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Keyword: lawrencehogan

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  • Nextrush Unplugged Weekend: COVID Police State Australia, Trump Wants PA Vote Audit, Israel

    06/05/2021 8:34:14 PM PDT · by Nextrush · 4 replies
    Nextrush Free ^ | 6/5/2021 | Nextrush/Self
    Day 446 Of The Dictatorship Of COVID-19, Day 446 Of America And The World Held Hostage The Australian Police State-Chicommunism Down Under The scene Today in Melbourne Australia's second largest city as small business owners protested the fourth lockdown of the state of Victoria... Don't even get started with a protest you will not be allowed to do so its Communist China Down Under. US Travel Bans For All Cops In Victoria Australia not to mention the government of that state. That's on my platform for next POTUS which should be Trump IMHO. He's the only Wild Card in the...
  • Larry Hogan stokes speculation he'll primary Trump in 2020

    01/18/2019 4:43:33 PM PST · by E. Pluribus Unum · 74 replies
    Pollutico ^ | 01/18/2019 05:04 AM EST | ALEX ISENSTADT
    By ALEX ISENSTADT 01/18/2019 05:04 AM EST Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Republican Gov. Larry Hogan is acting a lot like a guy who wants to run against Donald Trump in 2020 — and the president's reelection team is taking notice. The second-term Maryland governor has been implicitly going after Trump in speeches, meeting with Never Trump Republicans, and planning a March trip to Iowa as vice chair of the National Governors Association. It’s all fueling speculation that Hogan, a 62-year-old cancer survivor who coasted to reelection in liberal Maryland and remains one of the most popular governors in...