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Keyword: stealingelections

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  • Merrick Garland Makes An Example Of J6 Protesters To Shut Up Anyone Else Who Might Question Elections

    08/27/2024 8:19:00 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 75 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 08/27/2024 | Brianna Lyman
    ‘I think our prosecutions have made clear what we think about people who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power,’ Garland said.Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted on Friday how his office has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for protesting the 2020 election, warning others they may face similar lawfare should they raise any concerns about the administration of the upcoming November election. Speaking at a press briefing, Garland essentially said the Jan. 6 prosecutions should serve to remind Americans what happens if they raise questions about an election. “I think our prosecutions have made clear what we think about...
  • ABC reports Republicans should expect their leads to "crumble completely" in a "red mirage" as mail-in ballot dumps are counted

    11/08/2022 7:46:41 AM PST · by Red Badger · 9 replies
    Not The Bee ^ | November 8, 2022 | Staff
    This is totally fine and normal, good citizen. 2+2=5. The title of this story is this: Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that's OK) And super-totally-non-partisan ABC says we'll see a "red mirage" instead of a red wave. Mhmm. As early Election Day results come in on Tuesday, it will likely appear that a Republican candidates vying for any number of the federal or statewide races appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins. Their leads will dwindle, or crumble completely, after perceived "dumps" of votes are recorded by state election officials...
  • ABC News Says "Red Mirage" Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take "Weeks" (Here We Go Again)

    11/08/2022 7:40:44 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 16 replies
    Summit News ^ | 11/08/2022 | Paul Joseph Watson
    In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks.”The legacy news outlet has published an article titled ‘Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that’s OK)’.The piece explains how Republicans may “appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins” in federal and statewide races, but that their leads “will dwindle, or crumble completely” after “dumps” of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted after election day, which could take “weeks”.Why...
  • Biden to Create Permanent U.S. Postal Service Division to Deliver and Return Ballots in US Elections

    07/30/2022 8:03:54 AM PDT · by Macho MAGA Man · 56 replies
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | July 30, 2022 | Joe Hoft
    The corrupt Biden gang is creating a division in the U.S. Postal Service for handling delivering and returning mail-in ballots during elections. What could possibly go wrong? The USPS was in the middle of corruption and suspected criminal activities in the 2020 Election. In one instance a USPS contractor reported dropping off a trailer full of tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. After a thorough investigation was done, and crimes were identified, US AG Bill Barr screamed at the messenger of this event and told them to drop it. To this day we haven’t seen a...
  • Data and Guesswork: Campaigns and the Specter of Vote Fraud

    11/06/2021 9:35:17 PM PDT · by jfd1776 · 10 replies
    Illinois Review ^ | November 5, AD 2021 | John F Di Leo
    On November 2, A.D. 2021, a red wave swept the nation, and the talking heads were bewildered. It’s certainly not unusual that the party in power would lose seats in midterm elections, but even the most casual of observers could tell that there was something else going on this time. It was quite a sweep. Throughout the night, and throughout the day that followed, the talking heads couldn’t help themselves, as they repeated the depressing statistic, “but Joe Biden won that state by 10 points just a year ago..." and “But Biden won that state by 16 points just last...
  • AOC Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on H.R.1: “We Cannot Rely Solely on a Wish of Winning Elections” (VIDEO)

    06/13/2021 2:44:05 PM PDT · by White Lives Matter · 14 replies
    GP ^ | June 13, 2021 | Cristina Laila
    Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) said the quiet part out loud on Sunday while she was discussing the House’s sweeping elections reform bill, H.R.1. The Democrat-controlled House in March passed H.R. 1, a massive elections reform bill making it easier for Democrats to steal elections. The House Democrats previously introduced the “For the People Act of 2021” which will ensure Democrats can count ballots for days and days after an election until they have enough votes to win. The Democrats used Covid as a vehicle to successfully steal the White House and the Senate (and possibly the House) with ballot...
  • American Elections and the Ballot Generator System

    07/27/2020 1:34:59 PM PDT · by jfd1776 · 6 replies
    Illinois Review ^ | July 27, 2020 A.D. | John F Di Leo
    Despite having stuck themselves with a presidential nominee with boatloads of ethical, policy, and likely mental health problems, Democrats don’t seem scared of this November. Some believe that’s because the Democrats will just “steal it”... as if the Democrat party can suddenly just decide to turn on the vote fraud machine, and steal the five million they’ll need to win the presidency. It doesn’t actually work that way. Those who follow the business pages might have a better analogy: it takes time, but if you build a funnel, a system, a regular flow of steady clients, then that flow can...
  • Democrats sue Arizona over absentee ballot rule: 'This will result in disenfranchisement'

    06/11/2020 5:27:44 AM PDT · by knighthawk · 10 replies
    Fox News ^ | June 11 2020 | Tyler Olson
    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is suing the Arizona secretary of state and a gaggle of county officials over a rule in the state that automatically rejects mail-in ballots without signatures, whereas voters whose mail-in ballot signatures do not match their voter registration are given five days to remedy the situation. The Democrats' suit, which raises alarm over not all absentee ballots being "treated equally," is just the latest move in a larger effort to expand and protect absentee voting ahead of the November general election. That campaign has rankled Republicans, who say that allowing more absentee voting than necessary...
  • Pennsylvania 2020: It's Complicated

    11/12/2019 7:54:07 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 38 replies
    Townhall ^ | 11/12/2019 | Salena Zito
    Pennsylvania is not a slam-dunk for Donald Trump's reelection campaign. That's one takeaway from Tuesday's elections, which turned the Philadelphia suburbs even bluer, as Republicans suffered additional congressional losses following last year's midterms. The Democrats have gone from a 13-5 minority in the House to a 9-9 split. These results in the eastern part of the state "are not helpful to Trump's reelection prospects in Pennsylvania," said Jeff Brauer, political science professor at Keystone College. "The big question will be the extent of enthusiasm of his nonsupporters in the state," Brauer added. "If that outweighs his base support, that will...
  • Another Election Year, Another Array of Election Abuses

    08/10/2018 11:25:53 AM PDT · by jfd1776 · 4 replies
    Illinois Review ^ | August 10, 2018 A.D. | John F. Di Leo
    It is an election year, so the news concerns elections. But not just the candidates, the campaigns, and the issues… if you look closely, you’ll also find news about the election process itself, how it is changing, and how it is being corrupted… sometimes in secret, sometimes as blatantly as can be imagined. This week, for example, we learned of Willie Wilson, a Chicago millionaire running for mayor. He’s a generous man; he writes checks and throws around hundred-dollar bills at Chicago speaking events like Shriners throw candy at parades. He says he views it as charity; nobody has a...
  • How many more elections will the Democrats be allowed to steal?

    11/08/2017 8:17:49 AM PST · by Sean_Anthony · 19 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 11/08/17 | Megan Barth
    Russians Aren't the Only Foreigners Interfering in US Elections “At the core of one person one vote is the principle of electoral equality, not that of equality of representation… making sure that each voter gets one vote—not two, five or ten…or one-half.” —Justice Alex Kozinski Last week, the Nevada Secretary of State, Republican Barbara Cegavsky, announced that she had cleaned the state voting rolls as “routine maintenance” for the month of October. This routine maintenance removed 36,090 actively registered voters from the voting rolls and of this total, 17,616 were actively registered Democrats voters. These may not seem like large...
  • Russia didn’t steal Election 2016, the Democrats handed America to them in the 1990s

    05/30/2017 9:14:30 AM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 1 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 05/30/17 | Judi McLeod
    The Democrat Party and their running dog media count on the public having a short memory Long before an outsider captured American hearts with a promise to ‘Make America Great Again’, driving the global elite-led Democrats into the most frenzied of exiles, the same progressives who accuse the President Donald Trump administration of “colluding with Russia” had already sold America out to the Russians. “Within two years of Gorbachev’s ‘ouster’ (from the Soviet Union) Gorbachev Foundation/USA had moved into the disused military offices of the Presidio in San Francisco. There, with the fantastic view of the Bay to cheer him,...

    11/28/2016 5:20:30 PM PST · by Sean_Anthony · 1 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 11/28/16 | Jeffrey A. Friedberg
    Smart Diversity, Smart Governance, Smart Arming the BLM, Stealing elections, Coming for your Guns and Freedoms Having failed in their sickening, carnivorous raid on the last redoubt of Truth, Justice, and the American Way—the god-cursed, flesh-eating bacteria Democrats, and their filthy banshee demons and thieving succubi—they are now going to Plan “B”? Foreign trillionaire, Plan “B”?
  • Voter fraud is real

    08/21/2016 7:50:04 AM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 18 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 08/21/16 | Matthew Vadum
    Heritage maintains a database of election fraud convictions. It stands at more than 400 and growing The Heritage Foundation provides a helpful pre-election reminder that voter fraud remains a problem in the United States. “Progressives insist that voter fraud is a myth, a charade meant to justify repressive voting laws,” write Peter Tapsak and Jason Snead. “The facts, however, tell a different story: Voter fraud is real, and if we ignore it, we leave our ballot boxes open to fraudsters who would rather steal elections than risk losing in a fair and open contest.”
  • Texas Attorney General announces suit against Obama administration on Twitter

    03/14/2012 5:57:35 AM PDT · by blueyon · 13 replies
    Twitchy ^ | 3/12/2012 | Twitchy Staff
    Greg Abbott @GregAbbott_TX I'm suing Holder b/c DOJ won't approve Texas' Voter ID law. SCOTUS has upheld similar law. After news came down today that the Obama administration had successfully blocked a Texas voter ID law from going into effect Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General, took to twitter to announce he was suing Eric Holder and the Department of Justice. The Texas Attorney General also released this statement on his website today: “The Justice Department’s decision to deny preclearance to Texas’ Voter ID law is no surprise given the Obama Administration’s denial of a similar law in South Carolina....
  • Renee Ellmers Needs Our Help NOW!

    11/04/2010 2:42:06 PM PDT · by bwc2221 · 42 replies
    e-mail | 11/4/10 | bwc2221
    I just received this e-mail: Dear Supporter, Election night, after the ten counties in my district had reported their votes, I led Bob Etheridge by 2,100 votes. (That number is crucial because under North Carolina law Congressman Etheridge is not entitled to an ‘automatic recount’ if he trails by more than 1% – or 1,888 votes.) Then, yesterday afternoon – unexpectedly – the vote totals changed. The State Board of Elections reported my lead had dropped to 1,600 votes. Two hours later Bob Etheridge announced he intended to call for a recount. As a result, last night my campaign began...
  • Vote Fraud Woes Already Mar Mid-Term Elections

    11/01/2010 8:25:18 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 11 replies · 1+ views
    Human Events ^ | November 1, 2010 | Deroy Murdock
    NEW YORK — November 2 is not here yet, but polling problems have begun. From possibly malfunctioning ballot gear to potential fraud, the 2010 mid-term vote is marred even before Election Day has dawned. •Like jurors who deliberate before a trial concludes, some Nevadans who have tried voting early for Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle instead have seen Democrat Harry Reid’s name appear on their electronic voting machines. Some voters have complained about this apparent glitch, but how many others unwittingly have miscast their ballots? Intriguingly, these machines are maintained in Las Vegas by members of the Service Employees International...
  • Stop Election Fraud By Phone, and By App FREE download texts your pic to report fraud

    10/30/2010 6:41:41 PM PDT · by tutstar · 19 replies
    American Majority Action ^ | American Majority Action
    If you see voter fraud, take a pic with your phone and send it in. Just in time for Election Day, American Majority Action has created the nation’s first mobile application to help identify, report and track suspected incidents of voter fraud and intimidation. This free, cutting edge system will enable voters to take action to help defend their right to vote. Whether you’re a campaign junkie, or just want a better America, Voter Fraud will help you report violations at the election booth and serve to uphold the democratic process. Take a look at the full list of features...
  • The Democrats' Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud

    10/28/2010 7:55:01 AM PDT · by Paladins Prayer · 47 replies · 1+ views
    American Thinker ^ | October 28, 2010 | Selwyn Duke
    The reports are rolling in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC's Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin Norville also tries to vote straight Republican but finds that his ballot has the names of several Democrat candidates selected. Boulder City, NV resident Joyce Ferrara says that when she and several others went to vote for Sharon Angle, they found that Senator Harry Reid's name was already checked off. In Dallas County, TX' congressional district...
  • Rush Limbaugh: Vote Fraud Essential to Democrats

    10/28/2010 4:29:49 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 22 replies · 1+ views
    Human Events ^ | 10/28/2010 | Connie Hair
    Giving insight as only the Great Maha Rushie can, Rush Limbaugh put some sunlight on yet another scheme to interfere in America's ability to self-govern by left-wing billionaire George Soros.  Rush points out that even a small influx of cash into your state Secretary of State race can make a huge difference.  Something to ponder.RUSH LIMBAUGH, HOST:  Let me illustrate for you just how essential vote fraud is to the Democrat Party.  George Soros sank a lot of money into a project called the Secretary of State Project, starting in 2006.  Have you ever heard of the Secretary of State Project?...