Health is wealth. We can fix the government, fiscally, but if it allows the people to continue to be sickened by what it eats, drinks, and breathes, you’re still nowhere.
The Chinese had their opportunity to attack us in December. Knowing that the free influence ride was over, and that a Trump WH would mean perhaps a permanent demotion of China to a second tier country, they could have acted.
I’m convinced that this is only the beginning, and in the fullness of time we will learn why they tried to kill him (twice). A lot of very bad actors are getting their rice bowls broken.
I think you and your husband are dead right. By suggesting other moderate, and I use that term lightly, Islamic nation take in the Palis, 47 is saying something with actions that can’t be put into words.
USCG, believe it or not, is the pointy end of the surface warfare spear in the Arctic. 6 new icebreakers authorized and the USCG ended up having to buy one on the open market. Add to that the USCG is by far the worst afflicted with the DEI crap of the services.
I was frankly surprised it happened as fast as it did, but it was very encouraging that it did. Lunday is a good man. A class ahead of me. I’m frankly surprised he survived the politics given he’s a pasty white male. Guess they needed to keep someone around that could actually do stuff.
The only thing Krystal Ball has going for her are her looks. She’s still a stone marxist. She nearly orgasmed after UPS settled with their drivers for $165K per year.
She’s incredibly leftist. Saagar is mushy middle. I tune in to see what she’s not wearing, and then tune out.