Keyword: sin
President Joe Biden toured the National Museum of Slavery in Angola’s capital of Luanda on Tuesday, delivering a speech in which he described slavery as America’s “original sin” and claiming it still taints American public discourse. “The United States is founded on an idea, one embedded in our Declaration of Independence, that all men and women are created equal. It is abundantly clear today we have not lived up to that idea, but we have not fully walked away from it either,” Biden said.
In the past year, several high-profile Texas megachurch pastors have either stepped down or been dismissed due to what's been labeled as “immoral behavior” or “conduct unbecoming of a pastor.” These terms may sound vague, but they point to a troubling pattern of persistent wrongdoing, ranging from sexual misconduct to financial dishonesty and abuses of power.Tony Evans resigned from his pastoral duties at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, in June 2024 due to “past sins.” While he clarified that he had not committed a crime, he admitted to a failure to exercise righteous judgment. The specifics of the...
ROME — Immigration laws should not be made stricter but rather looser, to allow more immigrants to cross international borders, Pope Francis said Wednesday. “Rather than more restrictive laws and the militarization of borders, what is needed is an expansion of secure and regular means of access,” the pontiff told those present for his weekly General Audience, “and a global governance of migrations based on justice, fraternity and solidarity.” “It must be said clearly: there are those who work systematically and by any means to turn away migrants – to turn away migrants,” the pope stated. “And this, when done...
This is the most powerful explanation of the evil of abortion I've seen. This two minute video on abortion is worth watching. There is no accompanying text with the video of Seth Gruber with Pastor Jack Hibbs. Yes, it was originally posted on TikTok, but don't let that deter you. It has been reposted on X by Brandon Morse with the explanation "I’ve never seen abortion described this way as a concept and now I’ll never look at it the same. It truly is a display of contempt against Christ when you strip away all the window dressing."
HOW MANY AMERICANS, with the help of God in sincere humble prayer, truly live all of the Ten Commandments according to God (Ex 20:2-17; Deut 5:6-21; CCC 1858-2557), not according to the world or according to their own subjective interpretation? (Note: When pasting this document into Free Republic, it seems that most of the special formatting is lost, such as bold, italics, underlined words and embedded links. To read the document with the formatting and embedded links go to the link of the document.) THE TRUTH COMES FROM GOD, NOT FROM THE CHURCH. The Church is the servant of the...
[Catholic Caucus] The Church Is Not Ruled by a PlebisciteSin does not grow sweet by majority practice; truth is not altered by a vote. The Church is not a political party.A few weeks ago, I saw in an article in The New York Times the phrase “Pope Francis’s agenda for the Church.” The author approved of that agenda and was no doubt oblivious to the fact that, unless we are talking about governance, reform of abuses, and missionary work, an agenda for the Church is the last thing a pope should have. That is because the Church is not a...
[Catholic Caucus] The Poisonous Fruit of Amoris LaetitiaFiducia Supplicans directly flows from principles and premises articulated in the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia.In his magisterial history The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon identified the loss of civic virtue as the “secret poison” that undermined this sprawling global empire and inevitably led to its demise. The Catholic Church is not about to disintegrate in the same fashion as the Roman Empire, but its unity, grounded in the infallible papal magisterium, seems to be unraveling, and its eternal doctrines are no longer safe from radical revision. We can probably...
The rulers of this world who are insufficiently instructed by Christians and the word of God will remain largely unchecked in their drift toward lawlessness, violence, and war. This is because unbelieving men and nations are at war with Jesus Christ. It follows that the violence of war is the demonstration—not the cause—of the awful capacity of the sinful heart of man.[3] God says this about lost sinners: “Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes”...
We now come to look at the apostle’s final statement about man in sin; and that is, that he is under the wrath of God. In other words Paul deals with sin, as sin affects man’s standing before God. He shows what God says and thinks and does about man in that condition which we have already considered: There can be no question at all but that this is the most important aspect of the subject. The others were vitally important, but there is nothing which is as important as this. It is because we so constantly forget this that...
[Catholic Caucus] Synod on Synodality now discussing lay governance and ‘synodality’ as ‘standard’ for the ChurchParticipants at the Synod on Synodality are now in the fourth of five modules, with ecclesial governance taking center stage in discussions.Bishops and cardinals at the opening Mass for the Synod’s October 2023 sessionsVATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Synod participants are now examining questions related to the exercise of authority in the Church, involving laity, and particularly women, in the hierarchical and decision-making structure, and implementing “synodality” as the “standard” way of Church life at “all levels.”The assembled members and non-voting members of the Synod on...
[Catholic Caucus] Rigged Synod Experts Will Proclaim “the Will of God”So it’s October 17th, and we are more than half way through this month of the #SchismaticWay, and what do we have so far? A particular generation of theologians have more or less declared this synod to be the dream of Cardinal Martini, where they can finally find that reform they always wanted: As such, the synod has become a circus of what this pontificate has alreadty brought forth: all the cheerleaders for the St. Gallen Mafia have lifted their heads above water and shouted their filth to the world....
Neither the Gates of Hell nor the Synodal Church Will Prevail Against the Catholic ChurchAt this point in Francis’s Synod on Synodality, most rational Catholics who have paid attention have seen enough to know that it is a deliberate attack from hell on the Catholic Church. In hindsight, this ought to have been clear from Francis’s opening address of the Synod over two years ago, when he announced his intention to create a different church:“Father Congar, of blessed memory, once said: ‘There is no need to create another Church, but to create a different Church’ (True and False Reform in...
A Synodal Swampy MessWhile addressing a South American youth gathering in 2015, Pope Francis defined his pontificate when he told them to go out and “make a mess.” And a mess is what he has emanating from the Vatican.Enter the Synod on Synodality where barrels of ink have been spilled leading up to its initiation that is now underway in the Eternal City. And if the recycle dumpster is to be believed, much that has been written on the synod has been deposited unopened. Many baptized Catholics have no idea what a synod is or even care.The growing progressive wing...
SYNODAL WALKATHON: Accompanying Sinners to HellNew Short from RTV ...
Synodal silence: Pope says church must pause, ‘fast’ from public words“The church is taking a break,” Pope Francis said.“It is a break for the whole church, as we engage in listening,” he told members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops — and journalists.Addressing the opening working session of the assembly, the pope may have exaggerated a bit, yet for participants his words certainly rang true. For the duration of the assembly Oct. 4-29 all the heads of Vatican dicasteries and hundreds of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, religious superiors, professors, students and parents were scheduled to be away from their...
[Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis has given liberals ‘freedom to sow doubt and confusion among the faithful’: Father MurrayCatholics have a ‘duty in obedience to God’s revelation and in charity for souls to resist steadfastly any attempts to change the teaching of the Church that may emerge from this Synodal Assembly,’ Fr. Murray declared.A prominent canon lawyer has argued that the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality is a “long-awaited opportunity” to “bury” a Christo-centric Catholicism and implement a form of “judgment-free human coexistence.”“The Synodal Assembly has the potential to cause immense harm to the life and mission of the Church,” stated Father...
[Catholic Caucus] Cardinals Send ‘Dubia’ to Pope Francis Ahead of Synod on SynodalityFive cardinals have sent a set of questions to Pope Francis to express their concerns and seek clarification on points of doctrine and discipline ahead of this week’s opening of the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican. The cardinals said they submitted five questions, called “dubia,” on Aug. 21 requesting clarity on topics relating to doctrinal development, the blessing of same-sex unions, the authority of the Synod on Synodality, women’s ordination, and sacramental absolution. Dubia are formal questions brought before the pope and the Dicastery for the Doctrine...
[Catholic Caucus] Why is St. Michael portrayed stabbing Satan in the mouth? Reflection by Fr. Peter Miller OSBDedication of the Basilica of St. Michael the ArchangelSeptember 29, 2023Fr. Peter Miller, OSBWhitestone MonasteryToday, the spiritual feast of Holy Mother Church honors St. Michael the Archangel, one of the four principal angels according to Holy Scripture and Christian tradition. Michael’s name appears four times in Sacred Scripture: Daniel 10:13; Daniel 12:1; in the Epistle of Jude; Revelation 12:7. In the Book of Daniel, Michael appears as an apocalyptic warrior who defends the Israelites against the Prince of Persia. The Book of Revelation...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed into law an 11 percent tax on guns and ammunition Tuesday, describing the gun control measure as a “sin tax.” On August 23, 2023, Breitbart News reported that California Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel (D) was pushing legislation to create the 11 percent excise tax on firearm and ammunition sales in the state. He touted the bill as means to bring nearly $160 million in annual revenue for the state government. Former Assemblyman Marc Levine (D) voiced support for Gabriel’s excise tax because California is “facing a $31.5 billion budget gap,” the Sacramento Bee noted.
[Catholic Caucus] Francis, Fatima, and GarabandalPope Francis says don’t worry about sin. Our Lady says otherwise.Catholics are confused and divided over Pope Francis. For years he has been introducing novel changes into the Church that seem to conflict not only with traditional practices but also with established Church teaching. An increasing number of Catholics have come to the conclusion that Francis (along with others in the hierarchy) is in the process of creating an alternate Church—one which is meant to eventually replace the true Church. Defenders of Francis say that he is only trying to reform the Church—to renovate an...