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Keyword: terrencelakin

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  • LTC Lakin Trial Update (from his attorney)

    11/09/2010 5:03:08 PM PST · by STARWISE · 13 replies
    The Law Firm of Puckett & Faraj, PC, is preparing the defense of LTC Lakin for trial currently scheduled for December 14, 2010 at Fort Meade, MD. LTC Lakin is being charged with missing movement, disobeying orders to report to a new unit, disobeying orders to report to his brigade commander and dereliction of duty. His previous civilian attorney complicated his case and is partially responsible for two of these charges by advising LTC Lakin to refuse to report to his superior officer. The defense team is now working to minimize the damage caused by this inappropriate legal advice and...
  • Eligibility hitting New York airwaves

    05/17/2011 12:58:25 PM PDT · by rxsid · 186 replies ^ | 05/17/2011 | WorldNetDaily
    "Eligibility hitting New York airwaves Talk-radio host fielding questions for Lakin, Corsi The eligibility questions that have dogged Barack Obama since before his election in 2008 are hitting the airwaves in New York today with award-winning talk show host Steve Malberg interviewing two of the key players in the dispute. Malzberg's guests on his WOR NewsTalk Radio 710 program this afternoon will include Dr. Terry Lakin at 4 p.m. and author Jerome Corsi at 5 p.m. Malzberg is one of America's recognizable talk radio voices. He spent 24 years at WABC Radio in New York before arriving at WOR, where...
  • The Birther Interruption

    01/06/2011 2:41:15 PM PST · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 38 replies · 1+ views
    Human Events ^ | January 6, 2011 | John Hayward
    The scheduled reading of the Constitution in the House went off smoothly today, after a few of the usual procedural squabbles and legislative throat-clearing. Most representatives of both parties did a perfectly fine job of reading their assigned bit of the text. Speaker John Boehner got to read the really soaring words at the beginning, and gave an exceptionally powerful performance. At the other extreme, watching disgraced Democrat Charlie Rangel read from the Constitution was like watching atheist comedian Ricky Gervais read the Bible, but not as funny. The only bump in an otherwise smooth process came when the requirements...
  • 'Birther' reverses course, says he would deploy [Terrence Lakin]

    12/15/2010 4:47:28 PM PST · by iowamark · 82 replies · 1+ views
    KSRO Radio, AP ^ | 12/15/2010 | AP
    An Army doctor who disobeyed orders to deploy to Afghanistan because he questioned President Barack Obama's eligibility for office told a jury he was wrong to do so and would now deploy if he could. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin of Greeley, Colo., was speaking during a court martial hearing Wednesday. Earlier, the jury convicted Lakin of missing a flight that would have gotten him to Fort Campbell, Ky., for his eventual deployment, and Lakin has already pleaded guilty to another charge against him. Lakin gave his statement to the jury before the members decide his eventual punishment.
  • Army Doc: Deployment Orders Illegal Without Pres. Obama's Birth Records

    12/14/2010 6:12:11 AM PST · by george76 · 101 replies · 1+ views
    7NEWS ^ | December 14, 2010 | Deb Stanley,
    FORT MEADE, Md. -- A military court was set to hear the case Tuesday of an Army doctor charged with refusing to deploy to Afghanistan because he says he doubts whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. and therefore questions his eligibility to be commander in chief. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, an 18-year Army veteran from Greeley, disobeyed orders to report earlier this year to Fort Campbell in Kentucky to prepare for deployment, saying he believed the orders were illegal. In videos posted on YouTube, Lakin aligned himself with so-called "birthers" who question whether Obama is a natural-born...
  • New strategy for officer testing Obama's eligibility

    10/04/2010 11:57:08 PM PDT · by RobinMasters · 9 replies
    WND ^ | October 03, 2010 | Bob Unruh
    There's a new lawyer and a new, still-unreleased strategy being developed for a career doctor in the Army who is challenging the president to prove his eligibility to be commander in chief, and therefore document the validity of the orders under his command. The move is being made by Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, whose most recent hearing in the military judiciary found the judge essentially concluding that he would be allowed to argue only two points at a court-martial: whether he was issued orders and whether he followed them. According to the American Patriot Foundation, which has been running the...
  • Lt. Col. Lakin backers clash over eligibility strategy

    09/28/2010 9:16:57 AM PDT · by RobinMasters · 168 replies
    WND ^ | SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 | Jerome R. Corsi
    Disagreement arose today among supporters of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, the Army doctor facing military court-martial for refusing orders to deploy to Afghanistan after questioning Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president. A group of retired military officers organized as the Veterans Council and the United States Patriot Union in Sheridan, Wyo., issued a white paper calling on Lakin's legal defense team to change strategy. The so-called "White Paper No. 3" urged tea-party members and Congress members who signed the "Pledge to America" to support Lakin's right to discovery at his court-martial. The officers want Lakin to obtain Obama's long-form...
  • Battle-scarred judge says Lakin decision ignores Constitution

    09/04/2010 5:55:53 AM PDT · by Smokeyblue · 47 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | Sept. 4, 2010 | Thom Redmond
    The military judge who curiously noted without explanation that uncovering evidence about President Obama's birth records could prove "embarrassing" and denied an officer the right to obtain potentially exculpatory evidence in a court-martial simply has forgotten the Constitution, the supreme rule of the United States. So says Judge Roy Moore, who battled the politically correct climate as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court a decade ago and ultimately was removed from office by a state panel that refused to review the constitutionality of a federal court order. SNIP "Lt. Col. Lakin has every right to question the lawfulness of...
  • Judge denies opening records of Obama -- could be an "embarrassment" to the president

    Judge to Lakin: Find another defense Rules that officer challenging Obama's eligibility can't see evidence Posted: September 02, 2010 FT. MEADE, Md. – A career officer in the U.S. Army acting as a judge in the prosecution of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin today ruled that the military is no place for Barak Obama's presidential eligibility to be evaluated. Army Col. Denise R. Lind today ruled in a hearing regarding the evidence to be allowed in the scheduled October court-martial of Lakin that he will be denied access to any of Obama's records as well as any testimony from those who...
  • Judge Weighs Request For Obama School Records (Ltc Lakin hearing today)

    09/02/2010 11:10:21 AM PDT · by STARWISE · 335 replies · 1+ views
    AP/WJZ 13 ^ | 9-2-10
  • Army Birther Seeks Obama School Records

    09/02/2010 1:32:21 AM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 113 replies
    An Army doctor charged with disobeying a deployment order because he doubts President Barack Obama's credentials as commander in chief is asking a military judge for access to the president's school and college records. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin also is requesting during a hearing Thursday at Fort Meade a subpoena to depose the custodian of Obama's birth records with the state of Hawaii.
  • Officer's defense team demanding Obama docs

    08/14/2010 12:41:20 AM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 25 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | August 13, 2010 | Bob Unruh
    The key defense attorney for an Army officer being put on trial for refusing orders he views as suspect because of the possibility Barack Obama is not eligible to be commander-in-chief is demanding documentation from the president. On the G. Gordon Liddy radio show today, Paul Rolf Jensen said the request for "discovery" in the Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin case – the access by the defense to documentation in the government's possession that could help its case – is being submitted. Jensen had been asked whether there is a legal basis for denying a defendant on trial on criminal charges...
  • Court-Martial Military Defense Under UCMJ - Ltc Lakin (A work in progress)

    05/13/2010 2:50:49 PM PDT · by STARWISE · 33 replies · 1,057+ views
    Court-Martial Military Defense Under UCMJ LTC LAKIN (A work in progress)Note, there are some areas of Article 32, UCMJ, practice where I am rooting for LTC Lakin. a. Production of evidence in accordance with R.C.M. 405(f)(10). Recently I had an interesting experience of both the IO and GR cheerfully IMHO admitting that they’d done nothing in response to my request for information from NCIS basing that on the fact it couldn’t be done. Although they cheerfully IMHO admitted that they’d not asked. The NCIS agent testified it would have taken a “couple of days” to provide the information. And the...
  • Army Schedules Formal Hearing (re: LTC Lakin & Obama NBC issue)

    05/12/2010 4:20:21 PM PDT · by rxsid · 51 replies · 1,631+ views
    safeguardourconstitution ^ | 5/12/2010 | safeguardourconstitution
    "Press Release: Army Schedules Formal Hearing ARMY SCHEDULES FORMAL HEARING IN CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST DECORATED ARMY PHYSICIAN BEING COURT-MARTIALLED FOR REFUSING TO OBEY ALL ORDERSAT REQUEST OF DEFENSE COUNSEL, HEARING NOW TO PROCEED ON JUNE 11, 2010 Washington, D.C., May 12, 2010. The Army has now officially scheduled a formal hearing its case against Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who is being court-martialled by the Army for refusing to obey orders to deploy to Afghanistan because the President refuses --even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary-- to prove his eligibility under the Constitution to hold office. It will...
  • Army Birther Doc’s Lawyer: ‘Mounting Evidence’ Obama an Illegal Alien (Barf Alert)

    05/11/2010 6:32:43 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 160 replies · 2,938+ views
    Chattah Box ^ | May 10, 2010 | "Sue"
    This is just plain nuts. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a highly-decorated Army surgeon, with 18-years of service behind him, is willingly throwing his career and reputation away, because be believes in the birther conspiracy nonsense that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. The Army has instituted court martial proceedings against him for refusing to obey deployment orders to Afghanistan, which Lakin says are illegal orders from an illegal alien. The birther doctor appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s 360 program Friday evening with his lawyer. And the interview soon turn heated, as Cooper attempted to inject some fact-based reality...
  • Dr Alan Keyes Keynote Speaker At Dayton OH Tea Party

    04/20/2010 2:37:35 PM PDT · by 68truthseeker · 41 replies · 735+ views
    Dayton OH Tea Party ^ | 4-20-2010 | 68Truthseeker
    April 17, 2010 — Dr. Alan Keyes delivers the keynote speech at the Dayton,OH tea party convention to an audience of about 8,000 on 4-13-10. When the MSM makes the claim that the Obama Birth Certificate issue is a non-issue, they are telling the public an Outright Lie. One only needs to listen to the crowd to see the truth He also adresses LT COL Terry Lakin's decision to refuse deployment until Pres Obama produces a Long Form Birth Certificate.
  • Audio Interview Mrs Hememway, spokesperson for LTC Lakin Obama Birth Certificate (3 parts)

    04/20/2010 3:15:42 AM PDT · by bushpilot1 · 14 replies · 1,094+ views
    Trunews ^ | unknown | trunews
  • Support Lt. Cmdr. Fitzpatrick And Lt. Col. Terry Lakin

    04/20/2010 10:19:52 AM PDT · by Irisshlass · 2 replies · 581+ views
    YouTube/AtlahWorldwide ^ | April 20.2010 | Dr Manning
    Dr Manning on Lt. Cmdr. Fitzpatick and Lt Col Terry Lakin
  • Army Officer refuses to show Proof of Birth until CIC shows his

    04/16/2010 7:29:25 AM PDT · by Alaphiah123 · 78 replies · 2,261+ views
    Creating Orwellian Worldview ^ | 4/16/10 | alaphiah
    Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin did not report for duty to Fort Campbell, Ky. as ordered [to on April 12, 2010] and a spokesman for the post said it's not likely he will, reported Bryant Jordan on Lt. Col. Lakin refused orders to deploy for a second time to Afghanistan, and refused to be dispatched to Fort Campbell ... in preparation for the overseas assignment." It is indeed ironic that a part of the process for the Army to deploy the Lt. Colonel to Afghanistan is for the Army Officer to show is birth certificate.
  • Radio host Boyles: Birther Lakin no punk; O’Reilly a liar

    04/14/2010 9:44:32 AM PDT · by pissant · 78 replies · 2,196+ views
    Colorado Independent ^ | 4/14/10 | John Thomasic
    Denver talk-radio host Peter Boyles interviewed Lietenant Colonel Terrence Lakin’s spokesperson Margaret Hemenway Tuesday, the second day in a row as the “birther” showdown unfolds in Washington. Boyles has admitted he is fascinated by the story of Greeley native Lakin, a decorated 18-year Army medic who refuses to deploy for the second time to Afghanistan because he doesn’t fully believe Pres. Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States. Lakin is the latest and highest ranking of a handful of soldiers who have subscribed to the mostly right-wing theory that Obama has hidden or falsified the usual documents...