You are correct, sir. If anything the latest Wars film should be a warning to the people of Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, and any other place that has suffered under the wrath of a dictator. If your people die and then America tries to help in any way guess what? You'll get screwed over by the rest of the world. Star Wars profiteers off of images of violence and young kids thinking how cool it would be to fly a crap wing and bomb someone. So it's cool to make movies about mass murder, but it's not cool to stop people in foreign lands from engaging in...mass...murder. I never knew how much the UN and Hollywood mirrored each other. The death of liberty and freedom? People we been seeing that worldwide in North Korea and Rwanda for all the years Lucas has turned out his crap. But there is hope. This is the last movie, and Milosevic and Hussein are off to the Hague. Despite all odds, faith and true justice manage. That's why we won't abandon the Kurds this time. Good riddance to bad sf crap.