Keyword: goldameir
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) on Monday said Americans view Vice President Harris as “a bit of a ding-dong,” a comment that was met with some pushback from Fox News host Neil Cavuto. Kennedy fired off a series of attacks against Harris on Fox News’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” repeatedly claiming polls show that Americans view Harris as “a bit of a ding-dong.” Cavuto continued to push back on Kennedy’s comments, questioning how beneficial it was for the senator and other Republicans to call the vice president names. “Margaret Thatcher didn’t giggle, Golda Meir didn’t giggle. When you look at...
As Barack Obama’s number two man, Joe Biden took part in many policies that were damaging to Israel but his duplicity concerning the Jewish state began in his first year in the Senate when he visited Israel. Depending on which version of events he tells, Biden takes credit for transmitting disinformation to the Israeli government in an effort to help Egypt kill more Jewish soldiers, or, as he now tells it, Biden withheld vital information that could have helped Israel defend itself. In 1973, a freshman senator named Joe Biden was sent on his first overseas trip to visit Israel....
Fact check: Biden tells inaccurate story about his 1973 meeting with Israeli prime minister
Israeli government on Monday approved the deployment of a $6.4 million field hospital in western Ukraine to provide aid and medical assistance to refugees. The one-month humanitarian mission is named “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) in honor of former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, who was born in Ukraine and became somewhat of a local hero since Russia’s invasion of the country.
She has played the Queen and a gangster’s moll but her latest casting has sparked controversyNobody is quite what they seem. And actors? Well, for actors that’s the job. Dame Helen Mirren, as well as being herself for 76 years, has by now notably been Lady Macbeth, a London gangster’s moll, a thief’s wife, an alcoholic cop, an action hero, Prospero and also a British monarch at least four times. Now she takes on Golda Meir, the late prime minister of Israel, in a new biopic, and the casting has caused controversy. The choice of a non-Jewish actor to star...
CLAIM: President Joe Biden claimed Wednesday he was invited to Israel as a “liaison” to Egypt during the Six Day War. VERDICT: FALSE. Biden was a law student during the Six Day War in 1967. He visited Israel six years later, in 1973. President Biden tried to impress his audience at the annual White House menorah lighting ceremony, telling the kind of tall tale that has become his trademark, claiming to have been invited to Israel by Prime Minister Golda Meir in the Six Day War.
Biden Lies Again, Claims He Was Golda Meir’s Liaison During the Six-Day WarMendacious? In the grip of dementia? Or both?Old Joe Biden is a serial liar as well as an elderly man in the grip of dementia, and it was initially hard to tell which one was kicking in on Thursday when he claimed that he served as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir’s liaison to Egypt during the Six-Day War in 1967. Golda Meir wasn’t prime minister of Israel during the Six-Day War, and Biden was an unknown law student at the time, but Biden did meet with her in...
Internet trolls are attacking Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren for playing Israel’s first female Prime Minister Golda Meir in the upcoming biopic, Golda. Social media users branded Mirren “racist,” and called her a “well known Zionist and Israel-worshipper” after the actress took on the role of the wartime prime minster in the new film — set during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when Arab nations attacked Israel. “How sick making a biopic on criminal Golda Meir and yes no surprise Helen Mirren the racist is happy to portray the pure distorted version of a disgusting individual,” complained one Twitter user,...
To be misquoted is an occupational hazard of political leadership; for this reason I should like to clarify my position in regard to the Palestinian issue. I have been charged with being rigidly insensitive to the question of the Palestinian Arabs. In evidence of this I am supposed to have said, “There are no Palestinians.” My actual words were: “There is no Palestinian people. There are Palestinian refugees.” The distinction is not semantic. My statement was based on a lifetime of debates with Arab nationalists who vehemently excluded a separatist Palestinian Arab nationalism from their formulations. When in 1921 I...
Day 307 of the Dictatorship of COVID-19, Day 307 of America and the World Held Hostage... Well there you have it "Playboy's Theme" reminding me of the gretest smear being dropped these days against Patriots, Trump Supporters, Anti-Lockdown, Anti-Vaccine people... Washington DC Under Martial Law Fear Of Revolution No I'm Not Talking About Today I'm Talking About August 28, 1963. Facebook and Twitter weren't there to censor Dr. Martin Luther King but the US Justice Department was running the show. The US Park Service sound system would switch to music if anyone said the wrong thing... God Bless President Donald...
The 1967 Six-Day War by Mitchell Bard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Israel consistently expressed a desire to negotiate with its neighbors. In an address to the UN General Assembly on October 10, 1960, Foreign Minister Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser answered on October 15, saying that Israel was trying to deceive world opinion, and reiterating that his country would never recognize the Jewish State.(1) The Arabs were equally adamant in their refusal to negotiate a separate settlement for the refugees. As Nasser told the United Arab Republic National Assembly March...
This month marks the 43rd anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. We have been fed some false information about this war. For starters, Israel did not strike first unlike in the 1967 Six day war when Israel was forced to launch a pre-emptive strike as her enemies amassed on her borders and as the UN stood aside and allowed them to do so. The Arabs shot first On the night of September 25, King Hussein secretly flew to Tel Aviv to warn Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir of an impending Syrian attack. Throughout September, Israel received eleven more warnings...
"No matter how deeply involved you are in the U.S. … there’s only one guarantee ... and that's the state of Israel" In the April issue of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg reports on a remarkable incident last fall at the residence of Vice President Joseph Biden. Speaking before guests—including leaders of Jewish organizations and Jewish officials in the Obama administration—invited to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, Biden recalled meeting Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir when he was a young man in the Senate: “I’ll never forget talking to her in her office with her assistant—a guy named Rabin—about the Six-Day War,” he...
On the second day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel’s defense minister Moshe Dayan told prime minister Golda Meir to consider making preparations for the use of nuclear weapons, according to an interview with a ministerial aide now being published for the first time. With Israel taken completely by surprise, Syrian tanks streaking across the Golan Heights and the IDF’s armored divisions in the south losing ground, Dayan returned from the northern front for a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office visibly shaken, and suggested readying the nuclear option, claims Arnon Azaryahu, an aide to another minister in the...
Saturday marks Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and, this year, the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, the greatest trauma in Israeli history. On the morning of October 6, 1973—the day on which Yom Kippur fell that year—Chief of Staff David Elazar met with Prime Minister Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan to warn that the Egyptian and Syrian armies were about to attack Israel. Elazar urged a preemptive strike; six years earlier, in the Six-Day War, Israel’s preemptive strike had proved highly effective. But Meir and Dayan, who were under...
If America knew more about this and less about Snooki...
The world watches the war of words between Israel and Iran. President Ahmadinejad’s call for the annihilation of the Zionist regime has lost its edge because of overuse. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s reply that Israel has the right to defend itself is as expected as the sun rising in the morning. However, tensions rose to a new high last week with the comment by Iran’s Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi that “of course this confrontation has always continued; however, since we are in the era of The Coming, this war will be a significant war” (Mashregh news). He was referring to Imam...
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Wednesday that Khalid Al-Jawary, a dangerous Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist convicted of a 1973 New York City bomb plot and implicated in multiple terrorist attacks spanning two decades, was deported to Sudan. He had served only half of his thirty year sentence. Recently declassified information additionally reveals that Al-Jawary got help from New York's Iraqi diplomatic mission in communicating with his PLO masters. In March of 1973, Al-Jawary and possible accomplices planted three powerful car bombs: two along 5th Avenue near Israeli-owned banks, and one at Kennedy Airport. Timed to explode upon...
Original title: "Egyptian"Karagandan took part in the last Arab-Israeli war Karaganda resident Danakan Nurgaliev is a man with a rare history. He is the only one in our city with the rights and benefits of a soldier-internationalist, though he was never in Afghanistan. Danakan Kasymovich did his duty in a country a bit further away - in Egypt, during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. "I was born in the Taldykurganskaya district in 1952," Danakan said. "When called up for military service, I was sent first to Amur, in the air defense forces. After about a half-year they sent us through...
‘If they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.’ secretary of state heard telling Nixon on 1973 tape. WASHINGTON – Henry Kissinger is heard saying the genocide of Soviet Jews would not be an American problem on newly released tapes chronicling President Nixon’s obsession with disparaging Jews and other minorities. Kissinger’s remarks come after a meeting between the two men and former prime minister Golda Meir on March 1, 1973, in which Meir pleads for US pressure on the Soviet Union to release its Jews. The men dismiss her plea after Meir...