Posted on 10/07/2023 8:36:42 AM PDT by ebb tide
“The church is taking a break,” Pope Francis said.
“It is a break for the whole church, as we engage in listening,” he told members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops — and journalists.
Addressing the opening working session of the assembly, the pope may have exaggerated a bit, yet for participants his words certainly rang true. For the duration of the assembly Oct. 4-29 all the heads of Vatican dicasteries and hundreds of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, religious superiors, professors, students and parents were scheduled to be away from their homes and their desks.
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(If only Bergoglio, himself, would fast from public words.)
Pope Smarmy.
Being sworn to secrecy is not exactly ‘fasting from public words.’
They have been boiling the frogs trying to turn the church into a leftist pervert cult—time to turn down the temperature and hope the frogs stop noticing....
Preparing for the Great Reset, I suppose?
Remember those Democrat "listening tours?" This is a game, old and well known.
Hillary's low-risk listening tourOn 'listening tour,' first lady's attention turns to business issues
This so called pope can go f himself!
Seems the church has taken a break since day one with this spawn of Satan.
Pope diarrhea of the mouth. Does this idiot ever stop showing off his evil stupidity?
So, where is God’s guidance in all of this nonsense?
(If only Bergoglio, himself, would fast from public words.)s-—————
Charity begins at home.
In the end there are three ways, words, example, and prayer—and the greatest of these is prayer—St. Bernard
Silence the Francis Up.
Bergoglio and his Jesuit sodomite puppet masters need to understand the anus is for exit not entry. It’s sole purpose is to excrete waste from the body. It is not a sexual organ. There is a reason sodomy has always been called a “a crime against nature.” That is exactly what it is. Those who engage in it are not only sinning against God’s plan, they are exposing themselves to all types of diseases, most notably anal cancer and AIDS.
So says the communist ant-Christian Dope Jorge Bergoglio.
No. The greatest example of all is always “actions” .....
“Prayer” can be to anything. Ca n mean nothing, or can call for harm.
And this person promotes atheists.
Promotes homosexuals and homosexual conduct over purity.
Celebrates those who promote abortion.
Promotes pedophiliacs over those who warn against pornography and seduction.
Promotes “the earth” and “ecology” and “false gods” and numerous “pagan idolatry” ceremonies DURING and instead of Christian and Catholic services and worship.
God’s grace is more powerful than our actions. Powerful prayer is highly effective. Mercy may grant what justice cannot possible presume.
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