Keyword: reeducationcenters
American pride resonates with most segments of the population, though not with young adults, according to a new poll. Only 36% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said they were very or extremely proud to be American, a new Issues & Insights/TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics survey found. That made the age group the only tracked demographic in which pride falls below 50%. The poll found an almost identical percentage (35%) of the 18-24 group saying they are only slightly or not proud at all to be an American.
Tuesday, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson referred to President Donald Trump’s supporters as “members of a cult” that he says need to be “reprogrammed.” Robinson, on “Morning Joe,” asked New York Times writer and 1619 Project” creator Nikole Hannah-Jones how to start and complete the “process” of deprogramming the Trump supporters.
All teachers in Illinois would be required to “be aware of the effects of power and privilege and the need for social advocacy and social action …” under the “Systems of Oppression” standard. Teachers would additionally be required to “implement and integrate the wide spectrum of fluidity in identities in the curriculum.” Further, they would be required to “assess how their biases and perceptions affect their teaching practice and how they access tools to mitigate their own behavior” including on such concepts as “unearned privilege.” These standards ignore what is most important for our students — that is, increasing the...
A core principle of the academic movement that shot through elite schools in America since the early nineties was the view that individual rights, humanism, and the democratic process are all just stalking-horses for white supremacy. The concept, as articulated in books like former corporate consultant Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility (Amazon’s #1 seller!) reduces everything, even the smallest and most innocent human interactions, to racial power contests. It’s been mind-boggling to watch White Fragility celebrated in recent weeks. When it surged past a Hunger Games book on bestseller lists, USA Today cheered, “American readers are more interested in combatting racism...
For decades we have said that there is a liberal slant in education, a leftist bias. But the concept of tacit liberal influence is in the distant past. Today, liberalism is at the forefront. Liberalism is the curriculum. Grade schools throughout the country are rewriting their history curriculums based on today's leftist politics. Some Illinois, New York and New Jersey public schools are teaching a collection of New York Times leftist opinion essays known as the 1619 Project as factual objective history. This leftist propaganda project audaciously rewrites our history as a country that was started as a "slavocracy" in...
Are taxpayers funding academic institutions to indoctrinate our kids? That disturbing and irresistible question plagued me during the long drive home last week from college orientation. I doubt I am alone in this wake-up call. Like many other women, I just sent my youngest child to college. I am so proud of him and his decision to join the Army ROTC and study engineering. He will be attending a revered Virginia institution known for its military Corps of Cadets program. The centerpiece of the campus is the military parade field featuring beautiful pylons bearing the school’s founding principles: words...
A teacher was caught on camera berating a student for wearing a Make America Great Again hat in class. The teacher lectures the classroom for several minutes. Then at the three minute mark the teacher calls the student an “asshole” for wearing the hat.
Transgender and gender-nonconforming employees will receive greater and more explicit protections this week as new California employment regulations take effect Saturday. But some worry the new regulations might put employers in a difficult place: wanting to do right by their employees and follow the law, but lacking the resources — and the training — to do so. That’s why state Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens (Los Angeles County), gutted his own higher education bill to put forth a new proposal that would institute mandatory workplace training around gender identity and expression in the same way that sexual-harassment training is required...
A Florida college student was suspended after he challenged a Muslim professor who claimed that Jesus’ crucifixion at Calvary was a hoax. Marshall Polston, 20, was suspended March 24 by Rollins College in Winter Park after an argument with his Middle Eastern Humanities professor over the historical validity of Jesus’ death, a failing grade, and a Muslim’s student’s allegedly violent rhetoric during a discussion on Sharia Law. The professor, Areej Zufari, claimed he was harassed, although video surveillance obtained by a local paper suggests otherwise.
Students at hundreds of colleges and universities are being systematically indoctrinated into the “New Civics” of social justice activism, according to a report released this past week by the National Association of Scholars. The report’s findings suggest that the suppression of free speech on college campuses that is making headlines is only the tip of a very large iceberg. What lies beneath the surface is a massive, publicly funded program of indoctrination through a remaking of the curriculum as a vehicle for advancing the political agenda of progressivism. The full NAS report, MAKING CITIZENS: HOW AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES TEACH CIVICS, can...
Universities across the nation are taking steps to actively purge male students of what’s been labeled “toxic masculinity.” Examples abound of campuses hosting training sessions, group meetings, lectures and other programs to effectively cleanse what many campus leaders and left-leaning scholars contend is an unhealthy masculinity in young men today. On campus, toxic masculinity is often blamed for sexual violence, body shaming, a “hyper-masculinized sporting culture,” acts of domestic terrorism and much more. For example, a class at Dartmouth College this semester, “The Orlando Syllabus,” identifies so-called toxic masculinity as playing a role in the mass murder spree at a...
The recent presidential election revealed a deeply divided and disaffected America. While Donald Trump won the electoral vote and, therefore, the election, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote (link is external) by well over 1 million votes. Since the election, we have seen incidents (link is external) of bias and bullying that invoke the president-elect’s name and slogans. For many Americans, this is a frightening time; Trump must use his unique position to quell this dangerous climate.
I just returned from a MENS conference, 8,000 men trying desperately to find their manhood, and feel that women in America don't understand.... Gods Original Design for the male to bear responsiblity for his semen, for the forming of life values of his offspring, and showing little boys how to be men. The Duke Universtiy Womens Center wants to teach says. "Now, it may also become known as a great place for men to gather and contemplate why they’re such horrible people."
The day after the first Democratic presidential debate, Donald Trump called Bernie Sanders a maniac. "This socialist-slash-communist," Trump said to raucous cheers. "I call him a socialist-slash-communist, because that's what he is." Well, no. The terms "socialist" and "communist" are often confused, thanks in large part to the Cold War. Layer on top of that the nuance of the term "democratic socialist," which is how Sanders describes himself, and it's easy to see why people might generally be confused... To offer America a bit of a primer, I reached out to Dr. Lawrence Quill, chairman and professor of political science...
Greensboro College student Claire Sellers, who claims her play was heckled so badly that performers vomited afterwards. Greensboro College student Claire Sellers, who claims her play was heckled so badly that performers vomited afterwards. A liberal arts college in North Carolina is pledging to identify and potentially punish students who heckled a play about sexual assault the college forced them to attend. “It Stops Here,” an original play produced by students at Greensboro College, was first performed last Wednesday before a crowd of students, but the performance didn’t go as planned. According to people at the play, members of the...
Donna Riley, an engineering professor at Virginia Tech, visited the University Monday to discuss gender-based violence in science, technology, engineering and math fields. Riley discussed and analyzed the engineering, academic and broader U.S. cultures which work together to deny gender-based violence. Riley said gender-based violence not only includes rape, but also stalking, intimate partner violence, harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, verbal abuse and misogynist hate crimes. In the Survey of Academic Field Experiences published by science journal PLOS One in 2014, Riley said two-thirds of women surveyed reported being the victim of sexual harassment while researching in a scientific field, and...
Starbucks’ #racetogether campaign, in which baristas are instructed to begin conversations on race with customers, drew bipartisan mockery yesterday, to the point that a Starbucks executive had to shut down his Twitter account. But the Seattle coffee chain has two defenders, at least: Fox News hosts Brian Kilmeade and Eric Bolling. “I like this idea,” Bolling said on The Five last night, getting a double-take from Juan Williams. “I think it’s a great way to start the conversation. …Fantastic that they are going to take the discussion from behind the counter to the people.”
Teenagers at a California high school were publicly shamed for disagreeing with speakers allowed to push an LGBT agenda during an English class, according to several upset parents. The Queer Straight Alliance at Acalanes High School, in Lafayette, lectured students in several ninth-grade English classes on Jan. 29 about LGBT issues, according to Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, which is representing the parents. During the class, the students, ages 14 and 15, were instructed to stand in a circle. Then, they were grilled about their personal beliefs and their parents’ beliefs on homosexuality, PJI alleges.“The QSA...
The Benefits of Being Politically Correct By Anna North November 10, 2014 1:20 pm 30 Comments When people bring up political correctness, they’re often talking about how much they hate it. Unlike, say, “diversity” or “inclusion,” the term is perhaps most frequently used by those who object to what it stands for, who feel that calls to change the way they speak harm them or society in some way. These objections inspired Jack Goncalo, a professor of organizational behavior at Cornell, and his team to study the actual effects of political correctness. They’d heard “this idea that the effort to...
School’s back — and so is the liberal agenda! Across the country, parents and lawmakers are up in arms about an honors curriculum that gives new meaning to the phrase “history in the making.” The 95-page outline is so agenda-driven, educators complain, that basic U.S. facts are either distorted — or worse, omitted altogether. The College Board’s proposal is a study in liberal indoctrination — so much so that the Republican National Committee (RNC) formally opposed the idea in August. In a vote, the RNC concluded that the Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum is a “radical revisionist view” of America’s greatest...