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Keyword: fetuses

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  • Harris, Dems took back ‘freedom’ from the GOP. Why it matters

    08/22/2024 6:43:45 PM PDT · by matt04 · 37 replies
    Freedom, it’s often said, isn’t free. But for Democrats in Chicago this week, it’s been the gift that keeps on giving. From the Beyoncé song that’s served as Vice President Kamala Harris’ walk-on music, to its strategic deployment across scores of speeches, Democrats have flipped the script on a patriotic noun that used to feel like the exclusive property of Republicans. Instead of freedom from taxes and onerous regulation, or freedom from the government taking your guns, Democrats have reframed the word. This week, it’s meant freedom for women to make their own health care choices, the freedom for Americans...
  • Kamala Harris Made A Damning Planned Parenthood Video Disappear. Now, It’s Public.

    08/06/2024 1:15:38 PM PDT · by Morgana · 22 replies
    The Daily Wire ^ | August 1, 2024 | Leif Le Mahieu
    Never before seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood employee appearing to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts was released Tuesday, years after now-Vice President Kamala Harris seized the footage as Attorney General of California. The five-minute video shows a conversation between a person identified as Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, and an undercover reporter with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). During their conversation, De-Lin seems to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood would sell the livers of aborted babies. In one clip, De-Lin is told by a CMP investigator that she...
  • The Most Evil Man In Evangelicalism, And Those Who Platformed Him

    07/10/2024 4:10:50 PM PDT · by Morgana · 6 replies
    Clear Truth Media ^ | July 7, 2024 | Seth Gruber
    “Of all the passions, the passion for the Inner Ring is most skillful in making a man who is not yet a very bad man do very bad things.” -CS Lewis Like all demons, he was obsessed with children. Shedding their blood was preferable. Failing that, he could always cut them up, scalp them, sexualize them, incite them to a sexual frenzy, or castrate them. The possibilities were endless, and exciting. Demonic appetite never ceases, and Mephistopheles was hungry. To satisfy his lust, he would need a megalomaniac with a Promethean drive; someone appointed in high places and thus able...
  • PAAU Activists Among Other Pro-Life Groups Discover Freezer Of Human Fetuses Marked for Experimentation at the University of Washington

    03/23/2022 11:34:11 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 3 replies
    InstaGram PAAUNOW ^ | 03 23 2022 | PAAUNOW
    It's InstaGram so you have to click on the link to read the statement. PAAUNow Instagram
  • Report: Clinton State Dept Pulled Strings for Menendez in Pay-to-Play Deal with Dem Donor

    03/13/2015 12:11:29 AM PDT · by Libloather · 15 replies
    Free Beacon ^ | 12/17/14
    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, and Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) supported a visa waiver for the daughter of a fugitive Ecuadorian banker in exchange for significant campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. On Tuesday, NBC 4 New York reported that Menendez, with express written support from Clinton, intervened on behalf of Estefania Isaías, who was banned from traveling to the U.S. due to accusations of visa fraud. Isaías is the daughter of Roberto Isaias, who lives in Miami and is currently fighting extradition to Ecuador for banking crimes and under investigation for...
  • 10 Amazing Facts About Unborn Babies You Should Know Before SCOTUS Rules On Dobbs

    12/01/2021 9:19:44 AM PST · by Kaslin · 11 replies
    The Federalist ^ | December 1, 2021 | Jordan Boyd
    'They can be treated as independent patients, they show preferences independent from their mothers, and they have goal-directed behaviors.'Life inside and outside of the womb is a scientific miracle. While it may be tough to picture what exactly goes on inside of a woman’s pregnant belly, modern medicine and science have shown that unborn babies aren’t just a pile of goo; they are living, breathing, moving humans who are constantly prepping for life outside of the womb.Here are some indisputable facts about unborn babies that the Supreme Court justices would do well to keep in mind when they hear arguments...
  • Multiple decomposing bodies and human fetuses at Pocatello [Idaho] funeral home

    09/04/2021 4:25:18 PM PDT · by bgill · 25 replies
    East Idaho News ^ | Sept. 4, 2021 | Nate Sunderland
    McDougall confirmed during a search of the building, officers discovered multiple unrefrigerated bodies in various states of decomposition, including some that were badly decomposed. Human fetuses were also discovered on the premises. Police have not provided a total body count, or given any sort of explanation about why the bodies were decomposing or why fetuses were on the property. So far, no one has been arrested in connection with this case... The Downard Funeral Home is owned by Pocatello resident Lance Peck and his wife. Peck has a history of licensing violations... Additionally, Downard Funeral Home was previously in charge...
  • Young Blood Therapy Sparking Interest [semi-satire]

    04/11/2021 10:35:56 AM PDT · by John Semmens · 4 replies
    Semi-News/Semi-Satire ^ | 11 April 2021 | John Semmens
    An experiment demonstrating how injections of blood from young mice into older mice had miraculous rejuvenating effects on the brains and bodies of these older mice is sparking interest in trying this out on humans.Secretary of Health and Human Service Xavier Becerra called this experience “intriguing. It could be that the ‘fountain of youth’ has been within us all along. It may be possible for us to prolong the lives and heath of important members of our society by extracting blood from children and injecting it into worthy recipients.” Becerra speculated that “a first beneficiary could very well be President...
  • Follow-Up On a Shocking Video [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dr. Theresa Deisher regarding organ harvesting of 5-6 month old live fetuses]

    06/29/2020 2:08:23 PM PDT · by ransomnote · 19 replies ^ | June 20, 2020 | Youtube Channel Israeli New Live
    Extremely disturbing content at the video link. I'll put the first minute of the audi transcript below. This researcher's information was presented in prior video and there was such public outcry, this had to be false etc., that the video channel excerpted the interview between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Theresa Deisher and presented background information to substantiate the prior video. Warning - it's so very disturbing. It really reads like a medical-ized practice of sacrificing babies to Satan. SICK.   00:01           Yeah, you know what's really alarming is 00:06           that lack of outcry over human babies...
  • WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doctor Who Boasted About Providing Intact Baby Limbs From Abortion...

    10/15/2019 10:34:36 PM PDT · by Morgana · 3 replies
    The Daily Wire ^ | October 12, 2019 | Phelim McAleer
    FULL TITLE: WATCH: Planned Parenthood Doctor Who Boasted About Providing Intact Baby Limbs From Abortion Confronted A Planned Parenthood abortion doctor secretly filmed boasting that a company purchasing baby parts gave her “oohs and aahs” of appreciation because she was so skilled at removing intact limbs was less talkative outside a San Francisco courtroom today. Dr. Leslie Drummond-Hay, who was the former head of Planned Parenthood Northern California and Mar Monte, said that she was once asked to provide four intact limbs for Stem Express, and was successful in doing so. Drummond-Hay was giving evidence at a trial in San...
  • Abortion Doctor Who Hoarded Fetuses Faulted WWII Bombings For His ‘Perception’ Of Humanity, Film...

    09/18/2019 8:47:03 PM PDT · by Morgana · 35 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 18, 2019 | Mary Margaret Olohan
    FULL TITLE: Abortion Doctor Who Hoarded Fetuses Faulted WWII Bombings For His ‘Perception’ Of Humanity, Filmmaker Says An abortion doctor who hoarded fetal remains in his home once blamed World War II bombings in Dresden for his perception of “human beings” and “what they do to each other,” a filmmaker said. Family members discovered a collection of 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains in the Illinois home of 79-year-old Dr. Ulrich George Klopfer after the abortion doctor died on September 3. Klopfer ran three different Indiana abortion clinics during his lifetime and performed over 30,000 abortions since he began operating in...
  • Hillary Clinton Scolds Jeb Bush for Saying ‘Anchor Babies’

    08/19/2015 6:10:04 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 40 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 08/19/2015 | John Sexton
    Wednesday afternoon, Hillary Clinton’s Twitter feed highlighted a Politico story in which Republican candidate Jeb Bush used the phrase “anchor babies.” “They’re called babies,” Hillary tweeted in response.
  • Obama Admin to Congress: It's Perfect;y Legal for Planned Parenthood to Harvest Babies' Organs

    08/19/2015 8:04:48 AM PDT · by Shery · 13 replies ^ | Tuesday, August 18, 2015 | Lisa Bourne
    August 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- President Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) told Congress late last week that Planned Parenthood has been following the law in its practice of attaining fetal tissue and body parts for sale. HHS also insisted it does not fund fetal tissue research or elective abortion through Planned Parenthood. Rather, it gives the nation's largest abortion provider money for its "critical health services." In a letter sent late Friday and addressed to Sens. Joni Ernst and Roy Blunt, HHS's assistant secretary for legislation contended that HHS "knows of no violations" of U.S. fetal tissue...
  • Fifth Planned Parenthood video turns to 'intact' fetuses

    08/04/2015 12:01:20 PM PDT · by Cincinatus' Wife · 27 replies
    The Hill ^ | August 4, 2016 | Jesse Byrnes
    A Planned Parenthood official discusses the procurement and cost of "intact" fetuses and altering abortion procedures to meet specific needs in a video released Tuesday by an anti-abortion group. In the fifth of a series of videos from the Center for Medical Progress, a woman identified as Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses contributing to the organization's "diversification of the revenue stream" and the potential to "get creative" with conditions for procurement needs. The video was reportedly filmed in April at a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas. "Just depending on the patient's anatomy, how many...
  • Body Parts for Profit: How Abortion Clinics Supply Stem Cell Research (2012 flashback)

    07/29/2015 10:31:38 PM PDT · by Nachum · 4 replies ^ | December 27, 2012 | Susanne Posel
    Dr. Leon R. Kass, the Addie Clark Harding Professor Emeritus in the Committee on Social Thought and the College at the University of Chicago and former chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics under former President George W. Bush, has written a report entitled “The Meaning of Life – In the Laboratory”. Kass discusses the morality surrounding the US government’s funding of “research on human embryonic stem cells, cells derived from early embryos produced by in vitro fertilization in assisted-reproduction clinics.” According to the report, the use of human embryos is justified by the advancements of science which demands that...
  • Confused about the Pepsi/fetal cell issue? Here are the facts (2012 flashback)

    07/29/2015 10:10:41 PM PDT · by Nachum · 11 replies
    life site news ^ | 7/29/15 | Apr 3, 2012 -
    I have received a few requests from pro-lifers like Vicki:Can you provide some clarity to the Pepsi/cells from aborted babies controversy.  I cannot sort out whether this is valid or not. Yes and NoBottom line: There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products.But: Aborted cells are used in the development of artificial flavor enhancers by biotech company Senomyx, with which PepsiCo signed a four-year, $30 million agreement in 2010 for research and development. No Pepsi products containing Senonymx flavor enhancers should be expected until 2013.Senomyx’s disputed cell line is HEK-293, derived from the kidney...
  • 3rd Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood VP Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

    07/28/2015 6:11:34 AM PDT · by NYer · 91 replies
    Life News ^ | July 28, 2015 | STEVEN ERTELT
    After two shocking videos caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies, a third video has been released today catching a Planned Parenthood vice president negotiating the sale of aborted babies and attempting to get as much money as possible from the deal.As LifeNews reported, the first video of undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of AmericaÂ’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.In the second video, Planned Parenthood...
  • Record cruelty: Syrian rebels target fetuses

    10/19/2013 5:58:26 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 15 replies
    Yedioth Ahronoth ^ | 10.19.13, 13:09
    With the end of the conflict nowhere in sight, a British report points to new levels of depravity as part of the battles tearing Syria apart—bored snipers have begun taking practice shots at pregnant women, specifically aiming for their unborn fetuses. The testimony of a British doctor who spoke with ITV claims that snipers have been engaging in a “death game” in which they target specific body parts of innocent civilians as target practice. … According to the Daily Mail, as part of the sniper games, snipers receive a cigarette for every such hit. …
  • Right up Josef Mengele’s alley (harvesting eggs from aborted female fetuses)

    04/10/2013 3:57:42 PM PDT · by NYer · 14 replies
    Life Site News ^ | April 10, 2013 | DAVE ANDRUSKO
    Josef Mengele I try to be acutely sensitive to those in the Jewish community who are angered by any comparison between the Holocaust of the Jews and the executions of 55 million unborn babies. And yet reading various accounts yesterday, Holocaust Memorial Day, I was irresistibly drawn to something Mark Twain once said: “History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” There were doubtless hundreds, if not thousands, of well-written and often heart-breaking  accounts published on Monday. I read one (of many) in the Washington Post: “A Train back in time: Held at Auschwitz as children, sisters now teach...
  • Fetuses Yawn in the Womb, 4D Scans Suggest

    11/23/2012 4:52:37 PM PST · by Salman · 9 replies
    Science Daily ^ | Nov. 21, 2012 | Science Daily
    ... While some researchers have suggested that fetuses yawn, others have disagreed and claim it is simple mouth opening. But the new research clearly distinguished 'yawning' from 'non-yawn mouth opening' based on the duration of mouth opening. The researchers did this by using the 4D video footage to closely examine all events where a mouth stretch occurred in the fetus. Using their newly developed criteria, the research team found that over half of the mouth openings observed in the study were classed as yawns. The study was carried out on eight female and seven male fetuses from 24 to 36...