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Jill waited to see if Macron had any kids she could babysit for.
Get rid of the income tax, use tariffs as much as possible, and print the rest. It’s kind of what’s happening right now anyways. /s
That's a reputable source you're quoting there, bud. LOL!!!
Strike Moscow, level Kiev. Yep, that’s what they want.
Well, at least he didn't do something moronic like cite Newsweek as some clowns do around here.
With what remains of the Ukranian army, we’ll need to send them a massive supply of acne medicine and diapers.
Not going to disagree with Trump here. The Republican party is stuck on stupid.
Replacing the speaker will just get us another piece of trash. The system is broken.
Prove me wrong
I guess slavery is alive and well in Ukraine. Your body belongs to the state
How many Ukrainians have to die before the Neocons (like you, apparently) are satisfied?
Tass = More believable than the US Media.
Where is YOUR proof of that?
Lol!! You’re defending Kamala.
This is just another case of lawfare.
Only surpassed by the United State's level of world-wide aggression.
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