojobsinoklahoma; nomore; norskiwashere; nosmokingropenflames; notenoughkeywords; notherweirdscreename; notoldimretro; notsafeforhomeuse; notthisshitagain; nowwhatyerhavehere; noyoudont; nutritiousweetpotato; nycgopchick; oceansofhomophones; ohfortheloveofgod; ohhthepain; oklahomacatfish; onamissionfromgod; onefishtwofish; ononotanotherkeywurd; oodlesofsnow; oooooooooooooooooooo; oops; oopsicrappedmypants; oopswediditagain; orgasmicshampoo; ornot; osamamethomersimpson; ouchmyskull; overload; owahtogusiam; pagingdrphil; paleoneonihilist; peoplewithnolife; phantomofkrankor; pharmboyzotjj; piazzarewls; pigthethroughnet; plasticbabies; pleasedeletethread; poisonivyberries; poppies; poweqi; pp; pppppppppppppppppppp; presidio9; pukindogishot; pumpkinchili; pumpkinhead; qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq; ragingalcholicmonkey; ragweedinoklahoma; ramjetrocks; reagan; reprobatshavebabies; rewl; rexxy; rightbloodygenius; righteousgentils; righttobeararms; righttobearlegs; rightturnclyde; rkba; roadkilledbeeberassn; rosiecotton; rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr; rudy; rush; samiam; sarahisahottie; scoobysnacks; scourgeofyazid; screamingzot; scumdogs; scurvydog; seinfeld; selfimposedquiet; senatordouchebag; senatorhuntingducks; series; setbeeberonstun; setbeeberstostune; severedfoot; sexophones; shabedbeeber; shavedpalms; shitforbrains; shootpoolwithrope; signofthebeast; sillylatintaglines; sitzpinkler; slingsandarrows; smelltheglove; smokeybackroomrules; somethingtouchedleg; soseries; spandexpantload; spinthetroll; spintowin; spongebobisthedevil; spongebobsquarepants; sporkweasel; springinoklahoma; ssssssssssssssssssss; stag; stillstuningrbeeber; stopbanningjjfateha; stopreadindakeywords; stopstealingthoughts; stopthesanity; strangefurryson2004; streisandsbigsnout; streisandstinks; stuningbeeber; stunthatbeeber; summerinoklahoma; sunglassesatnight; superthread; sweetpotatochili; taintneither; takbatakbeha; takeahint; talkingtoself; teapotshortstout; teddybearkamasutra; texasthreeswing; thanksgiving; thanosaintconceding; thanosconcedes; thanyourkeyword; thatkeywordismine; thearafatfiskknew; thedeadthread; theendmyfriend; theendofends; themodsdidit; theomegathread; thepartysover; theresonlyonejj; theseasonofadvent; thethreadthatatefr; theundeadthread; theundeadzotthread; theunnamedfeeling; thewordoftherkba; theyarewafferthin; theykilledkilroy; theystolemykeywords; theytookmyeyes2; theytookourjobs; thisisnotakeyword; thisistheend; thiskeywordismine; thisthreadisawesome; thisthreadmustdie; thisthreadsucks; thisthreadwontdie; thiswaytotheshowers; thomassowellrules; threadsfull; threadwithitsonlife; threadwithoutendamen; tisbrillig; tobeornottobe; tonro; tontoisdead; toomanykeywords; toomuchmentalfloss; tortuga; totaltwat; touchedinthehead; touchofdeath; trains; trex; trollssuck; trollthreadvandals; truthordare; tttttttttttttttttttt; tulipisahottie; tulsabrian; twasbrillig; txblairwashere; uberbeeber; ultimatezotthread; undeadsingularity; undeadthread; unnngh; unnnnngh; unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh; uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu; verbose; verylongkeywordspam; vikingkitties; vikingkittyfood; vkpac; vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv; vwrc; wakeup; wakeupcall; wantsomewood; wardtalktobeeber; waytoomanykeywords; weareyouroverlords; wefeelyourpain; weightwatchers; weinermods; weirdoshmeirdo; weirdthingofinsanity; welostallourkeywords; weloveourpets; whataboutery; whatsthisthreadabout; whereismyyoyo; wheresmykeyword; wherespetronski; wheresthebeeber; whereswally; whetheryoulikeit; whiskytangofoxtrot; whoflungpoo; whosshapkabroham; why; willthisthreaddie; winbensteinsmoney; winery; winterinoklahoma; wmdbrandcoffee; woohooo; woooooooooooooo; worstthreadever; wow; wtc911; wwf; wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; yar; yeaandweremadtoo; yesitis; yetisex; yojimbo; youhavetoomuchtime; yousuck; youtalkingtomehuh; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; zipperheadsrus; zombiethreadfromhell; zot; zotbait; zotbetagamma; zotfest; zotjimmycartercom; zotmeagain; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmeister; zotorama; zotpeterson; zottedagain; zottokill; zuluoscartango; zz13139posts; zzgettingreallyoldzz; zztop; zztoprulz; zzzscott0347; zzzzz; zzzzzzhimonkeyface; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzpoopoo; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz50; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: tuliptree76

I was? Oh yeah, I think I dropped in to play with the troll for awhile, but I never got invited to the party. *pout*

64,761 posted on 12/30/2004 10:11:58 PM PST by Jen (FReeping in my Jammies since 2001)
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To: tuliptree76

How old is this thread, btw.

64,762 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:04 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: tuliptree76

I just saw the date, LOL. Never mind.

64,763 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:32 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: Jen; NicknamedBob; Stag; Victoria Delsoul; Dead Corpse; King Prout; Monkey Face
BTW...I'm the blonde in the white bikini and cowboy hat. ;-)

64,764 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:33 PM PST by tuliptree76 (Official Prime VIXEN of the RKBA)
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To: airborne

I do not know the answer to that one!

64,765 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:41 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Dead Corpse

OH! Is there a prize for whoever lands on the last post? I am very prize-motivated.

64,766 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:51 PM PST by Jen (FReeping in my Jammies since 2001)
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To: tuliptree76

I hope there are alternatives to those of us who don't drink adult beverages. Celestial Seasoning's Peppermint tea is really good, which is what I'm drinking now.

64,767 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:54 PM PST by Genesis defender (Prayer is STILL the first line of defense.)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum
Now you did. Just remember, you asked for it...

Meatloaf- Paradise By Dashboard Light

I. paradise

I remember every little thing
As if it happened only yesterday
Parking by the lake
And there was not another car in sight
And I never had a girl
Looking any better than you did
And all the kids at school
They were wishing they were me that night

And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
It never felt so good, it never felt so right
And we’re glowing like the metal on the edge of a
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C’mon! hold on tight!
C’mon! hold on tight!
Though it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light


Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed
Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely dressed

Ain’t no doubt about it
Baby got to go and shout it
Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed


Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely dressed

Baby doncha hear my heart
You got it drowning out the radio
I’ve been waitin so long
For you to come along and have some fun

And I gotta let ya know
No you’re never gonna regret it
So open up your eyes I got a big surprise
It’ll feel all right
Well I wanna make your motor run

And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
It never felt so good, it never felt so right
And we’re glowing like the metal on the edge of a
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C’mon! hold on tight!
C’mon! hold on tight!

Though it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
Oh it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
Paradise by the dashboard light

You got to do what you can
And let mother nature do the rest
Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed
Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely --

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

Radio broadcast:

Ok here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going
Here, two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth, there’s the wind-up,
And there it is, a line shot up the middle, look at him go. this boy can really
Fly! he’s rounding first and really turning it on now, he’s not letting up at
All, he’s gonna try for second; the ball is bobbled out in center, and here
Comes the throw, and what a throw! he’s gonna slide in head first, here he
Comes, he’s out! no, wait, safe - safe at second base, this kid really makes
Things happen out there. batter steps up to the plate here’s the pitch - he’s
Going, and what a jump he’s got, he’s trying for third, here’s the throw, its
In the dirt - safe at third! holy cow, stolen base! he’s taking a pretty big
Lead out there, almost daring him to try and pick him off. the pitcher glances
Over, winds up, and it bunted, bunted down the third base line, the suicide
Squeeze is on! here he comes, squeeze play, it’s gonna be close, here’s the
Throw, here’s th
E play at the plate, holy cow, I think he’s gonna make it!

Ii. let me sleep on it

Stop right there!
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further --!

Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
I gotta know right now
Before we go any further
Do you love me !!!?
Will you love me forever !!!?


Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning

Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning

Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning


I gotta know right now!
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?

What’s it gonna be boy?
Come on
I can wait all night
What’s it gonna be boy yes or no?
What’s it gonna be boy yes or no?


Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
And I’ll give you an answer in the morning


I gotta know right now!!!
Do you love me?


Let me sleep on it!!


Will you love me forever?


Baby baby let me sleep on it


Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?


Let me sleep on it


Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?


Let me sleep on it I’ll give you an answer in the morning!! morning!!!!
I’ll tell you in the morning!!!!!


Will you take me away, will you make me your wife?

I gotta know right now
Before we go any further
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?


Let me sleep on it


Will you love me forever?


Let me sleep on it


Will you love me forever?

Iii. praying for the end of time


I couldn’t take it any longer
Lord I was crazed
And when the feeling came upon me
Like a tidal wave
I started swearing to my God and on my mother’s
That I would love you to the end of time
I swore that I would love you to the end of time!

So now I’m praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don’t think that I can really survive
I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I’m praying for the end of time
It’s all that I can do
Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time
With you!!!


It was long ago and it was far away
And it was so much better than it is today


It never felt so good
It never felt so right
And we were glowing like
A metal on the edge of a knife

64,768 posted on 12/30/2004 10:12:58 PM PST by Dead Corpse (Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...

Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
But you've got to know this one thing!

No man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the y.m.c.a.
I'm sure they can help you today.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...

Young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so jive ...

That's when someone came up to me,
And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
It's a place there called the y.m.c.a.
They can start you back on your way.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a
Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down
Young man, young man, pick yourself off the ground

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a
Young man, young man, are you listening to me
Young man, young man, what do you wanna be

you'll find it at the y-m-c-a
no man, young man, does it all by himself
young man, young man, put your pride on the shelf

then just go to the y-m-c-a
young man, young man, i was once in your shoes
young man, young man, what do you wanna do

64,769 posted on 12/30/2004 10:13:17 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Victoria Delsoul

6/30/04 1:19 PMEST

64,770 posted on 12/30/2004 10:13:18 PM PST by airborne (Dear Lord, please be with my family in Iraq. Keep them close and safe.)
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To: tuliptree76

Looking good!

64,771 posted on 12/30/2004 10:13:39 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: Jen

Nope. Just some of us more comeptition minded folks. Only one other person in FR's entire history has maxed out a thread.

64,772 posted on 12/30/2004 10:13:56 PM PST by Dead Corpse (Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.)
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To: Jen

I'm sorry, Jen!

*begs forgiveness*

64,773 posted on 12/30/2004 10:14:00 PM PST by tuliptree76 (Official Prime VIXEN of the RKBA)
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To: tuliptree76

Yeah, I thought that was you Tulip. I'm in the back with my hair in pigtails, next to hunky furry FReeper dude, whoever he is.

64,774 posted on 12/30/2004 10:14:15 PM PST by Jen (FReeping in my Jammies since 2001)
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To: tuliptree76

I rcognzed ye :b...

64,775 posted on 12/30/2004 10:14:31 PM PST by King Prout (When your dog licks you he is kissing you. When your cat licks you he is tasting you.)
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To: airborne

Thanks. I'm sooo dumb sometimes, LOL

64,776 posted on 12/30/2004 10:14:32 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: Victoria Delsoul

This thread should die tomorrow.

64,777 posted on 12/30/2004 10:14:36 PM PST by Tribune7
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To: Tribune7

Another day! Let's do it now, LOL

64,778 posted on 12/30/2004 10:15:26 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: Dead Corpse
In memory of 'jjfate', a quote from the initial post:

This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

64,779 posted on 12/30/2004 10:15:35 PM PST by airborne (Dear Lord, please be with my family in Iraq. Keep them close and safe.)
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To: Dead Corpse

Wow! What bragging rights. Guess I won't be going to bed for awhile. hehehe

64,780 posted on 12/30/2004 10:16:15 PM PST by Jen (FReeping in my Jammies since 2001)
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