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Keyword: romneytruthfile

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  • [Vanity]: The biggest problem with Romney in Trump's administration? Try LACK OF INTEGRITY

    11/25/2016 6:44:34 AM PST · by Maceman · 60 replies
    Sure Romney bad-mouthed Trump during the election, and to many Trump supporters, that makes him an inappropriate choice as SoS or any other administration position. I've seen reports of this opposition to Romney reported constantly on Fox News in the past week or so. But what NOBODY seems to be talking about is Romney's glowing statements about Trump back in 2012, when he thanked Trump for endorsing his ill-fated presidential run: Mitt Romney praises Donald Trump I would be opposing Romney based solely on his aggressive anti-Trump actions and statement during the election. But if Trump should decide that Romney's...
  • Romney warns Trump’s rhetoric could lead to ‘trickle-down racism’ [6-10-16]

    11/25/2016 12:42:43 PM PST · by WilliamIII · 75 replies
    Washington Post ^ | June 10 2016 | Philip Rucker
    PARK CITY, Utah — Mitt Romney warned here Friday that Donald Trump’s election as president could change the nation’s moral character and lead to the normalization of racism, bigotry and misogyny. Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who has been the most vocal leader of the “Never Trump” movement, delivered one of his strongest rebukes yet of Trump’s candidacy in an interview with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. “I don’t want to see trickle-down racism,” Romney told Blitzer. “I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that...
  • Ann Coulter: Mitt Romney Will Lose in 2012 (Now She Says Yes To Romney in 2016?)

    04/07/2014 8:14:29 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 119 replies
    YouTube ^ | 3/2/2012 | Anti Rinos
    "...If we don't run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee and we'll lose."
  • Rush IS right: The conservative base DID NOT show up for Mitt & giving amnesty will not help the GOP

    11/14/2012 8:00:54 AM PST · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 65 replies
    11/14/2012 | Laissez-Faire Capitalist
    Rush is right! And the GOP-e along with the Morrises, the George Wills, etc, failed in their predictions. Morris admitted he had egg on his face, but I did not see George Will admit this. Maybe he did, but I didn't see it. Are the now obsolete? Are the Krauthammers, the O'Reillys, the Vannitys, Rollins, etc also obsolete? Is Vannity still going to continue having the same ol same ol on his show? And what about the other shows on FOX News? Are they going to continue having RINOS/CINO guests/hosts on their shows? Mitt Romney got fewer votes than McCain...
  • A RINO [Mitt] running as a yes man conservative (and losing) isn't a rejection of conservatism

    11/08/2012 7:22:08 AM PST · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 68 replies
    11/8/2012 | Laissez-Faire Capitalism
    Again, a rejection of a RINO who has a Youtube video of him bashing a coal-fired power plant, all the way to articles of him flip-flopping on practically any subject you can think of running as a conservative (and then losing in the general election), isn't tantamount to conservatism being over. Let's face it - Romney had a long track record of being a RINO. There are plenty of past threads here detailing his RINO past as governor, as well as his flip-flops before, during and after the primaries. Yet the GOP-e thought that putting up someone whom they said...
  • Should Romney stand with Trump and back up what Trump said?

    11/03/2012 11:35:44 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 14 replies
    11/3/2012 | Laissez-Faire Capitalist
    Below there is a thread (Chrysler Exec slams Trump on China tweet") that you can read where a Chrysler exec slammed Trump over something that the article said Trump tweeted. Should Romney stand with Trump and back up what Trump said? Or should Romney take Trump to task and/or distance himself from Trump?
  • Chrysler exec slams Trump on China tweet

    11/03/2012 11:16:47 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 13 replies ^ | 11/3/2012 | Staff
    Detroit, Nov. 3 [35 minutes ago] (UPI) - A Chrysler executive has apologized for his language but stands by a tweet calling out Donald Trump for saying U.S. Jeep production is moving to China. Ralph Gilles, Chrysler Group LLC vice president for product design, was responding to a Trump online posting that said "(President Barack) Obama is a terrible negotiator. He bails out Chrysler and now Chrysler wants to send all Jeep manufacturing to China -- and will!" ... The company said it plans to produce Jeeps in China for sale in China, but is expanding Jeep production in the...
  • Romney has become all things to all voters. A chicken in every pot, be it Tea Party or not...

    10/20/2012 12:06:19 PM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 104 replies
    10/20/2012 | Laissez-Faire Capitalist
    Where's Waldo? No, where's Romney. Who knows where he will be or what political position he will change or pivot on. On one page you look for Waldo, er, I mean Romney, and you find him among a crowd of Tea Partiers, on the next page he is standing among a crowd of moderates, and then on yet another page he is hanging out with Democrats! Romney will without reservation repeal OdumbaCare! Now he likes the idea of keeping the policy of covering pre-existing conditions, and likes the idea of extending to age 26 staying on the parent(s) health insurance....
  • Obama backs semi-auto ban revival, Romney still battling stain of Mass. law

    10/18/2012 8:17:01 AM PDT · by marktwain · 34 replies ^ | 17 October, 2012 | Dave Workman
    Senior Editor President Barack Obama has come out of the closet on guns, acknowledging during his second debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney that he would like to see “if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced.” Almost immediately, chat groups and gun rights forums began heating up almost as quickly as moderator Candy Crowley steered the conversation away from Operation Fast and Furious, which Romney interjected into the debate. He noted that it was “the greatest failure we’ve had with regards to gun violence.” Obama didn’t have to explain how this operation happened on his watch, or why...
  • Lies, Damned Lies, And Obama's Energy Statistics

    10/17/2012 4:17:16 PM PDT · by raptor22 · 5 replies
    IBD EDITORIALS ^ | October 17, 2012
    Energy Policy: Leases and production are down on federal lands, the EPA is waging war on coal, and as for building enough pipelines to encircle the earth, we'd settle for just one from Canada to the Gulf. When President Obama, in responding Tuesday to Mitt Romney's chiding about failing to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, claimed that his administration has added enough new oil and gas pipelines to "encircle the Earth and then some," we felt a perfect response from Romney would have been, "You didn't build that." In fact, energy companies have built some 55,000 miles of pipeline, including...
  • National GOP establishment lavishly funding liberal homosexual activist Richard Tisei for Congress

    10/14/2012 12:43:34 PM PDT · by SoConPubbie · 61 replies ^ | October 14, 2012 | Unknown
      National GOP establishment lavishly funding liberal homosexual activist Richard Tisei for Congress in Massachusetts. Has long record of outrageous activity. Is this a warning where the Republican Party will go in the next few years? POSTED: October 14, 2012 The Republican establishment in Washington is pouring enormous amounts of money -- over a million dollars -- into Massachusetts to elect an aggressive, anti-family homosexual activist to Congress. In Massachusetts, Richard Tisei is known as an openly "gay" liberal Republican politician who ran for Lt. Governor in 2010. Prior to that as a State Senator, among other things he...
  • Romney gains ground on Obama after strong debate

    10/05/2012 3:35:57 AM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 8 replies
    Reuters ^ | October 4, 2012 | Andy Sullivan
    Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney gained ground on Democratic President Barack Obama after a strong performance in their first debate heading into the November 6 election, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken after their prime-time face-off. Romney is now viewed positively by 51 percent of voters, the first time he has enjoyed a net positive in the U.S. presidential race, the poll found. Obama's favorability rating remained unchanged at 56 percent, according to the poll. Romney moved ahead of the president on several core issues after Wednesday's debate, which was widely seen as a victory for the Republican candidate. Voters...
  • A Debate Rout of Herculean Proportions

    10/05/2012 3:28:04 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 5 replies ^ | October 5, 2012 | David Limbaugh
    I am elated to report to you something you surely already know: Mitt Romney trounced President Obama in their first debate. The rout was so decisive that even the liberal media cannot spin it the other way. There is no need to grade this on a curve. Romney did very well in absolute, not relative, terms. He didn't just do well compared with Obama's poor performance; he really shone, in every category. He proved himself to be very knowledgeable on policy and business, quick on his feet and able to deliver zingers as graciously as possible under the circumstances. Obama,...
  • Romney Camp Tempers GOP's Post-Debate Revelry

    10/05/2012 3:26:32 AM PDT · by expat1000 · 6 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | October 5, 2012 | Scott Conroy
    DENVER -- Shortly after taking the stage at the CPAC Colorado conference on Thursday, former Congressman Artur Davis channeled the joyous mood of the conservative activists who had gathered here a day after Mitt Romney's strong debate performance -- and President Obama’s surprisingly lackluster one. “What a difference 90 minutes without a teleprompter makes!” Davis bellowed, the crowd roaring its approval of the oft-repeated charge that the president appears hapless without the electronic device. After Romney’s showing Wednesday night was almost universally praised, there was plenty of reason for his backers to feel optimistic about a race that in recent...
  • Karl Rove: Can We Believe the Presidential Polls?

    10/04/2012 9:21:41 PM PDT · by Senator Goldwater · 8 replies
    The Wall Street Journal ^ | 3 October 2012 | Karl Rove
    In the past 30 days, there were 91 national polls (including each Gallup and Rasmussen daily tracking survey). Mr. Obama was at or above the magic number of 50% in just 20. His average was 47.9%. Mr. Romney's was 45.5%. There were 40 national polls over the same period in 2004. President George W. Bush was 50% or higher in 18. His average was 49%; Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry was at 43.8%. An Oct. 4, 2004, story in the New York Times declared the Bush/Kerry race "a dead heat" and asked "whether Mr. Bush can regain the advantage." Mr. Bush...
  • Romney won't deport immigrants who have Obama's deferred action status

    10/02/2012 8:49:12 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 70 replies
    Yahoo!News ^ | 10/2/2012 | Liz Goodwin
    Liz Goodwin. The Ticket. 56 minutes ago... Mitt Romney told the Denver Post on Monday that is he is elected president he will not cancel President Barack Obama's deferred action program for young illegal immigrants before instituting another immigration plan. ...
  • Romney muddies his tax message

    09/28/2012 7:21:23 AM PDT · by Laissez-faire capitalist · 18 replies
    TheHill ^ | 9/28/2012 | Bernie Becker
    Mitt Romney has muddied his message on the GOP's signature issue of taxes at a time of growing frustration in the party about the direction of his campaign. Now struggling in the polls, the Republican nominee said this week that President Obama had not raised taxes and downplayed the tax relief in his own proposal... "It's not a particularly compelling message to tell people you're not going to see much of a tax cut in the way most people think of tax cuts," said Jim Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute... Larry Kudlow, a prominent supply-side commentatot said he was...
  • Maureen Dowd meets anti-Semitism charge

    09/16/2012 5:35:24 PM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 73 replies
    Maureen Dowd meets anti-Semitism charge By DYLAN BYERS | 9/16/12 6:42 PM EDT New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd set the Jewish political community on fire today with a column about the Republican ticket's foreign policy proposals that, according to her critics, peddled anti-Semitic imagery. Dowd fairly observed that neither Mitt Romney nor Paul Ryan are experts in the field of foreign policy, but asserted their strategy was orchestrated by a "neocon puppet master" who was leading the neocon effort to "slither back" into power. Such language, to say nothing of the questionable legitimacy of her claims, struck experts on...
  • Mitt Romney at fundraiser: ‘Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace’

    09/18/2012 7:04:36 AM PDT · by PghBaldy · 66 replies
    Washington Post ^ | September 18 | Ed O'Keefe
    Mitt Romney told a private audience of campaign donors in May that the Middle East peace process is “an unsolved problem” and likely unattainable because the Palestinian people have no interest in establishing peace with Israel. The Republican presidential candidate also blamed President Obama for “an extraordinarily naive perception” that some of the world’s most notorious dictators will sit down and talk to him about their differences.
  • Romney: Palestinian truth-teller, again

    09/19/2012 3:06:53 AM PDT · by Cincinatus' Wife · 8 replies
    New York Post ^ | September 19, 2012 | Abby W. Schachter
    With all the focus on what Mitt Romney said about Obama voters and dependents, during a secretly video-taped fundraising event, it is surprising to learn that the Republican presidential nominee had the right idea about foreign policy as well as domestic issues.There is this three minute and 22 second video clip of Romney talking about peace between the Israeli and Palestinians that is a model of clarity.Romney says essentially that there is little for the US to do about creating a new Palestinian state because the security problems that would be created for Israel as a result would be too...