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  • John Kerry: ‘We Have Nine Years’ Until Climate Crisis — ‘There’s No Room for B.S. Anymore

    02/19/2021 8:19:49 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 144 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 02/19/2021 | Trent Baker
    John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s administration’s climate envoy, sounded the alarm on an upcoming climate crisis. Kerry told CBS “This Morning” reporter Ben Tracy in an interview which aired Friday, that the winter weather seen across the country could be the “new normal” and needs to be prevented by cutting global carbon emissions.
  • Medal of Honor Recipient's Valor Hidden for Decades

    09/20/2010 10:22:31 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 18 replies
    CNN ^ | September 21, 201 | Jeanne Meserve
    On Tuesday, more than 42 years after Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. Etchberger died on a Laotian mountaintop, President Obama will award him the Medal of Honor, the military's highest award for bravery. But for decades even Etchberger's own children didn't know about his heroism. Cory Etchberger was in third grade in 1968, when he was told that his father had died in a helicopter accident in Southeast Asia. At age 29 he learned the truth, when the U.S. Air Force declassified his father's story. "I was stunned," he told CNN during a visit to his hometown of...
  • John Kerry: Democrats’ woes stem from uninformed voters

    09/25/2010 8:00:39 AM PDT · by raccoonradio · 121 replies
    Boston Herald ^ | 9/24/10 | Hillary Chabot
    A testy U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday blamed clueless voters with short attention spans for the uphill battle beleaguered Democrats are facing against Republicans across the nation. “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” Kerry told reporters after touring the Boston Medical Center yesterday. Conservative political blogger William Jacobson, who writes Legal Insurrection, immediately pounced on Kerry’s comments, saying that attitude is why voters are looking to shake up Capitol Hill by electing...
  • Iran denies entry to Sen. Kerry

    01/03/2010 12:47:31 PM PST · by Sub-Driver · 168 replies · 7,983+ views
    Iran denies entry to Sen. Kerry By Bridget Johnson - 01/03/10 01:48 PM ET Iranian legislators on Sunday decided to not allow a visit from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.), according to Iranian media. "Members of the Iranian parliament's Foreign Relations Committee (a subcommittee of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission) voiced opposition to the request after studying the issue," Hassan Ebrahimi, head of the committee, told the semi-official Fars News Agency. Several Iranian news outlets reported last week that Kerry had submitted an official request to visit Tehran in an emissary role. Kerry spokesman...
  • Kerry Statement on Arlen Specter (Laugh & Barf Alert, rolled into one)

    04/28/2009 4:21:55 PM PDT · by KJC1 · 20 replies · 809+ views
    Kerry's Senate Website ^ | 04-28-09 | John Kerry
    Kerry Statement on Arlen Specter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 28, 2009 CONTACT: DC Press Office, 202-224-4159 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) made the following statement today on Senator Arlen Specter: “This is a big moment. When Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party, he was the canary in the coal mine warning of Bush era ideological excess, and Senator Specter’s decision eight years later signals its tipping point. This is now officially a Republican Party where moderates need not apply, and a Democratic Party under President Obama that welcomes all perspectives and is determined to find consensus to move...
  • A Statement from John Kerry

    11/01/2006 1:31:17 PM PST · by jessduntno · 152 replies · 3,215+ views
    A Statement from John Kerry ^ | November 1, 2006 4:24 PM | John Kerry
    A Statement from John Kerry As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: my poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and never intended to refer to any troop. I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended. It is clear the Republican Party would rather talk about anything but their failed security policy. I don’t want my verbal slip to be a diversion...
  • Kerry: Bush uses 9/11 as ‘political pawn’

    09/10/2006 10:17:54 AM PDT · by bitt · 96 replies · 1,637+ views
    Boston Herald ^ | 9/10/06 | Kimberly Atkins
    Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday blasted the Bush administration for war and homeland security policies that he said leave Americans more vulnerable to attack. Kerry’s remarks came in a Faneuil Hall speech on the eve of tomorrow’s five-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. In his fourth speech this year at the venue, Kerry accused the administration of using the tragedy that killed about 3,000 Americans to justify the war in Iraq. “It is immoral to treat 9/11 as a political pawn (to) excuse the invasion of Iraq,” Kerry said. “They were attacked and killed not by Saddam...
  • The Truth, John Kerry, and The New York Times

    06/04/2006 8:01:40 PM PDT · by Starman417 · 113 replies · 2,994+ views
    Real Clear Politics ^ | 06/05/06 | Thomas Lipscomb
    Kate Zernike's story on the front page of the Memorial Day Sunday New York Times, "Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss," is an unfortunate reminder of the Times's embarrassingly poor coverage of Kerry in the face of the Swift Boat Veterans' for Truth charges in the 2004 election. Now as then, the Times acts as if the issues involved were between Kerry's latest representations of his record and the "unsubstantiated" charges of the Swift Boat group. The Times used the term "unsubstantiated" more than twenty times during its election coverage and continues to make no discernable effort to...
  • Swiftboating the New York Times

    06/05/2006 7:52:12 AM PDT · by Tirian · 33 replies · 2,094+ views
    Powerline ^ | June 5 2006 | Scott Johnson
    That's "Swiftboating" -- as John Hinderaker defines it: "when a veteran says somehthing that liberals disagree with." Kate Zernike is John Kerry's latest mainstream media stenographer regarding his service in Vietnam. I wrote briefly about her New York Times article in "Return of the magic hat" and called on Tom Lipscomb to rise to the bait: Preparing for another grab at the brass ring, John Kerry seeks to engage the claims of the Swift Boat veterans. In today's New York Times, the "magic hat" -- the hat that Kerry claims was tossed to him by the "special forces" (apparently Navy...
  • John Kerry: Bush a Criminal, Looting Country (BDS Alert!)

    06/05/2006 5:30:43 PM PDT · by Jameison · 65 replies · 1,464+ views
    Newsmax ^ | 6/04/2006 | Newsmax
    Failed presidential candidate John Kerry blasted President Bush on Thursday as a "criminal" who has been "looting the country." The Massachusetts Democrat offered the incendiary comments during an off the record meeting with liberal bloggers after a speech in Los Angeles to the Pacific Council on International Policy. According to the Web site L.A. Observed, Kerry asked the bloggers to keep his comments confidential; a request they apparently dismissed out of hand without telling him. Blogger "Hollywood Liberal" reports that Kerry "agreed completely with someone's assessment that everything that Bush does is solely for the purpose of looting the country....
  • Kerry Pressing Swiftboat Case, Long After Loss ["They lied and lied and lied about everything,"]

    05/27/2006 10:22:00 AM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 372 replies · 8,365+ views
    Kerry Pressing Swiftboat Case, Long After Loss By KATE ZERNIKE John Kerry starts by showing the entry in a log he kept from 1969: "Feb 12: 0800 run to Cambodia." He moves on to the photographs: his boat leaving the base at Ha Tien, Vietnam; the harbor; the mountains fading frame by frame as the boat heads north; the special operations team the boat was ferrying across the border; the men reading maps and setting off flares. "They gave me a hat," Mr. Kerry says. "I have the hat to this day," he declares, rising to pull it from his...
  • Kerry accuses Bush of stifling dissent

    04/22/2006 1:29:53 PM PDT · by Panerai · 146 replies · 2,416+ views ^ | 04/22/2006 | Mark Pratt
    Those who disagree with the Bush administration's policies in Iraq face the same scornful charges that they are unpatriotic as Sen. John Kerry did 35 years ago when he spoke out against the Vietnam War, the Massachusetts Democrat said Saturday. "I have come here today to reaffirm that it was right to dissent in 1971 from a war that was wrong. And to affirm that it is both a right and an obligation for Americans today to disagree with a President who is wrong, a policy that is wrong, and a war in Iraq that weakens the nation," Kerry said...
  • John Kerry Opposes Iran Nuke Strike, Backs Censure

    04/09/2006 9:15:35 AM PDT · by Carl/NewsMax · 72 replies · 1,957+ views ^ | April 9, 2006 | Carl Limbacher
    2008 presidential hopeful John Kerry said Sunday that he opposes a U.S. strike against Iran's nuclear facilities that would involve nuclear bunker-busting bombs - and announced his support for Sen. Russ Feingold proposal to censure President Bush. Asked about reports that U.S. contingency plans include using "tactical nuclear devices" in a possible Iran attack, Kerry told NBC's "Meet the Press": "I think that is another example of the move from the hip, shoot for the hip, cowboy diplomacy of this administration . . . For us to think about exploding tactical nuclear weapons in some ways is the height of...
  • Sen. Kerry calls for filibuster of Alito

    01/26/2006 1:09:22 PM PST · by West Coast Conservative · 369 replies · 18,016+ views
    CNN ^ | January 26, 2006
    <p>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday. Kerry, in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, was marshaling support in phone calls during the day, Henry said.</p>
  • McCULLOUGH: Require Candidate Brainscans!

    11/30/2004 6:01:19 AM PST · by KMC1 · 2 replies · 359+ views
    WMCA - New York ^ | 11.30.2004
    BRAINSCANS FOR ALL AND TO ALL A GOODNIGHT: Imagine the benefits to the American voter. We can actually document whether or not - from a provable medical perspective as to whether a candidate is habitually lying to the American people. The nightly network news - would have the print out of the scan and show the results. We could see for ourselves the difference in the brain of the honest and dishonest candidate. According to Maggie Fox,  writing for Reuters  today. Brain scans show that the brains of people who are lying look very different from those of people...
  • Kerry film shows Vietnam, ignores facts "Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry"

    10/04/2004 6:32:23 PM PDT · by NavySEAL F-16 · 13 replies · 936+ views
    State News ^ | October 4, 2004 | MAGGIE BERNARDI
    Kerry film shows Vietnam, ignores facts By MAGGIE BERNARDI The State News The question raised by "Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry" isn't if it's an unbiased account of presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry's service during the Vietnam War. Of course the film is biased for Kerry. In this time of political mud-slinging, the real questions are: Is the film factual? Can we trust it? For the most part, yes. Sure there's some skimming over of dates and places and hard facts about Kerry's actual service, but overall, director George Butler's film seems to be an honest account...
  • John Kerry: Heroism, and growing concern about war

    09/27/2004 7:12:03 AM PDT · by christie · 26 replies · 1,076+ views
    The Boston Globe ^ | 6/16/2003 | Michael Kranish
    The Christmas Eve truce of 1968 was three minutes old when mortar fire exploded around John Forbes Kerry and his five-man crew on a 50-foot aluminum boat near Cambodia. ''Where is the enemy?'' a crewmate shouted. In the distance, an elderly man was tending his water buffalo -- and serving as human cover for a dozen Viet Cong manning a machine-gun nest. "Open fire; let's take 'em," Kerry ordered, according to his second-in-command, James Wasser of Illinois. Wasser blasted away with his M-60, hitting the old man, who slumped into the water, presumably dead. With a clear path to the...
  • Need help on Winter soldier Investigation

    09/22/2004 8:40:15 AM PDT · by vanburen · 21 replies · 416+ views
    A columnist has challenged me concern the facts about Winter Soldier Investigation. Following is what he said "I'm not aware that any of those who actually testified has ever been exposed as a fraud, or that their testimony has been found by any credible source to be false."
  • Vietnam Veterans Against the War VVAW, John Kerry, FBI files Section 8 (Oct–Nov 1971)

    09/09/2004 8:49:10 AM PDT · by stockpirate · 29 replies · 7,632+ views
    FBI Files on Vietnam Veterans Against the War VVAW and John Kerry ^ | October - November 1971 | FBI files concerning VVAW and John Kerry
    1. Prior to “Dewey Canyon III” Mike Thelan East Coast Coordinator for the VVAW tells a gathering of possible attendants that the VVAW’s official position is not to encourage anyone to commit acts of violence, but that VVAW activists are not “discouraging someone from “doing it”. VVAW activists are not “discouraging someone from committing acts of violence, pg 4 2. FBI files indicate that “VVAW is under active investigation in view of indications of communist and other subversive infiltration”. indications of communist and other subversive infiltration, pg 24 3. Speaker at VVAW antiwar rally Carl Moore makes following statements, “President...
  • Highlights of the VVAW FBI files and John Kerry Section 7 (October 1971)

    09/07/2004 6:00:45 AM PDT · by stockpirate · 250 replies · 5,786+ views
    FBI Files on Vietnam Veterans Against the War and John Kerry ^ | October 1971 | FBI files concerning VVAW and John Kerry
    Highlights of the VVAW FBI files and John Kerry Section 7 (October 1971) 1. “On September 30, 1971, Robert Malone, Chief of Police, University of Nevada, advised Kerry’s speech at the University was sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, and that he was paid $1,200.00, including expenses for his appearance.” Kerry is paid for VVAW speeches, pg 25 2. VVAW pickets restaurant because owner refuses to serve long haired, barefoot and dirty veterans in his place of business. It is also noted that the organization encourages the use of narcotics. VVAW pickets restaurant, pg 28-29 3....