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  • This Is What Critical Race Theory Looks Like: What a recently revealed public shaming of a white male student reveals about CRT ideology.

    07/30/2021 5:53:47 AM PDT · by karpov · 41 replies
    National Review ^ | July 30, 2021 | Ari Blaff
    There was one major reason why I dropped out of a prestigious grad school this past fall. It wasn’t the economic insecurity, the poor wages, or the need for geographical flexibility: Journalism isn’t much better. The simple fact I learned after half a semester studying sociology is that the discipline isn’t very tolerant. Americans were reminded of this when sociology professor Sam Richards of Penn State University picked an “average white guy” and treated him like a dissected biology specimen in a packed lecture hall. “I just take the average white guy in class, whoever it is, it doesn’t really...
  • Minn. students told to hide ‘equity survey’ questions from parents

    07/26/2021 5:59:21 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 15 replies
    New York Post ^ | July 26, 2021 | 7:10pm | Updated | Samuel Chamberlain
    A Minnesota student has claimed she and her classmates were told to keep the content of a so-called “equity survey” — including questions about gender identity — from their parents during this past school year. Haylee Yasgar, a student at Riverview Intermediate School in the St. Cloud suburb of Sartell, told the local school board during a July 19 meeting that she was “very confused” by the survey. “My teacher said that I could not skip any questions even when I didn’t understand them. One question asked us what gender we identify with,” Haylee told the board, according to...
  • Wisconsin School District Provides ‘Sexually Explicit’ Books To Third-Graders; Material Teaches Students How To Use ‘Sex Apps’

    07/13/2021 6:54:47 AM PDT · by lowbridge · 24 replies ^ | July 12, 2021 | Chrissy Clark
    Students in a Wisconsin school district have access to a slew of “sexually explicit” books via their school-provided computers, including content that dubs traditional views of marriage as “ignorant.” Elmbrook School District offers students access to books and information via an online library called SORA. The SORA database — which can be accessed by students as young as eight years old — includes books such as “This Book is Gay,” by Juno Dawson, and “Queer,” by Kathy Belge and Marke Biesche. “This Book is Gay” offers a play-by-play of how to use Grindr and other “sex apps.” How sex apps...
  • Sheldon ISD teacher fired, charged with 2 counts of sexual assault of child, documents show (Houston)

    06/23/2021 5:03:30 AM PDT · by ConservativeStatement · 31 replies
    KPRC-TV 2 ^ | June 22, 2021 | Brittany Taylor
    According to court records, Maxwell began to have a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old male student during spring break in March and April. The district became aware of the relationship between Maxwell and the student when a district employee noticed Maxwell’s behavior with the student when she saw him with his girlfriend, according to court records. The employee also reported a second incident where Maxwell is accused of throwing a pair of scissors at the student’s head for sitting next to his girlfriend, according to court records.
  • Majority of liberal college students not proud to be American, favor socialism, NDSU survey finds

    06/22/2021 7:10:06 AM PDT · by Rummyfan · 39 replies
    Campus Reform ^ | 21 June 2021 | Jackson Walker
    Findings from a new North Dakota State University survey reveal that the majority of students identifying as liberal or liberal-leaning are not proud of America. In response to the question “Are you proud to be American?” 57 percent of liberal identifying students answered ‘no’. This is in contrast to the 73 percent majority of conservatives who answered ‘yes’ to the same question. This response was generated from a nationwide survey which asked over 400,000 students from more than 1,000 American college campuses questions about their feelings on a number of social and political issues. NDSU publicly announced the survey on...
  • School Distributes Planned Parenthood Flyer Teaching Pre-Teens They can have Sex with Partners Under 14

    06/18/2021 8:01:11 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 30 replies
    NOQ Report ^ | 06/18/2021 | David Patterson
    This was allegedly a mistake. If so, why did the school have the flyers in the first place?A middle school in Washington distributed flyers to 8th grade students teaching them that sex for kids as young as 11 is acceptable as long as the partners are under 14. The source of the flyer was Planned Parenthood who operated at the school in the past.Stewart Middle School in Tacoma, WA, says the flyers were erroneously distributed by a new teacher who has now been disciplined in some way. But if the teacher was pulling from past materials, why were these flyers...
  • The Inconvenient Truth About LGBTQ+ Activism

    06/07/2021 10:32:26 AM PDT · by DeweyCA · 17 replies
    Townhall ^ | 6-6-21 | Michael Brown
    It was about 20 years ago that a conservative commentator stated that, because the homosexual movement could not grow by reproduction, it had to grow by seduction. Understandably, this incurred the ire of gay activists, as if their main agenda was the sexual seduction of others, including children. What this conservative commentator should have said was this: “The homosexual movement cannot grow by biological replication, so instead, it puts its emphasis on ideological indoctrination.” That would remain true to this day. To be sure, this is not a subject I would prefer to address right now, nor is it a...
  • Woke Portland teacher says colleagues who don't want to teach anti-racism are like pedophiles and warns they'll be fired if they refuse to do so

    06/01/2021 8:19:18 AM PDT · by rickmichaels · 55 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | June 1, 2021 | Bevan Hurley
    An Oregon middle school was exposed by furious parents after likening her colleagues to pedophiles and warning them they'd be fired if they refused to teach critical race theory. Katherine Watkins, an 8th grade humanities teacher at Cedar Park Middle School in Beaverton, Portland, told colleagues during a Zoom 'equity conference' that if they were 'going to keep up those old views of colonialism, it's going to lead to being fired'. Watkins also equated teachers who 'do racist things' with pedophiles, during an inflammatory statement that her colleagues were forced to listen to. She said: ''If you're not evolving into...
  • Fury at $47,000-a-year Manhattan school - which Barron Trump used to attend - as juniors are made to attend PORN lesson on topics including incest roleplay and OnlyFans

    05/24/2021 4:54:58 AM PDT · by knighthawk · 21 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | May 24 2021 | MELISSA KOENIG
    A $47,000-a-year private school once attended by Barron Trump forced juniors to attend a compulsory workshop on porn which included lessons on incest roleplay and OnlyFans. The students at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School (CGPS) on Manhattan's Upper West Side were told to watch a slideshow entitled, 'Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn.' That workshop was held on May 5 by Justine Ang Fonte, the director of Health & Wellness at another Manhattan private school, Dalton, where she teaches first- and second-grade health.
  • Washington Governor Signs Bill Mandating Critical Race Training in Public Schools

    05/10/2021 8:37:40 AM PDT · by Blood of Tyrants · 49 replies
    The Epoch Times ^ | 5/9/21 | GQ Pan
    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has signed into law a bill that incorporates the doctrine of “equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism” into the training for all K–12 educators across the state. Under Senate Bill 5044 (pdf)—which passed the state legislature in April—school districts in Washington must use one of three professional learning days to specifically train all staff in the topics of “cultural competency, diversity, equity, or inclusion.” Those topics were among several listed in the bill’s text: “The legislature plans to continue the important work of dismantling institutional racism in public schools and recognizes the importance of increasing...
  • Professor says heterosexuality ‘tragic’

    05/08/2021 5:10:56 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 52 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 8 May, 2020 | Eric Utter
    Jane Ward, Sexuality Studies Professor at the University of California-Riverside, was recently featured in an Insider article in which she stated, "It really looks like straight men and women don't like each other very much, that women spend so much time complaining about men, and we still have so much evidence of misogyny. From an LGBT perspective, [being straight] looks actually very tragic." The article, titled “Why heterosexual relationships are so bad for us, according to a sex researcher,” cites an increase in relationship problems among straight couples since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown --...
  • Business teacher, 49, 'sent nude pics and X-rated Snapchats to her teen boy student, who told his mom they were in love' (Texas)

    04/23/2021 6:48:54 AM PDT · by dynachrome · 55 replies
    KNEWZ ^ | 4-23-21 | CONNOR MANNION
    Texas area teacher Helen Page has been arrested and accused of carrying on an inappropriate relationship with a student over the phone. According to KPRC in Houston, Texas teacher Helen Page, 49, began communicating with the 15-year-old last summer. Investigators with the District Attorney’s Office found nude pictures during a forensic investigation of Page’s cellphone. This led to a felony charge of “improper relationship with a student.”
  • Cops investigate Virginia teachers' Facebook group for naming parents who were 'against critical race theory' and urging members to 'gather information' on them

    03/29/2021 2:12:34 PM PDT · by rickmichaels · 70 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | March 29, 2021 | Lauren Fruen
    Virginia police are investigating an 'anti-racist' Facebook group that named the parents of students who members say are 'against critical race theory'. The Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County group - which reportedly includes teachers and school board members - shared personal details of those they say had opposed moves to teach the controversial curriculum. It urged followers to 'gather information' on them and encouraged online hackers to silence critics of the theory, The Daily Wire reports. Parent Cherly Onderchain told Fox News she was on the 'hit list', adding: 'Their goal is silence.' According to Purdue University, critical race theory...
  • Exposing Corwin’s Socialist Math Textbook Series

    03/09/2021 4:18:22 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 11 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 9 Mar, 2021 | Christopher Paslay
    Educational publisher Corwin Press has abandoned any pretense of objectivity and has openly embedded its politi cal agenda into much of its material. Corwin Press, a professional development book publisher, is no longer interested in producing academic material designed to teach children how to think, rather, has set its sights on teaching students what to think. The company, which was established in 1990, has taken a hard left turn over the past five years, so much so that the publisher has abandoned any pretense of objectivity and has openly embedded its political agenda into much of its material. In January,...
  • If You Liked Common Core, You’re Going To Love Joe Biden’s Anti-American Civics Project

    03/02/2021 7:57:29 AM PST · by Kaslin · 21 replies
    The Federalist ^ | March 2, 2021 | Joy Pullman
    We have just the perfect solution for American kids' deep ignorance about their nation's founding principles, system of government, and history. It's making them into political activists!It’s deja vu all over again. A coalition of government- and billionaire-funded nonprofits has a “bipartisan” plan for national curriculum goals, this time concerning U.S. history and government. Today this “state-led” coalition is releasing a major report they hope will get the attention of the Biden administration and state governors to “collaboratively” enact their vision nationwide. Remember, these sorts of national plans are supported by people on the right and left, so there can...
  • Cancelling Will S.

    02/25/2021 3:39:08 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 25 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 25 Feb, 2021 | Phyllis Chesler
    “Woke” culture is hardly even awake. It is a devouring force that means to eviscerate all excellence that has come before: The Greek classics. Chaucer. Milton. These authors are all white cisgender Western men -- enough said. A friend and I were wondering how long it would be before the Bard would also be cancelled. We did not have long to wait. In an article in the School Library Journal, librarian Amanda MacGregor conceded that Shakespeare was a “genius wordsmith” but that his work is full of “problematic, outdated ideas, with plenty of misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, and misogynoir.”...
  • Black Teachers Aide, 52, Sentenced To 15 Years For Having SEX With Teen So He Wouldn’t End Up GAY!

    02/25/2021 11:04:12 AM PST · by Morgana · 30 replies
    Tommy Sotomayors Raw News ^ | Febuary 25, 2021 | Tommy Sotomayor
    Black Teachers Aide, 52, Sentenced To 15 Years For Having SEX With Teen So He Wouldn’t End Up GAY! **BARF ALERT** before you click on the video
  • Rantz: Seattle schools teach K-5 students to pick gender, disrupt nuclear family

    02/03/2021 5:57:18 AM PST · by Red Badger · 37 replies ^ | FEBRUARY 3, 2021 AT 5:34 AM | JASON RANTZ
    This week, Seattle Public Schools (and other area schools) are teaching students in kindergarten to pick their gender, combat a so-called hetero-patriarchal society, and disrupt the nuclear family structure. The lessons are part of the Black Lives Matter at School movement. The radical, political agendas on gender identity and the family structure have some parents livid. These topics are not age appropriate. Hoping for an alternative viewpoint to BLM talking points? There are none presented to students and it’s by design. Indeed, SPS believes them to be bigoted. Seattle Public Schools will spend this week promoting Black Lives Matter lessons...
  • Former volleyball coach facing 52 felonies after arrest for rape of minors…again

    01/04/2021 4:30:43 PM PST · by Pining_4_TX · 29 replies
    Law Enforcement Today ^ | 01/02/21 | Scott Davis
    Six years after being arrested for having sex with a minor, a former New Mexico youth volleyball coach has been arrested again. This time, he is accused of raping several young girls. Ryan Kapuscinski, 28, has been charged with 52 felonies including 44 counts of criminal sexual penetration of a minor. He stands accused of having sex with three girls between the ages of 11 and 15. The crimes reportedly happened between 2015 and 2018. Kapuscinski was previously arrested in 2014 for having sex with a minor. He pleaded no contest and was released on probation with a conditional discharge.
  • Compulsory lessons in sex and atheism “could cause chaos” in Welsh schools

    12/11/2020 9:26:11 AM PST · by 11th_VA · 6 replies
    Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, is pushing an education Bill which requires all pupils to study atheism or ‘non-religious’ views such as Humanism with no parental right of withdrawal. Under the new system a non-religious committee in each area is given a veto power over all religious teaching. So humanists, who actively oppose all religion, are to be handed control over religious teaching in schools. The sensitive issue of sex education is also being given a total rewrite, imposing compulsory sex education for all pupils from the age of three. All existing safeguards on inappropriate materials are scrapped by the...