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Keyword: oliverstone

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  • Asking for help finding a movie/documentary. Ukraine On Fire 2014 by Oliver Stone has been taken down from where its been for years on Vimeo.

    04/21/2022 6:23:44 PM PDT · by know.your.why · 28 replies
    self | 04/21/2022 | Self
    Apparently Ukraine On Fire has been banned on youtube too. Does anyone know where online it still viewable?
  • Oliver Stone: Charges Against Trump Are 'Ridiculous'

    03/13/2024 8:11:40 PM PDT · by Robwin · 28 replies
    Barron's ^ | 03/13/24 | Jordi ZAMORA
    Maverick American director Oliver Stone told AFP that the legal proceedings against Donald Trump are "all political" and that the ex-president was a victim of "lawfare" -- when prosecutions are used to silence political figures."Almost 100 indictments against the guy... it's ridiculous," said Stone."This is all political. They want to put him behind bars, but they're not going to be able to," he added.
  • Was Alexander the Great Gay? What the Historians Say

    02/02/2024 6:40:53 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 38 replies
    Greek Reporter ^ | February 2, 2024 | Alexander Gale
    Yet another Netflix documentary on the ancient world has proven controversial, this time with the depiction of Alexander the Great as gay. In the opening episode of “Alexander: The Making of a God,” which started airing on Netflix on January 31, Alexander, played by Buck Braithwaite, kisses his friend Hephaestion on the mouth and body, as they engage in an intimate embrace. The portrayal of the ancient Macedonian king as a homosexual has generated angry responses from some viewers who feel that the documentary is distorting history. Meanwhile, The new Netflix series promises to reveal the “extraordinary life of Alexander...
  • Even Oliver Stone Is Starting To Question The 2020 Election

    11/26/2023 6:55:25 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 51 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 11/26/2023 | Monica Showalter
    Oliver Stone is a Hollywood leftist who has an odd way of being right at times.His Academy Award-winning JFK was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.Turns out he was likely closer to right all along -- as Tucker Carlson noted in one of this segments.That's not the only one.His South of the Border documentary about Latin America's wave of elected leftist dictators was initially criticized as Chavista propaganda, a glossing over of some of the region's worst rulers ... except that if you watch the thing, which I did twice, you realize he did an extraordinary job of revealing these people...
  • Vanity...If you have Amazon Prime Watch the Oliver Stone Ukraine Doc. Its Free.

    11/24/2019 9:29:14 AM PST · by ImJustAnotherOkie · 47 replies
    Prime | 11/24/2019 | justanotherolie
    Must See
  • Oliver Stone Film "Ukraine on Fire" Critical of 2014 Coup, De-platformed by YouTube

    03/09/2022 6:51:36 AM PST · by shadowlands1960 · 41 replies
    Twitter ^ | March 9th, 2022 | Richard Medhurst
    Richard Medhurst @richimedhurst YouTube has just deleted @TheOliverStone and @lopatonok's critically acclaimed documentary "Ukraine on Fire" on the US-engineered 2014 coup, and much more. Wonder why! Quote Tweet Igor Lopatonok @lopatonok · 9h #YouTube #BigTech deleted #UkraineOnFire film from our production official channel, I'm asking everyone who like our film to download it from our Vimeo here and post it everywhere. As a copyright holder we giving to you - The People that rights Download Link
  • Oliver Stone compares cancel culture to witch hunts, blasts NFL as 'arrogant,' and says Hillary Clinton wants to be a man

    07/15/2021 6:40:38 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 22 replies
    The Blaze ^ | July 15, 2021 | Paul Sacca
    Academy Award-winning screenwriter and director Oliver Stone revealed some eye-opening observations on a variety of topics in a new interview. Stone condemned cancel culture, sneered at the NFL, and delivered his opinion on female politicians such as Hillary Clinton. Stone reminisced about his film, "Any Given Sunday," a 1999 movie about professional football players, but the NFL refused to give Stone its blessing to use any aspect related to the National Football League. "Any Given Sunday" was reportedly delayed four times and production crews were locked out of NFL stadiums. "They (the NFL) are arrogant, very rich people who close...
  • The 2014 riots in Ukraine and the riots in the USA are different....but are they really?

    07/16/2020 9:32:57 AM PDT · by know.your.why · 17 replies
    self ^ | 07/16/2020 | Self
    In the Oliver Stone movie Ukraine On Fire (2016), there is a part that analyzes the organized "Color Revolutions" and how they were funded, planned and executed. If you look at how rioters in the USA are supplied with bats, bricks, and financial resources such as bail money etc. , its striking how similar (and diabolical) they really are. * I suggest watching the whole movie (almost 2hrs) but right now start at TS 41:20 and just watch 5-10 minutes.
  • Oliver Stone slams 'fragile' Hollywood: 'Can't make a film without a sensitivity counselor'

    07/13/2020 1:21:08 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 64 replies
    The Hill ^ | 07 13 2020 | Joe Concha
    Director Oliver Stone told The New York Times in an interview published Monday that Hollywood has become "too fragile, too sensitive," with the 73-year-old adding, "You can’t make a film without a sensitivity counselor." The perspective from Stone, who is responsible for "Wall Street," "Born on the Fourth of July" and "JFK," comes ahead of his upcoming memoir, "Chasing the Light." "Everything has become too fragile, too sensitive. Hollywood now — you can’t make a film without a Covid adviser. You can’t make a film without a sensitivity counselor. It’s ridiculous," Stone told the Times. "It’s politically correct [expletive], and...
  • Platoon... Reality or Stonism?

    05/10/2007 8:19:21 PM PDT · by Philistone · 90 replies · 2,055+ views
    Philistone | 05/10/2007 | Philistone
    So I'm watching Platoon on demand for about the 15th time. I saw it the first time in a theater when it first came out with a former army grunt. The fact that I was a snot nosed, 24 year-old white boy who'd never been in the service and he was a 50 year-old black engineer had nothing to do with it. He told me he used to go out on patrol with no food or water so he could carry more guns and ammo. He wasn't going down without a fight. Walking out, he told me "that's EXACTLY what...
  • Revealing Ukraine: Amazing Ollie Stone Documentary about Ukraine 2014-2018!

    11/23/2019 1:38:24 PM PST · by CruiseMates · 33 replies
    Amazon Prime Video ^ | 2019 | Igor Lopatonok
    This is a 90-minute documentary of the events in Ukraine from 2014 through to the election of Zelensky. IT IS NARRATED BY OLIVER STONE. I promise an eye-opening expose of almost everything we have read about the Obama WH behind the scenes as reported by John Solomon. (No need for The Hill to verify his reports now) I am frankly amazed this film even exists - since it is not the usual Ollie Stone topic, and it is so defendable of our own POTUS. It contains everything, planning the black ledger, Biden's instructions to Ukraine, framing Manafort, provoking the Russians...
  • Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone

    10/06/2019 11:45:14 AM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 35 replies
    Ukraine, the 'borderlands' between Russia and 'civilized' Europe is on fire. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and Russia's access to the Mediterranean.The Maidan Massacre in early 2014 triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych, spurred Crimeans to secede and join Russia, and sparked a civil war in Eastern Ukraine.Russia was portrayed by Western media as the perpetrator, and has been sanctioned and widely condemned as such. But was Russia responsible for what happened?Ukraine on Fire provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in...
  • Ex-MSNBC host Ball rips former network over Russian hoax: ‘Maddow, you’ve got some explaining <tr>

    07/25/2019 11:10:30 PM PDT · by knighthawk · 31 replies
    Fox News ^ | July 24 2019 | Brian Flood
    Ex-MSNBC host Krystal Ball rips former network over Russian hoax: ‘Rachel Maddow, you’ve got some explaining to do’ Ex-MSNBC host Krystal Ball blasted her former network as “not journalism” and singled out "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Thursday for floating wild “Russian conspiracy theories” that blew up during former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony. Mueller's testimony before two House committees Wednesday was largely considered a “disaster” for Democrats and opponents of President Trump despite MSNBC pushing the collusion narrative. Ball -- who now hosts The Hill newspaper's “Rising” -- said on her show she did not mean anything personal when...
  • MUST READ: Vladimir Putin Discusses Russian Interference in US Election and the Attempted Coup d’éta

    07/25/2019 9:46:13 PM PDT · by bitt · 23 replies
    GATEWAY PUNDIT ^ | 7/22/2019 | Jim Hoft
    Russian President Vladimir Putin recently sat down for an interview with far left Hollywood producer Oliver Stone. The transcript for the interview was posted on the Kremlin website. Most of the liberal mainstream media is covering the part of the interview where Oliver Stone asked Putin to be the godfather of his daughter. The Democrat Pravda media is ignoring the rest. Robert Wenzel posted part of the transcript on his website. You can make up your own mind on this interview. But it really is amazing that he is more believable in this video than the liberal mainstream media has...
  • Vladimir Putin On Interference in the Trump-Clinton 2016 US Presidential Election...and on Trump

    07/21/2019 8:00:38 PM PDT · by dynachrome · 38 replies
    targetliberty ^ | 7-19-19 | Oliver Stone
    Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down on June 19, 2019, in the Kremlin, for an on the record interview with Oliver Stone. The Russian government has released a transcript of the interview. Below is Putin's discussion with Stone about the 2016 presidential election.-RW Oliver Stone: Yes. So recently, you know Russia has been obviously accused and accused over and over again of interference in the 2016 election. As far as I know there is no proof, it has not turned up. But now in the US there has been an investigation going on about Ukraine’s interference in the election. It...
  • Famous Veteran: Oliver Stone USARMY

    07/22/2018 3:22:12 PM PDT · by eastforker · 28 replies ^ | 2018 |
    After Basic Training Stone landed in Vietnam on September 16, 1967, and was assigned to the 2nd Platoon of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th infantry, stationed near the Cambodian border. He was wounded twice in action, and was later transferred to 1st Cavalry and assigned to a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon in April of 1968. It was during this time that he Juan Angel Elias, who would become the inspiration for Sgt. Elias (Willem Dafoe) in Platoon, which drew heavily on Stone's Vietnam experiences. Eventually Stone was discharged in November 1968 after 15 months of duty, and received two personal...
  • Putin Accuses Foes of 'Excessive Demonization' of Stalin in Oliver Stone interviews

    04/05/2018 9:03:03 AM PDT · by GoldenState_Rose · 31 replies
    RFE/RL ^ | 2017 | staff
    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the "excessive demonization" of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin "is one means of attacking the Soviet Union and Russia." Putin made the comments in the last of four installments of a series of interviews that he gave to U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone, which was aired on June 15, 2017. In the past, Putin has praised Stalin as an "effective manager," and Stalin's reputation in Russia has been growing steadily since Putin came to power in 2000. A poll in April by the independent Levada research center found that 25 percent of Russians consider Stalin's...
  • Melissa Gilbert Accuses Oliver Stone of Sexual Harassment

    11/20/2017 9:55:28 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 48 replies
    New York Post ^ | November 20, 2017 | Dino-Ray Ramos
    During an interview on Andy Cohen’s satellite radio show Radio Andy, actress Melissa Gilbert claimed that director Oliver Stone sexually harassed her during an audition for his 1991 film The Doors. At first, Gilbert told her story without naming any names. She kept the accusations very anonymous saying that she was humiliated during an audition because she had “embarrassed him in a social situation.” Gilbert ended up running out of the room crying. “I’m actually sitting here telling you this story, afraid to say his name, because I’m worried about backlash,” she said in the interview. After being reluctant she...
  • Oliver Stone backtracks on his defense of Harvey Weinstein (t)

    10/13/2017 1:18:58 PM PDT · by TigerClaws · 30 replies
    Oliver Stone came to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, but now he’s backing off — and he’s also facing sexual harassment allegation of his own. “I’ve been travelling for the last couple of days and wasn’t aware of all the women who came out to support the original story in the New York Times,” the Oscar-winning director wrote on Facebook on Friday. “After looking at what has been reported in many publications over the last couple of days, I’m appalled and commend the courage of the women who’ve stepped forward to report sexual abuse or rape. I’ll therefore recuse myself from the...
  • Oscar-Winning Director Oliver Stone Accused of Sexual Assault

    10/13/2017 6:41:44 AM PDT · by Mad Dawgg · 113 replies ^ | 13 Oct 2017 | John Nolte
    As more and more women step forward to give public testimony about their alleged abuse at the hands of Hollywood power — Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck, Amazon Studios chief Roy Price — more and more women are coming out about their alleged abuse at the hands of Hollywood power. Funny how that works. And on Friday morning, three-time Oscar winner Oliver Stone was added to the list. New York Daily News: Carrie Stevens, a former Playboy Playmate, claims that some 26 years ago, when she was just 22 years-old, Stone grabbed her breast at a party. “He was really cocky,...