Since Sep 16, 2020
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What do we mean by human freedom? Chiefly, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” From this, we believe, necessarily flows the right to free expression without fear of physical or economic reprisal, the right to own, keep and dispose of property without limitations, taxes or fees, the right to arm and defend oneself with means of one’s own choosing, to associate or not associate with those of one’s own choosing, to board an airplane without being physically molested and to pass their values along to their children without state interference.
We do not believe these rights to be negotiable and we certainly do not consider them negotiable with the tinpot tyrants of the globalist regime.
To that end, we offer apparel that allows you to express your solidarity with human freedom. Our news aggregator, Libertas Bella News, to help you to arm yourself with the knowledge of what the globalist elites are doing. And our blog, Thought Grenades, includes deep dives into the topics that arm you with the theory and information you need to win the war of ideas.
Our brand showcases a variety of pro-freedom philosophers, writers and symbolism, from the anonymous “Tank Man” of Tiananmen Square, to Objectivism founder Ayn Rand, to original American progressive Teddy Roosevelt. Our touchstone is Libertas, an ancient Roman goddess who stood for the freedom of the people against the tyrannical encroachment of an illegitimate state.
We believe that to oppose tyranny one must accept responsibility for one’s own life and safety, as well as that of their family. Our t-shirt reading “You Are Your Own First Responder” is not a statement of principle, it is a statement of fact: Everyone is responsible for their own safety, whether they choose to accept the implications of that or not is their choice.
Defi tutorials for noobs and normies. Merchandise for apes and chads who want to share the love with our libertarian clothing and 2nd Amendment shirts. "Liberty is beautiful" for all - only at Libertas Bella.