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  • What’s Ahead in the War in Ukraine December 22, 2022

    12/24/2022 8:19:50 PM PST · by Cathi · 33 replies
    Russia Matters ^ | December 22, 2022 | U.S. Lt. Col. Alex Vershinin
    Russia Matters Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs AUTHOR Alex Vershinin U.S. Lt. Col. Alex Vershinin retired after 20 years of service, including eight years as an armor officer with four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and 12 years working as a modeling and simulations officer in NATO and U.S. Army concept development and experimentation. This included a tour with the U.S. Army Sustainment Battle Lab, where he led the experimentation scenario team. The Ukrainian Strategy The Ukrainians’ terrain-focused war of maneuver is constrained by two factors: limited artillery ammunition and equipment production, and coalition...
  • I never heard the words Ukraine and Zelinsky until three and a half years ago.

    12/22/2022 5:49:00 PM PST · by knarf · 29 replies
    self/vartous ^ | December 22, 2022 | knarf
    On July 25, 2019, Trump called Zelensky to congratulate him on his recent parliamentary victory.
  • Ukraine Can Win the War. But the Cost May Be Too High for the West.

    12/20/2022 10:04:38 PM PST · by MinorityRepublican · 86 replies
    The Wall Street Journal ^ | Dec. 11, 2022 | Daniel Michaels
    Ukrainian leaders have vowed to retake all territory occupied by Russia, prompting a debate over what would be necessary for Ukraine to win and evict Moscow’s forces. The answer is primarily military because Russia is only going to abandon its hard-won gains if its troops suffer catastrophic losses, military strategists say. Behind those talks about weapons and ammunition is a deeper political question as Ukraine’s battlefield fortunes rely heavily on the willingness of Western governments to continue their multibillion-dollar military assistance to Kyiv. And pushing Russian forces out of the entrenched positions they hold in more than 15% of Ukraine’s...
  • Scott Ritter - Ukraine Russia War Latest 12/16/22

    12/16/2022 5:24:25 PM PST · by Cathi · 33 replies
    Judging Freedom ^ | December 16, 2022 | Scott Ritter
    A particularly good discussion focusing heavily on Zaluzhny's shocking Economist interview. Ritter shares The Duran analysts views (as does Judge Napolitano) that I already posted a few hours ago though goes into it more thoroughly. He thinks that Zelensky is history and that General Zaluzhny will be the one negotiating the terminal settlement (and hopes to be the next Ukrainian president.) One of the most interesting points is why this interview was set up. Clearly Britain and the U.S. wanted these disclosures made at this time. Ritter believes it is because they want this settled before Russia can take Odessa...
  • Russia, Ukraine can’t negotiate their way out of war. One side has to lose | Guest Opinion

    12/01/2022 3:25:44 PM PST · by Mariner · 44 replies
    The Miami Hearald via Yahoo ^ | December 1st, 2022 | Eugene Finkel
    We have seen an increase in calls for a negotiated solution of the war in Ukraine. From the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, from progressive members of Congress and from leading international relations scholars, a growing number of voices urge the United States to invest in negotiations between Russia and Ukraine and to give peace a chance. According to some reports, the Biden administration is also warming up to the thought.It’s a dangerous idea.Fears of nuclear escalation between Russia and NATO drive many to argue for negotiations, and although the impetus is well-intentioned, the suggestion is naive and impractical. In...
  • Five Wonders of the Ukraine-russia War: How the Ukrainians Did What Seemed Impossible

    12/12/2022 9:13:09 PM PST · by · 102 replies
    Defense Express ^ | 12-11-2022 | Інформаційна агенція Staff
    Five examples when the Ukrainian warriors proved there is nothing impossible for Ukraine Since the first days of the russian full-scale invasion, Ukrainian defense forces have not only been deterring russian offense against multiply overwhelming force, but also doing it the way that writes the modern history of warfare. Defense Express has gathered five examples of when the Ukrainians made what'd been seen impossible. *Read more: [The russians Brought the Most Powerful Artillery Systems to Bakhmut, But They May Run out of Ammunition-] The Terms of Mastering New Weapons Nowadays it is taken for granted: the allies give some...
  • The Civil War begins in Russia! Russian Soldiers Revolt Against Putin!

    12/12/2022 3:19:09 PM PST · by · 84 replies
    İslam News/TV Broadcasting ^ | Dec 12, 2022 | İslam Elizade
    Dec 12, 2022 Russian leader Vladimir Putin made the biggest mistake of his life by invading Ukraine! Reactions against Putin's rule in Russia are growing every day! Soldiers in the Russian army have also started to revolt. Russia is experiencing the most chaotic period in its history! Experts say Russia is in grave danger! So how did the process turn out like this? How is Putin, who wanted to bring about the end of Ukraine, bringing about the end of Russia? What danger is Russia in? Let's answer these questions one by one! First of all, we need to rewind...
  • Russia’s ammo ‘rapidly dwindling,’ may begin to run out in early 2023: Pentagon

    12/12/2022 12:17:24 PM PST · by familyop · 74 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | December 12, 2022 | Ben Wolfgang
    The Russian military is quickly running out of artillery and rocket ammunition, Pentagon officials said Monday, and the Russian army can only sustain its current rate of attack in Ukraine until early next year. A senior U.S. defense official told reporters on a conference call that Moscow is increasingly turning to Iran and North Korea to replenish its “rapidly dwindling” stockpiles of rocket and artillery rounds,...
  • Russia’s army is so ineffective it will probably not be able to take much territory in Ukraine for ‘the next several months’, UK intel says

    12/12/2022 1:33:15 PM PST · by dennisw · 48 replies
    MSN ^ | 12-12 | sbaker@businessinsider
    NATO's head said earlier this month that Russia may want the fighting to slow, seeking a "freeze" in the fighting so it can better prepare for a bigger assault next year. "What we see now is Russia is actually trying to have some kind of 'freeze' of this war at least for a short period of time so they can regroup, repair, recover," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said. "And then try to launch a bigger offensive next spring." The UK Ministry of Defence predicted on Monday that Russian forces will not see any big gains over the winter, even...
  • Putin disappointed by Merkel's words about Minsk agreements

    12/10/2022 8:13:17 AM PST · by BenLurkin · 50 replies
    yahoooooo ^ | Fri, December 9, 2022 at 6:08 AM | Ukrayinska Pravda
    Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has been disappointed by the statement of German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel, where she claimed that the Minsk agreements of 2014 enabled Ukraine to prepare for war with Russia. For me, it was completely unexpected. It is disappointing. I did not expect to hear something like that from the ex-Chancellor. I always hoped that the German leadership was genuine. Yes, she was on Ukraine’s side, supporting it. But nevertheless, I genuinely hoped that German leadership expected a settlement based on the principles achieved, among other things, during the Minsk negotiations." "It appears to me that...
  • Scott Ritter - Ukraine-Russia War Longer than Expected

    12/08/2022 8:31:50 PM PST · by Cathi · 68 replies
    Judging Freedom ^ | December 7, 2022 | Scott Ritter
    A lot of interesting info about the Ukrainian attacks on Russian air bases.
  • Scott Ritter - Ukraine Russia War Update 11-30-22

    12/03/2022 9:47:02 AM PST · by Cathi · 57 replies
    Judging Freedom ^ | November 30, 2022 | Scott Ritter
    Ritter: There are no more Ukrainian breakthroughs, just dead Ukrainians, dead poles, dead mercenaries. Judge: Let me stop you, are there Polish troops on the ground in Ukraine fighting with the Ukrainians against the Russians? Ritter: Tens of thousands and thousands have died. The Poles aren't there as Polish troops. They are the United States we call it "sheep dipped." They basically take off their Polish uniform....they get "dipped" into Ukrainian uniforms and then they go forward. But, they fight as Polish units. I interviewed a senior Russian commander, actually a Chechen and he said, "Look...(he's in the Lugansk...
  • 'Ukraine drone attack' sparks inferno at Russian oil depot: Giant blaze hits critical resupply route for Putin's invading forces

    11/30/2022 5:12:47 AM PST · by Timber Rattler · 16 replies
    An oil depot in Russia exploded in a towering inferno this morning after a drone attack thought to have been orchestrated by Ukraine. Three tanks containing thousands of tonnes of diesel fuel caught fire around 6am local time at a site in Bryansk, a Russian region that borders Ukraine to the north. The fire began after a drone dropped explosives into one of the fuel tanks, according to Russian media. Nobody was injured in the attack. Videos taken shortly after the strike showed two fuel tanks spewing smoke and flame with at least one showing signs of blast damage, with...

    11/28/2022 9:11:32 AM PST · by Timber Rattler · 73 replies
    The Institute for the Study of War ^ | November 27, 2022 | Grace Mappes and Frederick W. Kagan
    The Russian military clearly assesses that Ukrainian forces could cross the Dnipro River and conduct counter-offensive operations in eastern Kherson Oblast, possibly threatening all of the critical ground lines of communications (GLOCs) from Crimea to the mainland. Russian forces have been digging trench lines and concentration areas in eastern Kherson since early October 2022 in obvious preparation for the withdrawal from the west bank of the Dnipro River and Kherson City. Russian troops are preparing either to defend in depth or to conduct operational or strategic delay operations. Russian forces clearly do not expect to be able to prevent Ukrainian...
  • Moment ‘critically ill’ Putin’s feet twitch and spasm during tense meeting in ‘possible sign of Parkinson’s Disease’

    11/28/2022 1:04:09 PM PST · by marcusmaximus · 36 replies
    Sun UK ^ | 11/28/2022 | Imogen Braddick
    THIS is the moment Vladimir Putin's feet appeared to twitch and spasm during a meeting in a possible sign of Parkinson's disease. The Russian president, 70, who is reportedly "critically ill", met with Kazakhstan president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, 69, on Monday. During the tense talks in Moscow, Putin's feet twitched and spasmed - a symptom of Parkinson's disease. Footage showed his legs jolting and his feet tapping as he spoke to the cameras about the "special significance" of the meeting. He was also seen gripping his right arm with his left hand throughout the talks - months after he was pictured...
  • 'US Marine General Fights on the Side of PMC Wagner Group': Russian Oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin said

    11/28/2022 7:51:22 AM PST · by JonPreston · 63 replies
    YouTube ^ | 11/28/22 | BORZZIKMAN
    Video LinkYesterday a real information bomb exploded. Russian billionaire, Putin's authorized person and founder of ''PMC Wagner Group'' Yevgeny Prigozhin made a sensational statement. In an interview with journalists from the Finnish newspaper 'Helsingin Sanomat', Yevgeny Prigozhin said that many professional army men from NATO countries, including the US Marine general are fighting on the Side of PMC Wagner Group. At the same time, He also stated that a large number of Finnish citizens are fighting in the so-called British battalion as part of the PMC Wagner Group, the commander of which is a US citizen - retired U.S. Marine...
  • US falls short on weapons, will not divert exports from South Korea

    11/27/2022 8:01:10 PM PST · by Its All Over Except ... · 13 replies
    WION on Youtube ^ | 11/27/22 | Staff
    The war in Ukraine has now lasted for almost 10 months. The Western allies remember before the beginning of the war simply had not anticipated the scale of this conflict but today it is the primary cause of domestic and international wars. ...
  • Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia tries to encircle the Bahmut city | Ukraine fights back

    11/27/2022 7:38:52 PM PST · by · 46 replies
    Youtube ^ | 11/27/2022 7:00 p.m. EST | Denys Davydov
    Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia tries to encircle the Bahmut city | Ukraine fights back Follow on Instagram up to date uploads. Military maps & Comment here: SUMMARY & MAPS
  • Breaking: Biden Admin Can't Account For 20 Billion In Aid To Ukraine

    11/27/2022 4:59:48 PM PST · by Pajamajan · 53 replies
    Breaking: Biden Admin Can't Account For 20 Billion In Aid To Ukraine.
  • REPORT: Ukrainians Freeze As Government Unprepared For Winter During War. Where Did The Billions Go?

    11/27/2022 10:23:36 AM PST · by SoConPubbie · 72 replies ^ | November 26, 2022 | Tsarizm Staff
    Tsarizm wrote earlier about the approaching winter in Ukraine and how the government was not prepared to handle the coming humanitarian disaster. BREAKING: SOURCE – US Aid Not Reaching Ukrainian People. 40% Without Power. Government Not Doing Anything For People, No Generators, Tents, Heat, Etc. Kyiv Blackout Tonight. Riots Could Ensue.As we stand today, sources tell Tsarizm the power is only on for 2 hours every 10 hours in the capitol city of Kyiv. There is no heat in much of the city, especially in high rise apartment complexes. The only generators working are in the supermarkets, which lack product....