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Posts by Impeach98

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  • California Sues Sacramento-Based Charity That Sends Care Packages to Troops

    07/27/2019 6:48:02 AM PDT · 14 of 14
    Impeach98 to BenLurkin
    Yes, this was/is an awful attack by the Left. It started with a hit piece by Kim Barker of the George Soros-dark money funded group, Pro Publica.

    The investigation began with Kamala Harris who was at the time the Attorney General of California, and then picked up by her left-wing Democrat successor.

    Move America Forward has shipped over 450 TONS of Care Packages to U.S. Troops serving overseas, even when others, including the liberal media, forgot about the service of our troops serving overseas.

    As others have said, no good deed goes unpunished. Whether it is President Trump, Brett Kavanaugh or now Move America Forward, we've seen what happens when liberals obtain political power - they use it to persecute and prosecute Conservatives and it is a despicable evil.

    God Bless Move America Forward, Melanie Morgan and Howard Kaloogian. They are doing incredible work and deserve total and complete vindication!

  • Ted Cruz: "Will Always Be A Big Fan" Of Sarah Palin, Regardless Of 2016

    01/19/2016 2:22:58 PM PST · 3 of 283
    Impeach98 to Biggirl

    Ted Cruz is a class act!

  • Cruz blasts Trump's ties to Democrats

    01/18/2016 11:08:07 PM PST · 209 of 214
    Impeach98 to libbylu
    No doubt.

    "When gun rights are gone you all probably will cheer him again."

    Trump spent his adult life fighting against everything we believe in and they sayd "he HAD to do that in order for his business to be successful.:

    Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson and countless other conservatives raise concerns about Trump and these same people say that those conservative leaders exposed themselves as the frauds they are.

    The Constitution doesn't matter. Conservative ideals, ideologies and records don't matter.

    Whatever Trump blusters about - even if he changes his position in the very same day, or even in the same interview - is all that matters. He will Make America Great Again... because he says so. And if the rest of us don't buy into this alternative, distorted realities we are all apparently just idiot, stupid, loser jerks.

    Man just when you thought our countries had problems now we see a portion of the conservative movement turned upside down on its head.

  • Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He's Going After Cruz

    01/18/2016 5:36:46 PM PST · 130 of 145
    Impeach98 to servantboy777
    I very much see it the same way... GOP-establishment thought Trump was wacko when he first declared his candidacy, but now they see the following he has, so they will try and use him to destroy Ted Cruz - the one candidate they cannot stomach.

    They will then try and unite the rest of the Republican Party behind Marco or Jeb (or maybe even Kasich or Christie) - whoever can "surprise" and do well in either Iowa or New Hampshire.

    And if their efforts to rally 1 candidate to defeat Trump then they will do whatever underhanded means they have to to try and stop him (possible brokered convention, etc...)

    Life will be so much better if Cruz can win big in Iowa, use the momentum to surge to a shocking win in New Hampshire, and then win in South Carolina and propel himself to the GOP-nomination.

  • Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He's Going After Cruz

    01/18/2016 4:28:22 PM PST · 87 of 145
    Impeach98 to Hawthorn
    Yes, but if Trump does not win the GOP nomination he will have to make new strategic partnerships and friends. It's Trump's Modus Operandi.

    When he wanted to build buildings in New York City he got into bed with the left-wing/Democrat politicians who ran the city.

    When the country experienced a Reagan Renaissance in the 1980's he used the opportunity to become this brand - the glamorized Gordon Gekko of that era. His brand was of an idealized lifestyle and he was the darling of the wealthy, the elite, the media, and just about everyone who believed in "success."

    Later he parlayed that brand into becoming a Reality TV star, and by all accounts put a lot of work and passion into that endeavor to make it a success. Not only did NBC pay him a TON of money, but he then licensed his brand to everything in the world that he could.

    But now he is at a crossroads: a study was done a few weeks ago showing his "brand" has been hurt with the elite/wealthy who frequent his resorts and golf courses. They see Trump as less the definition of "success" and "decadence" and now more associate him with "anger" and "populism."

    So, if Trump wins the presidency (or at least the GOP nomination) then I think the elite and wealthy will still keep him in their Rolodex.

    But if he loses, then he is a "loser" who came across as angry, mean, bitter and snippy (Rand's a loser, Carly's ugly, Megyn Kelly has blood gushing out of her, Jeb's a joke, Ted Cruz is nasty, etc...) and so I think he loses a lof of friends/alliances among the elite.

    No worries for him though - there will be plenty of other people/business opportunities he can surround himself with. Whether he sticks it out as an anti-establishment preacher and hangs out with the likes of Alex Jones, or if he pivots to some new identification for himself (like the chameleon that he is), his energy and drive and perseverance will secure him some new segment of society to make waves in.

    Of course all of this is why I support Ted Cruz for president and not Donald Trump. I want someone whose values are based/tethered by a set of principles as espoused in the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. I think we have gotten so far afield from being governed by constitutional conservatives, and we can ill afford to have someone as the GOP nominee who is a master of success, but an alien to what the Constitution says and what the role of the federal government, the Courts and the Congress should be.

  • Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He's Going After Cruz

    01/18/2016 3:47:44 PM PST · 69 of 145
    Impeach98 to Chauncey Uppercrust
    "I did say that I thought Mark Levin was speaking to other talk radio Conservatives the other day and hoped it might have a impact.."

    Yes, I think you are right.

    Levin has spent much of this election cycle being careful not to get too involved in anyone's camp, but recently as Trump responded to Cruz's poll rises with the same type of attacks that Trump has smeared other opponents with, I think Levin decided it was time to speak up and not just to his listeners, but to his colleagues who he thinks should be telling Trump that using liberal attacks against conservative candidates isn't going to be tolerated by conservatives. Go join the Democrat Party if you're going to pull that kind of nonsense.

  • Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He's Going After Cruz

    01/18/2016 3:41:05 PM PST · 62 of 145
    Impeach98 to Tzfat
    "You guys are amazing. You have cozied up to Trump so close you have lost your minds."


    It is dismaying to see people who have fought for conservative principles for years turning against one conservative icon after another (Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin) because they might possibly stand in the way of life long New York liberal, Donald Trump, from securing the Republican presidential nomination.

    Think about it - this comes on the same day the video is being circulated showing Trump praising Hillary Clinton as the best Secretary of State America has ever had... and he says this AFTER the Benghazi fiasco (and all the other messes created by Hillary that preceded that).

    I saw on Facebook some Trump supporters were insisting the video was bogus, that Trump never made those comments, that the video has been edited, etc...

  • Sick of faux Republican McCain? Dr. Kelli Ward is real!

    12/30/2015 10:32:40 PM PST · 25 of 30
    Impeach98 to All
    BTTT - I love this column, by Lloyd Marcus. One of my favorite columns he has written. Kelli Ward is a fantastic patriot and we should all support her wholeheartedly!!!

  • Thank God Mr. Cruz is in Washington

    07/30/2015 12:15:08 AM PDT · 17 of 18
    Impeach98 to All

    BTTT! Great job as always by the fantastic patriot, Lloyd Marcus.

  • Pamela Geller endorses Ted Cruz for president

    05/14/2015 12:43:43 PM PDT · 47 of 51
    Impeach98 to SoConPubbie

    Would love to be on this PING list for Ted Cruz.

  • The GOP's Long Love Affair With Schmucks

    01/30/2015 6:19:21 PM PST · 85 of 92
    Impeach98 to Redbob
    You know I've never understood why some call Palin an intellectual lightweight.

    For her to be an intellectual lightweight, she would have had to dumb-lucked her way into the following lifetime of success:

    *Getting elected to city council/mayor

    *Getting appointed to be Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission

    *Getting elected governor and earning an approval rating of 88% near her peak

    *Getting selected to be the Republican Vice Presidential nominee in 2008

    *Authoring 3 New York Times bestseller books

    *Securing a contributor role on Fox News Channel

    *Securing a show on TLC, "Sarah Palin's Alaska"

    *Securing a show on the Sportsman Channel, "Amazing America"

    *Launching her own Sarah Palin Channel as part of the TAPP network.

    *Helping to elect literally DOZENS of constitutional conservative candidates to House, Senate and Governor offices.

    *Emerging as a leading Tea Party leader and speaking to tea party rallies that numbered in the thousands and tens of thousands.

    So, again, for me the argument that Sarah Palin is a political lightweight is just claptrap from the liberal media and the political establishment that despises her.

    What amazes me is how many people then parrot the line, when it is demonstrably false. No one could dumb luck stumble their way into the amount of success Gov. Palin has had. You have to actually have a brain and be able to use it to make wise choices that will have advantageous results for yourself the way she has.

  • Is Sarah Palin Too Toxic for 2016?

    01/27/2015 7:16:09 PM PST · 100 of 102
    Impeach98 to Carthego delenda est

    Yes, except the whole point of Lloyd’s column is to mock how the liberal tainted/smeared Palin with the “toxic” label, which he roundly rejects, if you read the whole column.

  • VIDEO: Move America Forward 9/11 Tribute Video (2014)

    09/11/2014 2:25:00 PM PDT · 9 of 9
    Impeach98 to our_retired_explorer

    This is excellent! Thank you very much.

  • Exclusive: ‘Pro-Troop’ Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead [Leftist Lies]

    08/05/2014 8:26:59 PM PDT · 34 of 41
    Impeach98 to smoothsailing

    Melanie Morgan is the Executive Producer of every year’s TroopAThon. Without her, Move America Forward would never have been formed. And Melanie has ALWAYS - every single time - stood on the side of Patriots. She has 1,000 times the class of leftist, George Soros-funded people such as Kim Barker of ProPublica (who were the people the IRS illegally sent confidential tax returns of tea party groups to, in hopes that they would smear and attack the tea party movement.)

  • Exclusive: ‘Pro-Troop’ Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead [Leftist Lies]

    08/05/2014 8:22:00 PM PDT · 33 of 41
    Impeach98 to Syncro
    Yep - exactly, Syncro. Just looking into ProPublica and Kim Barker (funded by George Soros) should reveal to everyone that this is a left wing smear piece to try and discredit conservatives.

    It was FREE REPUBLIC who helped organize one of the very first Move America Forward activities, the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" caravan, where you, Jim Robinson and others formed a caravan that drove to Crawford, TX - and which was joined by thousands of others - to stand up for our troops against the smear campaigns being launched against us by the anti-America Left.

  • Exclusive: ‘Pro-Troop’ Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead [Leftist Lies]

    08/05/2014 8:19:21 PM PDT · 32 of 41
    Impeach98 to Jane Long

    Yes, ProPublica is a George Soros funded group. They are the outfit that the IRS sent confidential tax returns to - in hopes ProPublica would write hit pieces smearing the tea party. These people are scum, and this is a hit piece designed to attack those who support the War On Terror and the Tea Party. We know why they are doing this, and we shouldn’t take the bait!

  • Eyes On The Prize

    07/24/2014 2:51:33 PM PDT · 22 of 23
    Impeach98 to winner3000
    Yes, and she knows what the argument/complaint is - how Cochran's people reinforced the false narrative that conservatives/Republicans are racist, bad people.

    Yet, Ann deliberately parrots the false narrative of the media.

    And as a source of further aggravation, she touts Bill Cassidy as the de facto Republican running against Landrieu, when Cassidy is being contested by Rob Maness, who has the support of Gov. Sarah Palin, Senate Conservatives Fund, Tea Party Express, and dozens of other conservative groups.

    Ann continues to be a major disappointment as of late.

  • Voting Totals Show How Blacks Helped Cochran to Victory

    07/11/2014 10:38:15 AM PDT · 4 of 10
    Impeach98 to Red Steel
    Thanks for sharing this.

    It's a travesty what the GOP-e did in this race. If I hear one more idiotic commentator try and suggest that "Thad Cochran brought blacks in the GOP coalition" I am going to vomit.

    Thad Cochran did not make blacks want to support Republican/conservative principles. Thad Cochran, well really his handlers, reinforced false stereotypes that conservatives are racist, hateful people. And Thad Cochran riled up Democrat voters that unless they voted for him they'd lose all their federal government handouts. Again, further UNDERMINING Republican/conservative principles.

    I sure do hope and pray that McDaniel's lawyers can force another election. I was there in Mississippi during the Runoff election and would love to go back again and make sure every single Republican voter understood that there is ONLY ONE legit Republican candidate in that race and his name is Chris McDaniel. The other guy who has an (R) after his name was telling voters that he'd make sure Obama's agenda wasn't blocked.

  • Murrieta after action report and videos. [FReepathon, Murrieta special edition]

    07/11/2014 10:33:14 AM PDT · 249 of 258
    Impeach98 to Jim Robinson
    You guys did a fantastic job! Loved seeing Syncro on with Greta.

    Great job to everyone there!!

  • Ann Coulter: the Manchurian Columnist

    07/11/2014 10:04:14 AM PDT · 76 of 77
    Impeach98 to WXRGina

    Excellent piece. Thank you for sharing.