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Keyword: jameswoolsey

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  • Biden aides refuse to comment on first family FARA exposure after American charged for work with same China firm

    07/11/2023 8:17:03 AM PDT · by AnthonySoprano · 11 replies
    NY Post ^ | 07/11/2023 | Steven Nelson
    VILNIUS, Lithuania — The White House refused to comment Tuesday on the potential legal exposure for President Biden, first son Hunter and first brother James Biden after a US citizen was criminally charged for working as an unregistered agent of the same Chinese firm that paid the Biden family. “What’s the White House’s take on potential [Foreign Agents Registration Act] liability for the first family and the president?” The Post asked White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan at a NATO summit in Lithuania. “I’ve not seen that and cannot comment on it,” Sullivan deflected during a briefing. White House...
  • Ex-CIA director: Trump knows what he's doing with Putin

    09/25/2016 7:01:09 PM PDT · by Innovative · 33 replies
    CNN ^ | Sept. 25, 2916 | Jason Kurtz
    Donald Trump's strategic approach to confronting Russia under President Vladimir Putin is more complex and nuanced than the Republican nominee's campaign trail rhetoric often indicates, his new senior adviser, former CIA Director James Woolsey, said Tuesday. "I think what Mr. Trump does is much more important than what he says," Woolsey said. "You don't succeed at something like this based just on language. Language is a tool. I don't think it is an absolute."
  • ‘Missing’ Hunter Biden Witness Comes Forward In Video Statement Accusing Bidens Of Corruption, DOJ Of Coverup

    07/07/2023 6:30:23 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 4 replies
    Daily Wire ^ | JULY 6, 2023 | By Tim Pearce
    American-Israeli energy expert Gal Luft accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of maliciously targeting him to protect President Joe Biden on Wednesday. Luft said in a video statement obtained by the New York Post that he had provided evidence of Biden family corruption to the FBI and DOJ in March of 2019, weeks before Biden announced his run for the White House. Luft said he heard nothing from the DOJ until American authorities arrested him in Cyprus earlier this year on charges of illegal arms trading, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, and lying to the FBI. Luft has been...
  • Burisma wasn’t just paying off the Bidens. Ex-CIA directors are also on the payroll

    09/13/2023 4:01:01 PM PDT · by Starman417 · 68 replies ^ | 09-13-23 | DrJohn
    This is a way underreported story. It was Antony Blinken, the limp wristed Secretary of State who bends over for all US adversaries while calling it a success, who reached out to ex-CIA Director Mike Morrell to cobble together a group of "intelligence experts" who would sign a false statement calling the Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation" so Biden could use it a hammer to pound Donald Trump in their debate. Morrell was eager to help. After all, he was motivated to do so. Financially motivated. In 2017 the thinktank Atlantic Council signed an agreement with Burisma despite knowing it...
  • Biden Israeli Whistleblower Gal Luft: 'I May Have To Live On The Run For the Rest of My Life'

    07/07/2023 8:34:31 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 7 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 07/07/2023 | Debra Heine
    Dr. Gal Luft, the Israeli whistleblower who has been on the run since April, detailed his bribery allegations against the Biden family in an extraordinary new video obtained by the New York Post. As American Greatness previously reported, Luft was arrested on weapon trafficking and other charges in Cyprus last February and disappeared after he was let out on bail. After his arrest, the former Israeli army officer tweeted that the Biden administration was out to “bury” him.The Biden Department of Justice had Luft, the founder and executive director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS),...
  • VIDEO: Former CIA Director's Body Language Reveals JFK Assassination LIE

    12/30/2022 9:10:35 AM PST · by PJ-Comix · 30 replies
    Rumble ^ | December 30, 2022 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEOEarly in 2021, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey was making the media rounds pitching a John F. Kennedy assassination theory that he included in his recently released book, “Operation Dragon: Inside The Kremlin’s Secret War on America.” His theory was that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev personally ordered the assassination of Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald but then called it off when he realized the Soviets could easily be blamed for it thus leading to a nuclear war. However, according to Woolsey, Oswald was such a Communist fanatic that he refused to stand down and went ahead with the assassination.This...
  • Ex-CIA Chief Thinks UFOs Could Exist After Friend's Plane 'Paused at 40,000 Feet'

    04/07/2021 5:43:16 AM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 41 replies
    NewsMax ^ | Theodore Bunker
    Former CIA Director James Woolsey believes UFOs could exist after a plane belonging to a friend of his was "paused at 40,000 feet," which he said he could not explain, he revealed during a recent interview. "There have been over the years now events of one kind of another, usually involving some kind of aircraft-like airframe," Woolsey told the YouTube channel for the Black Vault, an online archive of declassified government documents. "I never thought there was anything to all this; it always seemed pretty far out to me," he continued. "But there was one case in which a friend...
  • The Railroading of Michael Flynn

    05/23/2020 6:20:17 AM PDT · by billorites · 21 replies
    Commentary ^ | June 2020 | Eli Lake
    In their final encounter during the transition following the 2016 election, Donald Trump’s incoming national-security adviser surprised Barack Obama’s outgoing national-security adviser. Susan Rice writes in her memoir that the Michael Flynn she was dealing with had nothing in common with the firebrand she had watched leading a “lock her up” chant against Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention a few months earlier. Flynn, a retired general and the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was respectful and subdued, eager for her advice. When Rice extended her hand and wished him the best of luck, Flynn asked her...
  • Filmmakers of ‘Active Measures’ Documentary Assert Donald Trump Has Been Putin’s Puppet for Decades

    04/30/2018 5:41:44 PM PDT · by EdnaMode · 39 replies
    Variety ^ | April 30, 2018 | Addie Morfoot
    Watching Jack Bryan’s explosive documentary “Active Measures,” about Russia’s espionage program and the effect it had on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, could be likened to watching a 21st century version of Watergate. [snip] a bevy of interviews with key Washington figures including former CIA director James Woolsey, former United States Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, former F.B.I. special agent Clint Watts, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Via these interviews “Active Measures” constructs a powerful argument as to how Soviet modern warfare tactics – “active measures” — shifted the 2016 U.S. presidential elections and weakened Western democracy. The film also...
  • Former CIA director James Woolsey quits Trump transition team

    01/05/2017 5:54:58 PM PST · by RummyChick · 146 replies
    washingtonpost ^ | 1/5/17 | rucker
    Former CIA director R. James Woolsey Jr., a veteran of four presidential administrations and one of the nation’s leading intelligence experts, resigned Thursday from President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team because of growing tensions over Trump’s vision for intelligence agencies.
  • Former CIA Director James Woolsey Leaves Trump Transition Team (really?)

    01/05/2017 5:59:22 PM PST · by Cold War Veteran - Submarines · 22 replies
    ABC ^ | 1/5/2017 | BENJAMIN SIEGEL
    Former CIA Director James Woolsey has left the Trump transition team, a spokesman confirmed in a statement Thursday evening. “Effective immediately, Ambassador Woolsey is no longer a Senior Advisor to President-Elect Trump or the Transition. He wishes the President-Elect and his Administration great success in their time in office," spokesman Jonathan Franks said in an email. Woolsey, who served as CIA director under President Bill Clinton, joined President-elect Donald Trump's campaign as a senior adviser in September. Aides to Trump did not immediately return a request for comment.
  • FOX News Guests RIP Obama after #Pulse Massacre Statement: “Facts Don’t Seem to Matter” and “Pablum”

    06/12/2016 2:00:09 PM PDT · by milford421 · 52 replies
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | 6/12/16 | Jim Hoft
    "Former CIA Director James Woolsey: Yet again the president did not pass up an opportunity to say that guns are the problem. And yet again he passed up the opportunity even to allude to the fact that there might be some motivation from some branch of Islam, or jihadist terrorism or jihadi thinking behind what was taking place despite of the fact that the killer was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ The facts don’t seem to matter to this administration."
  • Ted Cruz's Closest Counselors Are Neocons

    01/31/2016 5:26:31 PM PST · by VitacoreVision · 84 replies
    The New American ^ | 15 October 2015 | Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
    There's a lot about Ted Cruz that should worry constitutionalists considering voting for the senator in the presidential election of 2016.Recently, Infogram published brief but illuminating biographies of several of Cruz's key foreign policy advisors. The information disclosed in these revelations could trouble many constitutionalists otherwise keen on the senator and who rely on him to restore the rule of law to the White House.The first person highlighted in the article is the chairman of Cruz's foreign policy team, Chad Sweet.Sweet's professional and political background betrays Cruz's claims of being someone who promises "not to continue going in the same...
  • CIA Releases New 'Noah's Ark' Documents

    11/21/2002 11:50:10 AM PST · by Ready2go · 152 replies · 1,644+ views
    Insight Mag ^ | Nov. 13, 2002 | Timothy W. Maier
    CIA Releases New 'Noah's Ark' Documents Posted Nov. 13, 2002 By Timothy W. Maier Is it the Ark, or just a piece of rock? Two years after Insight filed an appeal charging that the CIA withheld documents and imagery concerning the Mount Ararat anomaly in Turkey, the CIA has released two new documents to Insight that indicate the search for "Noah's Ark" reached the level of the White House under former president George H.W. Bush. The appeal, filed one month after Insight's exclusive story (see "Anomaly or Noah's Ark?"; Nov. 20, 2000), comes on the heels of the CIA's releasing...
  • Former CIA Director: Iran the New Nazi Germany (Woolsey)

    03/31/2015 8:35:42 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 33 replies
    INN ^ | 3/30/2015, 4:45 PM | Tova Dvorin
    Iran is using the same tactics as Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany to expand their empire, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director James Woolsey stated Monday—by reviving imperialism through ideology. “They are doing it on a highly ideological basis,” Woolsey said in an interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box. “They are an imperial power and trying to become more of an imperial power.” As such, he added, “given Iran’s aggressiveness and the fanaticism of its leaders, I don’t think we can do a reasonable deal with them. They’ll cheat.” Despite the evidence, Woolsey theorized that US President Barack Obama will continue the...
  • When Iran goes nuclear

    03/06/2015 10:43:41 AM PST · by Ooh-Ah · 36 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | March 2, 2015 | James Woolsey
    <p>Our attention these days with regard to security is understandably riveted on the Islamic State, or ISIS, and its hideous decapitations, rapes and live immolations. We must deal with the Islamic State, but it is not the gravest threat we face. The Israelis are right — we should awaken to the fact that the coming of a nuclear Iran holds special dangers and requires particularly urgent attention. There are four driving reasons.</p>
  • Woolsey: Threat to electric grid 'keeps me awake at night'

    03/06/2015 11:36:01 AM PST · by Ooh-Ah · 23 replies
    Fox News ^ | March 6, 2015 | James Woolsey
    See interview:
  • National Security Heavyweights Allege Muslim Brotherhood Ties to GOP

    02/12/2014 10:40:44 PM PST · by Rufus2007 · 25 replies
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | February 13, 2014 | Matthew Boyle and Jonathan Strong
    A heavyweight lineup of former national security officials banded together late Tuesday to accuse Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist and high-ranking GOP political operative Suhail Khan of connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. The officials authored a 45-page dossier on the issue to Cleta Mitchell, the top lawyer for the American Conservatives’ Union who in 2011 cleared Norquist of the allegations initially brought by former high-ranking Reagan official Frank Gaffney. The signatories include numerous powerful and respected former officials, including former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former Florida Rep. Allen West, retired Army Lt....
  • CIA Director: Jonathan Pollard Is In Prison Because He's Jewish

    02/08/2014 11:23:21 PM PST · by IsraelBeach · 35 replies
    Israel News Agency ^ | February 9, 2014 | Karen Levy
    CIA Director: Jonathan Pollard Is In Prison Because He's JewishBy Karen Levy Israel News AgencyJerusalem — February 9, 2014 ... There have been many senior US officials who have called for Israeli Jonathan Pollard to be released, but none ever came from this highest of security institutions. Former CIA Director James Woolsey has reiterated his call for the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard, now in his 29th year behind American bars over charges of spying for Israel. Speaking to the Israel News Agency, Woolsey stated: "It's enough. After a quarter century the time has come to free Pollard. That doesn't...
  • Was the Fed bomber a Frank Amendment Terrorist?

    10/18/2012 3:27:29 PM PDT · by Chuckmorse · 6 replies
    Chuck Morse Speaks ^ | Oct 18, 2012 | Chuck Morse The short answer is yes,Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis,, the Jihadist terrorist who plotted to bomb the Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan, was able to get a Visa more easily from the State Department because of the Frank Amendment. Congressman Barney Frank sponsored over 10 such amendments in the 1990's, bills that he sheparded into law which made it easier for terrorists to enter into the United States with legal visas. Bill Clinton's CIA Director James Woolsey, speaking on the Frank Amendment to the Wall Street Journal stated that "Congress had made it illegal to deny visas to members...