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  • Conservatives call on Haley to drop out and back Trump: ‘Please withdraw from the race now’

    EXCLUSIVE — A group of 12 prominent conservatives, including a former governor, media executives, and a former U.S. attorney general, have issued a letter calling for Nikki Haley to drop out of the race for president. The former U.N. ambassador is the last remaining GOP opponent in former President Donald Trump‘s quest to win a nonconsecutive second term in the White House. She has vowed to remain in the race and is continuing to raise money, but the group argues she is only damaging her party. “While you have waged a spirited campaign for the 2024 Republican Party nomination, it...
  • Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups

    10/30/2019 11:35:25 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 32 replies
    Fox News ^ | 10/30/19 4 hours ago | Morgan Phillips
    Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups A coalition of conservative groups have filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., alleging that she has “hypocritically usurped” the authority of the president and “weaponized” impeachment proceedings. “In launching her 'official' impeachment inquiry without benefit of a vote of the full House of Representatives and without indicating anything remotely qualifying as 'treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors' that is the subject of the inquiry, Speaker Pelosi has weaponized impeachment,” reads the complaint, led by Tea Party Patriots Action's Jenny Beth Martin and...
  • Three GOP Senators Have Yet to Back Movement to Condemn Democrat Impeachment Practices

    10/25/2019 6:11:02 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 25 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 25 Oct 2019 | Sean Moran
    Three Republican senators have yet to back a resolution to condemn House Democrats’ secret, closed-door impeachment inquiry practices. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced a resolution Thursday night to condemn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) secretive impeachment inquiry proceedings. Graham announced Friday that the resolution had gained 50 cosponsors across the Senate Republican conference; three senators have yet to cosponsor the resolution sign on. Sen. Johnny Isakson’s (R-GA) office told Breitbart News that the senator wants to ensure that the impeachment inquiry remains a “fair process.” The three Republican senators that have...
  • Mark Levin: My speech today at the Tea Party Patriots event in D.C

    09/19/2019 7:48:00 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 29 replies
    Mark Levin Twitter ^ | 9/19/19 | Mark Levin
    Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rally - 9/19/19 - Washington, DC 782 views•Streamed live 11 hours ago TPPatriots 6.49K subscribers In honor of our 10 years of strength, we are heading back to Washington, DC on September 19, 2019, to send a loud message to Washington and the entire nation that the American people DO NOT want to see America become a socialist country. There is a growing trend towards socialism coming from the radical left-wing in this country and it’s time to stand up against it once and for all. President Trump made the bold declaration in his 2019 State...
  • How the Tea Party helped Trump win the election

    11/13/2016 5:17:52 PM PST · by nhwingut · 13 replies
    Fox News ^ | 11/12/2016 | Jenny Beth Martin
    Now that the American people have hired Donald Trump and the Republicans to right the ship of state, it's time to get to work Trump’s stunning win on Election Night defied the pollsters’ expectations, conventional wisdom about how campaigns must be run, and even the Washington Establishment’s narrative about what it is, exactly, that American voters want. That last point is of particular interest to Tea Party conservatives. We have long argued that the Washington Establishment is disconnected from (and sometimes simply disinterested in) the issues that are most pressing to American voters.
  • Stop Obama’s Internet giveaway [Washington Times]

    09/18/2016 4:49:44 AM PDT · by Arthur Wildfire! March · 48 replies
    Washington Times ^ | Jenny Beth Martin
    Russia, China and Iran don’t have a First Amendment, and their governments regularly clamp down on free speech. So why would we want to end American protection of the open Internet and transfer it to Moscow, Beijing and Tehran instead? On Oct. 1, the Obama administration plans to end the U.S. Government contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Doing so would kick off a transition that could irreparably harm the open Internet, leading to censorship abroad that could, quite realistically, lead to censorship right here in the United States. Under this transition of Internet...
  • Largest Tea Party Group In America Endorses Ted Cruz

    01/30/2016 8:30:28 PM PST · by Isara · 60 replies
    Conservative Review ^ | January 31st, 2016 | Chris Pandolfo
    Senator Ted Cruz has earned the endorsement of the largest Tea Party group in America. The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund announced today they are backing the senator from Texas for President. “We seek a candidate who shares our values: personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future,” said Chairman Jenny Beth Martin in a press release. “I am proud to announce our endorsement for president of the United States: Senator Ted Cruz!”There were a number of steps for each candidate to be considered for the endorsement. Candidates filled out a questionnaire, were interviewed, underwent vetting by opposition research, and...
  • Live stream of Trump / Cruz / Palin Stop Iran Capitol Rally - 38 speakers scheduled starting at 1pm

    09/09/2015 5:27:42 AM PDT · by Dave346 · 391 replies
    Tea Party Patriots ^ | Today at 1pm EDT
    Rally organizer Jenny Beth Martin said yesterday over 70 people requested to speak at today's rally on the West Lawn of the Capitol. 38 speakers are currently listed including: Presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jim Gilmore Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck Several Congressmen and national security experts. Live stream available at link below the list of speakers.
  • Trump and tea party rally against Iran nuclear deal at the U.S. Capitol still on, growing in scope

    09/03/2015 12:06:35 PM PDT · by don-o · 25 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | September 3, 2015 | Jennifer Harper
    The upcoming rally at the U.S. Capitol against the U.S. nuclear agreement with Iran is still on - and has gained much momentum despite the fact that President Obama has secured enough support in the Senate to prevent Republican forces from blocking it. Some star power is involved. The speaker’s roster for the event on Wednesday afternoon now includes Republicans Sen. Ted Cruz, Reps. Jim Bridenstine, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Mike Pompeo, Ted Yolo; Donald Trump, broadcasters Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp, Citizens United founder David Bossie, Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization...
  • Daily Kickoff: Rising Star Israeli diplomat George Deek | Ted Cruz to host Iran strategy meeting

    07/28/2015 11:19:05 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 3 replies
    SCENE LAST NIGHT: Less than a mile or so from Chabad Lubavitch's HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway, around 80 Hillary for America supporters gathered at the home of former White House Jewish Liaison Jarrod Bernstein and Hildy Kuryk, currently communications director at Vogue, to hear from the Clinton campaign's senior advisors including manager Robby Mook, vice chairwoman Huma Abedin and finance director Dennis Chang. SPOTTED: Recent Chairman of the Conference of Presidents Bob Sugarman, Obama mega-bundler Sarah Kovner, Tusk Ventures' Seth London, Anya Hoerburger of Intermedia Partners, Samantha Maltzman, Jill Strauss, Samantha Vinograd of Goldman Sachs and formerly at office...
  • "Fire From The Heartland" on Channel 349 on Dirctv NOW

    09/14/2014 3:56:13 PM PDT · by Yosemitest · 8 replies
    Channel 349 Directv | Sep 14, 2014
    Fire From the Heartland,The Awakening of the Conservative Woman Fire From The Heartland Trailer - The first-ever film to tell the entire story of the conservative woman in her own words, "Fire from the Heartland" is a powerful statement about America at a crossroads and the women who have awakened to the crisis. With role models such as Clare Boothe Luce, Margaret Thatcher, and Phyllis Schlafly as inspiration, these women are the unintended consequence of the liberal feminist movement. Tracing the long history of the many conservative women who have been the backbone of this great nation, from the founding...
  • In Mississippi, Jenny Beth Martin and Tea Party Patriots Try to Prove Their Worth

    06/23/2014 5:51:11 AM PDT · by kristinn · 24 replies
    The Washington Post ^ | Sunday June 22, 2014 9:42 p.m. EDT | Ben Terris
    Never mind that it’s 92 degrees and nearing the end of the day: Jenny Beth Martin has started jogging between houses. SNIP In from Georgia, Martin has been spending much of the past three weeks in the state, holding conferences, making fundraising calls, meeting with local chapters of the tea party, and yes, walking door-to-door to turn out the vote for conservative Senate hopeful Chris McDaniel. But unlike most volunteers here, as the head of the national Tea Party Patriots, a group she co-founded and helped bring to national prominence, she’s on track to make $450,000 this year doing all...
  • Tea Party Blasts Lawmakers for Fearing Town Hall Obamacare Fight

    08/20/2013 11:20:21 AM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 13 replies
    ABC News ^ | Aug 20, 2013 | By ABBY D. PHILLIP
    Reports of the tea party's demise are greatly exaggerated, or so its leadership would have us believe. Sure, the 4-year-old movement is maturing and all those attention-grabbing headlines from 2009 are much harder to come by in 2013. But conservative activist Brent Bozell, who is attempting to build support for defunding President Obama's health care law, said establishment Republicans are running away from their constituents, a sign that bucking the tea party's grassroots agenda is fraught with peril. "Isn't it interesting how times change; that just three years ago, Republicans were rushing to have town halls and now they're running...
  • Tea Party Patriots Fall Flat on Transparency and Stupid on Tactics

    11/15/2010 8:18:58 AM PST · by kristinn · 35 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | Sunday, November 14, 2010 | Kerry Picket
    The Tea Party Patriots have got a lot of explaining to do. Fresh off helping campaigns for GOP wins in the U.S. House of Representatives, members in the Tea Party Patriots organization appear to be playing dirty tricks on Capitol Hill to the dismay of tea party activists who supported efforts of the organization during the midterm elections. Leaders of the Tea Party Patriots released the private e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers of newly elected Republican members of the freshman class, Roll Call reported on Friday. Urging their members to contact the new GOP’er’s on the hill, Tea Party...
  • Congratulations, GOP class of 2010. Meet the Georgia woman who’ll keep you in line

    11/03/2010 8:06:37 PM PDT · by Hotlanta Mike · 1 replies
    The Atlanta-Journal Constitution ^ | November 2, 2010 | Jim Galloway
    Political Insider Congratulations, GOP class of 2010. Meet the Georgia woman who’ll keep you in line 11:39 pm November 2, 2010, by Jim Galloway Congratulations, Republican members of the Class of 2010. Welcome to Congress. Allow me to introduce your orientation leader, a woman who could determine whether your next two years are merely tough, or a brick wall — a woman who may figure deeply when it comes to renewal of your rookie contracts in 2012. Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin takes part in an Election Day demonstration on the lawn of the Capitol in Washington on...
  • Partyer in Chief (Hollywood Tea Party Origins)

    05/28/2010 4:54:00 PM PDT · by Syncro · 6 replies · 497+ views ^ | Monday, Jun. 07, 2010 | Joel Stein
    Partyer in Chief By Joel Stein Monday, Jun. 07, 2010 I don't know much about what the Tea Party stands for, but I do know it's my big chance to gain political power. Moving up in the Democratic or Republican Party would take decades, but the Tea Party is searching for leaders. Getting in on a movement early is how you get to be Sam Adams or Jesse Jackson or Obama Girl.For advice, I called Mark Williams, founder of the Tea Party Express, which raises millions of dollars by traveling in a bus and putting on shows with acts like...
  • Anti-Tax Tea Party Co-Founder: Owed IRS Half A Million Dollars

    10/12/2009 11:05:21 AM PDT · by Halfmanhalfamazing · 35 replies · 2,896+ views
    Chattahbox ^ | October 9, 2009
    In another blow to the false narrative advanced by Tea Party operatives and Fox News that the movement is a “grassroots” uprising of ordinary Americans. A co-founder of the national anti-tax Tea Party Patriots movement, failed to disclose during her numerous media interviews and TV appearances that she and her husband filed for bankruptcy and owed the IRS half a million dollars.