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Keyword: daschle

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  • 2003 Budget: Largest Increase for Defense in 20 Years

    03/14/2002 4:38:27 PM PST · by Tumbleweed_Connection · 2 replies · 317+ views
    CNSNews ^ | 2/12/03 | Jeff Johnson
    Republicans in the House of Representatives will unveil details of a fiscal year 2003 budget Wednesday that includes nearly $399 billion for national defense, the largest increase in 20 years. But that budget will not be balanced, or maybe it will. House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle (R-Iowa) says the budgetary commitment to national defense answers a question on the mind of many Americans. "Our country has been attacked and we are at war," Nussle said Tuesday at a press conference to preview the budget. "Americans are asking, 'Is our country safe? Is my family safe?' and our budget answers...
  • The Anthrax Case: Hatfill Tormentor Back In Business

    10/02/2002 6:59:02 AM PDT · by mrustow · 16 replies · 537+ views
    Toogood Reports ^ | 2 October 2002 | Nicholas Stix
    She's b-a-a-a-ck! Remember Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg? She's the tenured Marxist activist who from circa October 2001 until August, with the media's consent, manipulated coverage of last fall's anthrax attacks, in which five people were murdered and over a dozen sickened by anthrax-contaminated letters. She also engineered the smear campaign that sought to railroad scientist Dr. Steven J. Hatfill for the anthrax attacks. On September 22, 2002, Rosenberg published a long op-ed essay in the Los Angeles Times, in which she sought to resurrect her discredited theory, according to which the anthrax killer was an insider from the American biodefense...
  • Franco-German Alliance Pushes Global Tax Against America

    03/27/2003 2:04:39 PM PST · by Tailgunner Joe · 40 replies · 875+ views
    America's Survival ^ | Cliff Kincaid
    A closed-door meeting of left-wing non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was held on January 16, 2003, in Washington, D.C. to consider how to apply international financial pressure through a global tax on the U.S. Bruno Jetin, a representative of ATTAC France, spoke to the gathering and acknowledged in private conversation that his group works hand-in-glove with the French Communist Party and the "Socialist parties on the Left." A representative of the embassy of France in the U.S. was listed as a participant. ATTAC stands for the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens. The International ATTAC Movement...
  • Sanders, Graham set to square off in new debate series

    05/25/2022 12:26:43 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 32 replies
    The hill ^ | 05/25/2022 | Alexander Bolton
    Liberal firebrand Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Trump-allied Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) are set to square off next month in a policy debate at a full-size replica of the United States Senate in Boston. The debate series is the brainchild of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) who is hoping to rekindle the Senate’s tradition of debate and collegiality, which many senators feel has gotten lost in recent years as the use of filibusters has become more common to block debate.
  • Tom Daschle: Remembering a man who wouldn't stay down

    01/08/2022 7:29:50 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 28 replies
    The hill ^ | 01/08/2022 | Tom Daschle
    Harry Reid came from a town where you couldn’t afford to stay down. When he was just 11 years old, Harry followed his father hundreds of feet underground into the mines below Searchlight, Nev., where he would pan for gold and keep his dad company as the older man pounded through nearly impenetrable rock. He spent his childhood one cave-in or errant blasting cap away from becoming a fatality of those mines, as his father’s brother and a neighbor had become just a few years before. But Harry always came back up.
  • Is A Former Feinstein Staffer Running Fusion GPS’s Post-Election Steele Dossier Operation?

    02/20/2018 2:15:27 PM PST · by saywhatagain · 17 replies
    The Federalist ^ | FEBRUARY 20, 2018 | Sean Davis
    New evidence suggests that a former top staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) may be directing the post-election efforts of Fusion GPS, a Democrat-linked political opposition research firm, to vindicate a series of memos alleging illegal collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials
  • A Glimmer of Hope

    12/03/2002 5:34:47 PM PST · by Action-America · 4 replies · 333+ views
    The Sovereign Society A-Letter ^ | December 3, 2002 | Mark Nestmann
    A Glimmer of Hope Dear A-Letter Reader:In the April 17, 2002 A-Letter, I wrote about an obscure type of treaty called a "MLAT," or Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. MLATs give governments the right to gather evidence and seize assets without a judicial hearing and in some cases, with no right of appeal to any court. The treaties essentially override all confidentiality laws that might otherwise apply. And their one-sidedness is an invitation to serious abuse.The US has more than 50 MLATs in effect, more than any other country. Since the first MLAT came into effect in 1977, they have been...
  • Mueller on anthrax,

    07/19/2008 3:41:59 PM PDT · by ZACKandPOOK · 10 replies · 232+ views
    ABCNews ^ | July 19, 2008
    I never give time frames, because you never know where you'll have sufficient evidence to go public with a prosecution, " Mueller said.
  • 'I'm scared to death' of Ivins, Duley testifies (Anthrax)

    08/05/2008 12:38:26 PM PDT · by Shermy · 52 replies · 340+ views
    Frederick News Post ^ | August 5, 2008 | Gina Galluci-White
    Jean Duley testified that she was "scared to death" of Bruce Ivins after he left her a string of harassing phone messages, according to an audio recording taken during a July 24 peace order hearing. Duley, 45, told Judge Milnor Roberts that Ivins planned to "go out in a blaze of glory," had bought a bulletproof vest and a gun and planned to kill his co-workers. The audio recording was obtained by The Frederick News-Post on Monday. Duley told the court she got to know Ivins while running group and individual counseling sessions at the Comprehensive Counseling Associates in Frederick...
  • eBay founder's links to Obama unveiled

    07/01/2009 9:46:10 PM PDT · by Red Steel · 42 replies · 1,480+ views
    wnd ^ | July 02, 2009 12:00 am Eastern | Drew Zahn
    Endorsement, appointment included in billionaire's connections Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar's politics have become the subject of blog commentary because the web auction site over the last week repeatedly scrubbed an offering of an allegedly genuine copy of President Barack Obama's birth certificate – from Mombasa, Kenya. But the company said it wouldn't get involved in any discussion of Omidyar's activities or political statements. Spokeswoman Evonne Gomez said, "We certainly wouldn't comment on our founder's political concessions or beliefs. He is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the company." She said if a question was submitted in writing, she would...
  • The Danger of Delegitimizing Trump

    01/17/2017 9:57:51 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 54 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | January 17, 2017 | Carl M. Cannon & Caitlin Huey-Burns
    On January 20, 2001, John Lewis did not attend George W. Bush’s inauguration. He didn’t make a big deal about it, but Bush losing the popular vote coupled with the contentious Florida recount left Lewis feeling less than magnanimous. According to contemporaneous press accounts, the Georgia congressman and civil rights icon spent Inauguration Day in his Atlanta district. Lewis was hardly the only prominent Democrat who had trouble accepting the new president after the 2000 election was finally decided. Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Jesse Jackson trashed the U.S. Supreme Court and questioned Bush’s “legitimacy.” Recognizing the starkness of...
  • Is the Republican Establishment Ganging Up on Ted Cruz?

    01/21/2016 1:50:37 PM PST · by GodGunsGuts · 68 replies
    The Atlantic ^ | January 21, 2016 | MOLLY BALL
    ... Beltway Republicans say they consider Donald Trump the lesser of two evils. Cruz wears their loathing as a badge of honor...
  • Reid, Daschle feud erupts

    10/02/2014 2:55:44 PM PDT · by ObamahatesPACoal · 15 replies
    The Hill ^ | Bob Cusack and Jessica Taylor
    Simmering tensions between Harry Reid and Tom Daschle are erupting into an all-out feud. Daschle is expressing frustration with the Senate majority leader (D-Nev.) for refusing to endorse Rick Weiland, a former Daschle aide who is running for the South Dakota seat held by retiring Sen. Tim Johnson (D). Reid last year declared Weiland was “not my choice” in the race, and this summer added, “We are going to lose in South Dakota, more than likely.” Asked if those comments hurt Weiland’s chances, Daschle told The Hill, “Well, it certainly hasn’t helped.”
  • Fans of Quinn & Rose Daily Discussion - November 20, 2013

    11/20/2013 2:42:38 AM PST · by sneakers · 61 replies
    Gone (temporarily, I hope!) but DEFINITELY not forgotten! Quinn and Rose are off the air, but they WILL be back! Meanwhile, our friendly group of dedicated FReeper Q&R fans will meet in our usual spot - same time, same station - as we always have! So grab your coffee - or whatever you choose to start your day - and drop in for some political chit-chat, or just to shoot the breeze!
  • Democrats Lose Top Recruit in South Dakota

    05/13/2013 5:42:57 PM PDT · by george76 · 3 replies
    National Journal ^ | May 13, 2013 | Alex Roarty
    Herseth Sandlin passes on Senate run, leaving Republicans with early edge to win seat. ... Democrats had targeted the onetime congresswoman, who served from 2004 to 2011, as their top recruit in a seat currently held by retiring Sen. Tim Johnson. Even if Johnson had decided to run for another term, Republicans would have considered the solidly-Republican state one of their top pickup opportunities of the 2014 election. ... The state's former GOP governor, Mike Rounds, has already declared he will seek the Republican Party's nomination. While Rounds announced his campaign early and has high name-identification in the state, he...
  • White House official praises Muslim Brotherhood leader

    03/08/2011 4:46:21 PM PST · by opentalk · 31 replies
    WND ^ | March 8, 2011 | WND
    WASHINGTON –While visiting a mosque in the Washington area last week, a senior White House security official lavished praise on a Muslim cleric who happens to be a top leader of the radical Muslim Brotherhood in America, FBI investigators point out. "They are so ignorant," said one FBI veteran regarding the White House. "This is unbelievable bullsh--." White House sources explain that deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough was unaware of the cleric's radical ties, and added that the presidential assistant attended the outreach event as a show of support for the Muslim community ahead of Thursday's congressional hearings on...
  • Hagel picks Navy vet as chief of staff (Mark Lippert)

    04/20/2013 6:14:12 AM PDT · by haffast · 18 replies
    Stars and Stripes ^ | April 19, 2013 | Chris Carroll
    WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Friday named Mark Lippert, a Navy veteran and Pentagon official, as his chief of staff. Lippert, 40, currently assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security affairs, takes over May 1 as Hagel’s right-hand man. Marcel Lettre, Hagel’s acting chief of staff for the moment, will become Lippert’s deputy, and later move to an still-undetermined senior position, officials said. A White House insider, Lippert has ties to both Hagel and President Barack Obama that stretch back years. He accompanied both men, when they were still senators, on a 2008 visit to Afghanistan,...
  • Teen Pilot Kept to Himself

    01/05/2002 11:39:27 PM PST · by BunnySlippers · 30 replies · 4+ views
    AP via Newsday ^ | 1/6/02 | Pat Leisner
    Teen Pilot Kept to Himself By PAT LEISNER Associated Press Writer January 6, 2002, 12:10 AM EST PALM HARBOR, Fla. -- The high school freshman who stole a small airplane and crashed it into a high-rise building Saturday was a quiet boy who kept to himself and bartered for his flight lessons by cleaning airplanes. Flight school officials said Charles J. Bishop, 15, was well versed in the operations at National Aviation Academy, where he had been taking lessons since March 2001. Bishop was presumed dead in the crash, authorities said Saturday night. He was a year shy of being ...
  • TSA: Some gov't officials to skip airport security

    11/23/2010 1:20:46 PM PST · by Nachum · 171 replies ^ | 11/23/10 | The Associated Press
    WASHINGTON — Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-sanctioned security details. New heightened security procedures by the Transportation Security Administration, which require either a scan by a full-body detector or an intimate personal pat-down, have spurred passenger outrage in the lead-up to the Thanksgiving holiday airport crush. The senior government officials can opt out of such measures if they fly accompanied by government security guards approved by the TSA. The agency would not explain why it makes these exceptions, but...
  • Bob Schieffer: Tom Daschle an "Interesting Choice" for Obama Chief of Staff

    09/28/2010 2:45:42 PM PDT · by fightinJAG · 51 replies
    CBS ^ | Sep. 28, 2010 | Christine Delargy
    While speculation has wielded mostly around senior advisor Pete Rouse as White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's replacement should he run for mayor of Chicago, CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer went on the record Tuesday with another pick-- former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle. "The president could do worse than Tom Daschle," Schieffer said. "I'm not in the business of advising presidents on who to hire or what to do, but he would be a very interesting choice." "Chiefs of staff make an enormous difference in any White House- Republican or Democrat," Schieffer told CBS News' Jan...