Keyword: oped
In another tough break for the Gray Lady — one that's entirely self-inflicted — the New York Times found it "fit to print" an op-ed by the Hamas-appointed mayor of Gaza City. Unsurprisingly, the piece is as divorced from reality as one can expect from the Times' apparent attempt at pro bono public relations work for Hamas terrorists that killed more than 1,200 Israelis on October 7 and continue to shoot their own citizens when they try to access international aid deliveries. Unable to reach Al-Qaeda or the Taliban, the @nytimes settled on having Hamas write its guest essay.For the...
The New York Times posted an op-ed in favor of Donald Trump on Monday under the headline, “The Secret of Trump’s Appeal Isn’t Authoritarianism.” The article is a shocking departure from the newspapers’ progressive cheerleading — and its readers’ preference for anti-Trump news. The author argued that Trump’s style is conventional, but his statements zigzag along the centrist, middle-of-the-road, this-and-that line favored by non-elite, non-ideological voters:
President Donald J Trump has distilled the issues, events and consequences into an op-ed published in Newsweek [Article Here]. As President Trump notes toward the end of his discussion, “there must be a reckoning.”“The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation’s capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that...
I've been watching football for a considerable amount of time -- the last three hours, more specifically -- and something doesn't quite add up for me. The players often take the ball and dive straight up the middle, where there are other, bigger players ready to stop them. But this is what gets me -- there's a ton of space all around the players they could use to just run around all the bad guys. What gives? It seems like a surefire strategy to take the ball and run where there AREN'T opposing players, instead of taking the ball and...
On Monday, the Supreme Court heard challenges to the draconian Texas anti-choice law, a proceeding that might well be the first tolling of the death knell for the reproductive freedom that ensued after the Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. This is undoubtedly a momentous bit of business, especially in the context of how we came to this 6-3 conservative majority on the high bench. However, on Friday, when very few people were watching, the Court took another action that is equally terrifying. Remember when Steve Bannon was yammering about destroying “the administrative state”? Members of the Supreme Court do.
Candace Owens is back again in headlines for her unwarranted two cents and this time, Alec Baldwin is the culprit.The conservative pundit let off a few poorly timed and inconsiderate tweets regarding the incident calling Baldwin’s deadly mistake “poetic justice” for his previous criticism of Donald Trump.
America’s future is bright. No matter the challenge, we persevere and thrive. Today, however, we are engaged in an existential battle that will determine whether our country, born in the cradle of freedom and dedicated to liberty, will survive. Some question the legitimacy of our American institutions. Others challenge the economic liberties we have so long enjoyed. And still others want to take our freedoms away in the name of misguided concepts that, while sounding good, lead to tyranny. We, the silent majority, have a different perspective. And it is our time to lead once again. We want our leaders...
First Lady Melania Trump published an op-ed Monday morning on the official White House website about "the path forward" as the Trump Administration comes to an end. Here it is in full, courtesy of the White House: Like all of you, I have reflected on the past year and how the invisible enemy, Covid-19, swept across our beautiful country. All Nations have experienced the loss of loved ones, economic pain, and the negative impacts of isolation.As your First Lady, it has been inspiring to witness firsthand what the people of our great Nation will do for one another, especially when...
This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America. Here we are on the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)---the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms.And yet election integrity is at risk. How this is resolved may well determine what kind of a country we become and what kind of a legacy we leave for our children and posterity.As one man put it, “The importance of getting it right outweighs the importance of rushing to judgment.” Who was this? Some rube with the Trump campaign? No,...
When I was young, and my father was living, he proclaimed that he was a Democrat because the Democratic Party was for the working man, as he used to say. He was proud to be a working man. I admired him for that. My father was a printer, a skilled tradesman who believed that one could better themselves by working hard. And like my father before me, I, too, believe by working hard and smart one can achieve anything. In this election season, I saw hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people, go to Trump rallies. I did not...
Maybe it was because the presidential election was just a few days away. Or maybe it was because I arrived at the airport a good two hours before my flight and had plenty of time. Or maybe it was because of the combative interview I recently had with the celebrity website TMZ. We will get to that later. But as I walked through the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, I saw a young white man with long black hair, maybe 20 years old, walking toward me. He was wearing a black T-shirt with white letters: "Protect Black Women." It was quite...
"There’s no evidence of fraud!" is my leftie friends and family members’ reflexive response to any suggestion that the Biden campaign benefitted from chicanery on Election Day (or is it Election Season now?). It's almost creepy in its cult-like stridency and uniformity. The rest of us look at the litany of allegations – even if largely anecdotal – and wonder which South American hellhole we’ve been transported to. Republican poll watchers not being allowed to observe ballot counting and being told to “call the police” in order to get in? Windows of Detroit polling stations being covered with cardboard so...
Prominent historians criticized her own work for "errors and distortions" "1619 Project" founder Nikole Hannah-Jones, whose seminal essay was updated to address factual errors, said Sunday that a New York Times-commissioned op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) calling for the United States military to quell riots did not undergo appropriate fact checking. "Senator Cotton certainly has the right to write and say whatever he wants in this country, but we as a news organization should not be running something that is offering misinformation to the public unchecked," Hannah-Jones said on CNN's media-affairs show Reliable Sources. "Yes, we do absolutely...
FULL TITLE: Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul. We are facing one now. Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, we must examine our nation’s history to project ourselves forward into the future. Once again, tyranny and treachery are in our midst, and although we feel we’ve descended into a hellish state of existence, we must...
Former Vice President Joe Biden penned an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times on Saturday about the tragic death and unjust death of George Floyd. According to Biden, President Donald Trump lacks the leadership the country needs, especially in the face of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic and the death of Floyd, both of which he believes are a result of "systemic racism." On Friday, in discussing a jobs report that made clear some 20 million Americans remain unemployed, Donald Trump said he hoped that George Floyd was “looking down and seeing this is a great day for our country.â€He...
Within hours of publishing a column by a U.S. senator conveying an opinion held by a majority of Americans, The New York Times’ staff erupted in an outrage, calling their employer’s decision to print a differing opinion, “surreal and horrifying.” The editorial page editor James Bennet at first defended running counter viewpoints by those in policy positions, but by Thursday, the New York Times fully relented, issuing an apology and blaming a “rushed editorial process” for its decision to run the op-ed at all. The op-ed, written by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., called on the federal government to “send in...
Joe diGenova, a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, claimed to 105.9 WMAL on Monday the anonymous White House official who wrote the New York Times op-ed describing how they were resisting President Trump from within had been identified and will be leaving their job soon. "I am told that soon there will someone else leaving the White House, who wrote that article. Apparently they have identified 'anonymous' and we were told that – Victoria and I were at dinner with a senior government official last week — and we were told that by this person they have,...
German Health Minister Jens Spahn sent a clear, important signal on Monday when he declared that “homosexuality is not a disease and therefore does not need therapy to be treated.” He fleshed out his plans to ban so-called gay conversion therapy in Germany. The practice purports to transform homosexuals into heterosexuals. According to Spahn, anyone still found offering such “conversion therapies” will face up to one year in jail or a steep fine. Spahn’s step is both important and, unfortunately, still rather timely. That’s because many Germans are probably not even aware that each year, thousands of teenagers and adults...
Strange days, indeed, when America’s free press opposes free speech. “Free speech is killing us,” headlined a New York Times op-ed. Its author, New Yorker staff writer Andrew Marantz, argued that “hate speech” leads to violence. Worse, he claims it can cause totalitarianism and even genocide. To avoid this fate, Marantz says we must rethink the First Amendment, which would include government and private companies striving to limit “hate speech.” He agrees with a former American Civil Liberties Union official that one day in the not-so-distant future, legal “protection of hate speech” will “seem ridiculous in retrospect.” Some governments have...
Any former White House aide’s opinion about the op-ed will be slightly more interesting than the average joe’s, just because there’s a chance they really do have some insider insight into the author’s identity.But even so: This is so, so stupid.The only real news angle here is what Pence’s chief of staff, Nick Ayers, could have possibly done to Omarosa to make himself the subject of this vindictive whispering campaign. “I took some time and went back and looked through all of my emails, particularly emails out of the vice president’s office, because the first time I read the...