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Keyword: russianjunk

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  • The Aging International Space Station May Have To Be Evacuated Because of Dangerous Cracks and Leaks

    10/30/2024 6:29:01 PM PDT · by bitt · 53 replies ^ | 10/30/2024 | paul serran
    The space exploration is as dangerous as any other human activity can get, and with the accumulating security issues of the aging International Space Station (ISS), the risks of a disaster are getting bigger by the day. Some space experts go as far as warning that NASA’s astronauts should evacuate the ISS immediately. For British expert Nick Pope, NASA’s ‘wait-and-see’ attitude may result in ‘devastating consequences’. Daily Mail reported: “’Leaving it too late could lead to a disaster that would kill not only the astronauts, but also NASA’s reputation,’ he said.” This comes as NASA is tracking 50 ‘areas of...
  • Astronauts on the ISS are braced for an urgent evacuation - as NASA uncovers 50 'areas of concern' including leaks and cracks on the 25-year-old space station

    10/28/2024 1:26:06 PM PDT · by george76 · 73 replies
    Daily mail ^ | 28 October 2024 | Wiliam Hunter
    NASA's astronauts aboard the International Space Station have been told to prepare for an urgent evacuation amid growing safety concerns. The US space agency and its Russian counterpart, Roscomos, are tracking 50 'areas of concern' related to a growing leak aboard the station. NASA is now calling the cracks in a Russian service module a 'top safety risk' - escalating the threat rating to five out of five. Astronauts have been warned to stay in the American section when the module is open so they can be close to their spacecraft in case of an emergency evacuation. Although officials have...
  • LIVE! RS-25 Engine Hot Fire Test

    10/17/2023 11:25:56 AM PDT · by Morgana · 2 replies
    The Launch Pad ^ | October 17, 2023 | The Launch Pad
    LIVE! RS-25 Engine Hot Fire Test #NASA #Artemis #RS25
  • Putin Brags New Weapons Are 'Decades' Ahead of Rest of the World's

    08/15/2022 11:04:53 AM PDT · by marcusmaximus · 70 replies
    Newsweek ^ | 8/15/2022 | NICK MORDOWANEC
    ussian President Vladimir Putin on Monday touted a new era of weapon systems that he says are "decades ahead of their foreign counterparts" while his nation simultaneously faces a stiffer challenge than expected from Ukrainian forces. Putin's comments came as Pentagon officials estimate that between 70,000 and 80,000 Russian troops have either been killed or wounded in action since the Ukraine invasion began February 24. As Russia continues to lose not only soldiers but artillery, Putin maintains an optimistic outlook with Russian allies in Latin America, Asia and Africa that have "historically firm, friendly and truly trustworthy relations" and are...
  • Ukraine Has Ground Down Russia’s Arms Business

    07/25/2022 9:56:14 AM PDT · by SpeedyInTexas · 22 replies
    FP ^ | 21-JUL-2022 | Jack Detsch,
    Russia’s planned big-ticket arms sales in Africa are expected to take a hit as a result of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, U.S. defense and intelligence officials told Foreign Policy, depriving the Kremlin of a major revenue source as the five-month war continues to devolve into a bitter stalemate. The Defense Department and U.S. intelligence officials believe that Russia’s severe losses of high-end equipment in Ukraine, including hundreds of tanks and helicopters disabled by American- and European-provided shoulder-fired rockets, will begin to cause significant slowdowns in the Kremlin’s arms deliveries into Africa, which could give inroads to Russia’s competitors, such...
  • Courting Jewish Voters, Obama Says 'No Options Off Table' On Iran [78% Jews Voted Obama 2008]

    12/16/2011 5:14:27 PM PST · by Steelfish · 20 replies
    LATimes ^ | December 16, 2011 | Peter Nicholas
    Courting Jewish Voters, Obama Says 'No Options Off Table' On Iran By Peter Nicholas December 16, 2011 President Obama can't show enough love for the Jewish vote – er, community. With his approval rating among Jews down 20 points from his showing in the 2008 election -- and with Republicans eager to exploit Jewish anxieties about Obama's commitment to Israel -- the president isn't passing up many chances these days to proclaim that he's a loyal friend of the Jewish state. On Friday, he spoke to the Union for Reform Judaism and maintained that his administration has done right by...
  • Sukhoi Superjet-100 airliner to take part in airshow in India

    02/08/2011 3:41:36 PM PST · by ErnstStavroBlofeld · 12 replies
    ITAR-TASS ^ | 2/8/2010 | ITAR-TASS
    The advanced Russian passenger jet linier Sukhoi Superjet-100 has arrived in India for an airshow, the Aviation Holding Sukhoi’s press service told Itar-Tass on Tuesday. The air liner will take part in the show’s flying program. Visitors and specialists will have an opportunity to see it on the ground, too. The aircraft was successfully demonstrated at three world airshows - Le Bourget (Paris), MAKS (Russia) and Farnborough (UK). “Demonstration flights in Bangalore will show the world aviation community once again that the Russian plane meets all standards of the world market, and customers will see for themselves the ability of...
  • Israel downed 2 Syrian MiGslast September over sea

    02/11/2005 10:50:28 AM PST · by lnbchip · 59 replies · 3,058+ views
    Israel downed 2 Syrian MiGs last September over sea SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COM Friday, February 11, 2005 Diplomatic sources said Israel Air Force F-16 multi-role fighters intercepted and downed two Syrian MiG-29 fighter-jets last year. The sources said the dogfight took place in September 2004 over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. This was the first engagement between Israeli and Syrian fighter-jets since the 1980s. The sources said the air battle took place when Israel Air Force fighter-jets buzzed the Syrian city of Latakia, a port used by Iran for the shipment of weapons to Hizbullah. The Washington-based Reform Party of Syria...