Keyword: trueblackman
The Virginia Tea Party Patriots have invited me to speak before them along with the Executive Director of the Black American Leadership Alliance(BALA) and Congressmen Peter King on the dangers of amnesty. As a member of the BALA, I have committed myself to fighting against amnesty as we were lied to in 1986, when we were told it was a one time deal! The Pro-Amnesty Forces have been using all types of misleading tactics and bald-face lies to achieve their goal of open border and amnesty for all. The Pro-Amnesty are using every underhanded tactic to get the Senate Bill...
Max Blumenthal, son of former clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, is a viscous blogger that uses Alinsky tactics to go after his enemies. He was recently busted for false allegations of racism against ACORN video maker James O'Keefe. Key to the entire story was the involvement of Freeper "Trueblackman" who was a speaker at the co called "racist" conference. Great video explaining Blumenthal's tactics and how he was busted: This hilariousBooger picking video from Andrew Breitbart via Patterico's Pontifications shows what can happen to Blumenthal when his own tactics are used against him.
Short version: After "watergate 2" blew up in the media's face-O'Keefe is now being accused of being a racist because he attended a conference. At the conference was FR's own Trueblackman. In Max Blumenthal’s article “James O’Keefe’s race problem” for of February 3, 2010, Mr. Blumenthal makes a number of unverifiable and provably false claims regarding James O’Keefe’s attendance at a 2006 conference called “Race and Conservatism.” Below are the list of quotes containing misinformation and an explanation of why they need to be addressed by the editors of your publication. From left: Marcus Epstein, Jared Taylor, Kevin Martin,...
Our own Kevin Martin, aka Trueblackman, is scheduled to be on the Washington, D.C. area all-news cable station NewsChannel 8 at 5 p.m. today to talk about the Porkulus bill.
"Just because you take Socialism and wrap it up in the skin of Blackman does not mean it will ever work and in the end all you have engaged in is feel good politics that will leave half the nation feeling better about themselves, but broken at the end of day."
Anti-Photo ID Legislation Would Promote Election Fraud, Says Group For Release: November 5, 2007 Contact: David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or Washington, D.C. - Legislation introduced by Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) to prohibit photo ID requirements for voting in federal elections would promote election fraud, say members of the black leadership network Project 21. "Representative Ellison's proposal is fundamentally flawed and potentially harmful to the integrity of our democratic process," said Project 21 chairman Mychal Massie. "Why invite that which can only lead to unimaginable fraud and corruption?" Imposing existing Minnesota election law on a national scale, the...
I would have never thought in my wildest dreams that my confrontation with Chris Matthews would be picked up by my fellow Conservatives, but I feel that Matthews peddles disinformation and spin for those who are left of center and over the last four years I have watched with bitterness as those like Matthews have targeted very military that protects their right to speak. Matthews thought that he would set up Ms. Ann Coulter in an ambush when he had Ms. Elizabeth Edwards to call in and demanded a stop to what she termed as personal attacks against her husband,...
A veteran who attended the Ann Coulter taping of "Hardball" confronts Chris Matthews off-camera. Video
I just received a call from the producer of The Hannity and Colmes asking me to appear at 9:45 EST concerning The Mayor's Race in Houston Texas as covered on Sean Hannity's Radio Show today and the attempt by local Democrats to use James Byrd's Daughter as a weapon in playing the race card against The Hispanic Republican Candidate. I need a update from some of my Freepers in Texas about both candidate's maybe a picture I am trying to remember if Brown is blacks or not.
Kevin Martin AKA Free Republic Activist Par Excellence Trueblackman socks it to the nay-sayering terrorist supporting unwashed communist Sheehan worshipers and racists. The way he lays out the sequence of events when Katrina hit is a phenomonol explaination of the truth of the situation.His impassioned speech brought the audience to their feet with thunderous applause over and over again!
Well you Freepers know I have to take it to Robert KKK Byrd for his recent Nazi Comments on the floor of our Senate.
Howdy. Today, the DC Chapter met to celebrate 6 years of activism. The honor roll included Kristinn, Angelwood and husband, tgsltakoma, bufordp, staytrue, billf, hellinahandcart, trueblackman, rabidralph, sauropod and relatives, and gunsareok. We celebrated our successes over the past years and recounted narrow escapes, including BufordP and the Red Lobster story. Forthwith, here are some pics of today's event. BufordP, TGSLTakoma, Trueblackman BufordP the GrillMaster Kristinn and BillF GunsareOK and BillF DC Chapter Anniversary Cake Hellinahandcart, Gunsareok, and TGSLTakoma as photographer RabidRalph Trueblackman holds forth. Staytrue covers his ears.
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST Civil Rights Leader to Picket 'KKK' Byrd Tribute A Washington, D.C.-based civil rights leader said Tuesday that he would "chain [himself] to the construction site" of a ceremonial office being built as a tribute to Ku Klux Klansman-turned-senator, Robert Byrd, D-W.V. "I will not stand idly by and allow the building of a fantasy office for 'a minister of hate' such as Robert Byrd," said Kevin Martin, political affairs director of the African-American Republican Leadership Council. "I am willing to chain myself to the construction site, run the risk of arrest and know...
Civil Rights Leader to Picket 'KKK' Byrd TributeA Washington, D.C.-based civil rights leader said Tuesday that he would "chain [himself] to the construction site" of a ceremonial office being built as a tribute to Ku Klux Klansman-turned-senator, Robert Byrd, D-W.V. "I will not stand idly by and allow the building of a fantasy office for 'a minister of hate' such as Robert Byrd," said Kevin Martin, political affairs director of the African-American Republican Leadership Council. "I am willing to chain myself to the construction site, run the risk of arrest and know I stood on principle rather than remain silent."...
THURSDAY, January 9, 20039:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. EST / 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. PST... A DAY AT THE RACISTS The Lott Thing!The Byrd Thing!The Je$$e Jack$on Thing!The Sharpton Thing!The Profiling Thing!The Reparations Thing!The Hate Thing!The Thought Police Thing! It's time for theREPUDIATION THINGand we'll discuss it with B.O.N.D.'sJESSE LEE PETERSONand see if he can dissolve the grey areas of spinin the discussion of black and white. ALSO... Project21's Kevin Martin!! (aka FR's Trueblackman) PLUS... Boneheaded Lie-beral QuotesCommie Rat Bastard of the WeekAnna's NEW Waste Of Ink Award All this (and possibly more)on the nextUnspun with AnnaZ CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE!! Tune in....
Tonight, Trueblackman broadcast his inaugural show on RadioFR! It will be rebroadcast for those who missed it! Click HERE to listen LIVE TO TAPE while you FReep! RadioFR is brought to you by the Free Republic Network!