THE-LIAR-PARTY by Mia T, 10.30.03- - "The first word I had in mind was 'prevaricator,' which means 'liar,' and the second one was 'dissembler,' which also means 'liar.'" William Safire Thoroughly clintonized, (which Andrew Cuomo would tell you also means "clueless,") the democrats are completely inverting (perverting) the sea captain's refrain. "Down with the ship" does not mean "the ship goes down with me." Mia TTag-Line Musings:Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations(The acronym is the message.) hillary talks: ON TRAVEL OFFICE (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) missus clinton's REAL virtual office updatehttp://hillarytalks.blogspot.comhttp://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.comhttp://www.hillarytalks.us January 8, 1996...