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Keyword: cartoonjihad

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  • Lego accused of racism with Star Wars set {by Muslims}

    01/24/2013 5:37:25 AM PST · by drpix · 60 replies ^ | 1/23/2013 | Matthew Day
    Lego has been accused of racism by the Turkish community over a Star Wars model that supposedly resembles one of Istanbul’s most revered mosques. tria’s Turkish community said the model was based on Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and that the accompanying figures depicted Asians and Orientals as people with “deceitful and criminal personalities.” The Turkish Cultural Community of Austria released a statement calling for Lego to apologise for affronting religious and cultural feelings. The anger was provoked by “Jabba’s Palace”, a model of the home of Jabba the Hutt from Lego’s Star Wars product range based on the blockbusting...
  • September 2001 - September 2012

    09/01/2012 1:56:13 AM PDT · by Cindy · 46 replies ^ | September 1, 2012 | n/a
    Brief thoughts/quotes from the last 11 years. "Looking away, not caring, or hoping for the best are not viable options in fighting terrorism (in general) and the global jihad (specifically). Terrorism must be fought head on 24/7 and preventing terrorism is far better than just reacting to one terror-related event after another." -Cindy (July 1, 2011) ~ "WHAT DID I LEARN from the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001? OPINION: I have learned that more Americans love America than the lame-stream media will ever let on. I have learned that America's military is the finest in the world. I have...
  • 'The attacks against me are working': Lars Vilks

    03/08/2012 10:04:51 AM PST · by bayouranger ^ | 07MAR12 | Not Listed
    The strategy of attacks and intimidation employed by critics of Lars Vilks is working, argues controversial Swedish artist, who has seen his lecturing activities dry up over organizers fears of riots and being labelled as "racist". * Lars Vilks egged at 'Mohammad' lecture (22 Feb 12) * Vilks murder plot suspects acquitted (20 Jan 12) * Cartoons made Scandinavia terror threat 'much bigger': experts (3 Jan 11) Just as a circle has no end, the same fate seems to have hit the national scourge which is the roundabout dog. It keeps coming back as if it was today’s news. Recently,...
  • Deleting Online Jihad on Twitter: The Case of British Jihadi Anjem Choudary - Tweeting...

    11/06/2011 12:07:25 AM PDT · by Cindy · 18 replies - Report ^ | November 4, 2011 | Steven Stalinsky
    SNIPPET: "British Jihadi Anjem Choudary Tweets On March 19, 2011, British jihadi Anjem Choudary, spokesman for the banned Islam4UK organization, co-founder of Al-Muhajiroun, and spiritual advisor to the UK Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades (MAC),[18] launched a Twitter account and began tweeting. MAC made headlines last week for threatening a British MP who subsequently called on their activities to be closely monitored by law enforcement.[19] According to his Twitter account, Choudary is "a Muslim who believes that Islam is something we must believe in (Tawheed), live by (Shari'ah) and struggle and sacrifice for (by way of Daw'ah and Jihad)."[20] In...
  • Whither the jihadi forums?

    08/01/2011 1:10:28 PM PDT · by Cindy · 114 replies · 1+ views ^ | August 1, 2011 | n/a "Whither the jihadi forums?" SNIPPET: "There are currently only three jihadi forums that are sufficiently active and well-connected to be of any interest whatsoever. Why we claim to be on the verge of defeating al-Qaida while simultaneously watching passively as they use these forums to regroup and regenerate is beyond me. These are the forums three: • al-Fidaa, a forum created by al-Qaida core. That it is directly linked to al-Qaida by definition moves it to the top of the list. Current membership: 2,462, all of whom can be considered "active" if only because they just joined the forum....
  • Jury clears Chicago businessman in Mumbai attacks

    06/09/2011 5:04:55 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 13 replies
    Associated Press ^ | June 9, 2011 | SOPHIA TAREEN
    CHICAGO (AP) -- A federal jury convicted a Chicago businessman on Thursday of helping plot an attack against a Danish newspaper that printed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad but cleared him of the most serious charge accusing him of cooperating in the deadly 2008 rampage in Mumbai. The jury reached its split verdict after two days of deliberations, finding Tahawwur Rana guilty of providing material support to terrorism in Denmark and to the Pakistani militant group that had claimed responsibility for the three-day siege in India's largest city that left more than 160 people dead, including six Americans.
  • "South Park" Threat Leads to New Charge

    05/16/2011 6:21:12 PM PDT · by Cindy · 21 replies
    SNIPPET: “A second man has been charged in connection with threats made last year against the producers of the Comedy Central program “South Park.” Jesse Curtis Morton, (aka Younus Abdullah Mohammad) is charged with communicating threats. Morton helped run a website, RevolutionMuslim, with Zachary Chesser. Chesser is serving a 25-year prison term after pleading guilty to a similar charge and to trying to provide material support to the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab.” SNIPPET: “In an interview on CNN before the “South Park” controversy, Morton said Islam commands Muslims to terrorize disbelievers. “The Koran says very clearly in the Arabic language...
  • Suicide bomber in central Stockholm

    12/11/2010 1:50:06 PM PST · by La Lydia · 79 replies · 1+ views
    Stockholm News ^ | December 10, 2010
    First exploded a car at the busy shopping street Drottninggatan in central Stockholm. Then came another explosion some distance away and one man died. According to news agency TT, the man had blown himself to death. There was a bag on the ground filled with nails, according to newspaper Expressen. Alarm calls poured in to the Emergency Services from concerned residents about the explosions in central Stockholm on Saturday afternoon. But the initial info from the police was extremely unclear. First there was talk of two cars that exploded, later it proved to be just one... At Bryggargatan a man...
  • Council on American-Islamic Relations Launches 'Islamophobia' Division

    10/13/2010 12:39:28 AM PDT · by Cindy · 29 replies
    CNS ^ | October 12, 2010 | Patrick Goodenough
    Tuesday, October 12, 2010 By Patrick Goodenough ( – Spurred by the controversies over Quran-burning and the planned Ground Zero mosque, the most visible Islamic advocacy organization in the United States says it is launching a department to deal with “Islamophobia.” In doing so, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is following the example of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the 57-member bloc of Islamic states. The OIC set up an “observatory” five years ago to monitor and report on incidents and trends around the world it regards as amounting to “Islamophobia.” CAIR, which calls itself “America’s largest...
  • Sharia Law’s Threat to Free Speech

    10/11/2010 5:06:12 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 18 replies
    Human Events ^ | October 11, 2010 | Connie Hair
    An organized effort is underway worldwide orchestrated by a powerful Islamic political body to criminalize speech that "offends" Muslims. As much as that may sound like some fantastic conspiracy theory, these Muslim leaders broadcast their group's every move on their website—yet America's ruling elites refuse to listen. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations representing 57 member states which seek to criminalize speech that violates the archaic tenets of Sharia law. The OIC is comprised of the kings and heads of state of all Islamic countries numbering its membership at...
  • Dueling Fatwas

    10/05/2010 8:10:20 PM PDT · by forty_years · 7 replies ^ | 10/5/2010 | Daniel Pipes
    Norris and all Americans currently live under the "Rushdie Rules," which punish whoever disrespects Islam, Muhammad, or the Koran. Make fun of Muhammad and you're on your own. Local and national politicians had nothing to say about her plight. Journalists, usually keen to protect one of their own, went silent. No organization sprung up to raise money for her protection.
  • Danish Motoon book without reprints of individual Motoons isn't good enough for the OIC

    10/04/2010 12:18:04 AM PDT · by Cindy · 2 replies
    "Danish Motoon book without reprints of individual Motoons isn't good enough for the OIC" SNIPPET: "Of course it isn't, because the OIC is not after partial submission to its demands that free speech become subject to Sharia. So, a book about the cartoons that doesn't condemn them as the worst crime against humanity in the past 100 years, and that even reproduces a reduced-size version of the front page of Jyllands-Posten from the day the 'toons were printed, still leaves a lot to be suppressed as far as the OIC is concerned. And do remember that the OIC wants the...
  • Norwegian Publisher Cancels Biography of Muhammed

    10/02/2010 6:02:09 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 8 replies
    Pajamas Media ^ | October 2, 2010 | Rita Karlsen
    The book had already been listed in last year's catalog. Why was it pulled? The Norwegian historian and journalist Halvor Tjønn has written a biography of the founder of Islam, Muhammed. The book was announced by the Oslo publisher Kagge in last year’s fall catalog. But now the publisher has suddenly pulled out — and refuses to provide any explanation of why it no longer wishes to publish the book. According to the newspaper Aftenposten, Kagge says that it doesn’t consider it dangerous to put out such a book, but at the same time it refuses to give a reason...
  • American Reporter Hiding from Muslim Killers in America!

    09/23/2010 12:18:29 PM PDT · by Silverfiddle · 15 replies
    Western Hero ^ | 22 September 2010 | silverfiddle
    America is sick.  We The People are not sick, but the body politic is, and our nation suffers from a Carteresque malaise. We suffer from a few cancerous growths, and termites and rodents have eaten away much of our constitutional foundation.  A bipartisan gang of chiselers has turned our federal government into a criminal enterprise that hands out taxpayer money in exchange for votes, but we're wise to their depredations and we're fixin' to clean house.  Literally. In Obama's America, Journalists hide from Muslim extremists The story of journalist Molly Norris, now in hiding from Muslim murderers, saddens me.  It...
  • Report: Suspected suicide bomber arrested in Copenhagen

    09/10/2010 1:56:24 PM PDT · by Mikey_1962 · 71 replies · 1+ views
    M&C News ^ | 9-10-10 | STAFF
    Copenhagen - Police in Denmark arrested a suspected possible suicide bomber Friday following a small explosion at a hotel in central Copenhagen, media reports said. Danish daily Extra Bladet showed on its website a photo of the suspect, who had reportedly attempted to blow himself up. Police did not immediately confirm the report. No one was injured in the explosion at the Jorgensen Hotel. Police handcuffed the man after he was seen running away from the hotel and into the nearby Orstedsparken park. The park was evacuated and the surrounding streets were cordoned off as explosive experts were called in....
  • Muslim’s 16 Point Plan on Trying to Silence us by Using the Term “Islamophobia”~ Action Needed!

    08/14/2010 6:32:02 PM PDT · by Islaminaction · 55 replies
    Logans Warning ^ | August 14Th, 2010 | Christopher Logan
    In attempt to scare off those that speak the truth about Islam, Muslims and their supporters continually toss out the term “Islamophobia”. The other day a Muslim posted a link to the plan on my site, and I am not exactly sure why he or she did it. Either way it is all layed on the website of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago. One of their goals is to try and equate the term “Islamophobia”, with a hate crime. There are numerous points in their plan that we need to counter. There are obviously many lies in...
  • Americans must not be cowed by Muslim objections to cartoons

    07/18/2010 2:20:29 AM PDT · by Cindy · 11 replies
    WASHINGTON ^ | Sunday, July 18, 2010 | By Kathleen Parker
    OPINION: “Americans must not be cowed by Muslim objections to cartoons” By Kathleen Parker Sunday, July 18, 2010 SNIPPET: “You may recall that Norris, once a relatively unknown Seattle cartoonist, was first threatened a few months ago by some bloggers on an obscure Web site, Revolution Muslim, for attempting to draw the prophet Muhammad. More recently, she has been named to an execution list on Inspire, a new online English-language al-Qaeda magazine, which aims to recruit American Muslims for jihad.”
  • Don't Open That File, Memet!

    06/30/2010 3:42:11 PM PDT · by Cindy · 62 replies · 2+ views ^ | 30 June 2010 | n/a
    NOTE: The following SNIPPET is a quote: DON'T OPEN THAT FILE, MEMET! With much fanfare, al-Malahim, the media arm of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, announced the imminent release of — and then subsequently did release — what they claimed was the first official English-language al-Qaida magazine. It's called "Inspire" as in "Inspire the Believers" (as opposed to the Quranic edict to Incite the Believers. They did this with the full cooperation of the administrators of the al-Faloja forum in particular. Interestingly, the first couple of pages of the document appear perfectly normal. Then things get weird...
  • Obama's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism speaks out against "Islamophobia"

    07/01/2010 3:07:18 PM PDT · by Cindy · 23 replies · 1+ views
    JIHAD ^ | July 1, 2010 6:30 AM | Posted by Robert Spencer
    SNIPPET - quote: Obama's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism speaks out against "Islamophobia" If Hannah Rosenthal really wants to end "Islamophobia," here is an easy way. She can call upon Muslims to: 1. Focus their indignation on Muslims committing violent acts in the name of Islam, not on non-Muslims reporting on those acts. 2. Renounce definitively not just "terrorism," but any intention to replace the U.S. Constitution (or the constitutions of any non-Muslim state) with Sharia even by peaceful means. In line with this, clarify what is meant by their condemnations of the killing of innocent people by...

    06/24/2010 2:59:51 AM PDT · by Cindy · 43 replies
    SNIPPET: "Al Qaeda commander continues to pose a threat to U.S. and South Asian security as Pakistan’s military and intelligence services look the other way” IPT News June 22, 2010 SNIPPET: “Top Al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri poses a major threat to U.S. interests both at home and abroad. Described by intelligence agencies “as the most effective, dangerous and successful guerrilla leader in the world,” Kashmiri heads Al Qaeda’s military operations wing. He figures prominently in two recent high-profile terrorism indictments issued in Chicago. But Kashmiri remains free in South Asia and in control of a renowned Al Qaeda terror...