Articles Posted by Cowgirl
- Former Rep. Ron Paul on Thursday called for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease specialist leading President Trump’s medical response to the coronavirus pandemic. Mr. Paul, a retired doctor who ran three times for president during his decades in politics, also called Dr. Fauci a “fraud” and encouraged Americans to “quit listening to him.” The former Republican congressman from Texas made the remarks during an internet program he co-hosts, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, after Dr. Fauci slashed the number of Americans projected to die from COVID-19, the infectious respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus....
Islam in Bible Prophecy by Walid Shoebat
My husband called me tonight from a gold mine where he works in the interior of Alaska. I thought you might like to hear a bear story that was unusual. There is a guard gate to the mine and then a fifty mile dirt road that goes up steep hills. This guy was on his way up the hill when a caribou ran out of the woods and right into his truck. He gets out of the truck and looks at the injured caribou. Just then a black bear comes running out of the woods and grabs the caribou and...
From Tea Party: Patriots, the beginning of our #DCIntervention yesterday came with great success, but there is still much work to be done. Today the Senate will vote on diminishing the authority of the 2nd amendment through expanded background checks and it is important that you make your voices heard. If you care about the Constitution and want to see it upheld, we need you to call today. If you value the future of our republic, then you know it takes the participation of the people to keep the power hungry politicians in Washington in check. If you have never...
http// Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina
Last October my husband quit his State of Alaska job, withdrew all his retirement and left the workforce. He is 55 and in perfect health. He has since spent the time catching up with projects at home such as building and fixing, doing our mining claims (2000 acres of claims right here in the middle of gold country, put in a half-acre garden and went moose hunting and fishing.
I live in Alaska and just spent several days taking a friend to see different parts of our great state. I thought it would be nice to let you'all know of a great deal here in Alaska. The Alaska Railroad is so wonderful. It is very low key with no hassles like you get at the airport. The seats a very comfortable, there is an observation dome, a nice bistro that serves drinks which they refill for free if you keep your cup. The cars a air conditioned and have huges windows for site seeing. I could actually sleep a...
The U.S. government has decided to once again chuck the Constitution and take on the debt of trillions of dollars. I don't believe the 700 billion figure for a moment. The funny thing is no one is surprised. I mean the Constitution is nothing. It has been trashed for so many years that this latest little debacle is just another bump in the road. Or is it? Frankly, I think it is the last throes of our government which will be changed to the New World Order. For years the New World Order conspiracy theorists were laughed at and called...
Donna Danna (9 Oct 2006) "Militants Kill Missionary Couple's 2 Children Who Refused To Convert To Islam" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, October 7, 2006 Militants kill two children of a missionary couple in Pakistan By Sheraz Khurram Khan Special Correspondent for ASSIST News Service in Pakistan MUZAFFARABAD, PAKISTAN (ANS) -- In an horrific incident of Christian persecution on September 1, some unidentified militants slew two children of a missionary couple who is working with At Any Cost Jesus Mission, a underground ministry evangelizing to the Muslim nations. A press release sent via e-mail to ANS by Any Cost Jesus Mission said...
MAN KICKED OUT OF THE YMCA FOR EVANGELIZING Living Waters via July 9, 2004 We, Living Waters, wanted to bring to your attention a recent incident that took place with one of our ministry partners, Larry Lee, who lives in Marietta, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. As you read his account, we are confident that you will see the unacceptable and unfair manner in which he has been treated by the YMCA. More importantly we are confident that you will agree with us in concluding that Larry's civil and religious rights have been violated. This concerns us because it...
Universe Is Not "Billions of Years" Old The general theory of evolution is based on several faulty assumptions. (Note: It is important to understand by this statement that we are not disputing simple variations that some call "microevolution," whose micro-changes are often observed but never lead to a fundamentally different kind of plant or animal.) The following assumptions of evolutionary theory are easy to prove false: 1. the universe is billions of years old, 2. life spontaneously arose from nonliving minerals, 3. mutations create or improve a species, 4. natural selection has creative power. In this section we will deal...
History of Evolution Part One BRIEF HISTORY OF EVOLUTIONARY THEORY Where did this idea come from? Source: The Evolution Cruncher First a little background: Introduction: Stellar evolution is based on the concept that nothing can explode and produce all the stars and worlds. Life evolution is founded on the twin theories of spontaneous generation and Lamarckism (the inheritance of acquired characteristics);--yet, although they remain the basis of biological evolution, both were debunked by scientists over a century ago. Science is the study of the natural world. We are thankful for the many dedicated scientists who are hard at work, improving...
Questions for Evolutionists The test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers to basic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people think evolution is a reasonable theory to explain man’s questions about the universe. Evolution is not a good theory—it is just a pagan religion masquerading as science. The following questions were distributed to the 750-plus people who attended my debate at Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota, on January 9, 1993. (The videotaped debate is #6, $9.95.) Questions added since the debate remarked with an asterisk (*). Where did the space for the universe come from? Where...
DOES GOD EXPECT MAN TO BE ABLE TO TELL TIME? by James Sundquist (c)2001 Last Generation Artists, Inc. I think among many Christians the Age of the Earth could not be more of a non-issue. For others there is a huge division of those who passionately defend an Old Earth vs. those who support a young earth. On face value, it would seem not that relevant. But I firmly believe upon further examination of the Scriptures there are not options open to us who are commanded to "contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints". I...
Two Basic World Views <> The creation worldview says that God made the universe approximately six thousand years ago. The evolution worldview teaches that the universe made itself from nothing approximately twenty billion years ago. One of these opposing worldviews obviously is wrong. These time-line charts show the time differences presented. If the evolution chart were drawn to the same scale as the creation chart (1 inch = 750 years--at least in our printed material), the evolution chart would have to be 421 miles long!! The entire theory of evolution is built upon the faulty assumption that the origin of...
Dr. Hovind's $250,000 Offer formerly $10,000, offered since 1990 I have a standing offer of $250,000 to anyone who can give any empirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution.* My $250,000 offer demonstrates that the hypothesis of evolution is nothing more than a religious belief. Observed phenomena: Most thinking people will agree that-- 1. A highly ordered universe exists. 2. At least one planet in this complex universe contains an amazing variety of life forms. 3. Man appears to be the most advanced form of life on this planet. Known options: Choices of how the observed phenomena came into being-- 1....