Keyword: leftismoncampus
Garden State Equality claims its curriculum is for the good and safety of vulnerable children. Its teachings, however, result in the exact opposite. A little more than a year ago, the New Jersey Legislature passed, and Gov. Phil Murphy signed, a law mandating the teaching of LGBT subject matter in public school curriculum, beginning in 2020-21.In response to the law, the activist group Garden State Equality has prepared a curriculum, currently piloted in 12 New Jersey schools and planned to be employed statewide in the fall. This is consistent with Murphy’s vision. At Garden State Equality’s 2019 Ball, he said,...
I happened to listen the other day to then-Sen. John F. Kennedy's opening remarks in his debate with then-Vice President Richard Nixon during the 1960 presidential election cycle. Kennedy, the Democratic Party candidate, recalled that Abraham Lincoln, in the 1860 presidential election cycle, said the great question facing the nation was whether it could exist "half-slave and half-free." In the 1960 election, said Kennedy, the issue was "whether the world will exist half-slave or half-free." "Whether it will move in the direction of freedom, in the direction of the road that we are taking ... will depend in great measure...
It's hard to believe, but May 4, 2020, is the 50th anniversary of the tragic shooting at Kent State University, where Ohio National Guard troops fired on a crowd of students during a massive anti-Vietnam War protest, killing four students and injuring nine. Witnesses, military and law-enforcement experts, historians, and activists are divided on whether the shooting was justified (that's a discussion for another day), but it appears that Kent State is going all-in on pouring salt in the wounds of America's Vietnam veterans. In a move that surprised many in the Northeast Ohio area and beyond, Kent State President...
Democratic professors outnumber Republicans by an almost 9 to 1 ratio, a new study has found. The study, published Friday by associate business management professor Mitchell Langbert of Brooklyn College, and Sean Stevens, director of research at Heterodox Academy, reviewed the political registrations of 12,372 college professors and found that 48.4% were registered Democrats and just 5.7 % were Republicans, a ratio of 8.5 to 1.
Today the U.S. Supreme Court hears a case that could determine whether parents and taxpayers have any choices about the kind of religion American children are taught with taxpayer funds. Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue concerns whether private donations may support schools that make their religious beliefs explicit. It could also undo a century of U.S. court and legislative decisions that used animus between Protestants and Catholics to attack the faith of both kinds of Christians’ children over the last century.Five years ago, Montana’s legislature enacted a tiny school choice program that allows residents to deduct up to...
he “sustainability director” at a Virginia university has some novel advice for students heading home for Christmas: consider not actually purchasing a gift for someone in order to lessen your greenhouse gas emissions. “We’re trying to keep in mind that our carbon footprint is something that can expand during the holidays,” Calandra Waters Lake, Director of Sustainability at the College of William & Mary, told the school’s news service. Waters Lake offered students several tips for how to “be wise…through our purchases, through food that we eat, through the activities that we’re doing” over the winter break. Among those? Consider...
The Department of Justice sided with college students reprimanded for promoting free speech by slamming Jones County Junior College’s “Orwellian,†“draconian,†and “unconstitutional†treatment of them in a Statement of Interest filed on Monday. The DOJ made explicitly clear that public colleges cannot “trample†on their students’ First Amendment rights. In a news release from the DOJ announcing the Statement of Interest filing, Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division clearly stated, “Repressive speech codes are the indecent hallmark of despotic, totalitarian regimes. They have absolutely no place in our country, and the First Amendment outlaws all...
Protesters wearing the colors of both Harvard and Yale staged a sit-in at midfield of Yale Bowl during halftime of the 136th edition of the annual football rivalry known as The Game. Most left after about an hour when they were escorted off by police; about two dozen who remained were told by police they were under arrest.
CANADA FULL TITLE: Report: Student Refuses To Wear LGBT ‘Rainbow Poppy’, Distributes Poster With Her Reasons. Then She’s Suspended. ============================================================ According to a former Conservative Party candidate from northern Manitoba in Canada, her 17-year-old cousin was suspended from school when she refused to wear a Remembrance Day poppy containing a rainbow in support of LGBT+ causes. A report from The Post Millennial indicated the teenager was suspended for distributing a poster outlining her reasons for refusing to wear the rainbow poppy. Cyara Bird of the Little Black River First Nation, whose grandfather was reportedly a World War II veteran, wrote...
Labor camps, ecological ruin, shortages of everything from aspirin to toilet paper, and the ever-present risk of that midnight knock on the door -- what's not to love about communism? At least, that's what one out of three Millennials must think, according to a new survey conducted by Victims of Communism and YouGov.But it gets better... er, worse. Not only did 30% of the 23-38 age cohort have a "favorable" view of communism, 70% said they'd be happy to vote for socialism. What they don't know -- actually, you're gonna need a longer list -- is what Lenin himself...
The Seattle Public Schools Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee (ESAC) released a rough draft of notes for its Math Ethnic Studies framework in late September, which attempts to connects math to a history of oppression. The framework is broken into four different themes: “Origins, Identity, and Agency,” “Power and Oppression,” “History of Resistance and Liberation,” and “Reflection and Action.” The committee suggests that math is subjective and racist, saying under one section, “Who gets to say if an answer is right,” and under another, “how is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?” Jason Rantz of KTTH in Seattle...
This week marks Climate Week 2019. Climate change affects all of us, and each of us can make a difference in our own way, big or small. To show how we can take Climate Action into our own hands, a poster has been hung on the cafeteria wall. Each student and staff member can show commitment to combatting climate change by writing on the poster something they did that day or week to make a positive difference for our planet. We are aiming for 100% participation by the XYZ High School Community. Thank you for your support, and let’s make...
A North Carolina high school punished several of its cheerleaders because the girls dared to be seen supporting President Donald Trump. At the end of August, two girls from North Stanly High School in New London, N.C., posted a pre-game photo of themselves holding a Donald Trump 2020 banner that read, “Trump 2020 Make America Great Again.” According to the Stanly News & Press the girls were celebrating the school’s “American Night” at the football game where students were encouraged to wear red, white, and blue colors to show their patriotism. Trending: Ex-NFL Player Arrested for Vandalizing His Own Business...
A high school teacher in Union County, North Carolina is in hot water after allegedly telling a class that Vice President Mike Pence should “be shot in the head.” Information about the Cuthbertson High School teacher’s remarks has been referred to the Secret Service, the Union County Sheriff’s Office said. According to FOX-46, the comments reportedly were made in reference to the veep’s trip to the state in support of recently elected US Representative Dan Bishop. Cuthbertson parent Firas Obeid, who’s “not necessarily” a Pence supporter, said it was “ridiculous” to make such a statement about the second-highest ranking official...
A series of resurfaced tweets from Dr. Jamie R. Riley, the University of Alabama’s assistant vice president and dean of students, show he once believed the American flag and police in America are racist. “The [American flag emoji] flag represents a systemic history of racism for my people,” Riley wrote in a September 2017 tweet. “Police are a part of that system. Is it that hard to see the correlation?” In another 2017 tweet, Riley, who has served in the position at the University of Alabama since February of this year, claimed white people do not understand racism because “they...
UPDATE: School Backpedals After Teen Was Banned For Target Shooting With Mother Ammoland Inc. Posted on September 3, 2019 by Ammoland Opinion Colorado – -( Last week, we publicized the story of a 16 year old Loveland High student who was banned from school after posting a video on Snapchat of him shooting with his mom. The school banned him even after police investigated the “threat report” and instantly cleared him. After the story broke, community members, and even elected officials contacted school admin and district board members to express their disapproval of this blatant violation of the student’s civil...
It's never a good sign for a city when starts to see its population contracting. But that seems to be New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan, trashing the few little islands of good public school education in the great city, in the name of socialized outcomes. He set up a commission of cronies and those cronies recommended what he wanted them to recommend - that New York's charter and competitive schools be shut down in the name of "equality." Now, every school is set to be equally bad. But the custodians will continue to draw $100,000 salaries. Kyle Smith at...
A Long Island sixth-grader says her teacher barred her from picking President Trump as her hero for a class project — and then trashed the commander-in-chief in front of the class. “Donald Trump is my hero,” the crestfallen 11-year-old Bella Moscato told LI’s Channel 12 last week. “She said I wasn’t allowed to do Donald Trump because he spreads negativity and says bad things about women.” She added: “The thing I didn’t get, she was OK with someone doing Barack Obama, but not OK with Donald Trump? That’s what got me angry.” Her outraged parents want an apology from the instructor,...
This spring, visiting professor Ryszard Legutko was prevented from speaking at Vermont's prestigious Middlebury College due to strident opposition by extremist and intolerant students. This was the second such embarrassment for the college: writer Charles Murray and a Middlebury professor were insulted and assaulted there in 2016. Professor Legutko recently related his perspective on the experience, revealing that the college not only caved to the disruptive and disrespectful students, but legitimized their conduct! Further, the students have set out to proscribe future discourse that might again ignite their sociopathic anarchy. Last year, our nation's children walked out of high schools...
Maryland school officials are developing curriculum standards for history classes to include lessons about the fight for civil rights for the LGBT community and Americans with disabilities. If the changes are approved, Maryland would join at least four other states that have taken steps to require public schools to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, which advocates say has long been absent from textbooks and classroom lessons. Last month, dozens of state lawmakers signed a letter calling on Maryland school officials to craft new curriculum standards addressing the rights of LGBT and disabled communities. The letter specifically mentioned the...