Keyword: narcoterrorism
Fentanyl is a “Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday. Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and senior contributor at Breitbart News, explained how the Chinese are using fentanyl as a weapon against the United States. “A lot of the people involved in the fentanyl trade actually have senior positions in the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] or they’re advisers to the CCP government, but the links in this...
Stop by your local post office and you might just see a poster of Rodrigo “Timochenko” Londono hanging next to the Most Wanted posters of bank robbers and fugitives. The State Department is offering a $5 million reward for information about the Communist terrorist leader. But all the State Department had to do was ask Secretary of State Kerry. Obama did the wave with the Cuban dictator and Kerry met with Timochenko , the leader of FARC, a Marxist terrorist organization that appears on his own department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations a little above Al Qaeda. Timochenko is a...
An exiled Nicaraguan journalist says she fears a growing presence of Russsian troops in her homeland as the country grows increasingly isolated on the world stage. Berta Valle — wife of imprisoned Nicaraguan opposition leader and presidential candidate Felix Maradiaga — told The Post on Monday that Nicaraguans are “terrified” of dictator Daniel Ortega’s decision to welcome Russian soldiers to the Central American country after seeing what they’ve done in Ukraine. “Ortega invited the Russian military into Nicaragua. Publicly, he says Russia is supporting the military training of the Nicaraguan military. But we are terrified, because our country is hosting...
An American contractor held hostage in Afghanistan for more than two years has been released in exchange for a convicted Taliban drug lord jailed in the United States, the White House said Monday, announcing a rare success in U.S.-Taliban talks since the militant group took power a little more than a year ago Mark Frerichs, a Navy veteran who had spent more than a decade in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor, was abducted in January 2020 and is believed to have been held since then by the Taliban-linked Haqqani network. He was traded for Bashir Noorzai, a Taliban associate convicted...
Iranian Narco-Jihad against the United States Yoram Ettinger, News1, May 19, 2022 Shiite clerics in Iran and Lebanon have ruled that drugs sold to "infidels" in Western countries, and especially to "the great American Satan", are believed to be more effective than war via missiles. "Many are wondering how Iran is financing its subversive and terrorist activities in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, in addition to significant activity in the West, despite the consequences of the economic sanctions imposed on it. The answer lies in Iran's involvement in the distribution of drugs (and billions of dollars in...
The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance "racial equity." The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for "smoking kits/supplies." A spokesman for the agency told the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and "any...
In an October 9, 2021 article in the English-language Saudi daily Arab News, Lebanese media figure Baria Alamuddin writes that Hizbullah continues its globe-spanning drug trafficking activities, now using West African countries as major transit states for its drug shipments. She notes that Hizbullah and Syria, both sponsored by Iran, continue to bolster their status as the world's major source of the amphetamine-based drug Captagon. However, since Saudi Arabia banned the import of Lebanese produce earlier this year, Hizbullah has had to divert its Captagon shipments through transit countries to obscure the country of origin. West Africa has become a...
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, co-founded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, donated $500,000 on Oct. 1 to Ballot Measure 110, which seeks to decriminalize possession of some hard drugs in Oregon. The measure would also establish a drug addiction treatment and recovery program. The Chan Zuckerberg donations raise Ballot Measure 110's cash contributions to $1.4 million. In contrast, the ballot's opponents have raised $12,800 in cash contributions and secured a $40,100 loan. According to the Oregon secretary of state website, this appears to be the first time the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has contributed to an Oregon...
In a stunning announcement amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Justice Department plans to announce Thursday that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and other government officials have been charged with turning Venezuela into a narco-state by collaborating with a leftist Colombian guerrilla group that exported tons of cocaine to the United States. An indictment, to be unveiled at a “virtual” news conference in Washington, D.C., accuses Maduro and other top officials in his socialist regime of conspiring with the U.S.-designated terrorist group known as the FARC so that Venezuela could be used for narcotics shipments to finance a long-running civil war against...
A retired Venezuelan army general indicted alongside Nicolás Maduro has surrendered in Colombia and is being taken by Drug Enforcement Administration agents to New York for arraignment, four people familiar with the situation said Friday. Cliver Alcalá has been an outspoken critic of Maduro for years. But he was charged Thursday with allegedly running with Maduro, socialist party boss Diosdado Cabello and another retired army general a narcoterrorist conspiracy that U.S. prosecutors say sent 250 metric tons of cocaine a year to the U.S. and turned the Venezuelan state into a platform for violent cartels and Colombia rebels. The Justice...
Clean House at Justice Department Major New Lawsuit on Awan Brothers Democratic IT Scandal Judicial Watch Sues for Docs on Influence Peddling Scandal At Energy Department Government Warning: Narco-Terrorism will Worsen Under New Leftist Leader Clean House at Justice Department Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned , bringing an end to his controversial tenure as the nation’s top law enforcement officer. He advanced some significant policy advances for the rule of law, but made a terrible mistake in recusing himself needlessly from the so-called Russia investigation. This led to the abusive, unconstitutional Mueller special counsel investigation of President Trump....
Full title: Narco-Terrorism to Worsen under Mexico’s New Leftist President, State Dept. Warns; Amnesty for Drug Traffickers The overwhelming majority of illegal drugs in the United States already come from Mexico and Mexican traffickers are the greatest criminal threat to the nation, but things are about to get worse when Mexico’s new leftwing president takes over. His name is Andrés Manuel López Obrador (known popularly as AMLO), he opposes hardline anti-drug policies and believes in amnesty for drug war criminals. A State Department document obtained by Judicial Watch warns that Obrador, who takes over on December 1, will seek to...
"We called the White House and they acted swiftly on the Friday event, which has since been postponed," said a staff member for Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who complained that the event would have openly undermined President Donald Trump’s agenda on Cuba."The event in question has been postponed," a State Department official confirmed."This (event) was designed to embarrass the president and Pompeo—somebody needs to be held to account," one source said. "The fact that State Department officials were advancing a program that is so slanted and completely at odds with the president's directive on Cuba, I am concerned what...
THINNER GRUEL [Jonah Goldberg] has a "defense" of Joe Wilson. For the most part, the piece is a dull, he-said she-said about the controversy so far, generally sympathetic to Wilson, with some sneaky bits hid in the dull prose in order to make them seem more reasonable. For example the author, Mary Jacoby, says "But no sale of uranium ever took place, Wilson reported, and that conclusion is not in dispute." That's true, but Bush never said Iraq purchased the uranium, he merely said Iraq sought it. Wilson said Iraq didn't and that his cryptic sweet-tea swilling conversations proved...
Albanian-American roofer Florin Krasniqi has been living in Brooklyn and smuggling American guns into Kosovo to arm the Kosovo Liberation Army--this time for war against its erstwhile saviors, NATO and the UN. The KLA are the bin Laden-trained, Iran-backed narco-terrorists whose 1999 jihad against the Christian Serbs we helped fight, abetting secession and creating a mono-ethnic terror haven and future Islamic republic in Europe. Krasniqi, who raised $30 million from fellow Albanian-Americans to help finance the KLA's war, is the subject of a documentary by Dutch filmmaker Klaartje Quirijns, titled "The Brooklyn Connection," which will air Tuesday night at 10...
The links of the terrorist group Hezbollah with criminal gangs in Colombia to obtain financing With the help of drug traffickers from the Oficina de Envigado, terrorists wash assets and receive money from drug trafficking in the Middle East and Africa 29 mar. 2018 GoogleTranslate: Thus, they are indoctrinated in Islam to convert them into so-called "lone wolves", individuals who carry out terrorist actions alone, without the support of a team. This generates alarm among the authorities, taking into account that in Colombia there are more than 40 thousand Muslims, and five mosques and 10 centers ... ( - Así,...
U.S. Office of Bi-National Intelligence in Mexico City. The OBI is a U.S. Gov. cluster: DEA, DIA, CIA, FBI, ATF, and others, authorized by the Obama administration in a document called “A National Anti-Narcotics Strategy for the Southern Border”
Mexican authorities say an investigation that began with an anonymous tip about kidnappings led to a grisly find: 32 bodies and nine severed heads. The remains had been buried in hidden graves in a remote, mountainous area of Guerrero state, a hotbed of drug-related violence. The victims and suspects have not yet been identified, state officials said in a statement Thursday. Authorities are still combing the area to see whether there are more hidden graves at the site, the statement said. The investigation began earlier this week after authorities, acting on a tip, found a man who'd been kidnapped and...
Gerardo Hernandez, a spy for Communist Cuba and the man responsible for the murder of four humanitarian workers (three of whom were American citizens) over international waters, was freed from prison last year by the Obama administration, due in part to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). This was revealed at a February 6, 2015, celebration of Hernandez’s release, along with two of his fellow Cuban agents (collectively known as the “Cuban 5.. At the beginning of the event, an IPS official thanked all who who took part in the 17-year campaign and singled out a number of organizations that...
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, U.S. and Mexico, signed by President Clinton encourages graphic posts of murders of Mexicans by cartels and corrupt officials, panelists on a panel at the Modern Language Association (MLA) meeting in Vancouver, Canada claimed. Professor Hilda Chacon, Nazareth College of Rochester, said the graphic images of executed Mexican students and other civilians were due to the emergence of the Internet and cyberspace. This creation of “a complex, mirage of images of violence” has created “an exoticized good for violent consumption…[in]…post-NAFTA Mexico.” Ignacio Corona of Ohio State University, said, “There is no...