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  • GOPe Conservative Pundits Should Relocate to Realville

    06/11/2016 4:43:32 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 18 replies
    American Thinker ^ | June 11, 2016 | J. Robert Smith
    Realville, as Rush often says, is where he lives. That’s a place without blinkers or rose-colored glasses. That’s actually where we all live, though some of us prefer to deny it. That is, until reality bites. Then our wishful thinking or willful ignorance dashes upon the hard rock of unforgiving reality. The crackup always smarts. Thus is the case with the 2016 presidential election. There’s Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In other words, there’s Column A and Column B. That’s the choice. Column C is fairyland. Come November, tens of millions of voters will flock to the polls to choose...
  • I’m not the right person to challenge Trump and Hillary... (David French)

    06/05/2016 6:01:54 PM PDT · by PJ-Comix · 141 replies
    National Review ^ | June 5, 2016 | David French
    Here is a sentence I never thought I’d type: After days of prayer, reflection, and serious study of the possibilities, I am not going to run as an independent candidate for president of the United States. I gave it serious thought — as a pretty darn obscure lawyer, writer, and veteran — only because we live in historic times. Never before have both parties failed so spectacularly, producing two dishonest, deceitful candidates who should be disqualified from running for town council, much less leader of the free world.
  • #NeverTrump Leader Ben Howe Mocks Defenseless Woman Attacked by Mob at Trump Rally

    06/03/2016 2:22:28 PM PDT · by detective · 43 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 3 Jun 2016 | Dustin Stockton
    Ben Howe, a leader of the dwindling so-called #NeverTrump group of moderate bloggers, pundits, and political consultants on the right, mocked the defenseless woman in San Jose whom protesters pelted with bottles, eggs, and food on Thursday night.
  • #NeverTrump Leader Ben Howe Mocks Defenseless Woman Attacked by Mob at Trump Rally

    06/05/2016 8:35:25 AM PDT · by libstripper · 36 replies
    Breitbrt Big Government ^ | June 3, 2016 | Dustin Sockton
    Ben Howe, a leader of the dwindling so-called #NeverTrump group of moderate bloggers, pundits, and political consultants on the right, mocked the defenseless woman in San Jose whom protesters pelted with bottles, eggs, and food on Thursday night. Howe, who is a RedState contributing editor, has been leading the growingly embarrassing so-called #NeverTrump movement of moderate “movement conservative” political consultants, pundits, and bloggers upset over Trump’s victory in the Republican primary. When he received backlash over his mocking of the woman covered in egg yolks thanks to anti-Trump protesters, he aimed to draw a moral equivalence between a woman being...
  • 'Red State' Editors Supoort Democrat Mob Attacks on American Trump Supporters (trunc.)

    06/05/2016 12:01:29 PM PDT · by libstripper · 32 replies
    Breitbart Big Government ^ | June 4. 2016 | Katie McHugh
    Embittered "#NeverTrump" consultants and bloggers are ragging on Republican voters who support presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump telling them they "deserve to be beaten" as Americans are chased down and assaulted for merely attending a political rally.
  • It’s time to just say it. I’m getting about sick of Mitt Romney.

    05/28/2016 4:09:40 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 67 replies
    Hot Air ^ | May 28, 2016 | Jazz Shaw
    Yikes. I’m probably as surprised as anyone else to hear myself saying it, but the producers might want to start cranking up the music and offer a subtle hint to Mitt Romney that it’s time to get off the stage. We’re busy getting ready for the convention in Cleveland and the pieces are pretty much set up on the board, yet it seems that the winner of the 2012 GOP primary can’t bring himself to step back and let somebody else get on message. This pattern of behavior was on display yet again this week when Mitt let everyone know...
  • Domenech: Beck, Erickson ‘Useful Idiots,’ ‘They Are Stupid and Both Men Should Be Ashamed’

    05/22/2016 2:47:07 PM PDT · by Helicondelta · 24 replies ^ | 22 May 2016
    Ben Domenech, publisher of The Federalist, calls Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson “useful idiots” regarding their defense of Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg. From The Federalist: Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson have both written pieces in response to this week’s meeting with Facebook – Beck as someone who attended, Erick as someone who didn’t. Both suggest the same thing about the conservative relationship with Facebook: that criticizing the corporate entity for its obvious bias in its news curation is an act of hypocrisy and nothing more than a Jesse Jackson-style shakedown. These are the complaints of useful idiots. They...
  • Rick Perry Attacked for Keeping His Word

    05/14/2016 6:36:09 PM PDT · by monkapotamus · 27 replies
    Breitbart ^ | May 14, 2016 | Bob Price
    Unlike some of the other former candidates, Rick Perry is keeping his word and has pledged his support for the apparent nominee, Donald Trump. Texas’ longest serving governor is now being attacked for honoring his promise to the voters that he would support the eventual nominee of the party. In September 2015, Gov. Perry was asked in a post-campaign interview if he would support Donald Trump by the Austin American-Statesman’s Jonathan Tilove... Perry’s answer, “Sure. Whoever comes out of that Republican field I’m going to be supporting...” Now, outlets like Red State and National Review are attacking the governor for...
  • Conservative Anti-Romney Pundits Struggle to Embrace Mitt

    04/01/2012 8:57:52 PM PDT · by wastedpotential · 34 replies
    The Daily Beast ^ | 4/2/2012 | Howard Kurtz
    Erick Erickson was out of patience, tired of reading about Mitt Romney as a paragon of conservative virtue, tired of hearing the callers to his Atlanta radio show praise Romney’s record. The founder of the red-meat blog sat down last fall in his Macon home, beside a towering painting of Abraham Lincoln, and banged out an epic rant. Romney was “unprincipled,” he wrote, and yet certain to win the Republican presidential nomination—an outcome that would cause “the destruction of the conservative movement as we know it.” Time has not softened Erickson’s stance. The onetime Presbyterian church deacon turned CNN...
  • Tucker Carlson Warns GOP Elite at RedState: You Give “The Finger” To Your Base “At Your Peril”

    04/27/2016 5:13:21 PM PDT · by drewh · 60 replies ^ | WEDNESDAY, APR 27, 2016 11:13 CDT | WEDNESDAY, APR 27, 2016 11:13 AM CDT
    Fox News contributor Tucker Carlson appeared on America’s Newsroom on Wednesday to speak to host Martha MacCallum about what would happen if — as even House Speaker Paul Ryan is refusing to rule out — the Republican Party does not accept Donald Trump as its nominee this summer in Cleveland. Carlson singled out RedState for attacking Trump’s voters as “diseased” and “probably on Oxycontin” or “secretly liberal,” but insisted that such talk is inherently counterproductive. “He is on track to receive more votes than any Republican nominee ever,” Carlson began. “He’s already surpassed Mitt Romney’s number in 2012.” He was...
  • If Trump Didn't Like the Cruz 'Supreme Trust' Ad He'll Have Another Melt Down Over 'Donald's Choice'

    02/18/2016 1:43:00 AM PST · by Cincinatus' Wife · 99 replies
    Red State ^ | February 17, 2016 | Dan Spencer
    Donald Trump was so unhappy about the Cruz Campaign's "Supreme Trust" ad that he sent a "cease and desist" letter demanding that the Cruz campaign immediately stop running the ad featuring Trump currently running in South Carolina. During an epic press conference Sen. Ted Cruz rejected Trump's frivolous demands. In its response the Cruz campaign said the ad is not an attempt to mislead the public: The objective of the ad is precisely the opposite - to provide the voters of South Carolina with important and accurate information so that they can make an informed decision when they go to...
  • How Ted Cruz has won the Nomination

    04/10/2016 5:02:43 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 276 replies
    Red State ^ | April 10, 2016 | Michael Harrington
    Those in the know are now spreading the word. Read it here first! Earlier I had a different Note, and different stuff written. Now I can tell you that Ted Cruz is the winner, I can prove it for most people. Yes read it again, Ted Cruz has won the nomination. Trump is letting people go as we all know. Florida, Ohio, and other battleground States have seen most positions slashed. Staff in his Headquarters have been let go as well even when they were performing critical roles. Trump did not even have a New York Team until last week....
  • "Trying Not to Die" Erick Ericksontwitter account

    04/17/2016 5:59:01 PM PDT · by SMGFan · 51 replies
    Erick EricksonVerified account ^ | April 17, 2016 | By Erick Erickson
    Trying Not to Die
  • BREAKING – Cruz Plans To Steal California by Having Trump Fail to Prep Groundgame (#Sarcasm)

    04/17/2016 3:47:36 PM PDT · by T Ruth · 42 replies
    Legal Insurrection ^ | April 13, 2016 | William A. Jacobson
    BOOM EXCLUSIVE WOW BOMBSHELL OUTRAGEOUS CHEATING STEALING!!! Donald Trump inexplicably waited until YESTERDAY to name a State Political Director in California. The California primary on June 7 could determine whether Trump reaches the magic 1237 majority delegate number prior to the July convention. By all reports, Cruz is far ahead in the ground game in California, which awards delegates not only on the statewide vote but also by congressional district. Even if Trump wins the state, he may underperform in enough congressional districts due to Cruz’s superior campaign preparation that Trump is stopped short. Or he may fail to file...
  • UNREAL. Megyn Kelly Blames TRUMP CAMPAIGN for Michelle Fields Filing Hoax Assault Charges!

    04/14/2016 3:50:34 AM PDT · by combat_boots · 101 replies
    GP ^ | 4/3/2016 | J Hoft
    WOW! On Wednesday night Politico reported that Donald Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski will not be charged for a hoax assault on reporter Michelle Fields. She made it up. Unfortunately, a lot of Cruz supporters stood with the hoaxer Fields. Tonight Megyn Kelly blamed the Trump Campaign for Michelle Fields filing a fraudulent police report against Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski.
  • Salem Media--We need to know more (Semi-Vanity)

    04/11/2016 4:59:01 AM PDT · by Mamzelle · 32 replies
    Investor media ^ | Feb 2014 | Investor media
    I invite FReepers to discuss what they know about Salem Media and Salem Cimmunications. From what I can find out, they are owned by the GOPe and in turn own Mark Levin, Beck and Erikson and probably Limbaugh. It is chilling to see our "heroes@ cheer on our disenfranchisement. The conservative treehouse is a small venue, but would appear to be on top of this issue.
  • [Hoax Article: See OP's Post #76 ] Brokered Convention Will See Epic Traffic Jam in Cleveland-70

    04/09/2016 1:28:11 PM PDT · by BagCamAddict · 79 replies ^ | 04/09/16 | "tfg" -
    Cleveland, we have a problem. A 'Yuuge' problem! 700 angry truckers (and growing) are watching the political developments in the US very closely and are preparing to act. The leader of the group, who asked to be unnamed, warned "If the leaders of the Republican party plan on defying the will of the voters, we feel that that's an act of treason. And I can promise you that they will see an epic traffic jam in Cleveland." He continued, "And guess what, that'll be the least of their worries!" The spox [spokesperson] was referring to the brokered convetion the GoPe's...
  • The Paid DC Shills Continue – Erick Erickson Now Attacks Paul Ryan Primary Opponent…

    04/08/2016 3:37:12 AM PDT · by cotton1706 · 14 replies ^ | 4/7/16 | Sundance
    It’s predictable; it’s transparent (if you dig into it); and yet it remains as one of the most undiscussed aspects to the current political climate: Multi-media political pundits, including big name National Radio Talk Show Hosts, being paid by DC operatives, Super-PACs, and Campaigns to protect the establishment figures. (see here) They hide, at least they try to, behind layers of constructed LLC’s intended to protect them from sunlight. They also rely upon delays in legally required reporting timeframes to carry out their goals and avoid discovery until after they have been successful in their efforts.
  • The Paid DC Shills Continue – Erick Erickson Now Attacks Paul Ryan Primary Opponent…

    04/07/2016 7:25:14 PM PDT · by BAW · 42 replies
    The Conservative Treehouse ^ | 4-07-2016 | Sundance
    It’s predictable; it’s transparent (if you dig into it); and yet it remains as one of the most undiscussed aspects to the current political climate: Multi-media political pundits, including big name National Radio Talk Show Hosts, being paid by DC operatives, Super-PACs, and Campaigns to protect the establishment figures. They hide, at least they try to, behind layers of constructed LLC’s intended to protect them from sunlight. They also rely upon delays in legally required reporting timeframes to carry out their goals and avoid discovery until after they have been successful in their efforts. Another example surfaces today. Erick Erickson’s...
  • COMMON CORE MATH? 13 Detroit Principals Defraud School System With Massive Kickbacks

    04/01/2016 7:51:44 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 18 replies
    Red State ^ | 31 Mar, 2016 | Joe Cunningham
    Did this become the new Common Core math problem: If 13 principals place orders for school supplies, and they only receive 65% of what they paid for, where did the other 35% of the money go? Don’t try to work it out on pencil and paper, because the New York Times has provided the answer for you.