Keyword: hr4437
Everyone had a good stiff drinkie? Here goes: FoxNews reporting from the White House: White House spokesman Tony Snow reacted to the change in House control by allowing they're disappointed, but that it presents some intriguing opportunities, such as passing comprehensive immigration reform which failed in the previous Republican House."
Like a breath of fresh air Tom brushes away all the double-talk of the amnesty spin-doctors. It's refreshing to hear someone who understands what plain English means! But maybe bilingualism has confused them!
<p>The House version of the bill approving and funding the building of a U.S./Mexico border wall has overwhelmingly passed the Senate, according to KFI News.</p>
Just heard about this case on FOX... Very interesting case to discuss. In essence Mohawk Industries, a carpet manufacturer is being sued under RICO as a result of thier efforts to hire illegals. for more background visit
ASSOCIATED PRESS RIVERSIDE, N.J. -- Hundreds of protesters and counter-protesters assembled in this small Philadelphia suburb Sunday in response to the community's new attempt to crack down on illegal immigration. About 200 protesters argued against a township ordinance adopted last month that bans the hiring and housing of people who cannot verify they are legal residents. A larger group massed across the street to support the new law. People on both sides of the street waved American flags, but traded hostile remarks. "This can only lead to more separation, more hostility, more hatred, more anger," Marlene Lao-Collins, associate director of...
“As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.” So begins a new work of warning from Pat Buchanan. And this time Buchanan goes all the way. STATE OF EMERGENCY: THIRD WORLD INVASION AND CONQUEST OF AMERICA hit the streets this week and it's designed to jolt readers with stats and analysis of illegal immigration gone dangerously wild. Buchanan warns: “The children born...
SAN DIEGO ---- Americans need to think of illegal immigrants as economic contributors and not law breakers, said five advocates for immigration reform Monday. The five advocates, including a farming advocate and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce director, spoke during a press conference in response to a hearing held by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee. The Republican-led committee met Monday in San Diego to discuss the costs of illegal immigration to San Diego County's educational, health and legal systems. Viewed in an economic sense, the advocates said, the loss of a labor force made up largely of illegal immigrants...
Future costs for illegal immigrants in the United States will reach a half a trillion dollars, a Heritage Foundation researcher said Wednesday at congressional hearing in San Diego. The influx of illegal immigrants has effectively "imported about 10 million high school dropouts into the United States," said Robert Rector, a senior research fellow in welfare and family issues for the Washington, D.C.-based think tank. Rector testified before the House Judiciary Committee, which convened at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot for one in a series of hearings on illegal immigration this month. The hearings are a rebuttal to a Senate bill...
Can someone create a site On the site to add all politicians who have promoted, thought about promoted, voted for amnesty. They are on our most wanted lists. Most of them in Washington have been there far too long and they have to go. All their comments for promoting amnesty. Amnesty is a nasty...Put all their records on amnesty on the site.... Any ideas???
EL PASO — House Speaker Dennis Hastert finished a two-day visit to the U.S. border Saturday with a tour of a port of entry in El Paso and repeated calls for security reforms to protect the border. Hastert, R-Ill., said he made the trip to determine what resources were needed to secure the border and stop illegal immigration. On Friday, he and several other members of Congress made three stops in Arizona, a hotspot for illegal immigration, and saw National Guard troops building fences near the border as part of President Bush’s Operation Jump Start. Speaking for the group, which...
WASHINGTON -- After more than 50 congressional hearings on immigration, lawmakers complained Tuesday about the prospect of even more hearings in a House-Senate standoff over how to deter illegal immigrants. House Republicans have called for six more hearings this month - and possibly more in August. The hearings began after the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration bill offering a chance at citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants. The latest round of hearings has been criticized as a political maneuver to delay immigration legislation and to help Republican candidates in an election year. After more than 50 immigration hearings since the...
WASHINGTON - House Republican leaders are scheduling a new round of immigration hearings, saying three already held have strengthened their case for enforcement-heavy legislation. Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Wednesday the hearings have made clear that a Senate bill that opens an avenue toward citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants would undermine border security. He contended that members of both parties are moving toward the House position that the nation's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants should be offered no guarantees against being deported. "The hearings have been an absolute success and they've put us in a stronger position to...
ANGELES (Reuters) - Karl Rove, U.S. President George W. Bush's senior political advisor, on Tuesday took the administration's message on immigration reform to Latino leaders, saying the country was approaching a "critical moment" in the debate. >br> Speaking at the annual convention of leading Latino civic group the National Council of La Raza, Rove said Bush would work with Republicans and Democrats in coming weeks to push through reform legislation that has bitterly divided Congress, the Republican Party and the nation. "We face a critical moment in our immigration debate, a moment when our nation will make an important decision...
White House adviser Karl Rove is scheduled to speak tomorrow at the annual conference of the federally funded, left-wing, open-borders-advocacy group, the National Council of La Raza. If he does not want his speech to look like an act of appeasement, he should confront La Raza on its opposition to commonsense policies designed to secure both U.S. borders and U.S. pocketbooks. La Raza, which means “The Race” in Spanish, has denounced as “horrendous” and “appalling” the House immigration bill passed in December, which was sponsored by Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R.-Wis.) and supported by the overwhelming majority of House Republicans....
I just spoke with Speaker Hasteret's Office. I am told that he is waiting for "more hearings" one in Mid-July and another in Mid-August before appointing conferee's on the Immigration Bill..... I told him that the AMERICAN PEOPLE want the HOUSE bill not the SENATE bill !!! NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL SPEAKER HASTERET's OFFICE and tell him to APPOINT CONFEREE's NOW !!! David Click here to read MY OPEN LETTER TO CONGERSS
LOS ANGELES - Former President Bill Clinton praised President Bush on Saturday for supporting reforms that would allow millions of illegal immigrants to seek citizenship but said the debate in Congress is being fomented by Republicans who want to divide America. "I'm proud of him for doing it and I thanked him for doing it," he said of Bush during a "Cafe con Clinton" breakfast speech to the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy group. Clinton said Bush's roots in Texas — which has one of the nation's largest Hispanic...
While the U.S. Congress dithers over how best to stop illegal immigration, the Mexican people may have already decided the issue this past weekend. Mexicans went to the polls Sunday to pick a new president, only the second presidential election in the last 75 years that could be characterized as a truly free and democratic contest. The more conservative, free-trade-oriented candidate, Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party (PAN), appears to have eked out a slim victory with a few hundred thousand more votes than the leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Although Lopez Obrador, the former mayor of Mexico City...
Welcome, we invite you to join us at the 2006 NCLR Annual Conference! The NCLR Annual Conference serves as a catalyst for new thought and progress for over 23,000 community organization leaders and activists, elected officials, members of the corporate and academic communities, senior citizens, and youth. The Conference will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, West Hall at 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, 90015. We can't wait to see you there!
SAN DIEGO - Narcotics syndicates operating along the southern border are a threat to the security of the United States, and not enough is being done to close the nation's borders to would-be terrorists, government witnesses told U.S. congressional leaders Wednesday. The House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Non-proliferation held the first of several field hearings on border security and terrorism at the Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station in San Diego. During testimony, law enforcement agents, researchers and federal officials said they lack the funding, manpower and technology to fully secure the nation's northern and southern borders. "Drug cartels, smuggling...