Keyword: vanityfair
Former President Bill Clinton allegedly stormed into the Vanity Fair newsroom and “threatened” staffers to not publish stories about sex trafficking allegations against “his good friend” Jeffrey Epstein, according to newly unsealed court documents. The claim about Clinton, included in the latest batch of files tied to Jeffrey Epstein that were released Thursday night, was mentioned by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre in a 2011 email exchange with a journalist from the Daily Mail, Sharon Churcher. The scribe was advising Giuffre on whether to do an interview and sell a photo to the publication. Churcher was offering to help her land...
In internal memo, Thomas DiNanno, then acting ass't secretary of @StateDept Arms Control, Verification, Compliance bureau documented his team was "warned...“not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19” because it would “‘open a can of worms’ if it continued.
A report in Vanity Fair details actions by some members of the U.S. State Department to block efforts to investigate the origins of the coronavirus because the inquiry could open “a can of worms.” An internal memo sent to department heads by Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, warned “not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19.” The “can of worms” in question was the extensive funding by the U.S. government into the Wuhan Virology Lab’s “gain-of-function” virus research. It’s unclear whether DiNanno was concerned that an...
Ex-CDC director Robert Redfield said during a CNN interview that he believed the coronavirus was made in a lab and escaped. Since then, he received death by fellow scientists, including some he used to call friends, he told Vanity Fair ... 'I expected it from politicians. I didn't expect it from science,' Redfield said.. The coronavirus origin has been at the forefront of debate since last week when Biden ordered intelligence officials to 'redouble' efforts to establish the origin.. It heated up on Tuesday when Dr. Anthony Fauci's emails were published on the Washington Post and Buzzfeed .. The former...
Long before the rest of us were talking about blue and red America, Tom Wolfe not only recognized the cultural divide; he bridged it. When he began his career in the 1960s, the liberal establishment was more dominant and even smugger than it is today. There were no pesky voices on cable television or the web to challenge the Eastern elites’ hold on the national media. Then along came Wolfe, a lone voice celebrating the hinterland’s culture, mercilessly skewering the pretensions and dogmas of New York’s intelligentsia—and somehow triumphing. How did he get away with it? The most entertaining analysis...
joining Vanity Fair as a special correspondent to cover Fox News’ trial against Dominion Voting Systems. Stelter will write a weekly column and host a special version of Vanity Fair’s “Inside the Hive” podcast about the case, CNN’s Oliver Darcy reported. Stelter confirmed the news Monday and teased more details about his temporary role. Vanity Fair Editor Michael Calderone expressed his excitement Tuesday about Stelter’s new role with the outlet. “Couldn’t be happier to have @brianstelter aboard to cover the Fox-Dominion trial, alongside @VanityFair’s stellar stable of media and politics reporters,” Calderone tweeted.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is indicating to GOP donors that he has no plans to challenge former President Donald Trump in 2024, Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman reported on Wednesday.
Vanity Fair’s headline on July 18 was literally too shocking to believe — though many readers likely trusted the magazine when it said, “‘Pro-Life'” Idaho Republicans Declare Women Should Be Left to Die to Save Fetuses.” This statement is false, and proves the pro-abortion media has left behind any trace of journalism in favor of fear mongering and abortion lobbying. Number one? Idaho Republicans certainly never “declared” such a thing — in fact, they “declared” nothing at all. Platform vs. law What happened in Idaho this weekend was… precisely nothing. The Idaho Republican Party voted against adopting an amendment stating...
President Joe Biden's administration turned down a plan in late October laid out by COVID-19 testing experts to manufacture and send over 700 million rapid COVID-19 at-home tests to Americans ahead of the holidays, according to Vanity Fair.IU On October 25, according to the report, public health experts from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the COVID Collaborative, and the Rockefeller Foundation presented the 10-page plan on a ZOOM call with White House officials. The plan was calling for a "Testing Surge to Prevent Holiday COVID Surge." In order to accomplish that, the experts told the White House...
Drew's work has been published by The New York Times, The Daily Beast and Vanity Fair Drew, a frequent MSNBC guest whose columns have appeared in The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Vanity Fair and Project Syndicate, took to Twitter amid the breaking news and poked fun at Amess' name. "A perfect last name for a pol who's stabbed at a town meeting. British lawmaker dies after being stabbed multiple times while meeting with constituents, police say David Amess," Drew wrote in the now-deleted tweet. Hours later, Drew took down the offensive post, adding, "Apols for a lapse. Tweet...
The dam has broken regarding COVID. Suddenly, theories that this deadly virus originated in a Wuhan lab and that Fauci was deliberately misleading people about it have gone from being castigated as racist conspiracy theories to accepted doctrine. On Thursday, Vanity Fair, a leftist, hysterically anti-Trump magazine published an extraordinary article revealing that the American and British scientific communities deliberately hid China’s role in the virus’s creation.Vanity Fair’s article is entitled “The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins: Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push...
<p>A months long Vanity Fair investigation, interviews with more than 40 people, and a review of hundreds of pages of U.S. government documents, including internal memos, meeting minutes, and email correspondence, found that conflicts of interest, stemming in part from large government grants supporting controversial virology research, hampered the U.S. investigation into COVID-19’s origin at every step. In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it.</p>
It takes no great imagination to determine what is probably the focus of the mind of Vanity Fair's Bess Levin. Even a quick perusal of her articles over the past year reveals her disturbing obsession with Donald Trump 24/7.So obsessed is Levin with Trump that she will even lie in her articles to make up fake quotes about him such as her March 8 screed in which she put a false quote in Lindsay Graham's mouth where he supposedly said, "I'm willing to overlook the fact that Trump has probably beaten a few homeless people to death."Most responsible periodicals would...
One year ago today, an article of mine at American Thinker became a flashpoint of mainstream media coverage and criticism. Before two weeks had passed, my article was referenced, including with links to it and me in four major articles at the Washington Post, two in the New York Times (one of them on page one – which I exposed as Fake News here), Politico, Vanity Fair, Buzzfeed, New York Magazine, and others. Many of these articles were syndicated and went around the world. The reason for all this fuss was that I was the first one in the national...
And the Clinton administration enabled him. "I Started to Think This is a Bad Guy": Andrew Cuomo's Biographer on the Governor's Brutish History," a Vanity Fair headline blares. The biographer, Michael Shnayerson, is the author of The Contender, a biography of Cuomo, of which the author on his site writes, “I think the picture that emerges is ultimately a positive one.” In the recent article, he however fusses, “I discovered that much of Cuomo’s M.O. and many of his character flaws… have been evident for years.” Just not so evident that anyone in the media would actually write honestly about...
Sorry, Vanity Fair. We know you want to get eyeballs on your site but publishing a completely fake news headline is not the way to go.Since Vanity Fair is no Babylon Bee it doesn't even have the excuse of pretending to be satire, especially since the article below the headline is dead serious. "LINDSEY GRAHAM: I’M WILLING TO OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT TRUMP HAS PROBABLY BEATEN A FEW HOMELESS PEOPLE TO DEATH."
Gabriel Sherman @gabrielsherman Vanity Fair special correspondent, Author of NYT bestseller The Loudest voice in the room, working on book about NYC and Covid @ NYmag alum Just watched Trump hospital video a second time. His breathing is clearly labored. He seems to be leaning on table for support. And there’s so much fear in his eyes.
A video editor who shaped the buzzy Lincoln Project ads needling President Trump is no longer affiliated with the Republican organization over a series of past tweets in which he used offensive slang for female anatomy to insult political rivals. Ben Howe, who came of age politically making anti-Obama ads during the rise of the tea party, did not publicly tout his work for the super PAC formed by a group of high-level Republican operatives who have broken ranks with the party over Trump’s presidency until a recent interview with Vanity Fair. He was described in the article as “the...
What is the difference between liberty and freedom in the eyes of many Americans? Absolutely nothing. And therein lies not only the problem driving the culture war around coronavirus shelter-in-place orders but also arguably the crux of all fronts of America's culture wars, from guns to religion to speech to - now, it seems - haircuts. It is a slippage skillfully leveraged by conservatives. This week in Michigan, armed protesters are heeding the call. But the petulant rallying cries echo across the United States. "Give me liberty or give me death!" - so goes the universal whine, lifted from Patrick...