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  • Floyd Corkins may have had second target

    08/17/2012 2:58:02 PM PDT · by scottjewell · 23 replies
    ABC 7 ^ | Aug 17 2012 | Unattributed
    The alleged shooter in the Family Research Council shooting may have had a second target, according to the head of the group. Floyd Corkins II allegedly had the address of the Traditional Values Coalition in his possession. The organization, a lobbying group, has similar views to the family research council. “Clearly we need added protection after this. My understanding is we were the next target,” says Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition. Traditional Values Coalition is located in the 100 block of C Street in southeast D.C.
  • Senate Confirms Openly Gay Judicial Nominee

    04/22/2010 7:44:47 PM PDT · by massmike · 22 replies · 974+ views ^ | 04/22/2010 | CARLOS SANTOSCOY
    Senators confirmed the judicial nomination of Marisa Demeo, an openly lesbian candidate, late Tuesday. The 66-32 vote fell largely along partisan lines. Republicans opposed to Demeo have blocked her confirmation to the D.C. Superior Court bench since her March 2009 nomination by President Obama. n a letter by the socially conservative group Traditional Values Coalition, senators were urged to reject Demeo because she's openly gay. The letter, obtained by the progressive website, was published Tuesday. “As an open, radical lesbian, Demeo has openly condemned the effort to amend our Constitution to protect marriage as a one-man, one-woman union,” the...
  • 'Hate crimes' bill - bad news for believers...

    04/20/2009 8:59:16 AM PDT · by TaraP · 51 replies · 1,313+ views
    A vote is looming this week in Congress on a bill that one conservative activist warns would not only silence Christian opposition to homosexuality, but also would legitimize deviant forms of "sexual orientation." A markup vote is expected Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee on the Local Law Enforcement and Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. House Democrats only have to give 24 hours' notice before the vote. The measure (H.R. 1913) sponsored by Representatives John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) would add homosexuals and transgender people to the list of classes federally protected from so-called "hate crimes." Andrea...
  • Rahm "Luco Brasi" Emanuel, Godfather Style

    11/06/2008 6:27:31 PM PST · by Chairman of the Bard · 46 replies · 1,579+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | 11/6/08 | Traditional Values
    Liberal Attack Dogs: Rep. Rahm Emanuel and Sen. Charles Schumer July 6, 2006 – The Los Angeles Times’ July 5, 2006 edition featured an article about the tactics used by two powerful Democrats to attack the Bush Administration to regain control of the House or Senate in November. The article describes the behind the scenes work of Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), head of the House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. According to the Times, both men “have deployed tactics reminiscent of the smoke-filled room of yore. They have hand-picked...
  • House Committee Holds She-Male Hearing: Why?

    07/02/2008 11:56:08 AM PDT · by simicyber · 43 replies · 126+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | July 1, 2008 | Traditional Values Coalition
    House Committee Holds She-Male Hearing: Why? Unreported in most of the media last week was the first congressional hearing ever held on alleged "transgender discrimination" in the workplace. This hearing was to offset the overwhelming opposition that arose last year from fellow democrats who forced the removal from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of language for special rights for she-males, drag queens, cross dressers, and those having sex changes with operations or hormones. This hearing was a charade attempting to show how normal these lifestyles are.
  • Obama Hires NGLTF Leader For 'Sexual Orientation' Voter Outreach (Obama Makes A Serious Mistake

    06/26/2008 1:03:34 PM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 41 replies · 266+ views
    TVC ^ | 6/18/2008 | Staff
    Presidential candidate Sen. Barach Obama (D-Il) has just hired David Noble to head his Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) voter outreach program. Noble formerly worked as director of National Stonewall Democrats and currently serves as director of public policy and government affairs with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). ... "The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is a dark force in the homosexualization of our culture," said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty. "In fact, several years ago it was announced that it was partnering with the Woodhull Freedom Foundation to work to overturn state age-off consent laws...
  • Hillary Clinton Reveals Her 'Gay' Strategy For Presidential Run (YouTube Video Also

    11/12/2007 6:20:02 PM PST · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 35 replies · 268+ views
    Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) recently appeared before the Human Rights Campaign to present a keynote speech on her support of the homosexual/bisexual/transgender agenda and her efforts to defeat any attempts by Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that will ban same-sex marriage. HRC President Joe Solomese introduced Clinton and revealed their long-term relationship in fighting against the pro-family movement. Solomese describes numerous meetings with Clinton as they strategized togethor about how to defeat any constitutional amendment on marriage... ... Clinton told her homosexual activist audience that they will have a close "partnership ... when I am President." Watch her comments...
  • Religious Right Power Brokers: The Top Ten (Far Left Whine Alert)

    07/07/2006 3:37:31 PM PDT · by xzins · 14 replies · 639+ views ^ | 7 Jul 07 | Rob Boston
    Religious Right Power Brokers The Top Ten by Rob BostonThe United States is home to dozens of Religious Right groups. Many have small budgets and focus on state and local issues; the most powerful organizations conduct nationwide operations, command multi-million-dollar bank accounts and attract millions of followers. They have disproportionate clout in the halls of Congress, the White House and the courts, and they wield enormous influence within the political system.What follows is a list of the nation’s Top Ten Religious Right groups, as determined by publicly available financial data and political prominence. (For budgetary data, Church & State used...
  • Where's the Outrage Over the Beating of David Parker's son?

    06/21/2006 5:59:32 AM PDT · by seanmerc · 44 replies · 1,539+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition e-mail | June 20, 2006 | Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
    Where’s The Outrage Over The Beating Of David Parker’s Son? By Rev. Louis P. Sheldon Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition The mainstream media has ignored a major news story out of Massachusetts involving a first grader who was dragged and beaten on the playground at Estabrook Elementary School in Lexington. His crime? He is the son of David Parker, a concerned parent who objects to his son being taught about homosexuality. School officials have admitted that the attack on his son was planned and premeditated! In April, 2005, Parker met with the Estabrook principal and the director of education over the...
  • New York Investigates Skating Rink for Playing Christian Music

    06/21/2006 3:02:23 PM PDT · by fight_truth_decay · 102 replies · 4,185+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | June 21, 2006 | TVC
    TVC ASKS PATAKI TO STOP HARASSMENT June 21, 2006 - Washington, DC – The Traditional Values Coalition asked New York Governor George Pataki to rein in a state agency which is threatening legal action against an Accord, New York skating rink because it plays Christian music during a “Christian Music Skate” party. The New York Division of Human Rights threatened Len and Terry Bernardo, owners of the Skate Time 209 rink in Accord, with an investigation because the rink plays Christian music during certain hours. The agency also threatened to charge a local newspaper which advertised the event for “aiding...
  • Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) Opposed to Marriage Protection Amendment

    06/03/2006 4:12:15 PM PDT · by Coleus · 46 replies · 942+ views
    TVC ^ | 06.01.06 | Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
    Send Feed Back to the TVC   Re: Opposition to S. J. Res. 1 the Marriage Protection Amendment Because of the Second Sentence Dear Senator: Traditional Values Coalition has always taken a strong position in supporting traditional marriage and opposing any statutory imitations of marriage designed to appease the homosexual lobby.   While Traditional Values Coalition supports the need for a federal constitutional amendment, because it is the only way to ensure that marriage between one man and one woman is protected, we strongly oppose S. J. Res. 1, the Marriage Protection Amendment, because of the second sentence. The situation...
  • California Homosexual Curriculum Bill (SB 1437) to be Voted on APRIL 4th!! PHONE CALLS NEEDED

    03/30/2006 6:11:13 PM PST · by Coleus · 21 replies · 3,373+ views
    100 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 350 Anaheim, CA. 92805 (714) 520-0300 Email:  Website: SB 1437 TO BE VOTED ON APRIL 4 th!!!HOMOSEXUAL CURRICULUM & TEXTBOOKS TO BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM!!!BLATANT HOMOSEXUAL TEACHINGS TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN ALL CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS!!BILL AIMED AT FORCING SCHOOLS TO ADVOCATE PRO-HOMOSEXUAL POLICIES!!*************************************************************************SB 1437 by Kuehl (D): Pro-Homosexual CurriculumLesbian Senator Sheila Kuehl has introduced Senate Bill 1437. The bill is before the Senate Judiciary Committee and will be voted on Tuesday, April 4th.You must contact Senators on the committee and ask that they vote NO on SB 1437 today!!All state offices will be...
  • Homosexual Legends: The series

    03/05/2006 2:44:31 PM PST · by found_one · 15 replies · 577+ views
    TVC web site ^ | 2003 | Lou Sheldon
    Exposed: Homosexual Child Molesters Exposed: The Myth That "10% Are : The “Born : The Truth About Pfc. Barry Sexual Orientation: Fixed Or Changeable? Do Homosexuals Really Want The Activism Exposed: The : The Claim That 6-14 Million Children Are Reared In Homosexual Households ! Report: Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse More Reports Link to Us Contributions Homosexual legends: The Series Lou sheldon Homosexuals claim that “heterosexuals” molest most children but statistics show that homosexuals molest at far higher rates than do heterosexuals. • Rev. Paul Shanley, a retired Catholic priest was arrested on May 4, 2002 in San Diego...
  • Black Muslims: A Fifth Column Inside The United States?

    03/04/2006 7:09:09 PM PST · by strategofr · 28 replies · 1,344+ views
    In 1936, a Spanish Nationalist General was poised outside of Madrid waiting with four columns of troops to take back the city from Communist (Republican) forces. When General Emilio Mola Vidal was asked which of the four columns would seize the city, he replied, "The Fifth." When asked to explain what he meant, he told his subordinates that the Fifth Column was a group of his loyalists inside of Madrid who would help him subvert and overthrow the Communists who held control. In viewing America's worldwide war on terrorism and our efforts to protect our homeland from another 9-11 attack,...

    02/09/2006 8:18:05 AM PST · by Thanatos · 53 replies · 2,751+ views
    Congressman Mark E. Souder (IN-03) Congressional Record | 2-8-2006 | Congressman Mark E. Souder (IN-03)
    GEORGE SOROS’ INFILTRATION OF CPAC STATEMENT FOR THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD CONGRESSMAN MARK E. SOUDER (IN-03) FEBRUARY 8, 2006 Mr. Speaker, George Soros, the radical liberal financier who dedicated himself to defeating President George W. Bush in the last election, has taken a lesson from Jack Abramoff. As much of Abramoff’s pernicious lobbying technique has come to light, we’ve seen how he was adept at manipulating certain conservative organizations to pursue a decidedly anti-conservative agenda, namely the promotion of gambling. By working hand in hand with the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), for example, he was able in 2000 to undermine conservatives’...
  • The trouble with 'Daniel'

    01/22/2006 10:47:32 PM PST · by ConservativeStatement · 47 replies · 1,281+ views
    Chicago Tribune ^ | January 22, 2006 | Lisa Anderson
    NEW YORK -- A martini-sipping wife, a pot-peddling daughter, a gay son mourning his twin's death, an aging mother battling Alzheimer's disease--and his own habit of popping painkillers and literally seeing Jesus. Daniel Webster, a beleaguered Episcopal priest, clearly has issues. And the American Family Association definitely has issues with him. The Tupelo, Miss.-based Christian family advocacy group unleashed an e-mail protest blitz, mobilizing its 3 million members effectively to try to defrock the fictional Webster and get his new "anti-Christian" television series, "The Book of Daniel," excommunicated from the NBC schedule.
  • Ted Kennedy: Last Gasp of Embarrassing Legislator

    01/19/2006 1:53:24 PM PST · by simicyber · 18 replies · 1,330+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | January 19, 2006 | Mrs. Andrea Lafferty
    Senator Kennedy’s Speech Against Judge Alito The Last Gasp Of An Embarrassing Legislator For Immediate Release January 19, 2006 Contact: Amy Skeen (202) 547-8570 “Senator Ted Kennedy’s anti-Judge Alito speech today before the Center for American Progress is yet another display of how out of touch Kennedy is with American values and beliefs,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty today. “Apparently Kennedy isn’t satisfied with his bullying and character assassination of Judge Alito during the Senate hearings. He seems determined to keep on mischaracterizing Alito’s record up until the moment the judge is confirmed in the Senate—and he will be...
  • Stealth Homosexual 'Hate Crimes' Bill Passes House Of Representatives

    09/22/2005 7:54:59 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 37 replies · 2,369+ views
    TraditionalValuesCoalition ^ | September 22, 2005 | Staff
    While the nation's attention was focused on the Judge John Roberts confirmation hearing, pro-homosexual forces in the U.S. House of Representatives snuck through a pro-homosexual hate crimes bill by adding it to legislation designed to protect children from sexual predators. ...Pro-family groups had no prior notice that this was happening. ...We are urging you to contact your two U.S. Senators and ask that they oppose the inclusion of any hate crime language to this legislation. Capitol Hill switchboard number is 202-224-3121... ...the new hate crimes law will add "sexual orientation," "gender," and "gender identity" to federally protected categories. "Gender Identity"...
  • Of Liberals, Toads, And Growing Up In Middle America

    08/25/2005 1:14:49 PM PDT · by simicyber · 9 replies · 318+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | August 23, 2005 | Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
    Of Liberals, Toads, And Growing Up In Middle America By Rev. Louis P. Sheldon Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition August 23, 2005 Washington, DC – Liberal special interest groups and their sock puppets in the U.S. Senate are looking more and more foolish with each passing day as they scramble to find any piece of paper written by Judge John Roberts that will destroy his chances of confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. One of the first salvos launched against Judge Roberts was from Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) who railed against Roberts for a decision he penned against a court ruling...

    08/23/2005 9:51:32 AM PDT · by simicyber · 296+ views
    Traditional Values Coalition ^ | August 23, 2005 | Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
    Of Liberals, Toads, And Growing Up In Middle America