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Keyword: jihadtv

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  • Al Jazeera as Voice of Qatar (as Voice of muslim Brotherhood)

    01/08/2013 4:04:08 PM PST · by bayouranger · 2 replies ^ | 05JAN13 | Diana West
    Before we heard that Al Gore's Current TV had rejected Glenn Beck's The Blaze TV as a buyer for, as Beck put it, "legacy" reasons and selected Al Jazeera as its white knight instead, Fjordman passed along this December 25 Deutche Welle interview with Aktham Suliman, Al Jazeera's former Berlin correspondent. Suliman argues that Al Jazeera's coverage is a policy instrument of its owners the Qataris, who, as he puts it, "tend toward the Muslim Brotherhood." Saudi-investor-funded Al Arabiya TV, on the other hand, is more Salafist. Big difference? Hah -- not when it comes to extending sharia. "Generally speaking,...
  • Current TV Rejected Glenn Beck Before Selling to al-Jazeera

    01/03/2013 7:19:07 AM PST · by Olog-hai · 10 replies
    Newsmax ^ | Thursday, 03 Jan 2013 08:54 AM | Dale Eisinger
    Before pan-Arab broadcaster al-Jazeera bought Current TV, the fledgling cable news network founded by former Vice President Al Gore, conservative commentator Glenn Beck had pursued purchasing the company—and was rejected. The Wall Street Journal revealed that when Beck’s TheBlaze TV sought ownership of the Current broadcasting network, the bid was rejected because the principles of Beck’s company did not align with those of Current. “Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed,” reporters Keach Hagey and John Jannarone wrote in the Wall Street Journal. “Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that...
  • Anti-Jihad Ads Considered Constitutional

    10/01/2012 2:02:13 PM PDT · by Cindy · 67 replies - Top Opinion Story ^ | September 24, 2012 | Liana Whitehead
    SNIPPET: "New York City is the center of a public uproar as Internet blogger Pamela Gellar rises with an “anti-jihad” ad campaign." SNIPPET: "Gellar and her group are protesting the Jihad, which in definition is the religious duty of Muslims. According to the Dictionary of Islam, jihad is defined as “A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad . . . enjoined especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims.” The literal meaning of jihad, according to the British Broadcasting Network, “is struggle or effort, and it means much more than...
  • Britain Bans Iranian Press TV

    01/22/2012 11:57:08 AM PST · by bayouranger · 5 replies ^ | 1-20-12 | IPT News
    Britain's telecommunications regulator, Ofcom, revoked the license of Iranian state-owned television Press TV over breaches of the broadcasting code. Press TV has fired back, calling the move "questionable" and stating that the real intention is to undermine the political messages of the channel. Ofcom's decision outlines that in order to obtain a British broadcasting license, the Britain-based branch must have control over the content of its programs. The decision charges that the real editorial decisions of London-based Press TV Ltd. are actually made by Press TV International, which follows the dictates of the Iranian government. Press TV Ltd. was also...
  • West must wake up to Islamic threat

    01/10/2012 7:55:35 AM PST · by bayouranger · 22 replies
    Washington Examiner ^ | 1-10-12 | Cal Thomas
    LISBON, Portugal -- When the Republican presidential candidates tire of bashing each other, perhaps they will start addressing the expansion of radical Islam. Only Rick Santorum raised the issue in last Saturday's debate in New Hampshire. Next door in Spain, two new satellite TV stations recently signed on. They won't be airing "Judge Judy," but instead are broadcasting Islamic theology and political propaganda. It was not coincidental that the launch of Islamic TV in Spain coincided with Christmas. One of the early broadcasts featured a story, from Islam's perspective, on the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus. Not surprisingly,...
  • The Two Faces of Al Jazeera

    01/09/2012 8:32:44 AM PST · by bayouranger ^ | 1-9-12 | Oren Kessler
    One of the principal beneficiaries of the Arab uprisings has been Al Jazeera television. Viewers are praising the English and Arabic channels' comprehensive coverage of the revolts while the Obama administration continues to court the network as part of its signature foreign policy goal of improving ties with the Arab and Muslim worlds. On August 1, 2011, Al Jazeera English (AJE) began broadcasting to two million cable subscribers in New York—the third major U.S. city to carry the station after Houston and Washington, D.C.[1] AJE's gutsy, driven reporting—one commentator aptly commended its "hustle"[2]—has won it friends in high places: Secretary...
  • Two Spanish-Language Islamic TV Channels to Broadcast in Spain & Latin America

    12/22/2011 3:14:09 PM PST · by bayouranger · 1 replies ^ | 12-21-11 | Some filthy koranimal
    A new Islamic TV channel in the Spanish language starts broadcasting today December in Spain with a second Islamic station following a week later. Hispan TV will be available in Spain and Latin America starting today. The station has Iranian backing. Following closely on its heels on 01 January 2012, the Saudi-backed Cordoba Television station will be launched, owned by the Foundation for the Message of Islam. Headlines on HispanTV's website, live for a year ahead of the broadcast launch, covered a range of world stories including alleged US spying in Iran, the IMF and the economic crisis, and Venezuelan...
  • Saudi prince to launch news channel in 2012 (JihadTV)

    09/15/2011 7:11:16 AM PDT · by bayouranger · 7 replies · 1+ views
    Khaleej Times ^ | Sept 14, 2011 | A koranimal
    Saudi tycoon Prince Alwaleed bin Talal on Tuesday announced plans to launch a pan-Arab news channel in 2012, saying the television network will promote freedom of speech. “The region is experiencing dramatic changes which will probably continue and cause significant developments” and Alarab “channel will follow up on these changes,” Alwaleed told a news conference in Riyadh. A company statement said: “Alarab will focus editorially on the important shifts taking place across the Arab world with an emphasis on freedom of speech and freedom of press.” The Arab world has been rocked a wave of protests that have toppled autocratic...
  • Palestinian TV: Kids want stealing rabbit's hand cut off

    10/02/2010 7:31:51 PM PDT · by Pride_of_the_Bluegrass · 11 replies
    Youtube ^ | MEMRI
    Submitted without comment
  • Wahhabism and the First Amendment

    01/18/2010 6:29:18 PM PST · by neverdem · 13 replies · 888+ views
    Commentary ^ | January 2010 | Michael W. Schwartz
    You would be excused for thinking that the Wahabbi religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and the religion guarantees of our First Amendment have no more in common than fire and water. But I think this oddest of odd couples helps to explain two recent events involving American Muslims and the rest of us -- instances of so-called “home-grown” Islamist terrorism, such as the Fort Hood murders, and the resentment being reported among American Muslims at FBI and other law-enforcement-agency activities at U.S. mosques. To be sure, the religious values the First Amendment protects -- freedom of worship, the nonestablishment of...
  • JihadTube Video: Hey, Let's Imitate "'The Heroes' of 9/11" Like Mohammad Atta

    09/12/2009 9:18:51 PM PDT · by Cindy · 10 replies · 686+ views
    JAWA REPORT ^ | September 11, 2009 | Posted by Rusty
    SNIPPET: "Whatever the number is, at some point you must assume that the people admitting online that they wish to emulate the 9/11 conspirators represent a larger pool of people who not only wish this, but who are at some stage of the process leading to "martyrdom". I'm not saying Google's lax policies in policing this kind of file filth will lead directly to another 9/11 style attack. But it is clear that one of the common denominators between all -- and I mean all -- homegrown jihadis is that they like to spend their free time watching these types...
  • JihadTV Makes Deal with Sony (Al Jazeera Preinstalled on some Phones)

    01/05/2009 10:32:05 AM PST · by mojito · 13 replies · 479+ views
    LittleGreenFootballs ^ | 1/5/2009 | Charles Johnson
    Coming to Sony Ericsson mobile phones: JihadTV. The Al Jazeera Network has announced a partnership with Sony Ericsson, where RSS feeds of its news content will be pre-installed on four models of its mobile devices in both the Middle East and North Africa. This means that owners of these phones will soon be able to enjoy quality programming like this: a birthday party for a child killer, Samir Kuntar, who forced a little girl to watch as he shot her father, then bashed her brains out with a rifle butt. Sony Ericsson should be ashamed of themselves for promoting this...
  • The international struggle against Hezbollah’s television broadcasts

    Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) November 26, 2008 The international struggle against Hezbollah’s television broadcasts: Germany’s Interior Ministry announced a ban on Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV station, joining the US, France, Spain, and other countries where the station is banned. Al-Manar’s broadcasts are still distributed worldwide by the Arab and the Indonesian communications satellites.
  • Video: Al Jazeera throws birthday party for freed Hezbollah child-killer

    07/23/2008 11:28:56 AM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 10 replies · 170+ views ^ | July 23, 2008 | Allahpundit
    Yes, there’s cake, and true to the degenerate spirit of the event, it’s cut with a scimitar. Israel’s planning to hit the local bureau of AJ with sanctions as punishment, but I don’t see why. Israel made this possible. Olmert might as well have been named on the invitations as an honorary co-host.Say this much for the decision to free him, though: Outside of Hamas’s kiddie death-porn pageants, you won’t find a neater example of jihadists and their “moderate” Arab sympathizers reveling in their own cretinism than the celebrations they’re having for this turd. It’s propaganda gold, albeit at an...
  • Saudi prince gives Cambridge University £8m for Islamic studies centre

    04/05/2008 10:22:17 PM PDT · by rdl6989 · 28 replies · 1,538+ views
    London Telegraph ^ | April 6, 2008 | Julie Henry, Education Correspondent
    Cambridge University has been given £8 million by a Saudi Arabian prince to establish an Islamic studies centre. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, ranked in the top 20 richest men in the world, with a fortune of about £10 billion, has donated the cash to the university to fund a centre in his name for the study of the role of Islam in the Middle East and globally. The gift has been recommended by the university's general board and is expected to be announced in June. advertisement The grandson of King Ibn Saud and nephew of King Abudllah, the prince counts...
  • Child Puppet 'Kills' Bush On Hamas TV

    03/31/2008 7:29:03 PM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 16 replies · 372+ views
    Child Puppet 'Kills' Bush On Hamas TV GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ― In a Hamas TV production for Palestinian children, a puppet stabs U.S. President George Bush to death in revenge for American and Israeli actions. The children's puppet aired Sunday, part of series called "Exceptionals." In the episode, Bush, a hand-held puppet dressed in a green uniform and wearing boxing gloves, is shown talking to a Palestinian child. The child, with tears in his voice, accuses Bush of killing his father in Iraq, his mother in Lebanon and his brothers and sisters in Gaza with the assistance of...
  • Help Me Spy on Al Qaeda

    12/10/2007 3:24:38 PM PST · by neverdem · 2 replies · 143+ views
    NY Times ^ | December 10, 2007 | MIKE McCONNELL
    THE Protect America Act, enacted in August, has lived up to its name and objective: making the country safer while protecting the civil liberties of Americans. Under this new law, we now have the speed and agility necessary to detect terrorist and other evolving national security threats. Information obtained under this law has helped us develop a greater understanding of international Qaeda networks, and the law has allowed us to obtain significant insight into terrorist planning. Congress needs to act again. The Protect America Act expires in less than two months, on Feb. 1. We must be able to continue...
  • The Rise of the Anti-Jihadists

    12/06/2006 9:43:28 PM PST · by TheConservativeCitizen · 6 replies · 729+ views
    Mens News Daily ^ | 12-06-06 | David M. Huntwork
    The Internet has become a favored propaganda tool for Islamists, terrorists and al-Qaeda types the world over. It is used to distribute their videos, release their fatwa’s, troll for recruits, shore up their base, coordinate their activities and influence the mainstream media. It has also given birth to a whole class of ‘anti-jihadists’ who now wage their own propaganda war of commentary, analysis, and occasional mockery using websites and blogs as their personal weapons in the Terror Wars. The internet jihadist has now been matched by the keyboard crusader. Some present themselves as scholarly, analytical, ‘think tank’ type websites. Others...
  • Al-Qaida Launches a Weekly News Show

    10/07/2005 12:47:12 PM PDT · by contemplator · 34 replies · 715+ views
    Der Spiegel Online ^ | 10/7/2005 | Yassin Mussarbash
    Terror videos have become almost commonplace. But now, al-Qaida has taken it one step further: download-ready "news broadcasts" on the Internet. The "Voice of the Caliphate" will be airing once a week. Two programs have already been shown. Terror on the TV. A "Voice of the Caliphate" masked newsreader, complete with weapon, koran and picture of Zarqawi. Not quite Dan Rather. "Good evening, and welcome to your program, 'The weekly news overview for the Muslim community.'" With this friendly greeting, the program begins. Their contrast to the image with which they're paired -- the anchor man is wearing a military...