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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: tiamat

Yeah my mom got over it...

I know it is probably really tough to see here grow up so quickly, but soon some of those tears will probably be tears of joy when you see the things that she will start to accomplish on her own as a young woman.

At 12 she probably has 15 million different jobs running through her head. She'll find her nitch though.

I was fortunate... ever since I was small I had always wanted to be in the military.(family tradition and all.)
I got to live my childhood dream. I just hope the same for most kids today that they get that chance.

30,621 posted on 10/21/2004 7:52:52 AM PDT by Americanwolf (Paintball Gun: $44..Accessories: $55. Protecting campaign sign from Union thugs: Priceless!)
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To: tiamat
I do NOT want to be responsible for killing the Undead Thread with my depression and angst.

Many many years ago I had a g/f and I was a Laker fan. I wouldn't watch the Lakers in the playoffs, because it seemed like every time I watched they would lose. She looked into my eyes and told me "you don't have that kind of power."

Take from that anecdote what you will.

30,622 posted on 10/21/2004 7:54:29 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: Arrowhead1952

Yah, we rock that way.

30,623 posted on 10/21/2004 7:55:28 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: Darksheare

Darksheare wrote:

They won't notice.

You're right.
( I wonder if this could count as a 4-H Project?)

30,624 posted on 10/21/2004 7:56:09 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: tiamat
I wonder if this could count as a 4-H Project?

Find 'em, Feel 'em...

Oh, wait, that was 4-F

Never mind

30,625 posted on 10/21/2004 7:57:36 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: Darksheare; Dead Corpse; All

Good morning, Kiddies!

I just caught up on the stuff from last night, and I have a meeting in a few minutes, but I thought I'd let you know I survived another night. I think.

Of course, I'm still chuckling over Dead Corpse's snagging of the 30,000 marker! GOOD one!

30,626 posted on 10/21/2004 7:58:17 AM PDT by Monkey Face (Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
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To: Dead Corpse

Eight '000s and one quad.

How do you do it?

Sorry I am so late getting back to you. I've been busy as all get out.

30,627 posted on 10/21/2004 7:59:20 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: Americanwolf

Oh, some of the tears ARE tears of joy.

THOSE I let her see, and i tell her what they are.

the first time she took Blue ribbons showing the nasty llama, fer instance.

the time she took Honors for her Pickled Pepers.

I cried. And I hugged her, and let her see and told her how happy and proud I was of her.

I am SO glad you have your vocation, and that you were aware of it early.

So many of us, ( like me) drift around, just trying to deal with what life throws.

30,628 posted on 10/21/2004 7:59:50 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: Darksheare; tiamat; SandyInSeattle
*mumbling* Freaking troll carcasses! You with think with the ammount of them the DU has been sending over lately they would run out. I swear the reproduce faster then rabbits.

I am charging this clean up to the DU...

I don't do floral arangments that is sandyinseattle's job :)

30,629 posted on 10/21/2004 7:59:59 AM PDT by Americanwolf (Paintball Gun: $44..Accessories: $55. Protecting campaign sign from Union thugs: Priceless!)
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To: freedumb2003

Your Laker story:

Oooooohhhh SCARY!

What you SHOULD have done was get in touch with a bookie, bet on the other team and then jinx the game!

Just think.... You'd be a rich man, now!

30,630 posted on 10/21/2004 8:02:00 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: tiamat

I have had my share of drifting around too.

I guess I look at life not as what I do for a job, but how I live it. The job come secondary. I am at the point now that I am happy with were I have made it in life and now I look for new challenges.

30,631 posted on 10/21/2004 8:02:27 AM PDT by Americanwolf (Paintball Gun: $44..Accessories: $55. Protecting campaign sign from Union thugs: Priceless!)
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To: freedumb2003

freedumb2003 wrote:

I wonder if this could count as a 4-H Project?

Find 'em, Feel 'em...

Oh, wait, that was 4-F

Never mind


30,632 posted on 10/21/2004 8:03:17 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: Monkey Face


Yeah, it is tough to keep up with this crowd.

Kinda like herding cats (although AC sorta ruined that analogy by making a commercial)

30,633 posted on 10/21/2004 8:03:33 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: tiamat

Possibly, "help clean up the neighborhood day" project.

30,634 posted on 10/21/2004 8:04:07 AM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: Monkey Face


30,635 posted on 10/21/2004 8:04:24 AM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: tiamat

And top 'o the morning to ya :) ;)

30,636 posted on 10/21/2004 8:05:53 AM PDT by freedumb2003 (The cool points are out the window, and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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To: Americanwolf

I know.
Just letting you know what we're doing with the carcass before we wheel it out to the curb.
Maybe film a small 'jackass' style stunt with it in a shopping cart strapped to the front of a truck in a demo derby?

30,637 posted on 10/21/2004 8:06:10 AM PDT by Darksheare (Ganags of epopel shall stune your beeber with "UNNNGH!")
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To: Americanwolf; Darksheare; SandyInSeattle

Americanwolf wrote:

*mumbling* Freaking troll carcasses! You with think with the ammount of them the DU has been sending over lately they would run out. I swear the reproduce faster then rabbits.

I am charging this clean up to the DU...

I don't do floral arangments that is sandyinseattle's job :)

Sandy knows how?

Great. Somebody with some TALENT!

( i can cook and make drinks....anything involving decor is harder)

i think we're gonna need more duct-tape, though...

30,638 posted on 10/21/2004 8:06:33 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: Americanwolf

Americanwolf wrote:

I have had my share of drifting around too.

I guess I look at life not as what I do for a job, but how I live it. The job come secondary. I am at the point now that I am happy with were I have made it in life and now I look for new challenges.

Good for you!

that's VERY strong!

30,639 posted on 10/21/2004 8:08:13 AM PDT by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno-World!")
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To: freedumb2003

We missed you.

(NOT!!) :-)

Got donuts?

30,640 posted on 10/21/2004 8:08:15 AM PDT by Monkey Face (Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
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