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  • Many Tea Party Members Support Court Ruling Striking Down Federal Ban On Gay Marriage

    07/13/2010 8:44:09 PM PDT · by AtlasStalled · 42 replies · 1+ views
    Although the likes of Keith Olbermann and Janeane Garofalo smugly attempt to marginalize the Tea Party movement by falsely stating that it is populated by anachronistic racists, homophobes and rednecks, the fact is that many actually are supportive of the recent U.S. District Court decision out of Massachusetts which struck down the federal ban on gay marriage as reported by The Washington Post: [M]any said they back the decision because it emphasizes the legal philosophy of states' rights. * * * "I do think it's a state's right," said Phillip Dennis, Texas state coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots. *...
  • Romney and Cantor on Same-Sex Marriage: Bosom Buddies

    05/03/2009 11:32:35 PM PDT · by Maelstorm · 9 replies · 1,216+ views ^ | 05/03/2009 |
    KING: Since the last election, a number of states have moved ahead with same-sex marriage proposals. Some have done it legislatively. Some have done it in other ways. Some has happened through the courts, which I know both of you think is the wrong way to do anything, whether it's same-sex marriage or anything else. But, if, at the end of this conversation, you come to the conclusion that the consensus of the people you're talking to is to agree what Steve Schmidt, John McCain's campaign manager, said, you know, the Republicans are viewed as intolerant because we want constitutional...
  • Eric Cantor, Mitt Romney: "Federal Implications" If States Decide Same-Sex Marriage (Video)

    05/03/2009 2:36:49 PM PDT · by DrGop0821 · 22 replies · 726+ views
    Rep. Eric Cantor and Gov. Mitt Romney appeared on CNN "State of The Union". Both express concern over the "federalist" view of allowing individual state's to decide their own laws regarding same-sex marriage. Obviously, most conservatives are against same-sex marriage. Yet the two make the case that decisions on marriage in any given state do, in fact, have "federal implications". What happens with the tax code (joint filing), spousal benefits from employer health-care, status as next-of-kin for hospital visits and medical decisions where one partner is too ill to be competent; joint insurance policies for home, auto and health; and...
  • Palin On Faith, Prayer, Homosexual "Marriage", and Abortion

    10/20/2008 3:46:40 PM PDT · by wagglebee · 9 replies · 653+ views
    LifeSiteNews ^ | 10/20/08 | Jonquil Frankham
    Monday, October 20, 2008 ( - Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin was interviewed this weekend by CBNews correspondent David Brody, answering a variety of questions on matters ranging from her Christian faith to her position on a federal constitutional marriage amendment that would define marriage as being between one man and one woman. When questioned about the shots the mainstream media has been taking at her for her religious beliefs, Palin told Brody that her faith has “always been pretty personal and that was kind of a surprise in the last couple of months that people would misconstrue and spin anything...
  • Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment

    10/20/2008 2:50:11 PM PDT · by TexasNative2000 · 50 replies · 924+ views
    AP via ^ | 10.20.2008 | AP
    NEW YORK – Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, a break with John McCain who has said he believes states should be left to define what marriage is. In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network, the Alaska governor said she had voted in 1998 for a state amendment banning same sex marriage and hoped to see a federal ban on such unions. "I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman....
  • Palin Differs With McCain on Federal Marriage Amendment

    10/20/2008 12:04:39 PM PDT · by pissant · 21 replies · 827+ views
    ABC ^ | 10/20/08 | staff
    ABC News' Imtiyaz Delawala Reports: Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin has signaled support for a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as between a man and woman – a position inconsistent with Sen. John McCain, who has opposed such a measure, as well as with her own previously stated position of letting states decide on such issues. In an interview to air tomorrow on The 700 Club, Christian Broadcasting News senior correspondent David Brody asked Palin, "On constitutional marriage amendment, are, are you for something like that?" "I am, in my own, state, I have voted along with the...
  • Gay Marriage in Texas?

    05/18/2008 12:03:08 PM PDT · by Dawnsblood · 13 replies · 280+ views
    ABC News ^ | 5/15/08 | Jan Crawford Greeburg
    A key question after today's sweeping California Supreme Court decision striking down the state's gay marriage ban is what it means for the 48 other states that don't recognize gay marriage. If, for example, a gay married couple in California moved to Texas, would Texas have to recognize their marriage? The short answer is no. States generally are not required to recognize a marriage performed in another state if it would violate their own public policy. Of course, the U.S. Constitution provides that states must give "full faith and credit" to other state laws and judgments---which suggests that other states...
  • 21 Steps to a Greater America: #10 Marriage Vow

    04/28/2008 12:59:28 AM PDT · by kathsua · 6 replies · 122+ views
    Town Hall ^ | 04/27/08 | Mike
    The change for this step is to get the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) adopted. The proposed amendment states the following: "SECTION 1. Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups." Marriage is currently considered a state issue. A number of states have passed laws protecting traditional (man-woman only) marriage, but judges in other states are giving legal...
  • The Constitution is Not a “Living, Breathing Document” (Fred fires back at Huck)

    01/18/2008 12:43:08 PM PST · by commish · 149 replies · 217+ views ^ | 18 Jan 2008 | Fred Thompson
    This morning I heard that one of the other candidates commented that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document.” Frankly, I assumed this came from Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. It is identical to what Al Gore said when he was running for President in 2000, when he said he would look for judges “who understand that our Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it was intended by our founders to be interpreted in the light of the constantly evolving experience of the American people.” Imagine my surprise when I learned that this statement actually came from my opponent,...
  • Fred Thompson Opposes Federal Marriage Amendment (video)

    11/05/2007 6:06:22 PM PST · by pissant · 47 replies · 111+ views
    Youtube ^ | 11/5/07 | Fred/TimmRussert
    Fred Thompson on Meet the Press, 11/4/07.
  • Romney Campaign Brings on Key Religious Conservative (Thompson staffer leaves, joins Romney)

    10/31/2007 4:28:58 PM PDT · by Spiff · 69 replies · 65+ views
    CBN News ^ | 31 October 2007 | David Brody
    Romney Campaign Brings on Key Religious ConservativeOctober 31, 2007 David Brody CBN News Senior Correspondent Mitt Romney's campaign tells The Brody File that Bill Wichterman, who used to do conservative and religious outreach for Fred Thompson's campaign, has joined Team Romney. This is a nice "get." He'll be a part of the Faith and Values steering committee. Bill Wichterman left the Thompson campaign because Thompson DOES NOT support the federal marriage amendment. At least the version that is on the table now. Mitt Romney does support it. Wichterman liked that fit. Who can blame him? This is a guy...
  • The Romney Vision: Protecting Traditional Marriage

    10/28/2007 2:29:20 PM PDT · by Canticle_of_Deborah · 37 replies · 115+ views ^ | October 27, 2007
    THE ROMNEY VISION: CHAMPIONING A FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT Gov. Mitt Romney Will Continue To Fight For A Federal Marriage Amendment: (PressMediaWire) - Gov. Mitt Romney Reaffirmed His Commitment To Pass A Federal Marriage Amendment At The Recent Values Voters Summit. "I will work with the people in this room, as I have for the past four years, to champion a federal marriage amendment to protect marriage as the union of a man and a woman. ... Make no mistake: a federal amendment is the only way we can protect marriage from liberal, unelected judges." (Gov. Mitt Romney, Address To The...
  • New Fred Thompson Video on Gay Marriage: "So Be It"

    10/04/2007 12:49:47 PM PDT · by Canticle_of_Deborah · 260 replies · 3,320+ views ^ | October 4, 2007 | David Brody
    The Brody File is working around the clock and this time has found video of Fred Thompson talking this week to the Des Moines Register editorial board. He’s explaining his view of a federal marriage amendment. This video has not been out there before. It is now, courtesy of The Brody File. Watch it here. Part of the transcription reads: “A judge couldn’t impose this (gay marriage) state or federal unless they had the acquiescence or unless the state legislature moved on its own to put it into law. If a state chose to recognize it (gay marriage) and the...
  • Governor Romney on the Need for a Federal Marriage Amendment

    09/14/2007 4:02:33 PM PDT · by Spiff · 20 replies · 746+ views
    Mitt Romney for President Campaign Press Release ^ | 14 September 2007 | Mitt Romney for President Campaign
    Governor Romney on the Need for a Federal Marriage Amendment Friday, Sep 14, 2007 Governor Mitt Romney MSNBC's "Morning Joe" September 14, 2007 MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: "Do you support a national constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage?" Governor Romney: "Boy, I sure do. You know, that's a topic that's really, I think, very important to the country because marriage is not just about adults. Marriage is about the development and nurturing of kids, and in my view, the development of a child is enhanced by having a mom and dad. And so, I think it's very important that we have...
  • Fred Thompson Proposes Marriage Amendment to Restrain Judges

    09/07/2007 10:41:59 AM PDT · by Josh Painter · 98 replies · 1,703+ views
    The New York Sun ^ | Fri, 7 Sep 2007 | Ryan Sager
    Speaking in Sioux City, Iowa, moments ago, Fred Thompson endorsed an amendment to the Constitution that would prevent state judges from altering the definition of marriage without the direction of their states' legislatures. Mr. Thompson has been under fire from social conservatives in recent days for refusing to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would define marriage in the United States as being between one man and one woman. He's said that such an amendment would conflict with his views on federalism. Along with restraining state judges, the amendment Mr. Thompson is proposing would also mandate that no state be...
  • Huckabee on Fred Thompson (and Thompson's opposition to a Marriage Protection Amendment)

    08/29/2007 2:18:58 PM PDT · by AFA-Michigan · 88 replies · 1,843+ views
    The Brody File, Christian Broadcasting Network ^ | August 29, 2007 | David Brody
    In an interview I conducted this week in Iowa with presidential candidate Mike Huckabee...Read below when I asked him if Fred Thompson's decision to NOT support a federal marriage amendment will be a problem for him. "For many conservatives, this is a very critical issue…a constitutional amendment to clearly define marriage, as we did in my state when I was Governor, is something that many of us believe ought to happen at the federal level so that we put this to rest and we don't keep fighting it state by state by state or we have some federal court say...
  • Fred Thompson's Position on Consitutional Amendment Banning Gay Marriage

    08/20/2007 5:37:33 PM PDT · by CheyennePress · 44 replies · 1,275+ views
    CBN News ^ | August 20, 2007 | David Brody
    Have you heard Fred Thompson’s position on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? The story is a little confusing. On Friday, he was asked the following question by CNN’s John King: King: “Would a President Fred Thompson actively push a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? Thompson: “Yes” Watch the entire question and answer here because once you do, that yes is not really a yes. As a matter of fact, here’s what the Thompson “unofficial campaign” put out after the CNN interview: In an interview with CNN today, former Senator Fred Thompson’s position on constitutional amendments concerning gay marriage was...
  • Nix That (Thompson on gay marriage update)

    08/18/2007 9:59:26 AM PDT · by Sir Gawain · 126 replies · 1,769+ views
    NR ^ | Kathryn Jean Lopez
    Friday, August 17, 2007 Nix That [Kathryn Jean Lopez] From Team Thompson: I'm afraid CNN story you linked mischaracterized Thompson's comment on gay marriage. They've since altered the story....without noting the change. For the record, the Thompson camp has officially noted that "Fred Thompson does not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage." He supports the rights of States to choose their marriage law for themselves. The Thompson camp issued this statement: In an interview with CNN today, former Senator Fred Thompson’s position on constitutional amendments concerning gay marriage was unclear. Thompson believes that states should be able to...
  • Knights of Columbus Work with Bishops & Plan a National Postcard Campaign for a Marriage Amendment

    04/10/2006 8:22:20 PM PDT · by Coleus · 16 replies · 598+ views
    Bishops’ President Urges Support for a Federal Constitutional Marriage Amendment; Knights of Columbus Plan National Postcard CampaignWASHINGTON (April 3, 2006)—Bishop William S. Skylstad, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has written to all Catholic Bishops asking that the bishops and the people in their dioceses become involved in the effort to support a federal constitutional marriage amendment. In the letter, Bishop Skylstad also informed the Bishops that the Knights of Columbus have initiated a national postcard campaign with respect to public advocacy for the Protection of Marriage Amendment. “Today there is a growing sense shared by...
  • Evangelicals Fire Up the Faithful

    10/28/2006 11:47:30 AM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 27 replies · 1,482+ views
    Wall Street Journal ^ | October 28, 2006 | Jackie Calmes
    SHARONVILLE, Ohio -- If Republicans still have an ace up their sleeve in this fall campaign, it's people like Phil Burress. Mr. Burress, a thrice-married, self-described former pornography addict, is president of Citizens for Community Values, a statewide network of politically active Christian conservatives. His work here in 2004 helped turn out evangelical voters who put President Bush over the top in Ohio -- the state that made the difference between victory and defeat. This time around, Mr. Burress isn't nearly so happy with the president and his party. In fact, he can hardly say enough about how fed up...