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  • NASA shuts down live International Space Station feed as 'mysterious UFO enters Earth's atmosphere'

    07/13/2016 6:18:18 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 94 replies
    Mirror UK ^ | Updated 13:17, 13 Jul 2016 | By Elle Griffiths
    The incident caused speculation online - and is not the first time NASA have been accused of tampering with the feed. Trending Theresa May Pokemon GO Dallas police shooting Weather Angela Eagle Alton Sterling Technology Money Travel Fashion Mums Home News Weird News UFOs NASA shuts down live International Space Station feed as 'mysterious UFO enters Earth's atmosphere' 22:16, 12 Jul 2016 Updated 13:17, 13 Jul 2016 By Elle Griffiths The incident caused speculation online - and is not the first time NASA have been accused of tampering with the feed 2602 shares 227 comments Play 1:31 / 1:31 Fullscreen...
  • PETA Wants Accused Cannibal Killer Fed Vegan Diet

    09/24/2014 7:28:45 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 17 replies
    Jeffersonville News & Tribune ^ | September 24, 2014 | CNHI News Service
    PETA wants accused cannibal killer fed vegan diet JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. – It has the stuff of a comedic one-liner, but PETA says it is dead serious in urging the local sheriff to feed an accused cannibal killer a vegan diet in order to “swear off flesh” while he’s imprisoned. Kenneth Montville, a national spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said the proposal is aimed at making the group’s point that meatless food can help reduce violent behavior and also save money for jails. “We really want to take a situation that’s a tragedy and make it into...
  • (Drunken) Alaska Man Feeds Black Bear Barbecue Meat, Gets Mauled for Dessert

    06/20/2013 6:33:09 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 49 replies
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS ^ | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | Sasha Goldstein
    Alaska man feeds black bear barbecue meat, gets mauled for dessert The drunken man could be charged with illegally feeding wildlife after the Alaska Department of Fish and Game says he 'pretty much goaded' the beast into the attack. Beer, barbecue and black bears are never a good mix. An Alaska man learned that the hard way this weekend when he threw a hungry bear a piece of barbecued meat — only to be mauled by the same bear. "He'd been drinking," Alaska State Trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen told the Anchorage Daily News of the man. The unidentified man was...
  • The United Nations Says We Should All Be Eating Insects

    05/14/2013 7:10:50 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 63 replies
    Forbes ^ | 5/14/2013 | Tim Worstall
    The United Nations Says We Should All Be Eating Insects The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a part of the United Nations, has released a report saying that we should all get ready to start eating insects. There’s a certain amount of truth in the report but not all that much: “ World population is slated to top nine billion by 2050, and seeing as how arable land is being rapidly swallowed by towns and cities, oceans are increasingly overfished, and climate change is disrupting traditional farming, a new United Nations study proposes a twist on Marie Antoinette’s dietary advice:...
  • (Cannibal Islamist "Freedom Fighter") Syrian Rebel Bites Heart of Dead Soldier: Video

    05/13/2013 7:02:48 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 31 replies
    NYT ^ | May 13, 2013 | REUTERS
    Syrian Rebel Bites Heart of Dead Soldier: Video BEIRUT (Reuters) - A video of a Syrian rebel commander cutting the heart out of a soldier and biting into is emblematic of a civil war that has rapidly descended into sectarian hatred and revenge killings, Human Rights Watch said on Monday. The New York-based group said an amateur video posted on the Internet on Sunday shows Abu Sakkar, a founder of the rebel Farouq Brigade who is well known to journalists as an insurgent from Homs, cutting into the torso of a dead soldier. The video has caused outrage among both...
  • Scientists Find Cannibalism at American Settlement (Jamestown, VA)

    05/02/2013 6:50:53 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 12 replies
    U-T San Diego ^ | May 1, 2013 | Brett Zongker
    Scientists find cannibalism at American settlement WASHINGTON — Scientists say they have found the first solid archaeological evidence that some of the earliest American colonists survived harsh conditions by resorting to cannibalism. On Wednesday, the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and archaeologists from Jamestown announced the discovery of the bones of a 14-year-old girl with clear signs that she was cannibalized. The human remains date back to the deadly winter of 1609-1610, known as the "starving time" in Jamestown, when hundreds of colonists died. Scientists have said the settlers arrived from England during the worst drought in 800 years....
  • Did Desperate Fishermen Cannibalise Their Friends in Extreme Cold in Remote Siberia?

    12/05/2012 2:32:17 PM PST · by DogByte6RER · 17 replies
    The Siberian Times ^ | 04 December 2012 | The Siberian Times reporter
    Did desperate fishermen cannibalise their friends in extreme cold in remote Siberia? In the most extreme conditions, the unimaginable can happen. Police in Siberia are now trying to piece together a mystery that unfolded after four friends went on a fishing expedition in August in the endless taiga. Three months later, only two men came back from their adventure along the remote Sutam River, after they were located in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) by a rescue helicopter from the Russian Emergencies Ministry, which saved their lives. Alexander Abdullaev, 37, and Alexei Gradulenko, 35, were found alive - but only just....
  • "They Ate Their Victims' Brains Raw": Cannibal Cult Arrested for Eating Seven Witch Doctors

    07/14/2012 11:49:07 AM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 44 replies
    Mirror News ^ | July 13, 2012 | Agency Staff
    "They ate their victims' brains raw": 'Cannibal cult' members arrested after seven 'witch doctors' brutally murdered The cult members are thought to have eaten the witch doctors’ organs in the belief that they would attain supernatural powers and become ‘bulletproof’ Police in Papua New Guinea have unearthed a ‘cannibal cult’ in the jungle thought to be responsible for the murders of seven suspected witch doctors. The 29 cult members allegedly ate their victims' brains raw and made soup from their penises, according to police officials. Madang Police Commander Anthony Wagambie said: “They don’t think they’ve done anything wrong; they admit...
  • Karachi Woman Murders, Seeks to Cook Husband (Dreams of Polygamy Go to Pot ... Stew Pot!)

    11/25/2011 10:43:16 AM PST · by DogByte6RER · 22 replies ^ | 11/24/2011 | Gavriel Queenann
    Karachi Woman Murders, Seeks to Cook Husband Pakistani police say a woman tried to cook her husband after murdering him for planning to take a second wife. By Gavriel Queenann Pakistani police on Thursday arrested a woman they say killed her husband and was attempting to cook his body parts, after he planned to take a second wife without her permission. According to family law in Islamic Pakistan, a man must get permission from his first wife before his second marriage, but the law is rarely observed. Police arrested Zainab Bibi, 32, and her nephew Zaheer, 22, in the Shah...
  • (Obamanomics in Action) Eat the Old: Could Mass Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage?

    10/28/2011 8:36:16 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 33 replies
    Live Science ^ | October 28, 2011 | Adam Hadhazy
    Eat the Old: Could Mass Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage? The global human population is set to hit 7 billion on Oct. 31, and by century's end it will stand at 10 billion, according to the United Nations. That's a lot more mouths to feed. There's a very good chance that generating food from traditional farming and livestock practices will not be able to keep pace with this boom. What if a worldwide food shortage were to become so terribly dire that people resorted to eating . . . people? In such a dreadful event, the most-sensible first choice...
  • Fast-Food Outlet is First to Sell Zebra Pizzas

    03/29/2010 3:53:13 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 34 replies · 638+ views
    Fox News ^ | March 29, 2010
    A fast-food outlet became the first in Britain to sell pizzas with an extra special topping — zebra, it emerged Sunday. Yummy Yummy Italia in Burnley, northern England, launched the controversial pizza after owner Arash Fard, 33, visited London and saw frogs’ legs pizzas on the menu, local newspaper the Lancashire Telegraph reported. The unusual meat toppings are bought from "alternative meats" supplier Kezie, which says the ingredients are ethically sourced from responsible farms. Fard's zebra creation is not his first time experimenting with ingredients. He told the Lancashire Telegraph that his range of buffalo, venison, kangaroo and crocodile pizzas...
  • Toxic Metal In Kids' Jewelry From China (Chinese Substitute Lead With More Toxic Cadmium)

    01/10/2010 4:23:52 PM PST · by DogByte6RER · 12 replies · 958+ views ^ | Sunday, January 10, 2010 | JUSTIN PRITCHARD
    AP IMPACT: Toxic metal in kids' jewelry from China By JUSTIN PRITCHARD, Associated Press Writer Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 11:22 a.m. LOS ANGELES — Barred from using lead in children's jewelry because of its toxicity, some Chinese manufacturers have been substituting the more dangerous heavy metal cadmium in sparkling charm bracelets and shiny pendants being sold throughout the United States, an Associated Press investigation shows. The most contaminated piece analyzed in lab testing performed for the AP contained a startling 91 percent cadmium by weight. The cadmium content of other contaminated trinkets, all purchased at national and regional chains...
  • Real-time Mind Control Zombie Zot

    12/23/2006 11:31:23 AM PST · by BibleBabe1 · 5,856 replies · 18,448+ views ^ | 12/23/06 | BibleBabe1
    Remote detection satellites are used by the intelligence branch of the military to conduct mind control exercises in the theater of war. All this technology is dependent upon the higher branches of particle physics and quantum mechanics. The array of satellites safe in deep space cover the entire earth making the mind control intelligence program widely successful. Be amazed as you view this military program break out of the box. Go to the following web site that shows a real-time mind control zombie being manipulated by satellite and the military.
  • A Dark Conspiracy of Prophecy and Alien Technology

    08/16/2006 2:51:31 PM PDT · by Alex Murphy · 63 replies · 894+ views
    American Chronicle ^ | August 14, 2006 | Gary S. Bekkum
    Starstream Research interviews author Terry James about his novel, and the truth behind the dark dimension of alien technology and otherworldly beings. "So, believing God's Word as absolute Truth, I have to believe they are presently intertwining themselves with government and science in clandestine, dark project areas. How aware governmental officials --in the black, covert regions, or other--are in these things, I wouldn't conjecture. But, someone, somewhere, has to know something is beyond what we consider normal." SSR: Beginning in August 2006, Starstream Research is examining the possibility that the human race is under the influence of otherworldly intelligence. The...
  • The Difference Between Fallen Angels, Demons, Aliens, Jedi, and the Watchers

    05/12/2006 8:24:27 PM PDT · by restornu · 122 replies · 31,935+ views
    The Watcher Files ^ | By Sherry Shriner
    In these last days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human DNA by fallen angels, also known as "Aliens." The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons, and other sources. However, they are not telling you the whole truth. These Aliens are not ascended masters, or enlightened ones, or beings from galaxies millions of miles away, nor are they our forefathers or original creators. They are fallen angels who were kicked out of heaven for their rebellion against the headship...
  • Some of nation’s best libraries have books bound in human skin

    01/07/2006 1:44:19 PM PST · by wagglebee · 136 replies · 2,626+ views
    PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- Brown University’s library boasts an unusual anatomy book. Tanned and polished to a smooth golden brown, its cover looks and feels no different from any other fine leather. But here’s its secret: the book is bound in human skin. A number of prestigious libraries—including Harvard University’s—have such books in their collections. While the idea of making leather from human skin seems bizarre and cruel today, it was not uncommon in centuries past, said Laura Hartman, a rare book cataloger at the National Library of Medicine in Maryland and author of a paper on the subject. An...
  • The UFO Phenomenon - Seeing Is Believing (Peter Jennings tonight - Live Thread)

    02/24/2005 3:55:40 PM PST · by traumer · 1,052 replies · 15,200+ views
    ABC News ^ | Feb. 24, 2005
    Almost 50 percent of Americans, according to recent polls, and millions of people elsewhere in the world believe that UFOs are real. For many it is a deeply held belief. For decades there have been sightings of UFOs by millions and millions of people. It is a mystery that only science can solve, and yet the phenomenon remains largely unexamined. Most of the reporting on this subject by the mainstream media holds those who claim to have seen UFOs up to ridicule. On Feb. 24, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" takes a fresh look at the UFO...
  • Strange objects over Cleveland - Photo's taken by North Olmsted Police department (Oct,2004)

    10/07/2004 2:56:55 PM PDT · by Las Vegas Dave · 258 replies · 7,998+ views
    ------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE SKYS OVER NORTHERN OHIO? On Wednesday morning September 22nd, 2004 a caller rang the WTAM morning show, Wills and Coleman in the Morning, to report the sightings of strange colors in the sky. Other callers reported seeing the same thing while others tried to describe and/or explain the image. (You can hear a sampling of the calls below). Afternoon host Mike Trivisonno was curious and ventured into his backyard to see for himself. Although he did not see the lights he did see something peculiar, jet contrails all over the crystal clear Cleveland...
  • EATEN BY HIS PET SPIDERS: Cops' macabre find in flat

    02/27/2004 1:43:31 PM PST · by ambrose · 179 replies · 829+ views
    EATEN BY HIS PET SPIDERS Feb 27 2004 Cops' macabre find in flat From Allan Hall In Berlin SPIDERMAN Mark Voegel became a gruesome feast for the creepy-crawlies he loved. They devoured his body after he got a lethal bite from his favourite pet Bettina - a deadly Black Widow. More than 200 spiders, several snakes, a gecko called Helmut and several thousand termites gorged on their former master for days. Police who were called in after neighbours complained about the smell said it was "like a scene from a horror movie". They found the remains of 30-year-old loner Voegel...