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Keyword: santorumoutofrace

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  • Santorum Says He Dropped Out Because He Ran Out of Money

    04/12/2012 10:57:27 AM PDT · by Brown Deer · 45 replies
    National Journal ^ | April 12, 2012 | Jonathan Miller
    Two days after leaving the Republican presidential-nomination race, Rick Santorum said on Thursday that the main reason he dropped out was that the campaign simply ran out of money. “We were just burning through cash at a rate we couldn't maintain,” the former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania said on Tony Perkins’s Today's Issues radio show, noting that the campaign for the first time started to go into debt. “Super PAC money didn't pay the bills on the campaign.” Santorum suspended his campaign one day after his 3-year-old daughter, Bella, who suffers from a rare chromosomal disorder, was released from the...
  • (Vanity) The 2012 Election, A Mexican Standoff

    04/10/2012 8:09:46 PM PDT · by grey_whiskers · 31 replies
    grey_whiskers ^ | 04-10-2012 | grey_whiskers
    The news came today, about 1:00 PM Central Time, that Rick Santorum is suspending his bid for the Republican nomination for President. (The reader should be reminded of the health issues of the Santorums’ daughter Bella, and is urged to remember the family in prayer.) Reaction was mixed. “At last,” some said, “we have all the deadwood and pretenders cleared out of the way (Newt and Ron Paul are too insignificant to matter, right?) and we can rally around the sensible choice. Go Romney!” Others reached for the Hemlock: “Oh, no, the last good Christian man standing is gone! We...
  • Jim Rob Is Right - But Conservatives HERE Have TWO Jobs To Do!

    04/10/2012 5:52:15 PM PDT · by Ron C. · 345 replies
    4/10/12 | Ron C
    <p>Jim Rob Is Right - But Conservatives Here Have TWO Job2 To Do!</p> <p>First - blow off that feeling that we're going to lose, or already have lost! No, we're going to WIN.</p> <p>First item of business, get invovlved in the Tea Party movement, and give D.C. a whole new influx of conservatives in Congress similar in size and importance to that of the last election - thereby blocking any of Obamas chances of having Congressional support for his machinations. Note too, the Tea Party used the GOP vehicle, not a third party. Reason, third parties are losers, because they don't have the national organization and presence large enough to compete.</p>
  • “THE MARK LEVIN SHOW”– Tuesday, April-10-2012

    04/10/2012 2:26:14 PM PDT · by Fudd Fan · 120 replies
    The Mark Levin Show ^ | Mark R. Levin
    The Legacy Lives On! Mark’s Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation “Conservatism is the antidote to tyranny precisely because its principles are the founding principles.” --Mark Levin in Liberty and TyrannyWelcome to “The Levin Lounge”… Step in and have a virtual FRink.Taking the country by storm, one radio station at a time – and kicking the BUTTS of the competition! Welcome all, to the most FUN LIVE THREAD on! You can call Mark’s show: 1-877-381-3811
  • Notice: FR is and will remain a pro-life, small government conservative site.

    04/10/2012 12:29:15 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 1,369 replies
    April 10, 2012 | Jim Robinson
    To hell with the GOP-e. Barring a miracle, they got their big government, unconstitutional mandate loving, socialist abortionist Obama-lite RINO on the ballot, they can now get him elected. We are the resistance!! Shove him down our throats today, we shove him up your donkeys in November!! I can see November from my house!!
  • Santorum Suspends: So What Now?

    04/10/2012 2:12:34 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 63 replies
    Rush ^ | April 10, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh
    BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Rick Santorum has just suspended his campaign. I think the reason for suspending the campaign is it allows you to continue to raise money to pay off your debt, but Santorum's campaign has been suspended. God bless him. I don't know why. I don't know if he had internal polling numbers that looked bad in Pennsylvania. I don't know if it's money. I don't know if it's the accumulation of pressure on him from the establishment. It's probably a combination, some people say unprecedented, in a Republican primary. Negative campaign ads have clearly worked. They drove Newt...
  • Romney: ‘I Congratulate Senator Santorum’

    04/10/2012 11:50:06 AM PDT · by Brown Deer · 68 replies
    TPM ^ | April 10, 2012 | Mitt Romney
    Mitt Romney’s campaign issued the following statement congratulating Rick Santorum: “Senator Santorum is an able and worthy competitor, and I congratulate him on the campaign he ran. He has proven himself to be an important voice in our party and in the nation. We both recognize that what is most important is putting the failures of the last three years behind us and setting America back on the path to prosperity.”
  • Santorum Withdrawing - Fox News Radio

    04/10/2012 11:04:26 AM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 103 replies
    Just heard.
  • Report: Santorum to Suspend Campaign (Live FoxNews Conference just confirms supension)

    04/10/2012 11:05:34 AM PDT · by DCBryan1 · 60 replies
    weeklystandard ^ | 10 APR 12 | dcbryan1
    Fox Confirms: Rick Santorum to suspend Presidential Campaign. Will post link and source when it hits Fox News Website.
  • Rick Santorum Calls 2PM Press Conference Amid Speculation About His Candidacy

    04/10/2012 11:08:21 AM PDT · by sheikdetailfeather · 49 replies
    Fox News ^ | 4-10-2012 | Fox News
  • Santorum Dropping Out (FOX News Radio Confirming)

    04/10/2012 11:08:54 AM PDT · by Lazlo in PA · 119 replies
    FOX News Radio | 04-10-12 | FOX News Radio
    FOX News Radio just said that Santorum is going to announce a halt to his campaign within the hour. A rally in Gettysburg is said to have been changed to a press conference.

    04/10/2012 11:10:44 AM PDT · by Spunky · 179 replies
    Fox New Radio | 4-10-12 | FOX NEW Radio
    I just heard on Fox News that Rick Santorum is suspending his race for President. He will be giving a news conference