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Keyword: fuller

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  • California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students

    05/27/2024 10:12:07 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 25 replies
    Associated Press ^ | 05/27/2024 | DEEPA BHARATH
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school in Pasadena, California, is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. That’s according to a draft of proposed revisions to the seminary’s sexual standards that was obtained by The Associated Press. If the board votes to approve these revisions, Fuller could become the first evangelical seminary in the country to adopt standards acknowledging the diversity of thought among Christians pertaining to human sexuality, according to retired professor John Hawthorne, an expert on Christian colleges. Such...
  • Portland journalist who reported on the 'alt- right' for liberal papers arrested over attacks on synagogues, mosque

    05/08/2022 8:01:43 PM PDT · by Uncle Miltie · 21 replies
    The Post Millenial ^ | 5.8.22 | Katie Daviscourt
    Portland reporter Mike Bivins was arrested on Saturday over alleged attacks of vandalism and arson at houses of worship, according to the Portland Police Bureau. Michael E. Bivins, 34, of Portland, Oregon was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center early Saturday. Bivins was charged with multiple counts of criminal mischief in the first degree, criminal mischief in the third degree, and arson in the first degree. On April 30, Bivins allegedly broke windows to Congregation Shir Tikvah, a Jewish Synagogue, located at 2420 NE Sandy Blvd in Portland. On May 2, Bivins allegedly graffitied the Jewish Synagogue Congregation Beth...
  • Ninth Circuit Sides with Seminary, Rules It Can Use ‘Religious Exemption’ to Expel Grad Students in Same-Sex Marriages

    12/15/2021 9:33:22 PM PST · by blueplum · 16 replies
    Law and Crime ^ | 14 December 2021 | ELURA NANOS
    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with a California seminary on Monday, ruling that it is entitled to ignore federal anti-discrimination law and expel students in same-sex marriages. Graduate students Nathan Brittsan and Joanna Maxon... sued the seminary, claiming that Fuller Theological Seminary accepts federal funding and is therefore bound by Title IX’s anti-discrimination mandate. In turn, the school argued that it is entitled to a defense based on what is known as the “religious exemption” under 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)(3). ...
  • S.B. Fuller: The Forgotten History of a Legendary Black American Entrepreneur

    06/06/2021 10:57:34 AM PDT · by ammodotcom · 4 replies ^ | 6/6/2021 | Sam Jacobs
    In the days before President Lyndon Baines Johnson, black Republicans were a thing. And chief among them was Samuel B. Fuller. Fuller was a black American entrepreneur in the mid-Century United States. More than just an entrepreneur, he also gave back to the black community by providing both inspirational speeches as well as nuts-and-bolts training at a time when entrepreneurially minded black Americans had precious few options for either. Some entrepreneurs trained or inspired by Fuller include John H. Johnson of Johnson Publishing and George Ellis Johnson of Johnson Products. To say that Fuller came from “humble beginnings” is a...
  • Woke Vanderbilt to Continue with Sarah Fuller Kicking Stunt Because Winning Doesn't Matter

    12/01/2020 6:23:09 PM PST · by Pining_4_TX · 50 replies
    Black and White Sports ^ | 12/01/20 | Black and White Sports
    Woke Vanderbilt to continue with Sarah Fuller KICKING STUNT because WINNING DOESN'T MATTER! Video at link
  • Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home...

    04/28/2013 6:56:32 AM PDT · by maggief · 59 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 27 April 2013 | Katie Davies
    An uncle of the Boston bombers was previously married to a CIA officer's daughter for three years, it emerged today. Ruslan Tsarni, who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews' actions and called them 'Losers', even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year.
  • LGBT group finds acceptance at evangelical college

    07/13/2013 10:56:50 AM PDT · by markomalley · 25 replies
    AP ^ | 7/13/2013
    Nick Palacios struggled to get his conservative Pentecostal parents to accept him as a gay evangelical Christian for nearly a decade before his family found a common ground through faith. Now, as an openly gay seminarian, the 29-year-old hopes to carve out a similar acceptance for other gays in the broader evangelical community through his role as president of the nation's first LGBT student club sanctioned by a major evangelical seminary. The group, called OneTable, formed last fall at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, one of the world's largest multi-denominational seminaries, and has attracted about three dozen students. "It quickly...
  • Two more arrests as FBI investigates 'bomb plot' (2000)

    05/03/2013 4:33:55 PM PDT · by bgill · 29 replies
    The Guardian ^ | Jan 4, 2000 | Julian Borger
    Two more people have been arrested in Seattle and New York, FBI officials said yesterday, as investigators tried to break up a suspected terrorist network they believe was plotting a bomb attack against a US target .... Graham Fuller, a specialist on Islamic extremism and a former CIA analyst, said: "I'm a little sceptical about the possibility that the GIA is now targeting us because it would have been accompanied by some kind of rhetoric. Therefore I would speculate that these guys are working on their own or hired by someone else." And Mr Fuller argued that Mr Ressam's Afghan...
  • Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the

    04/28/2013 10:16:51 AM PDT · by ColdOne · 20 replies ^ | 4/27/13 | Katie Davies
    full title....Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agentAn uncle of the Boston bombers was previously married to a CIA officer's daughter for three years, it emerged today. Ruslan Tsarni, who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews' actions and called them 'Losers', even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year. Mr Fuller was forced to explain the relationship today as news of the family link emerged online.
  • Arrested victim of mass shooting speaks out, explains threat (Fuller)

    01/27/2011 9:18:11 AM PST · by Charles Martel · 37 replies
    KGUN9-TV ^ | January 26, 2011 | Craig Smith
    "Fuller told KGUN9 he meant no harm when he pointed a camera at a Tea Party activist and said, "you're dead." He said he was trying to make a point about how easy access to guns makes it easy to kill... He already believed guns are too easy to obtain when he became one of the shooting victims January 8th. A week later he was part of a town hall meeting sponsored by ABC News. When Tucson Tea Party leader Trent Humphries suggested it was too soon to talk about tighter gun control, Fuller did something that got him arrested....
  • Top 10 Tragedies Exploited by the Left

    01/20/2011 2:17:25 PM PST · by HorowitzianConservative · 6 replies
    David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog ^ | January 20, 2010 | Megan Fox
    Democrats are good at a lot of things (that damage our country) but in particular they are very talented in the business of exploitation for political gain. The entire Democrat strategy can be summed up in one unguarded sentence uttered by Rahm Emanuel.You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Democrats are ghoulish. It's hard for regular folks to understand the depths of their depravity because normal people are sad when tragedies happen. Those on the Left get gleeful. They even go so far as to wish tragedies on America in order to further their political gains. The...

    01/19/2011 11:43:57 PM PST · by Islander7 · 13 replies
    You Tube ^ | Jan 19, 2011 | Jason Brock
    Without a shred of evidence the Democrats and their brothel of media presstitutes didn't let the dead bodies get cold before blaming Palin, Beck and the Tea Party for the mass murder in Tucson. When the facts came out it was clear that Loughner was a liberal nutbag, which didn't deter the media whores to continue pumping the airwaves with more blame and hatred spewing against Palin and other conservatives....When the Democrat Eric Fuller fantasized about torture, mutilation and killing a Tea Party leader the media went silent.
  • Video Shows Arizona Shootings in Detail, Sources Tell Newspaper

    01/18/2011 7:47:58 PM PST · by redk · 63 replies
    ABAJournal ^ | 1/18/11 | Martha Neil
    Cameras rolled as suspect Jared Loughner allegedly fired all 31 bullets in the clip of his Glock, plus another round that was already in the chamber, at a supermarket in Tucson, Ariz., on Jan. 8. At the outset of the melee, unidentified sources who have seen the video tell the Washington Post, Loughner walked straight up to congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and shot her above the left eye from about two or three feet away. Within moments, Loughner also allegedly shot Chief Arizona U.S. District Judge John Roll, who had tried to take cover under a table. As Roll did so,...
  • Dem: Put Bullet Between Bush’S Eyes

    01/18/2011 6:14:47 PM PST · by FortWorthPatriot · 16 replies
    Michelle Malkin ^ | June 1, 2006 | Michelle Malkin
    State Comptroller Alan Hevesi publicly apologized Thursday for a “beyond dumb” remark about “putting a bullet between the president’s eyes.” Hevesi hastily called a mea culpa press conference hours after putting his foot in his mouth at the Queens College commencement. The Queens College media relations office said it had videotaped the commencement but could not immediately provide a copy of the tape or a transcript. At the press conference, a contrite Hevesi repeated what he recalled saying in the speech. The comptroller said he was merely trying to convey that Sen. Charles Schumer has strength and courage to stand...
  • Should Sarah Palin Be Indicted for Incitement to Violence? (They're serious!)

    01/18/2011 6:56:46 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 49 replies
    Death & Taxes ^ | January 18, 2011 | Stephen Blackwell
    On Monday, Ross Douthat defended Sarah Palin in his op-ed “Scenes from a Marriage.” Sure, he took the position that the media ought to give up on Palin and get back to normal productive coverage of normal productive politicians. But he also aimed to extinguish any “possible link between Jared Lee Loughner’s crime and Palin’s martial campaign rhetoric.” The next day Palin took a spectacular dip in the polls, down to a 38% approval rating. There’s already a burgeoning movement that suggests Palin and her contemporaries, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, shouldn’t be let off so easy in there connection...
  • Will Sarah Palin Now Be Blamed For Every Violent Murder Incident Regardless Of The Provocations?

    01/18/2011 7:20:45 PM PST · by TheTeaPartyChannel · 15 replies
    Has it come to this? So will every future armed robbery at 7-11's be blamed on Palin? Will the next horrific kidnapping&burglary resulting in a home burning be blamed on Palin? Will the next time a bank robber kills two innocent bystanders or another Columbine be blamed on Sarah Palin? If the Left keeps this up through 2012,the next election will become "The War On Liberals". And we will finally shut them up for good come November 2012!
  • Limbaugh: This New “Call For Civility” Is Just “Censorship” From The Left

    01/18/2011 6:29:07 PM PST · by Nachum · 8 replies
    mediaite ^ | 1/18/11 | Matt Schneider
    Today Rush Limbaugh wanted to make it perfectly clear that anyone thinking political rhetoric in the 1980’s was more civil than it is today doesn’t remember the Reagan era very well. Rush claimed the “hatred for Ronald Reagan was universal in the Democrat party and throughout the media” and that the discourse was just as vitriolic with Reagan being directly blamed for the spread of AIDS, homelessness and every other bad thing imaginable. Why Rush discussed this history was to justify his skepticism about the left’s “call for civility” as nothing more than censorship.
  • The Week in Stupid: Cable Pundits on the Gifford Shooting (video)

    01/18/2011 6:00:08 PM PST · by Nachum · 10 replies
    youtube ^ | 1/18/11 | Reason TV
    Immediately following last week's tragic events in Tucson, television pundits fell over each another to assign blame. According to the professional talking heads--and despite any actual evidence--the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords could be pinned on the Tea Party, Ayn Rand, gold enthusiasts, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, heavy metal, marijuana, and/or the "heated rhetoric" of cable news. trawls the archives and compiles the dumbest responses from America's dumbest pundits.
  • Who Exactly Is James Eric Fuller?

    01/18/2011 1:05:47 PM PST · by NoLibZone · 68 replies · 1+ views ^ | 1-18-11 | Greg Howard
    (Investigative team notes: Heavy reliance on the contributions of @mikesus, @themick1962, @bobbi85710, @JoAnneMoretti, @arlenearmy, all of whom contributed significant pieces of the trail of internet bread crumbs to bring this story to light.) The media frenzy over the shooting on January 8, 2011, in Arizona by Jared Lee Loughner of nearly two dozen people, including the wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and the assassination of U.S. District Judge John Roll refuses to die down. The act was clearly that of a young man with a deranged mind. It took only minutes before the acts were blamed on  Tea Party, veterans, and eventually...
  • Go Figure…. Leftist Hero Eric Fuller Has Long History of Violent Unhinged Behavior

    01/17/2011 7:43:41 PM PST · by Godebert · 51 replies
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | 1/17/11 | Jim Hoft
    Last year between the primary and general elections Fulller was the inspector of elections at the polling station she worked at in both the primary and general elections. First of all, just after the primary, during the training session, Marilyn said she was warned about Fuller. She knew he was confrontational. So she was worried. He acted very bizarre during the training sessions. During the day he would stand up in the middle of room and do leg kicks and karate chops. One time, during the primary elections, Fuller went outside and started screaming at a woman who was handing...