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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: tuliptree76
For an afternoon, you can throw me on a snow mobile or inner tube and I am happy. Beyond that, it loses it's charm for me.
posted on
11/29/2004 10:13:59 AM PST
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: Laura Earl
posted on
11/29/2004 10:15:01 AM PST
Conspiracy Guy
(Kevin Sites is a coward and a terrorist sympathizer.)
To: A CA Guy
I haven't been sledding in years. I used to love careening down a hill and flying through the air over a frozen stream. Now that I'm older, I'm not so adventurous. I do like building snowmen though.
To: Laura Earl
So will you help me with the grapes? :-)
To: jj_fate
Easy Money- Shot my phone tonight
AArrgh! AAArgh!
I feel an anger, It's hung over.
It tries to keep a man awake at night.
Why did I answer? I should wonder.
Telemarketer is a parasite.
Voice over poison, you're releasing
It isn't safe to go and get the phone.
Antacids running through me.
I gotta pee and get my gun.
I can feel your fear
I can hear you talking faster....
I don't want to let go till I shoot on sight.
Easy money
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
I can't see in all this darkness
Got memories, I hate to speak alone.
I hear them come for me, I stubbed my toe.
To keep me sane when I shoot the phone.....
I can feel your fear
I can hear you talking faster....
I don't want to let go till I shoot on sight.
Easy money
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
"Got my Bruno Magli's!"
Just like Johnny said.
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
Big starling!
I feel an anger
It's hung over....
I don't want to let go till I shoot on sight.
Easy money
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
I don't want to let go till I shoot on sight.
Easy money
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
Big starling!
I don't want to let go till I shoot on sight.
Easy money
Just like Johnny said, "Got my Bruno Magli's!"
"Got my Bruno Magli's!"
posted on
11/29/2004 10:25:51 AM PST
(I have friends, and I have co-conspirators.)
To: tuliptree76
Sled, no. Truck inner tube, great!
Sleds can have their blades his hidden tree limbs and send you flying. Inner-tubes glide over obstacles like that.
If you can get them, they are great in the ocean as well.
posted on
11/29/2004 10:26:03 AM PST
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: tuliptree76
I would never turn down helping with grapes! ;)
To: A CA Guy
I used those saucers. We had an old sled with runners, but never used it. The saucers worked better over bumps and ice.
If you can get them, they are great in the ocean as well.
Unfortunately, I'm far away from an ocean...
To: Darksheare
To: tuliptree76
Sis and I had been listenng to 'Eddy Money' singing 'Take me home tonight"..
and we kinda heard different lyrics..
So we typed them down.
posted on
11/29/2004 10:37:38 AM PST
(I have friends, and I have co-conspirators.)
To: tuliptree76
I grew up on the gulf coast. I think snow should fall once or twice every year for about a day, (the average of once every ten years when I was growing up wasn't really enough), to give everyone a chance to play in it, then go away.
Now I suspect, it's going to be white until next year here, unless there's a warming spell coming up. I can just about guarantee you a white christmas, and they are far, far overrated...I miss my January garden!
To: Laura Earl; NicknamedBob; Darkchylde
I would never turn down helping with grapes! ;) Yay! We have a new VIXEN recruit! Bob will give you the uniform and headphones. I'll give you your work schedule as soon as I know when we're supposed to start squishing. It'll go by faster with 3 people in the vat. :-)
To: Darksheare
LOL! Now I'm going to have Eddie Money going through my head all day.
To: tuliptree76
Do we get liquid refreshments??
To: Laura Earl
Do we get liquid refreshments??We do, once the wine is produced (or grape juice for those who want a different refreshment). Of course, CG is the bartender, so I'm sure he can provide you with some in the meantime. ;-)
To: tuliptree76
Could be worse.
Could be the Bangles.
Buggles- Stalk like a Mortician
All the old paintings on the tomb they do the crab-dance donch'ya know?
If they scratch too quick (oh way-yo) they're fallin down like a domino.
All the boys or men by the Nile got the money on a bet?
All the crocodiles (oh way-yo) they snap their teeth on your cigarette.
Foreign types with the hooker's pipes say "Way-oh Way-oh Way-oh way-oh. Stalk like a Mortician."
The blind waitresses trip for days, they spin around and they cross the floor.
They got some hooves (oh way-yo) you drop your drink then they bring you more.
All the schoolkids so sick of books they like to punk out the music band.
When the buzzard sings (oh way-yo) they're Stalking like a Mortician.
All the kids in the marketplace say, "Way-oh Way-oh Way-oh way-oh. Stalk like a Mortician."
Slight feet at the street bend your back shift your arm then you pull it back.
Life's hard you know (oh way-yo) so strike a Nose on a Cadillac.
If you want to fight all the cops they're hanging out in the donut shop.
They sing and dance (oh way-yo) they spank the club crews down the block
All the Japanese shot their men. The party boys prank the Kremlin.
And the Chinese know (oh way-yo) they Stalk a line like Mortician.
All the cops in the donut shop say, "Way-oh way-oh way-oh way-oh. Stalk like a Mortician. Stalk like a Mortician."
posted on
11/29/2004 10:47:20 AM PST
(I have friends, and I have co-conspirators.)
To: tuliptree76
Or it could be "Mister Mister" singing "Kiryia"..
Morphed into "tammy faye"...
posted on
11/29/2004 10:49:09 AM PST
(I have friends, and I have co-conspirators.)
To: Darksheare
To: tuliptree76
In all it's grotesque glory..
Mister Mister as morphed dementedly about two years ago:
Master Master - Tammy Faye
Tammy Faye lays on...
Taaaaaaaammy Faye lays on...
Taaaaaaaammey FAaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyye..
The wind breaks hard against this mountainside.
Across my seat into my home.
It reaches in to where I cannot hide.
Setting my hand upon my nose.
It's hard to hold those mammories.
The gas it burns a jet like flame.
Somewhere between a foul cough machine.
Is where I smell myself AGAIN.
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
Tammy Faye lays on to the darkest Eye apply....
Tammy Faye lays on where I'm going, will it follow?
Tammy Faye lays on the highway by her eyes.
When I was young I thought of growing mold.
What if my life would cease to be.
But I have bungled down my chosen road.
I only wished that I could pee.
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
Tammy Faye lays on to the darkest Eye apply....
Tammy Faye lays on where I'm going, will it follow?
Tammy Faye lays on the highway by her eyes.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
Tammy Faye lays on to the darkest Eye apply....
Tammy Faye lays on where I'm going, will it follow?
Tammy Faye lays on the highway by her eyes.
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
Tammy Faye lays on to the darkest Eye apply....
Tammy Faye lays on where I'm going, will it follow?
Tammy Faye lays on the highway by her eyes.
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
Tammy Faye lays on to the darkest Eye apply....
Tammy Faye lays on where I'm going, will it follow?
Tammy Faye lays on the highway by her eyes.
Tammy Faye lays on the road that I must travel.
posted on
11/29/2004 10:54:19 AM PST
(I have friends, and I have co-conspirators.)
To: Darksheare
It's like Weird Al Yankovic (sp?) with a twist. ;-)
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