Keyword: glazov
Glazov Video: After The Jihadist Psychopath Seduces You Why he sulks in the corner after punching you in the face — and you apologize. May 3, 2019 Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. On this new Jamie Glazov Video, Jamie focuses on After The Jihadist Psychopath Seduces You, explaining how the Islamic Supremacist sulks in the corner after punching you in the face -- and you apologize. Don't miss it! Also check out Jamie's recent talk at the Freedom Center’s Wednesday Morning Club about his new book,...
FP: ...One of your special expertises is on how leftists, and some of our European allies, have chosen to side with our enemy. Now, after the Madrid terror attack, we see another European ally succumb to appeasement.... Hanson: Well, even before the terrorists' communiques were fully disseminated the Spanish electorate voted for appeasement and a socialist government that would distance itself from the United States. This is the most profound example of capitulation since Daladier and Chamberlain and sets a truly awful example... Worse, this was not panic from a fickle leader but an overwhelming expression of public fear and...
- FrontPage Magazine - - Israeli Christians Moving in a New DirectionPosted By Joseph Puder On October 21, 2013 @ 12:22 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 22 Comments Israeli Christians surveying the current situation faced by Christians throughout the Arab Middle East have come to the realization that the Jewish State of Israel is the only country in the region that protects its Christian minority. It prompted a recent conference in Jerusalem titled, “Israeli Christians: Breaking Free? The Advent of an Independent Christian Voice in Israel,” that took place on Monday, September 23, 2013. The speakers included Father (Fr.)...
In the video below, we see a small number of Christians who gathered holding Christian signs at the 2012 Dearbor, Michigan Arab festival being assaulted by Muslims with bottles, stones, and other objects. The police do not protect the Christians or take action against the perpetrators; in the end, they reprimand the Christians and instruct them to leave. Ever since, there has been no coverage of this outrageous event in our media. Nor has CAIR or any other Muslim organization denounced the Muslims who abused the Christians.
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Shari Goodman, the Chapter Leader of Calabasas-West Valley ACT! For America, a local chapter of the national organization by the same name. FP: Shari Goodman, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I would like to talk to you today about a petition you created that seeks to take some action against the Muslim Student Association and its teachings of hate at UCLA. Tell us about it. Goodman: Recently the Muslim Student Association sponsored an Islamic Conference attended by about 700 students. Two of the invited guests were radical Imams. One was Imam Amir Abdel Malik, an affiliate...
They have more in common than just the family resemblance. My always-supportive friend and mentor Dr. Jamie Glazov has a must-read article today at FrontPage. Usually when I introduce one of Jamie’s articles it’s time to brace yourself for a horrific expose of Islamofascism or misogyny. Today’s a bit different, though. Jamie has finally written the kind of piece I’ve been bugging him to do for months: the story of his family. Here’s the beginning of it: One day, when I was nine years old, my father and I were on our way to Church. As we neared the entrance,...
The liberal milieu and mainstream media are baffled: What could have possibly led the 23-year-old Nigerian boy Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to attempt jihadi suicide on a passenger plane? How could such a nice, educated Islamic boy, who grew up in a rich and prosperous family, have come under the “radical” and “extreme” influences that set him on his violent course? It’s just all so mysterious. It’s so mysterious that the news anchors on CNN continue to incredulously ask each other and their guests these questions — back and forth, over and over again, in a cyclical circus that has no...
the most obvious torment that arises in the life of a young devout Muslim like Abdulmutallab is what he himself honestly describes: the tension between sexual desires and the Islamic mandate of, as he writes, “lowering the gaze” in the presence of women. “The Prophet (S) advised young men to fast if they can’t get married,” he agonizes, “but it has not been helping me much and I seriously don’t want to wait for years before I get married.” It is precisely in this context that we see the origins of the Muslim suicide bomber’s journey into the heart of...
- FrontPage Magazine - - Obama’s Tortured Rendezvous With Reality – by Jamie GlazovPosted By Jamie Glazov On December 31, 2009 @ 12:03 am In FrontPage | 37 Comments Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and historian at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is a columnist for National Review [1]and a recipient of the 2007 National Humanities Medal. FP: Victor Davis Hanson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.First things first, let me ask you this.If our government was serious about fighting Islamic terrorism and saving lives, wouldn’t Abdul Mutallab be getting water-boarded just about now?We know that...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and historian at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. FP: Victor Hanson, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Hanson: Glad to be here again. FP: Sarah Palin is, clearly, carving out a national presence right now. It’s not just the appeal of her book, but also her outspokenness on the Copenhagen conference and other issues. What do you think she might be up to? And what is she tapping into? What are her possibilities? Hanson: I think she taps into a current of populist unhappiness in the country with Washington insiders, Big Money, and...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Andrew Klavan, the author of such internationally bestselling crime novels.. Klavan: It was an experience that very much mirrored the pattern of the famous paradigm shift described in Thomas Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” Anomalies started to occur, things that didn’t fit into what I thought of as a “liberal” world view. ... Then the Berlin Wall fell down – everything Reagan predicted – stupid Reagan, cowboy Reagan, dumb old movie actor Reagan – every single thing he said would happen, happened. And it finally began to dawn on me, “Oh, I get it: it’s...
FP: Andrew Klavan, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I’d like to talk to you today about your journey into and out of the Left. How did you at first become a member of the political faith? Tell us about the beginnings of your intellectual journey. Klavan: Well, I was always a dissatisfied liberal. I just never knew there was anything else to be. I was born Jewish to a mother who worshipped FDR and a father who thought that any Republican victory prefigured the return of Adolf Hitler. That’s not an exaggeration: he thought Republicans were all just Hitler in disguise...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. He can be contacted at Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.A terrible tragedy occurred yesterday at Ft. Hood, Texas. Because you are the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book Muslim Mafia, I would like to ask you...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [1]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. [2] He can be contacted at [3]. FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview. A terrible tragedy occurred yesterday at Ft. Hood, Texas. Because you are the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book Muslim Mafia [4],...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Lynn O’Shea, Director of Research for the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America’s Missing Servicemen. FP: Lynn O’Shea, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Tell us what your Alliance is currently working on. O’Shea: Currently, we are working toward the passage of House Resolution 111, calling for the formation of a Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs in the House of Representatives. It is our hope that the House Committee will pick up where the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs ended in 1993. When the Senate Committee published its final report, it contained several...
Sofia HayatIn a recent piece in the Daily Mail, a Muslim woman, Sofia Hayat, discusses a brutal and oppressive upbringing by her parents, which included imprisonment in a cellar and ended in death threats – because Sofia longed to be free. This brings to mind the battle we are in at the moment with Naomi Wolf, a supposed feminist who should be standing up for persecuted Muslim women but, instead, has reached her hand out in solidarity to their oppressors. This is understandable, of course, because as a leftist, Wolf cannot be honest about the tyranny of an adversarial culture....
Editor’s note: Get the whole story of the Left’s love affair with Castro in Jamie Glazov’s new book, “United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror.” The Left’s romance with tyranny and terror continues. This time it is Democrat Rep. Diane Watson picking up the torch for the fellow travelers, lavishing praise on Fidel Castro. Watson, evidently, is still riding the wave of ecstasy she experienced upon prostrating herself before Castro on her political pilgrimage to the dictator’s slave camp in April, 2009. Now, in a recent town hall meeting on health care, she’s touching base with the...
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care (Pacific Research Institute, 2008). FP: Sally Pipes, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Obama has appeared to have retreated on the option of government-run insurance. Your take? Pipes: On Sunday, there was much talk over the airwaves among White House officials including Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius that the Administration may be willing to strike the “public option” from the various House and Senate health care bills...
It has been confirmed across the board that 18-wheelers were seen going into Syria before the war, crossing the border soon after Iraqi intelligence replaced the border guards and cleared nearby areas for their passage. There are also eyewitness reports of the trucks going into Syria, and eyewitness reports of their burial in Lebanon. The trucks with the weapons were tracked to three locations in Syria and Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, currently controlled by the Syrians, Iranians, and Hezbollah. Sources I've spoken with that have seen satellite photos of the movements confirm that the WMD in Syria are at military bases,...
United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror, by Jamie Glazov (WND Books, 264 pp., $25.95) The long romance of Western leftists with some of the bloodiest regimes and political movements in history is a story not told often enough, and Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate tells it particularly well. Glazov, managing editor of FrontPage, holds a Ph.D. in U.S., Russian, and Canadian foreign policy. He also is an immigrant from the Soviet Union, where his parents were active in the dissident movement. Both intellectually and personally, he’s well qualified to document and expose the Left’s destructive behavior....