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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 00000000; 00000000000000000000; 0000000000000000000a; 000000000000000boo; 000000000000000himom; 0000000000000asphalt; 000000000zeroshaveit; 00000001; 000000conspiracyguy; 00000kerrylies; 0000irishthatcherite; 0000monkeyfistmofo; 000morezeros; 000reneewazherefirst; 00darkshearewuzhere; 00doublegooseegg; 0347thlancerbrigade; 0conspiracyguyrewls; 0darkshearewuzhere; 0hughseriesmoose; 0nickybobaieeee; 0nickybobbadbadbad; 0nickybobevilevil; 0nickybobisbad; 0nickybobisbadaieee; 0nickybobisbadaqieee; 0nickybobisgreat; 0nickybobrunaway; 0nickybobsaveuslord; 0nickybobweirdnos; 0thanos; 100beerclub; 11111111111111111111; 121504stillgoing; 12345678900987654321; 1984; 1bigpoop; 1putyourhansup; 22222222222222222222; 25kposts; 28000; 2bornot2b; 2stpawayfrmthekywrds; 33333333333333333333; 3seszoththread; 44444444444444444444; 4cjisnotamember; 4moreyears; 4mycountryskeyword; 4weddingsandazot; 5; 55555555555555555555; 65535; 65535byacaguy; 66666666666666666666; 666michaelmoore; 77777777777777777777; 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To: Delta 21


Works for ME!

40,081 posted on 11/09/2004 9:34:03 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Monkey Face

In my dad's childhood his older brother rode this bike delivering drugs from the local pharmacy. A few years later my dad had the opportunity to buy it in honor of his brother that he had lost in a car accident. He allowed me to ride it on our property with a promise I would never go onto the city streets. To my regret, I violated that promise. I was only 12.

Today my dad still lives, and I would give anything to recover this bike.

40,082 posted on 11/09/2004 9:34:34 PM PST by takenoprisoner (illegally posting on an expired tag)
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To: takenoprisoner

"Today my dad still lives, and I would give anything to recover this bike."

Dang! That's really sucky!

We were so poor growing up, that I had to borrow a bicycle to learn how to ride...

I went from there to used ice skates, then second-hand roller skates...

Funny how some things stay with you...

40,083 posted on 11/09/2004 9:45:02 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Delta 21; Monkey Face; Dead Corpse
Regarding your tank...

I remember COMBAT, on the Atari (Video Computer System). My favorite trick was backing up against a wall, firing the cannon, and being propelled through the electronic wall!!

Regarding motorcycles...

I have one motorcycle story.

While I was in the Army, I used to give my buddy a ride. One day, I got back on the bike, which was up on its tripod stand, and started it with the electric starter. My pal climbed on behind me.

I reminded him that I had to get it off the tripod before we could proceed.

“I’m not getting off again.” He said. Maybe he was tired.

“Okay.” Said I, always agreeable, and inventive.

I eased out on the clutch a bit, and the rear wheel began rotating. With his weight behind me, it was easy to raise the front wheel by pushing against the ground with my legs. When the rotating wheel hit the asphalt ...

... we POPPED off of that tripod stand and lunged forward with a brisk acceleration!

A few hundred feet down the road, he said calmly, “Next time you ask me to get off -- I’ll get off!”
40,084 posted on 11/09/2004 9:45:51 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
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To: takenoprisoner

Am I alone, here?

Just like things -- only around when they want to take the glory!

That's OK...I'll be here for a while...

40,085 posted on 11/09/2004 9:49:06 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: NicknamedBob

"we POPPED off of that tripod stand and lunged forward with a brisk acceleration!"

Wish I could have seen THAT!

40,086 posted on 11/09/2004 9:53:13 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Monkey Face

I have a life and no time to be the man here, besides, I gave away 39K (go look).

I have fun, but wisely don't care. Caring too much can cause HEADACHES for days.

40,087 posted on 11/09/2004 9:56:15 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: Monkey Face

Wow. Don't MAKE me do this alone...

40,088 posted on 11/09/2004 9:56:57 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Monkey Face

No way was anyone more poor than way...including you.

40,089 posted on 11/09/2004 10:07:49 PM PST by takenoprisoner (illegally posting on an expired tag)
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To: Monkey Face

Sorry, KIddo, and all my teeming multitudes of fandom,

I'm going to have to bail out for some rest.
And unfortunately, I won't have much time again until the weekend.

I'll look in when I can.

40,090 posted on 11/09/2004 10:08:45 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
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To: Darkchylde

That's a kind of interesting site. Wasn't the one about the phone-eating dog posted on FR over the past couple days?

40,091 posted on 11/09/2004 10:12:00 PM PST by Fedora
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To: takenoprisoner; Monkey Face

We were so poor, we could only get eight eggs in a dozen.

G'Night, Folks!

40,092 posted on 11/09/2004 10:13:08 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
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To: A CA Guy

"I have a life and no time to be the man here, besides, I gave away 39K (go look).

I have fun, but wisely don't care. Caring too much can cause HEADACHES for days."

Ooooohhhhh! Do not tempt me to comment on your "accomplishments," much less your "manhood"!

As for the "HEADACHES for days", unless you have suffered one, I suggest you keep your inane opinions to yourself. Opinions are like you: Everyone has one.

You are rude, arrogant, and disrespectful, and your stupidity shows more every time you post an ignorant comment.

I don't know where you got the idea that everything you said was music to the ears of people on this thread, but your "wit" is only about half what it should be.

You obviously have an over-inflated opinion of yourself AND your comments. You are in DESPERATE need of a reality check. Not to mention a well-placed slap in your face.

And I could care less about your "milestone" posts. Have you considered getting a brain transplant? The one you have seems to be hidden by the sphincter muscles on your backside.

40,093 posted on 11/09/2004 10:14:19 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: NicknamedBob

No sympathy from me. Our eggs came from what our chickens decided...two three eight or twelve.

40,094 posted on 11/09/2004 10:17:18 PM PST by takenoprisoner (illegally posting on an expired tag)
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To: Fedora

I have no idea. I don't really look through "outside" threads much.
Unless I've been pinged to them by someone like my mom or brother.

40,095 posted on 11/09/2004 10:18:45 PM PST by Darkchylde (Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
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To: takenoprisoner

"No way was anyone more poor than way...including you"

That's OK...when I married my first husband, who was in the navy, (WAY below the "poverty line" at the time)it was like marrying into royalty ~~ I suddenly had money.

40,096 posted on 11/09/2004 10:19:17 PM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Darkchylde

I saw a headline about a dog eating a mobile phone the other day. Didn't read the body so I don't know if it's the same story but I'm guessing it is.

Since you posted your short horror piece before, here's one of mine:



The farmer raised his axe at the last second as the wolf sprang from the trees out of the corner of his eye.

He had told his wife he would be back from chopping wood before dark, but the work had been long, and the hour had grown late. She had begged him not to take the risk when over the past month so many sheep had been found with their throats ripped out and their bellies gutted by something that had been large enough to tear one of the sheep dogs to pieces. But with winter growing cold they needed wood, so he had no choice but to kiss her goodbye and promise her he would be back before dark.

Now in the dark he fought for his life. By a stroke of luck he managed to at least raise his axe to swinging height before the beast was full upon him, bearing him down with a weight closer to that of a bear than a wolf. With the strength of desperation he managed to wedge his left arm into the wolf’s mouth, keeping its jaws from immediately ripping his throat out. Pain seared through him like fire as the canine teeth clamped down on his arm, tearing flesh and crushing bone, and the creature’s powerful neck muscles began to shake him like a dog shaking its prey. Blocking out the pain, ignoring the hot fetid breath in his nostrils and the slavering over his face, he knew he had only split seconds before his left arm was torn out of its socket. Setting his teeth and summoning all his draining might, his right hand swung the axe as hard as he could into the wolf’s front left paw.

With a soul-piercing shriek, the wolf bolted limpingly away on three legs, leaving a severed paw behind where the farmer lay in shock.

Slowly recovering his breath, fighting off the wish to black out, the farmer struggled to his feet. Grimacing, he patched up his badly wounded arm before starting off for home. He took the remaining distance in short legs, resting every few hundred yards. Finally, he stumbled through his door into his kitchen.

His eyes were greeted by the welcome sight of his wife sitting at the kitchen table. But to his confusion, she did not rise to embrace him. Then he looked and saw.

A bloody bandage covered the stump where her left hand had been.

40,097 posted on 11/09/2004 10:22:30 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Monkey Face

Ironically, for some twisted
reason, a song just came to me
while reading your post....
"I Love How You Love Me" by
the Paris Sisters.
*shrugs shoulders*
I dunno.

40,098 posted on 11/09/2004 10:23:44 PM PST by Darkchylde (Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
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To: Monkey Face

Hey it's a free thread. Go completely female and yak about nothing to your heart's content all night. This is a thread about nothing anyway.
If you're lucky someone on this thread may later even pretend they care for you. LOL

Have a nice night anyway.

40,099 posted on 11/09/2004 10:24:10 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: A CA Guy


40,100 posted on 11/09/2004 10:24:47 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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