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Posts by otama

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  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 9:02:55 PM PDT · 136 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Member since 2005-09-07. Speaks volumes."

    And what exactly does that state? Who's to say that I haven't been reading for a while now and just decided to finally register today?

    Also, nice to see that you are so interested in who I am, that you have to go and see when I registered. Come on bubba, are you really that shallow that you have to say that it "speaks volumes" just because I registered today?

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 8:59:14 PM PDT · 134 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Are you kidding me?

    What would you expect? You might as well take an anthropology course by riding the Small World ride at Disneyland. I'm surprised you didn't quote the MS Encarta article in its entirety. Try:

    Better yet, ask yourself who initiated the vast majority of terrorist acts over the last twenty year? Catholics or Muslims? Protestants or Muslims? Hindus or, uh, MUSLIMS. Get a grip."

    Nice to see that you are still refusing to answer what it is I am fighting for.

    Last I checked, the IRA claimed responsibilty for a few bombings themselves, and they sure the hell are not Muslims.

    Again, you are placing blame on the entire religion for the acts of just a small portion. That is similar to you placing blame that all military officers are fouled-mouth just because you heard a THREE-STAR GENERAL bark orders.

    Oh yeah, you are also the same person that claimed to say that you never stated that I was a bad guy because I say G.D. I didn't see your response me to proving you wrong by pointing that you did call me a bad guy, more than once.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 8:22:32 PM PDT · 131 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    If you do read the following links, which I don't think you will, please, tell me where it states that Islam is an "enemy of peace."

    Are you done trying to make yourself look like you know everything about everything, or should I continue to contradict what you say?

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 8:06:39 PM PDT · 130 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "If you don't believe Islam is an enemy of peace, than I'm not sure you'll ever understand. (You don't actually believe GWB agreed with his speech writers on that, do you? Are you the last one to find out?)"

    You still have not answered my question in regards to what you think I am fighting for.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 6:31:21 PM PDT · 128 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Let the jury of history decide, Otama. You don't really even know what you're fighting for."

    OK, what am I fighting for?

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 6:24:52 PM PDT · 126 of 136
    otama to farmer18th
    "Wow. This has got to be one of the most tense moments in cyberspace history. You are one bad dude."

    I was just simply stating that if you were to come up to me and call me a coward, you better get out of my way.

    Thanks for giving me a good laugh tonight; it's good to see that there are still many close-minded individuals out there that are so quick to play Monday morning QB without having any experience to speak from.

    May I recommed a movie to you? It's called Patton. Take the three hours and watch it, maybe you will have a greater appreciation for others, and you might grow as an individual and not be so hasty to place blame.

    For someone that is so "high and mighty" on God, you sure don't give a fair represntation of him and his preachings.

    "Quote the post where I called you a "bad guy."

    Post number 93 and post number 96. Shall I continue?

    "Listen, Otama, I think you've misunderstood me. Go with God. Kill lots of infidels--(seriously, I'm not kidding). Islam is an enemy of peace, prosperity, liberty, justice. Serve your country with honor. Just think about your actions. Don't use the name of God in vain, the way you would belch or add a little volume to something you feel passionately about. This is not my advice. It is God's command."

    I haven't misunderstood anything. You honestly think that Islam is an enemy of peace? I am nothing short of dumbfounded by your ignorance. You are basically saying that those that practice Islam are infidels?

    So let me close by asking you this, was 9/11 our fault? How about the bombing in OKC? Better yet, what happened with Pearl Harbor? Oh yeah, I almost forgot about what the Germans did to the Jews in WWII? I bet you think if it wasn't for all those people that once took the Lord's name in vain, that none of those events would have happened.

    Better yet, don't bother to answer. Your last statement, about Islam, showed your true ignorance.
  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 6:01:57 PM PDT · 123 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "It's actually, uh... startling, that you think I'm making assumptions about your character, education, passion for democracy, etc. Look back at the thread. Are you defensive about something? Was daddy mean to you? Did mommy make fun of your bed wetting?"

    Actually, you are. You stated earlier that I am a bad guy because say G.D.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 5:37:40 PM PDT · 119 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Look, you're a soldier and that's great, but this is a representative republican government, not a feudal barony. We ALL get to weigh in how our civil servants--soldiers, teachers, or dog keepers--behave. If the freedom you say you're fighting for means disregarding the opinions of citizens, then the founders may have been right when they argued against a standing army. I don't think even General Honore would have as much problem with my critique as you do, and, no, I am not a coward, but I think you are, if you can't stand a free exchange of ideas."

    Not only am I soldier, but I am also a human being. Whatever misconception you may have of me, in thinking that I am this "robot", should be re-evaluated. Earlier you stated that you think that not only I am a bad guy for using foul language, but my father who served for over 25 years is a bad guy as well, but later on you stated that it wasn't our place to judge others. Sounds like one of your many contradictions to me.

    While I am not saying that you do not have the right to voice your opinion, which you do, all I'm asking for is for you to answer my questions and explain just a little in detail on why you think the General is a coward (other than he yelled at those in which he commmands). If you go back and read the definition, you will see that a coward is one that runs away from issues, not faces them head on.

    Bubba - I'm still here, listening to you try to make your point on why you think the General is a coward and to listen to your free exchange of ideas, but you have really only stated the same thing over and over, and not backing it up with anything other than "he yelled at people".

    Side note, if you were to come up to me and call me a coward, I would tell you that you literally have three seconds to get out of my face.

    It's amazing, you know exactly what a complete stranger to you is thinking, and what their personal views are without even talking to them once. I guess that piece of paper you have on your wall allows you to speak for others. Well hell, if that's the case, I'll be right back....

    ...OK, I'm back. Sorry about that, I had to go and count the pieces of paper I have on my wall. Let's see, four college degrees and countless number of awards, from both the military and the civilian companies that I have worked for. Guess that makes me ruler of the universe.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 4:41:28 PM PDT · 117 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "I keep forgetting there's more than a few twelve year olds on FR."

    And I keep forgetting that there are people on here that are so quick to criticize and judge others when they do not have any experience for what they are talking about, and they've admitted that it is not their place to do so, but yet they continue to do it.

    Why won’t you answer my other questions? Are you a “coward”? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have have any experience to speak from to back up your case.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 4:17:40 PM PDT · 114 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Move out. Kill the bad guys. May God be with us."

    Real good one there. [/sarcasm]

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 3:22:47 PM PDT · 112 of 136
    otama to farmer18th
    "You still don't get it: someone's sister is being raped in the superdome; someone's brother is being shot through the belly by thugs; General Honore isn't yelling at the hoods. The idiot is yelling at the troops! Wrong war, General! And, yes, I will gladly tell that to his face, and he would probably be man enough to admit he was wrong!"

    DO NOT sit there and tell me that I do not get it. Again, you know nothing about me, just like I do not know anything about you. So f'ing what if he is yelling at his troops. They are under his command and if they didn't want to be there, they would have gone AWOL.

    OK, let's see your op order? How would you have handled the communication to the troops, established a perimeter, regained control, all in the span of a day? The emotions are high, the tensions were overflowing, DO NOT tell me that I do not get it, because brother I've been there.
  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 2:54:51 PM PDT · 110 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Context: hoodlums are brutalizing citizens in New Orleans; women are being raped in the Superdome; Relief helicopters are being shot at by what can only be called animals on the ground.

    General Honore starts things off by cussing at his troops, not the animals his troops were brought in to keep in line. That strikes me as singularly cowardly."

    So New Orleans is the only place that these horrible crimes are happening?

    I would love to see you call him a coward to his face, especially since you are the one that has never served. Yes, I keep saying that, but unless you have an actual idea of what military life is like, and to put your life on the line everyday, you have no room to call him a coward.

    SYLLABICATION: cow·ard
    NOUN: One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
    ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old French couard, from coue, tail, from Latin cauda.

    WORD HISTORY: A coward is one who “turns tail.” The word comes from Old French couart, coart, “coward,” and is related to Italian codardo, “coward.” Couart is formed from coe, a northern French dialectal variant of cue, “tail” (from Latin cda), to which the derogatory suffix –ard was added. This suffix appears in bastard, laggard, and sluggard, to name a few. A coward may also be one with his tail between his legs. In heraldry a lion couard, “cowardly lion,” was depicted with his tail between his legs. So a coward may be one with his tail hidden between his legs or one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail showing.

    Seems to me that the LTG is not the one running away. He is out there trying to maintain some sort of calm and establish security, while you are miles away calling him a coward for using "such foul language."

    Let me get this straight, a three-star General is supposed to have his guys in formation, "um, guys, can you, uh, please try to look like soldiers, and um, er, ah, try to make a difference?" Do you really think that would go over too well? If his superiors had an issue with his language, do you really think that he would be a three-star right now? They would laugh at you for even making this an issue.

    Also, need I remind you that this is an all volunteer military? We all know what we are getting into before we raise our right hand, and if we are offended by someone that drops an F bomb, or uses G.D. everyday, then they deal with it. They don't call someone a coward for yelling at them.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 2:43:52 PM PDT · 108 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "For the record, you have my profound thanks for serving our country, even though--given my opinions about the proper decorum for officers--you probably don't care much about my thanks."

    Did I say that I don't appreciate your thanks? No, so don't assume things. Just like you shouldn't assume things about military officers.

    By the way, when was the last time you saw an enlisted chaplain? Are they looked down upon by you just because they are officers? Also, you making your comments about military officers is rather close-minded considering you have never served. It's like me bitching about the political system in this country and without having exercised my right to vote.

    Finally, if it wasn't for those military officers that you do not care for, then who would be leading the troops onto the battlefield to defend your freedom?

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 1:22:41 PM PDT · 102 of 136
    otama to otama

    My bad, rog4vmi. I thought farmer was making that comment. Yes, farmer has me up on my soapbox right now.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 1:21:18 PM PDT · 101 of 136
    otama to rog4vmi

    "Too bad that he doesn't live in 19th that he could challenge you to a duel. We'd see who the coward really is. Them thar's fightin' words."

    Then why is it acceptable for you to say that those that use the lord's name in vain is a coward and a godless fool?

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 1:11:54 PM PDT · 99 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "No. That's rather obvious. I made the mistake of believing officers were still gentlemen--men of breeding and honor."

    Again, good to see that you are so willing to judge many from the actions of few.

    Also, you're welcome for your freedom. I'll be glad to send you a postcard when I go overseas here in a few weeks to defend your freedom, and your ability to judge me.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 1:09:43 PM PDT · 98 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Your problem and General Honore's problem and your Dad's problem is with God, not me. HE told you, "Thou shalt not take the Lord thy God's name in vain."

    Then who are you to to sit there and judge me and tell me that I am a bad person if my problem is not with you?

    You never did answer my question in regards to whether or not you ever served in the armed forces.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 12:55:43 PM PDT · 95 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "I've a very good friend who is a mustang marine officer, served in Vietnam, and he told me his officer training included the ten commandments until the know-betters in Washington worried that we might be training zealots. We lost our zeal for righteousness and we started losing battles.

    There is simply no excuse for an "officer and a gentleman" using that language in front of rolling cameras--and if you think so--you are a flat out ignoramus. If I'm ignorant of the average military joe's pig-like mouth, than I thank the Lord for it."

    And how long ago was Vietnam? My father also served back then and worked his way through OCS, onto a successful career as an officer, and then to retirement. He has raised five successful children, and is twice retired, and is now a small to medium business owner himself. He cusses everyday, but that doesn't change my opinion of him. He is an "officer and a gentleman." And yes, he does say G.D. at times. Does that make him any less of a person?

    Listen - as I've stated before, you have your opinion, I have mine. You know nothing about me, just like I don't know anything about you, but if you can honestly sit there and tell me that you are a better person than me, because you don't cuss and/or use the lord's name in vain, so be it.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 12:45:53 PM PDT · 94 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    "Yes, you are. You prove yourself a rebellious little fly in the eyes of a God who holds your breath in His hand."

    That's YOUR opinion of me, even though you know nothing about me. Besides, I don't answer to you.

  • ‘One John Wayne dude’ tackles relief efforts - Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré (mayor Nagin term for him)

    09/07/2005 12:40:27 PM PDT · 92 of 136
    otama to farmer18th

    Have you served in the armed forces?