04/09/2010 8:33:53 PM PDT
· 59 of 81 NM92
to autumnraine
Id say that while its good to teach your kids to stand up for themselves, i dont think this solves the root issue. We should be doing something to prevent bullying from happening in the first place. Its not like bullying's anything new, everyone has had to deal with it and there are ways of preventing it from happening.
04/09/2010 8:33:53 PM PDT
· 9 of 10 NM92
to raptor22
Id disagree with your reason for why we had nuclear weapons during the cold war. It was not to prevent them from invading Europe and Asia, cause if we nuked Moscow while they were invading a country. They'd just respond by sending a nuke at one of our major cities, which would start nuclear war and eventually destroy the planet. We only had them for barganing chips