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Keyword: bulge

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  • Why General McAuliffe Could Say “Nuts”

    12/13/2024 12:07:06 PM PST · by Retain Mike · 67 replies
    self | 12/13/24 | Self
    Eighty years ago, on December 16, the Germans launched the Ardennes Offensive, which proved the bloodiest American battle of WW II with 89,000 casualties including 19,000 dead. At the center of the offensive beleaguered Bastogne featured the 101st Airborne withstanding a German siege.However, these 10,000 paratroopers did not alone forge the severe impediment presented to 500,000 Germans troops attacking with tanks. Contributions from the 9th and 10th Armored Divisions, and the 28th Division’s 109th and 687th Field Artillery Battalions provided needed firepower. Remnants of the 9th Armored CCR including the 73rd Armored Field Artillery retreated into the town. The CCB...
  • Battle of the Bulge: Pandemic Weight Gains Drive 10,000 U.S. Army Soldiers into Obesity

    04/02/2023 3:26:05 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 31 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 04/02/2023 | Simon Kent
    Obesity rates in the U.S. military surged during the coronavirus pandemic and its associated lockdowns, data released Sunday details. AP reports in the Army alone, nearly 10,000 active duty soldiers developed obesity between February 2019 and June 2021, pushing the rate to nearly a quarter of the troops studied. Increases were seen in the U.S. Navy and the Marines, too.
  • Transgender Biden interviewer called to ‘normalize’ trans women having visible ‘bulge’

    10/25/2022 1:54:34 PM PDT · by Repealthe17thAmendment · 54 replies
    Fox News ^ | October 25, 2022 | Brian Flood
    Critics of President Biden raised their eyebrows Monday night when they learned he sat down with a trans activist who wants to "normalize" women having visible "bulges" in their crotch area after months of infrequent sit-down interviews with journalists. . . . "And I wear clothes like this, and we all just normalize women having bulges sometimes, because we’re coming up on bikini season, baby, and you might see a bulge or two," Mulvaney said before bursting into song. "Normalize the bulge. We are normalizing the bulge. Woman can have bulges and that’s OK, we’re not gonna stare at their...
  • Read The Christmas Letter Gen. McAuliffe Sent His Surrounded, Outnumbered Troops In Bastogne, 1944

    Surrounded and greatly outnumbered, the men of the 101st Airborne Division were not expecting a merry Christmas in Bastogne, Belgium, in 1944. Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe sent back just one word — NUTS! — to the German commander. When the German messengers appeared puzzled by the term, one of McAuliffe’s attaches told them that, loosely translated, they could “go to hell.” McAuliffe then penned a letter to his own troops, in recognition of the imminent holiday, informing them of the events that had transpired.
  • Oral Histories from the I&R Platoon of the 99th Infantry Division in December 1944 (Battle of the Bulge)

    12/17/2020 6:11:04 PM PST · by LibWhacker · 9 replies
    YouTube ^ | 11/4/2011
    Published on Nov 4, 2011 This is the story of one platoon of 18 lightly armed men held off the spearhead of Kampfgruppe Peiper for 8 hours during the Battle of the Bulge on December 16, 1944. The ultimate David versus Goliath story of World War II.

    12/25/2019 3:07:56 PM PST · by DFG · 18 replies
    Powerline ^ | 12/25/2019 | John Hinderaker
    snip The Battle of the Bulge has a special resonance for me, because my father almost died in it. He was a college student when World War II broke out. He graduated, then enlisted in the Army. He was sent to one of the big Army bases in the South for basic training. In those days, they gave every enlistee an IQ test; maybe they still do. My father’s performance on the test was good enough that he was pulled out of the ranks and sent to graduate school to become an engineer. (Drill Sergeant, with privates lined up: “Hinderaker!...
  • Eisenhower Came Out of Retirement to Denounce the Movie “Battle of the Bulge”

    03/30/2019 3:09:38 AM PDT · by vannrox · 98 replies
    War History Online ^ | 29jul19 | Matthew Gaskill
    Eisenhower Came Out of Retirement to Denounce the Movie “Battle of the Bulge” HISTORYINSTANT ARTICLESMILITARY VEHICLESVIDEOWORLD WAR IIJul 29, 2018 Matthew Gaskill  .inad{min-height:250px}.inad:before{content: "Advertisement";font-size: 11px;line-height: 11px;display: block}   SHARE:FacebookTwitter One of the most beloved war stories ever filmed is that of HBO’s “Band of Brothers” (2001), based on Stephen Ambrose’ 1992 book by the same name. Now, the series was meticulously researched, and not only were military experts consulted on everything from uniforms to hatches to bullets, but the men of Easy Company were there virtually every step of the way.Look carefully at the scene of Dutch liberation – Edward...
  • Incredible colourised WW2 images reveal brave soldiers’ hell during brutal Battle of the Bulge

    12/16/2018 9:42:01 AM PST · by Leaning Right · 65 replies
    The Sun (UK) ^ | 15th December 2018 | Aletha Adu
    THESE incredible colourised World War Two photographs reveal the brutal hell soldiers endured during the Battle of Bulge. This war was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during the war.
  • (2011 YouTube) Hitler Rants About Anthony Weiner

    11/06/2017 3:56:23 PM PST · by doug from upland · 6 replies
    dfu via youtube ^ | orig 2011 | DFU
    CLICK ON SOURCE LINK Bad language suggested but tastefully redacted. This is appropriate on the day he reported to prison.
  • Christmas Day the snow turned red (trunc)

    12/24/2015 5:50:18 AM PST · by DFG · 10 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | 12/23/2015 | Antony Beevor
    A clear cold Christmas,’ General George S. Patton of the U.S. Army wrote in his diary. ‘Lovely weather for killing Germans, which seems a bit queer, seeing Whose birthday it is.’ The skies had finally cleared with intense frosts moving in from the east, offering an opportunity for Allied fighter bombers — previously hampered by cloud — to break up German attacks as they were assembling. Christmas Day 1944 witnessed some of the most blood-soaked, desperate fighting of the war in what became known as the Battle of the Bulge.
  • Belgian WWII nurse who helped save hundreds of US troops dies at 94

    08/27/2015 6:29:54 AM PDT · by DFG · 2 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | 08/26/2015 | AP
    A Belgian nurse who helped save hundreds of American soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge at the end of World War II has died aged 94. Augusta Chiwy died on Sunday and will be buried in the town of Bastogne, southeast Belgium on Saturday following a civilian and military ceremony, according to her family. Chiwy, who was born in Belgian Congo in 1921, was portrayed as the character Anna in the book and TV series Band of Brothers. The Battle of the Bulge came during the final stages of World War II when Adolf Hitler launched a major offensive...
  • Planes Filled the Sky - Remembering the Battle of the Bulge

    12/28/2014 6:53:44 PM PST · by smoothsailing · 62 replies
    The Weekly Standard ^ | Jan 5-12, 2014 | Warren Kozak
    Planes Filled the Sky Remembering the Battle of the Bulge. Warren Kozak January 5 - January 12, 2015, Vol. 20, No. 17 Exactly seventy years ago, Allied forces in Europe experienced an all-too-common occurrence in war: a huge intelligence failure that led to a surprise attack, followed by a horrific battlefield disaster. That it was transformed into victory by the Allies  was due, in large measure, to the incredible bravery of young Americans, who were outnumbered, outgunned, and fighting in some of the worst physical conditions of World War II.Seventy years later, the Battle of the Bulge is not as...
  • Battle of the Bulge, Monopoly, and Escape

    12/23/2014 12:35:13 PM PST · by Retain Mike · 7 replies
    Self | December 23, 2014 | Self
    OK Neil – You are right. It was not until December 2008 that I found out that I no longer had to remain silent about the help I received from the Brits in Stalag IVB. I had been asked repeatedly the details of my escape on Friday the 13th of April 1945. Now I can answer. I GUESS SOMEDAY IT WOULD BE TOLD......I VOWED NOT TO EVER DISCUSS THE DETAILS OF MY ESCAPE...NOW "THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG"....YES, I HAD THE HELP DESCRIBED. (See below narrative) AT STALAG "IVB" I WAS LOCKED IN WITH 187 BRITISH NCO's. THERE...
  • Astronomy Picture (not APOD, afaik)

    11/18/2011 11:33:40 AM PST · by LibWhacker · 15 replies
    Too beautiful not to post. What you're looking at is a close-up shot up of the central bulge of a giant spiral galaxy viewed edge on. Can you see it? The bulge, that is? It's that glowing lens-shaped mass that's trying unsuccessfully to hide behind those dark foreground clouds. Yes, of course, it's the central bulge of our own Milky Way Galaxy! :-) We're looking at the "lens" edge-on from our vantage point here in the Orion Spur (a minor spiral arm) of the Milky Way, 30,000 light years from the galaxy's center. Some "close-up," huh? We see the central...
  • Weiner Messaged Vegas Sext Partner About His "Ridiculous Bulge" (oh, this can't end well) WARNING

    06/08/2011 5:47:09 PM PDT · by Libloather · 29 replies
    Gothamist ^ | 6/08/11
    Weiner Messaged Vegas Sext Partner About His "Ridiculous Bulge" Now that he has admitted to sending salacious photographs, Anthony Weiner's sext partners are coming out of the woodwork. First there was Texas mom Meagan Broussard (who shared the pec pics with the world) and now we have 40-year-old Las Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss, who paints a graphic picture for Radar of what it is like to sext with a member of Congress. What would you do if a man named Weiner asked you if you "wanna see" his "ridiculous bulge?" Because that, among many questions is apparently one of...
  • December 16th, 1944: Battle of the Bulge begins

    12/16/2009 7:15:00 AM PST · by OKSooner · 46 replies · 2,057+ views
    US Army Center for Military History ^ | 12-04-09 | Hugh M. Cole
    Today marks exactly 65 years since The Battle of the Bulge began. AKA "The Ardennes-Alsace Campaign" by the US Army, and called "Watch on the Rhine" by the krauts who planned it. Probably not a lot of commentary required for Freepers... Recommended additional reading: "To Save Bastogne", by Robert Phillips, veteran of the 110th Regiment, 28th Division. It describes "The Battle of the Bulge before The Battle of the Bulge", the delaying action beginning on this day that made it possible for the 101st Airborne Division and other units to have a Bastogne to go to.
  • Battle of Bulge Anniversary Remembered at Tree Lighting

    12/04/2009 3:12:20 PM PST · by SandRat · 17 replies · 780+ views
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2009 – The Army’s chief of staff stepped back in history Thursday evening to Christmas Eve in Belgium 65 years ago by reading one of the most inspirational letters written by a commander to his troops. Gen. George W. Casey Jr., chief of staff of the Army, reads the World War II Christmas letter from Gen. Anthony McAuliffe to his troops during the 13th annual Norwegian Tree Lighting Ceremony in Union Station, Washington D.C., Dec. 3, 2009. The tree is a gift from Norway and a symbol of the friendship between the United States and Norway. DoD...
  • Belgians, Americans to Celebrate Anniversary of Landmark Victory

    12/01/2009 5:44:42 PM PST · by SandRat · 5 replies · 428+ views
    America Supports You ^ | Kevin Downey
    CHIÈVRES, Belgium, Dec. 1, 2009 – Sixty-five years after World War II's landmark Battle of the Bulge, U.S. and Belgian troops will again march side by side in Bastogne on Dec. 12 and 13. Veterans and servicemembers from both nations are scheduled to join thousands of well-wishers, including town officials, dignitaries and local residents, in commemorating the Allied forces' victory in the famous World War II battle. "The traditional carnival-like atmosphere in Bastogne over the weekend celebrates the historic grit and determination of our two nations' veterans 65 years ago, and the solemn ceremony at the Mardasson Memorial overlooking the...
  • Hubble Spies Galaxy's Big Bulge ("x" , "boxy" or "peanut-shaped" bulge)

    11/18/2009 8:55:18 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 7 replies · 1,145+ views ^ | 11/18/09 | staff
    A new image of the bulge at the center of a distant spiral galaxy, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is giving astronomers insight into how these galactic paunches form. The image of NGC 4710 is part of a survey that astronomers have conducted to learn more about the formation of bulges, which are a substantial component of most spiral galaxies. When targeting spiral galaxy bulges, astronomers often seek edge-on galaxies, as their bulges are more easily distinguishable from the disc. The detailed edge-on view of NGC 4710, taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, shows the galaxy's bulge in...
  • Veterans of Battle of the Bulge gather in Tucson

    10/08/2009 5:18:58 PM PDT · by SandRat · 41 replies · 1,354+ views
    Arizona Daily Star ^ | Carol Ann Alaimo
    Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.08.2009 advertisement Six decades after surviving a battle in which many soldiers froze to death, World War II veteran John Swett still dislikes the cold. This week, he and scores of surviving comrades are basking in Tucson's warmth during the national reunion of Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. More than 100 of these 80- and 90-somethings, who were part of the biggest, bloodiest land fight in U.S. history, are in town for a week of sightseeing and remembrance ceremonies. It's the first time their annual reunion has been held in the Old Pueblo, hosted...