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Keyword: quayle

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  • Karl Rove leading GOP fundraising effort for Georgia Senate races

    11/16/2020 2:01:24 PM PST · by conservative98 · 51 replies
    NY Post ^ | November 16, 2020 | 4:11pm | Emily Jacobs
    Longtime GOP adviser Karl Rove will oversee Senate Republicans’ fundraising effort as they fight to keep their majority with the two runoff elections in Georgia, according to a report. The former adviser to President George W. Bush will serve as national finance chairman of the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising effort organized by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Politico reported Monday. Rove, who now serves as a Fox News commentator, will be joined by an array of high-profile GOP names, including former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Vice President Dan Quayle and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.
  • Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Behind Anti-Chamber of Commerce Internet Campaign

    10/16/2010 2:19:20 PM PDT · by GVnana · 21 replies ^ | 10/16/2010 | Larry O'Connor
    Has the White House been influenced by a convicted domestic terrorist for its attack on the Chamber of Commerce?The latest assault on the Chamber has been spear-headed by none other than the President himself and picked up by David Axelrod, and all the usual Astro-Turfers who receive marching orders from the DNC. It’s become part of the standard talking points for cable-news pundits and their well-programmed guests and has been the new rallying cry for the left as they try their best to explain the imminent electoral disaster that looms on November 2nd. But one group was well ahead...
  • Bush came as close to the ideal of the presidential office as anyone in our lifetimes has(?)

    12/02/2018 1:51:16 PM PST · by rktman · 150 replies ^ | 12/2/2018 | Dan Quayle
    Our 41st president was the most honorable, decent and capable of gentlemen—as close to the ideal of the office as anyone in our lifetimes. If you’re looking for a role model, I told my children when they were growing up, start with George Bush.
  • The perks of being vice president

    01/17/2017 9:07:23 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 9 replies
    The Lafayette Journal & Courier | January 17, 2017 | Maureen Groppe , Star Washington Bureau
    Link only due to copyright issues:
  • The Latest: Former VP Dan Quayle visits Trump Tower

    11/29/2016 12:25:35 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 80 replies
    WBRC-TV ^ | November 29, 2016 | The Associated Press
    NEW YORK (AP) - The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump and his administration (all times EST): 2:17 p.m. Former Vice President Dan Quayle is among those visiting Trump Tower on Tuesday. Quayle entered the Manhattan high-rise that's home to President-elect Donald Trump accompanied by Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to the incoming commander in chief....
  • Dan Quayle: Trump is 'more qualified' than Clinton in this election

    05/12/2016 10:07:44 AM PDT · by detective · 64 replies
    MSN News ^ | May 12, 2016 | Eliza Collins
    Dan Quayle thinks Donald Trump is a “more qualified” candidate than Hillary Clinton and the Republican Party should rally around him. The former vice president, who served under George H.W. Bush, appeared on NBC’s Today show Thursday and said that Trump was more qualified than Clinton in this particular election because people want an outsider.
  • The Donald's No Andy Jackson

    01/12/2016 3:58:36 AM PST · by CharlesOConnell · 28 replies
    Freep | 1/12/2016 | Charles O'Connell
    I knew an Old Timey, Clawhammer banjo player who was from so far south in New Jersey that culturally his home was south of the Mason Dixon line. He was in the Navy, at Norfolk, some Limey sailors came into a bar, Jersey-Dixie immediately commenced with The Battle of New Orleans, as you can hear here in Old Timey Clawhammer style, it may have originated in that milieu: Unfortunately, a banjar makes an excellent club for a barroom brawl. Old Andy Jackson brazenly stood up to the British, but his real forte was standing up to the banks; the...
  • [Former Vice President] Quayle tackles RFRA firestorm, Mideast chaos, 2016 race

    03/31/2015 10:31:17 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 9 replies
    The Banner Graphic ^ | April 1, 2015 | Eric Bernsee
    With political observations ranging from the firestorm of protest over the Religious Freedom law in Indianapolis to the Mideast threat that is Iran to the 2016 presidential election, former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle was candid in his Tuesday night return to his DePauw University alma mater. With his visit as an Ubben Lecture Series guest coinciding with the uproar over Indian's passage of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Quayle tackled the question both leading off his late-afternoon press conference and again during a conversational give-and-take with DePauw Professor Jeff McCall. "From what I know about it," Quayle...
  • Joe Biden Invents New Name For The President [Video]

    09/21/2014 12:43:40 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 22 replies
    The Inquisitr News ^ | September 21, 2014
    Joe Biden made three (or perhaps four) gaffes this past week, but a recent public speaking mishap might have flown under the media radar. In that instance, the VP seemingly made up a president who never existed. In a trifecta this week, the Democrat had to apologize for using the perceived anti-Semitic term “Shylocks,” referred to Asia as “the Orient” which was deemed offensive to Asian Americans, and praised former colleague Bob Packwood — a lawmaker who was chased out of the U.. Senate amidst sexual harassment charges in 1995 — in front of a women’s group. In August, moreover,...
  • Bozell Column: Joe Biden, The Media's Secret Quayle

    02/11/2014 8:19:32 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 28 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | February 11, 2014 | Tim Graham
    Hidden just below the surface of the liberal media is a barely noticed trend of patronizing contempt: Joe Biden is the Democrats' Dan Quayle, but because he is a Democrat they'll do anything to avoid treating him like they treated Dan Quayle. The Washington Post trumpeted a new poll recently that showed Hillary Clinton was cleaning Biden's clock in an early poll among Democrats, 73 percent to 12. The Post saw that as great news for Hillary, but not as disastrous news for the man who's currently in his second term as vice president. Try to imagine Al Gore pulling...
  • The Wisdom of Dan Quayle: Social science has vindicated him

    03/27/2013 5:42:06 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 27 replies
    National Review ^ | 03/27/2013 | Jonah Goldberg
    Almost exactly 20 years ago, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead wrote a controversial essay for The Atlantic titled “Dan Quayle Was Right.” In case you’ve forgotten (or never knew), let me fill you in on what Quayle was right about. There once was a popular sitcom called Murphy Brown. The title character, played by Candice Bergen, was a news anchor. The show had its moments, but it was also insufferably pleased with itself and its liberalism. At least until the arrival of the Aaron Sorkin oeuvre (The West Wing, The Newsroom), it set the standard for such things. Murphy Brown was rich,...
  • Question John Kerry Long and Hard!

    12/22/2012 11:54:14 PM PST · by Kaslin · 26 replies ^ | December 23, 2012 | Ken Blackwell
    This column was co-authored by Bob MorrisonSen. John Kerry has a long and dubious record in foreign policy. In the 1970's, he testified against his fellow Vietnam War veterans before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He charged that they were violating the Geneva Conventions every day in Vietnam. Some POWs were outraged at Kerry's disloyal statements. They said they had been tortured by their Communist captors trying to force them to make such untrue statements. Worse, Kerry went to Paris in 1971. There, he met with North Vietnamese Communists. We need to see all his notes from those meetings....
  • Schweikert defeats Quayle (McCain, Kyl, Rice endorsed Quayle)

    08/29/2012 7:09:01 AM PDT · by cotton1706 · 11 replies
    Washington Post ^ | 8/29/12 | Sean Sullivan
    Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) defeated fellow freshman Republican Rep. Ben Quayle Tuesday, bringing to an end one of the cycle’s most heated member-versus-member primaries. With 94 percent of precincts reporting, Schweikert led Quayle 53 percent to 47 percent, according to the Associated Press, which called the race for Schweikert. Arizona gained an additional House seat following the decennial redistricting process. The new lines also prompted some reshuffling among the state’s current delegation. Quayle was faced with a choice: run in the swing 9th district or the more Republican 6th district. He chose the latter last winter, setting off a fierce...
  • Arizona: John McCain to Endorse Ben Quayle

    07/16/2012 10:22:14 AM PDT · by SharpRightTurn · 3 replies
    Roll Call ^ | July 13, 2012 | Abby Livingston
    Sen. John McCain has informed Rep. David Schweikert that he will endorse Rep. Ben Quayle in their Member-versus-Member Republican primary in Arizona, according to a Schweikert source. Schweikert did not seek McCain’s endorsement. Those in the Schweikert camp are under the impression that Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl (R) helped facilitate the endorsement. The Hotline first reported the news. “He had the screws put to him hard by Kyl to do it,” the source said. Rumblings about a McCain endorsement have been making the rounds in Arizona Republican circles for the past month or so. Quayle already has Kyl’s endorsement and...
  • 20 Years Later, It Turns Out Dan Quayle Was Right About Murphy Brown And Unmarried Moms

    05/26/2012 1:48:25 PM PDT · by Steelfish · 27 replies
    Washington Post ^ | May 25, 2012 | Isabel Sawhill
    20 Years Later, It Turns Out Dan Quayle Was Right About Murphy Brown And Unmarried Moms Isabel Sawhill May 25. On May 19, 1992, as the presidential campaign season was heating up, Vice President Dan Quayle delivered a family-values speech that came to define him nearly as much as his spelling talents. Speaking at the Commonwealth Club of California, he chided Murphy Brown — the fictional 40-something, divorced news anchor played by Candice Bergen on a CBS sitcom — for her decision to have a child outside of marriage. “Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong,” the vice president said. “Failing...
  • ATF Death Watch 139: It’s a Campaign Issue(AZ)

    03/11/2012 7:25:39 AM PDT · by marktwain · 16 replies
    The Truth About Guns ^ | 9 March, 2012 | Dan Zimmerman
    The following is the text of a campaign radio spot running on Phoenix area radio stations for Ben Quayle, (former VP Dan’s son) who’s locked in a primary battle with fellow Republican David Schweikert for the Republican nomination to an Arizona congressional seat: I’m Congressman Ben Quayle. Washington has treated Arizona with contempt. Instead of securing our borders President Obama has sued our state and made a mockery of our laws . . . Deadly drug cartels terrorize Mexico and menace our communities. And the Obama Justice Department gives us “Fast and Furious,” an outrageous scheme to sell thousands of...
  • Taking Aim at Santorum: The Romney Campaign Misfires.

    02/11/2012 11:21:34 AM PST · by Steelfish · 95 replies · 1+ views
    Weekly Standard ^ | February 11, 2012 | JONATHAN V. LASTS
    Taking Aim at Santorum: The Romney Campaign Misfires. FEB 20, 2012, VOL. 17, NO. 22 • BY JONATHAN V. LAST On Saturday, February 4, a national poll from Rasmussen Reports showed Rick Santorum as the only Republican to lead President Obama in a head-to-head matchup. The next morning, a PPP poll showed Santorum suddenly leading Mitt Romney in Minnesota. So the Romney campaign responded with what are becoming its trademark tactics. Having completely ignored Santorum since New Hampshire, on Sunday afternoon the Romney team sent out a press release calling him “a proud defender of earmarks and pork-barrel spending.” The...
  • Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers

    12/04/2011 11:18:08 AM PST · by thecodont · 46 replies · 1+ views
    New York Times via San Francisco Chronicle / ^ | Sunday, December 4, 2011 | Natasha Singer, New York Times
    Scarborough, Maine -- [...] In recent years, many top-selling brands - including the 195-year-old Remington Arms, as well as Bushmaster Firearms and DPMS, leading makers of military-style semiautomatics - have quietly passed into the hands of a single private company. It is called the Freedom Group - and it is the most powerful and mysterious force in the U.S. commercial gun industry today. Never heard of it? You're not alone. Even within gun circles, the Freedom Group is something of an enigma. Its rise has been so swift that it has become the subject of wild speculation and grassy-knoll conspiracy...
  • Dan Quayle Endorses Mitt Romney

    12/08/2011 8:55:05 PM PST · by Halfmanhalfamazing · 24 replies
    Outside the Beltway ^ | December 6th | Doug Mataconis
    The Mitt Romney campaign was hinting to reporters yesterday about a forthcoming “high profile” endorsement. Instead, they got Dan Quayle. The former Vice-President explains his reasoning in an Arizona Republic Op-Ed:
  • Former VP Quayle to endorse Romney

    12/05/2011 10:20:23 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 14 replies
    MSNBC's First Read ^ | December 5, 2011 | Garrett Haake
    Former Vice President Dan Quayle will endorse Mitt Romney for president tomorrow at a campaign event in Arizona. The endorsement will take place in Paradise Valley, Arizona, which is located within the congressional district of Ben Quayle, the former Vice President's son, who was elected to the House in 2010 and has yet to make an endorsement in the presidential race....