Posts by USCG-RET

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    06/11/2004 9:53:01 AM PDT · 57 of 78
    USCG-RET to gathersnomoss

    "Pardon my profanity. I will bite my tongue in the future."

    Don't direct the profanity towards me or any other poster here.

    "However, please tell me what other cameras were in place besides those that were placed there for the press and video feeds?"

    There have been hundreds of photos taken from dozens and dozens of differet angles. Where did you read that Kerry brought his own photographer?


    06/11/2004 9:47:08 AM PDT · 54 of 78
    USCG-RET to grobdriver

    "All the better for him to campaign - which is the only reason he was there."

    And if he wasn't there you'd be jumping all over him for that. C'mon..a great man died...and he suffered terribly in the last 10 years of his life. Stop making this a political event.

    "His very presence was grandstanding - and nauseating."

    No, it wasn't...he paid his respects. Lets move on here.


    06/11/2004 9:37:09 AM PDT · 49 of 78
    USCG-RET to gathersnomoss

    "Hey @sswipe, kerry brought a freakin' camera person with him. What's up, meds low?"

    Gather, there were a million cameras there. Kerry (and I'm no fan of his) was perfectly respectful in his actions.

    We don't need to create lies to beat the 'rats. Stop spreading them.
    And the profanity of yours is uncalled for too.


    06/11/2004 9:22:02 AM PDT · 32 of 78
    USCG-RET to grobdriver

    ".. and went to California to cut line and grand stand and get his photo op."

    Did you really think he should have stood in line for 4 or 5 hours??? All the VIP's got to "cut in line". And he hardly did anything that could be called grand-standing!
    Sheesh, people, get real...

  • Kerry and Hanoi Jane Photo

    02/17/2004 9:11:50 AM PST · 40 of 42
    USCG-RET to xzins
    Unfortunately, he did NOT volunteer for Vietnam duty.
    And he was accepted into pilot training after scoring vey low on the exam (he was jumped ahead of those that scored higher).
    We have to be quiet about this (because it's not good) and it'll all go away. Today he was supposed to visit with a NG outfit. Bad move. That keeps it in the foreground.

    He sould stick to the proven winner. No gay marriage, no abortion and more tax cuts. That, and that alone, will get him elected.
  • Kerry and Hanoi Jane Photo

    02/17/2004 4:42:34 AM PST · 38 of 42
    USCG-RET to xzins
    Which photos are we talking about? I've seen one with him at a podium with the VC flag in the background, and one of JF with him in the background. Are they both real?

    Incidentially, I don't harbor any ill-will towards ANYBODY for what they did or didn't do in the war. Volunteered? God bless you. Went to Canada? Good for you. Got daddy to get you into the Texas ANG? Kuddos to 'ya. Burned your campus down? Way to go. We were ALL used as pawns. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Kissinger....I hope they all rot in hell for what they did to all of us....
    Enough of this war. We're all getting too old for this s--t.
  • Kerry and Hanoi Jane Photo

    02/16/2004 9:21:48 AM PST · 36 of 42
    USCG-RET to xzins
    "Vets who detest Fonda will NOTICE the picture of Kerry/Fonda and they will file it away as ONE of the facts about Kerry that they know."

    And if the photo is a fake, and proven as such, that shouldn't matter?? It is ok to lie to the voters to get them to support our guy (I'm just asking)?
  • Kerry and Hanoi Jane Photo

    02/10/2004 11:01:47 AM PST · 16 of 42
    USCG-RET to CavScoutNC
    Kerry's ex-Brother-in-Law stated on Hannity that Kerry did have many dealings with Hanoi Jane and the Winter Soldier project. As a vet, I am very concerned that he is using his medals to hide behind his communist agenda, and so should everyone else.

    Cav, Kerry is no more a communist than I have wings. Bringing out an ex-brother in law will be seen as sour grapes. If we start pounding those drums, we're sure to lose come November.
    Stay on message with no abortion, no gay marriage and more tax cuts. That's the path to victory...
  • Kerry and Hanoi Jane Photo

    02/10/2004 7:52:19 AM PST · 13 of 42
    USCG-RET to KFriedConserv
    Uhm ...thats not John Kerry behind Fonda. Look at the nose, the cheeks ... look at the Kerry photo below. C'mon people, you're giving credence to the stereotypes.

    We can't push these kinds of photographs. There's pictures of Rummy shaking Saddams hand and theres that video of GW at a friends wedding where it's obvious that he's drunk.
    We can't get into a tit-for-tat with the Rats with this kind of stuff.
    Stick to our conservative guns. No abortion, no gay marriage and tax cuts. That's how we'll win....
  • Message to ?Conservatives

    02/10/2004 7:27:58 AM PST · 838 of 838
    USCG-RET to Soylent Democrats
    Soylent Dem:
    Taxes will not have to go up to address the debt, rather the current fiscal policy should maintain a positive growth rate with increased tax receipts / revenues to the Treasury. Taxes do not need to be raised; that's a socialist's answer.

    Are tax recipts/revenues higher or lower after Bushs' tax cuts? Does anybody know?
  • Newbie Question

    02/10/2004 3:31:07 AM PST · 42 of 47
    USCG-RET to Jen
    Looking forward to it Jen.
    Damn, you people are alright....
  • Newbie Question

    02/09/2004 9:31:10 AM PST · 13 of 47
    USCG-RET to Jen
    "Be warned... FReepers like to play with newbies on this type of 'vanity' thread. "

    Vanity thread?
  • Newbie Question

    02/09/2004 9:07:58 AM PST · 8 of 47
    USCG-RET to Jen
    Welcome! FReeper Lexicon

    Thanks Jen. I looked all over for a FAQ before I posted (let me was right in front of my nose).

    And thanks for the welcome too.
    I think I'll be right at home here...
  • Newbie Question

    02/09/2004 8:45:28 AM PST · 3 of 47
    USCG-RET to Hegewisch Dupa
    Very good.
    And the other terms?
  • Newbie Question

    02/09/2004 8:42:21 AM PST · 1 of 47
  • Mass. High Court Rules for Gay Marriage

    02/05/2004 3:41:57 AM PST · 507 of 593
    USCG-RET to ex 98C MI Dude
    MI dude:
    "A few hundred jailed illegals? Jail doesn't scare these people."

    Then lets make jail tougher. A few years of working on a chain-gang will straighten those people out. Let the word get out and soon there'd be no more illegal felon Mexicans in California.

    "As far as troops on food stamps... these are troops who have a bunch of kids they cannot afford to have. Isn't Bush's fault."

    I didn't say it was. But these guys are putting their lives on the line everyday. I don't care if they have one kid or 10 kids, it's absolutely DISGRACEFUL that they have to be humiliated when they try to put food on the table.
    These men are in Iraq, dying, watching their buddies die, dodging snipers and car bombs and their wives are at home in the welfare lines. You might be able to shrug you shoulders about that...I can't.

    "Post housing is improving every year. Took a very long time for it to get sub-standard. Didin't just happen on this President's watch."

    I didn't say it did. But I just got out of the military (30 years) and some of the base housing I've seen is deplorable.
    Recently too. At my last duty station, I would steer the younger guys away from base housing because it was so bad. I'd help them find apartments off base.

    "Seems to me you are blaming Bush for everything bad that has happened since the Titanic went down."

    No I'm not. I'm blaming him for not fixing it. He's got a republican congress...he could fix all of the above with a wave of his hand. Thats what I'm "blaming" him for.

    "Get a clue!"

    Why are you insulting me? A true republican would support what I've said. Bush should stand up and say "I'm going to DOUBLE the pay of our enlisted men and DOUBLE what we spend on base housing...go ahead against that!!".
    If he did that, he'd stop the 'rats dead. We wouldn't even need an election.
  • Mass. High Court Rules for Gay Marriage

    02/04/2004 10:16:35 AM PST · 204 of 593
    USCG-RET to ex 98C MI Dude
    MI dude:

    "They have 'earned amnesty'. Pres. Bush's plan makes them go home to apply."

    How about putting them in *jail*??? Just a few hundred or so. Enough to let the rest of them in Mexico know that if they come here ILLEGALLY, they end up in prison. Let them apply for Visas like the Europeans do. They shouldn't get special rights because they live next door.

    MI dude:
    "Screwing our vets"- That is just a HUGE load of horsedung. Explain yourself, man!

    There are *still* tens of thousands of active military personnel on food stamps. Base housing in a lot of places is sub-standard. He should spend 5 billion on them (pay and benifits) before sending one dime to Africa for AIDS programs (that will just be ripped off by the thugs that run those countries anyway).
  • Mass. High Court Rules for Gay Marriage

    02/04/2004 9:45:04 AM PST · 170 of 593
    USCG-RET to tomahawk
    "I'm prepared to give him time. But the longer he takes, the more the base loses its trust."

    He better get moving. He's got a GOP Congress and he's doing NOTHING that we want.Instead, we get:

    400 billion perscription/welfare bill
    Trying to make illegal aliens (aka felons) citizens
    NOTHING on gay "marriage"
    NOTHING to make the government smaller
    HUGE deficits
    SCREWING our vets
    And on ad on and on.

    He should tell the 'rats to sit down and shut up. He should tell the gays to get back into the closet. He should tell the blacks to get into college with your grades, not your skin color. Tax cuts got us out of the Clinton recession, so we're he should cut taxes AGAIN. 'Rats don't like it? Too d**n bad.
    We're in charge here, not the "peace and flowers" crowd. It's time to act!!!
  • MSNBC's "Imus In The Morning," 2/3/04 (Excerpt from RNC Research w/Sen McCain interview) MUST READ

    02/03/2004 10:51:04 AM PST · 123 of 191
    USCG-RET to international american
    "Welcome to Free Republic!!"

    thanks international!!
  • MSNBC's "Imus In The Morning," 2/3/04 (Excerpt from RNC Research w/Sen McCain interview) MUST READ

    02/03/2004 10:24:43 AM PST · 100 of 191
    USCG-RET to hoosiermama
    "WOuld there be evaluations with glowing remarks too? hee hee"

    Oh man, wouldn't that be great?? *Especially* one from Turnipseed....that would be too much to ask for!!!