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Keyword: sowell

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  • The World’s Biggest Landlord Is Washington

    12/26/2024 3:55:07 PM PST · by karpov · 22 replies
    Wall Street Journal ^ | December 25, 2024 | Thomas Sowell
    The incoming Trump administration will confront some huge financial challenges. It will have to cope with the vast increase in the national debt created by the Biden administration’s reckless spending. It will also need to maintain the solvency of the Social Security system after decades of financial irresponsibility by politicians of both parties. On top of all this, there is an urgent need to build up American military defenses, which have been neglected while taxpayers’ money has been lavishly spent on such things as subsidizing electric cars and paying hotel expenses for illegal immigrants. There is no question that doing...
  • The Devastating Legacy of Obama's Presidency - A Point of No Return | Thomas Sowell

    08/02/2024 7:21:13 PM PDT · by thecodont · 26 replies
    Thomas Sowell via YouTube ^ | Nov 18, 2023 | Thomas Sowell
    The Devastating Legacy of Obama's Presidency - A Point of No Return | Thomas Sowell
  • UCLA prof suspended after refusing lenient grading for black students demands $19 million-plus in damages

    02/10/2024 8:51:59 AM PST · by george76 · 24 replies
    College Fix ^ | FEBRUARY 9, 2024 | JENNIFER KABBANY
    A professor who sued UCLA after he was suspended in the wake of the George Floyd-Black Lives Matter riots after refusing a request to grade black students leniently will soon get his day in court. UCLA accounting lecturer Gordon Klein is demanding well over $19 million in damages in a lawsuit scheduled to go to trial March 4 in a Santa Monica courthouse. The two sides have engaged in legal wrangling since September 2021, when Klein first filed suit — including a failed attempt by UCLA’s lawyers to get the case tossed by summary judgment. The causes of action to...
  • Thomas Sowell on the Trouble With ‘Social Justice’. The eminent economist faults intellectuals who expect equal outcomes and treat individuals as if they were mere ‘chess pieces.’

    10/07/2023 10:03:07 AM PDT · by karpov · 9 replies
    Wall Street Journal ^ | Jason L. Riley
    Thomas Sowell is best known for his insights on racial controversies, but race isn’t the main topic of most of his books in a career that spans more than six decades. Mr. Sowell, 93, is an economist who earned a doctorate from the University of Chicago, where his professors included Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and other future Nobel laureates. His specialty is the history of ideas, and his most recent book, “Social Justice Fallacies,” harks back to his writings on social theory and intellectual history, which include “Knowledge and Decisions” (1980), “The Vision of the Anointed” (1996) and “The Quest...
  • Dr. Thomas Sowell Back in the Saddle at 93 - “Social Justice Fallacies”

    09/15/2023 1:18:31 PM PDT · by CharlesOConnell · 29 replies
    Uncommon Knowledge ^ | September 7, 2023 | Peter Robinson Sowell, age 93, is the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution. With his usual fierceness and feistiness intact, Dr. Sowell returns to Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson to discuss his latest book (he’s published over 40 titles over his career), Social Justice Fallacies. In this wide-ranging interview, Dr. Sowell discusses the consequences of our society’s embarking on a quest for equality at the expense of merit. Even if every group in society is given an equal chance, he explains, these groups will end up with disparate levels of income or education. Dr....
  • Lessons I Learned From Thomas Sowell’s Memoir

    07/16/2023 4:55:25 AM PDT · by karpov · 14 replies
    Substack ^ | July 16, 2023 | Rob Henderson
    Thomas Sowell, now 93 years old, is one of the most esteemed and prolific authors and social commentators today. Trained as an economist at Harvard and the University of Chicago, he has written more than thirty books, and from 1991 to 2016, he had a nationally syndicated column. Sowell’s readers and admirers include the Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker and the former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson. Pinker has characterized Sowell as the most underrated author in history. He also stated that, “Sowell is a libertarian conservative, which makes him taboo in mainstream intellectual circles, but even those who disagree are...
  • COLLEGE STUDENT REACTS | Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned In School | Thomas Sowell

    06/05/2023 8:59:33 PM PDT · by grundle · 258 replies
    YouTube ^ | May 20, 2023 | LFR Jojo
    COLLEGE STUDENT REACTS | Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned In School | Thomas Sowell
  • Discrimination and Disparities Review

    01/28/2023 12:24:40 PM PST · by Mean Daddy · 6 replies
    I have heard much about Thomas Sowell. He comes highly recommended by numerous Right-wing authors and commentators. He is an African American economist who has many insightful things to say concerning the disparities we find in modern American society. Sowell acknowledges that there are many disparities in American society between people. Some are very rich and some are very poor. Some seem to reap all the benefits of a capitalist society while others clearly miss out. Sowell claims there have been traditionally two ways to understand why there are disparities between individuals or groups of people. One, is that some...
  • Thomas Sowell Quotes on Greed, Socialism, Racism, and More

    06/08/2021 4:42:12 PM PDT · by libertasbella · 18 replies
    Libertas Bella ^ | 5/14/2021 | Alex Horsman
    “There a three questions that I think would destroy most of the arguments on the left. The first is, ‘Compared to what?’ The second is, ‘At what cost?’ And the third is, ‘What hard evidence do you have?’” “Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good. In area after area—crime, education, housing, race relations—the situation has gotten worse after the bright new theories were put into operation. The amazing thing is that this history of failure and disaster has neither discouraged the...
  • The triumph of Thomas Sowell

    05/25/2021 8:47:24 AM PDT · by DeweyCA · 49 replies
    New Criterion ^ | 5-25-21 | John Steele Gordon
    Thomas Sowell is one of the towering American intellectuals of our time. An economist trained at the University of Chicago and a social theorist of the first rank, he has been a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University since 1980. He has written an astonishing fifty books (if you count revised and expanded editions), numerous essays, and a long-running, twice-a-week newspaper column. Extraordinarily wide ranging, he has covered everything from the rudiments of economics to race relations, the housing crisis of 2008 to late-talking children. His best known book, Basic Economics (2000), a best-selling, chart-, graph-, and...
  • Depressed? Console yourself with the wit and wisdom of Thomas Sowell

    04/18/2021 9:11:28 AM PDT · by jazusamo · 14 replies
    American Thinker ^ | Aprill 18, 2021 | Bill Hansmann
    In troubled times such as these in which we now find ourselves, it is rewarding to reread the words of great individuals who offer comfort and hope. One of those greats is the economist Thomas Sowell. He has said and written so many undeniable truths that it is daunting to select a few that stand out. Nevertheless, I will try. "Ours may become the first civilization destroyed not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous ignorance they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial...
  • Thomas Sowell: A Beacon of Reason in a Nonsensical World

    01/31/2021 3:27:28 PM PST · by Rummyfan · 22 replies
    Intellectual Takeout ^ | 31 Jan 2018 | Jon Hänschen
    When I hear the name Thomas Sowell, it gets my immediate attention. Dr. Sowell, recently retired from his position as Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, is an American economist turned social theorist, political philosopher, and best-selling author. Born in North Carolina in 1930, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of high school at age 17 due to financial difficulties and problems at home, but went on to serve in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. Following the war, he received a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1958....
  • Thomas Sowell documentary

    01/27/2021 10:41:24 AM PST · by cuban leaf · 7 replies
    Free to choose network ^ | 1/25/2021 | free to choose network
    This is a video documentary on Thomas Sowell that I highly recommend.
  • The Unheavenly City at Fifty. Edward Banfield's book was ahead of its time––and ours.

    12/06/2020 6:00:15 AM PST · by karpov · 28 replies
    Claremont Review of Books ^ | Fall 2020 | Thomas Sowell
    Somewhere Winston Churchill said that all wisdom is not new wisdom. That is certainly true of Edward C. Banfield’s landmark book, The Unheavenly City, published 50 years ago. Many, if not most, of the people discussing urban problems today have not yet caught up to what Banfield said half a century ago. Education is a classic example. People on both sides of many education issues today would be appalled at Banfield’s plain-spoken truths. While people on one side of education issues speak of “inclusion” and “diversity,” people on the other side say such things as “no child left behind.” Banfield,...
  • Walter E. Williams 1936-2020

    12/02/2020 7:21:22 PM PST · by rktman · 53 replies ^ | 12/2/2020 | Thomas Sowell
    Walter Williams loved teaching. Unlike too many other teachers today, he made it a point never to impose his opinions on his students. Those who read his syndicated newspaper columns know that he expressed his opinions boldly and unequivocally there. But not in the classroom. Walter once said he hoped that, on the day he died, he would have taught a class that day. And that is just the way it was, when he died on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. He was my best friend for half a century. There was no one I trusted more or whose integrity I...
  • Black Education Matters

    10/30/2020 3:59:12 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 20 replies ^ | October 30, 2020 | Thomas Sowell
    Most Americans would probably be shocked and angry if they knew all the dirty tricks used to sabotage charter schools that are successfully educating low-income minority children. This is not "systemic racism." It is plain old selfishness on the part of traditional public school officials and teachers unions protecting their own vested interests. Most of us might see charter schools that succeed where traditional public schools have failed as welcome news, especially in minority communities where there is so much bad news. But, when there are a million public school students on waiting lists to get into charter schools nationwide,...
  • Thomas Sowell DEBUNKS the Legacy of Slavery Argument

    10/15/2020 3:22:22 PM PDT · by Shark24 · 10 replies
    You tube ^ | Oct 14th 2020 | Thomas Sowell
    In this video Thomas Sowell quashes the legacy of slavery argument that liberals use to explain disparities between blacks and whites in the United States.
  • Thom. Sowell: 1 Generation of Welfare Destroyed the Black Family 100s of Years of Slavery & Jim Crow Couldn't

    08/31/2020 9:08:30 PM PDT · by CharlesOConnell · 13 replies
    Freep | 08-31-2020 | CharlesOconnell
    Video: Wealth, Poverty, and Politics by Thomas Sowell, queued at 19:51 / 43:06 "Centuries of slavery, and generations of Jim Crow, did not destroy the Black family. But 1 generation of the welfare state did." Black culture is extremely traditional. "Change for its own sake" has little internal cultural appeal. Black families had a higher rate of two-parent, biologically intact households than whites, and a lower divorce* rate. Until The Great Society said, "quit your job, close your barbershop, go down to City Hall and get FREE MONEY -- but Dads (who teach young boys to be men) have to...
  • The Nonconformist: Over a lifetime of scholarship and public engagement, economist Thomas Sowell has illuminated controversial topics such as race, poverty, and culture.

    08/03/2020 8:46:20 AM PDT · by karpov · 15 replies
    City Journal ^ | Summer 2020 | Coleman Hughes
    Measured by his contributions to economics, political theory, and intellectual history, Thomas Sowell ranks among the towering intellects of our time. Yet, rare among such thinkers, Sowell manages never to provoke, in the reader, the feeling of being towered over. As Kevin Williamson observed, Sowell is “that rarest of things among serious academics: plainspoken.” From 1991 until 2016, his nationally syndicated column set the bar for clear writing, though the topics he covered were often complex. “Too many academics write as if plain English is beneath their dignity,” Sowell once said, “and some seem to regard logic as an unconstitutional...
  • Thomas Sowell on Charter Schools: Education for Students, Not Unions

    07/14/2020 8:11:27 AM PDT · by karpov · 11 replies
    American Spectator ^ | July 14, 2020 | Bob Luddy
    Thomas Sowell is a truth seeker who grew up in Harlem and is one of the wisest men of our times. In his new book, Charter Schools and Their Enemies — published on June 30, 2020, his 90th birthday — he exposes the hypocrisy of our politicians, teachers’ unions, and public school bureaucrats. To do so, Sowell compares New York City’s charter schools to its public ones. For example, Success Academy (47 New York City schools) and KIPP Academy (15 NYC schools), both public charter schools, have established the best K-12 schools in Harlem and have demonstrated the ability to...