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Keyword: billfederer

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  • Silence = Consent with Bill Federer

    05/19/2024 6:50:41 AM PDT · by Twotone · 13 replies ^ | May 14, 2024 | Jenny Donnelly
    This powerful conversation with Bill Federer will expose the silence of the church through the history of Marxism - and convince you that even your silence is actually consent!
  • JEFFERSON & ADAMS — 50 years after the Declaration of Independence - they died the SAME DAY, July 4, 1826 - American Minute with Bill Federer

    07/04/2022 10:49:26 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 20 replies
    American Minute ^ | July 4, 2022 | Bill Federer
    Both served in the Continental Congress. Both signed the Declaration of Independence. Both served as U.S. Ministers in France. Both were U.S. Presidents, one elected the 2nd President and the other the 3rd. Download as PDF ... Once political enemies, they became close friends in later life. An awe swept America when they both died on the same day, JULY 4, 1826, exactly 50 years since they approved the Declaration of Independence. Their names were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson's handwritten Declaration of Independence used the wording "inalienable rights" as seen in the copies at the American Philosophical...
  • Independence Day -- "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan - American Minute with Bill Federer

    07/03/2022 1:07:46 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 10 replies
    American Minute ^ | July 3, 2022 | Bill Federer
    King George III ruled the largest empire that planet earth had ever seen. Download as PDF ... The Declaration of Independence was signed JULY 4, 1776. It listed 27 reasons why Americans declared their independence from the 38-year-old King: "... He has made judges dependent on his will alone ... ... He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. ... He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies ... ... To subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution ... ......
  • Battle of Gettysburg: Turning Point in Civil War "I invoke the influence of His Holy Spirit to subdue the anger" -Lincoln - American Minute with Bill Federer

    07/03/2022 12:41:45 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 21 replies
    American Minute ^ | July 1, 2022 | Bill Federer
    Washington, D.C., was in a panic! 72,000 Confederate troops were just sixty miles away near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Download as PDF ... What led up to this Battle? Two months before, at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was mistakenly shot by his own men on May 2, 1863, and died shortly thereafter. Though Confederates won the Battle of Chancellorsville, the loss of Jackson was devastating, as most historians speculate that had Jackson been at Gettysburg two month later, the South may have won. Robert E. Lee was now under a time deadline. Mounting casualties of the war were...
  • "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" --Edmund Burke & the French Revolution - American Minute with Bill Federer

    07/03/2022 12:25:06 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 4 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 29, 2022 | Bill Federer
    Edmund Burke is considered the most influential orator in the British House of Commons in the 18th century. Born January 12, 1729, one of his first notable writings was an anonymous publication A Vindication of Natural Society, 1756, which was a satirical criticism of the intolerant "woke" deism promoted by Lord Bolingbroke: "Seeing every mode of religion attacked in a lively manner, and the foundation of every virtue, and of all government, sapped with great art and much ingenuity ... the same engines which were employed for the destruction of religion, might be employed with equal success for the subversion...
  • Cold War Tactics: Fifth Column, Critical Race Theory & Social Justice: "These trouble-breeders have but one purpose - to divide our people"-FDR - American Minute with Bill Federer

    06/20/2022 1:59:49 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 5 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 20 2022 | Bill Federer
    "We have seen the treacherous use of the 'fifth column' by which persons supposed to be peaceful visitors were actually a part of an enemy unit of occupation ... ... These trouble-breeders have but one purpose. It is to divide our people into hostile groups and to destroy our unity and shatter our will to defend ourselves." - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fireside Chat, December 29, 1940. Download as PDF ... The term "fifth column” referred to ancient warfare, where two columns of soldiers were in the middle of the battlefield, with two flanks on either side. The fifth column were...
  • "Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes!" -June 1775, The Battle of Bunker Hill

    06/20/2022 5:51:48 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 22 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 18, 2022 | Bill Federer
    "Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes!" commanded Colonel William Prescott, repeating the order of General Israel Putnam, JUNE 17, 1775. Colonel William Prescott's men were in the center redoubt located on Breed's Hill, adjacent Bunker Hill, guarding the north entrance to Boston Harbor. Download as PDF ... Samuel Swett wrote in his History of Bunker Hill, that as the 2,300 British soldiers advanced: "The American marksmen are with difficulty restrained from firing. Putnam rode through the line, and ordered that no one should fire till they arrived within eight rods ... Powder was scarce and must...
  • Father's Day! "America needs heroes on the battlefield of everyday life" -U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall - American Minute with Bill Federer

    06/19/2022 5:59:23 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 3 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 19, 2022 | Bill Federer
    U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Center for Disease Control, and other agencies report that children from fatherless homes are: Five times more likely to live in poverty; Nine times more likely to drop out of school; Twenty times more likely to go to in prison; Higher risk of drug and alcohol abuse; Increased incidents of internalized and externalized aggressive behavioral problems; Greater chance of runaways and homelessness; Twice as likely to commit suicide. Download as PDF ... In an effort to recognize the importance of a father in the home, the several "Father's Day" services...
  • FLAG DAY - "I pledge allegiance to the Flag ... and to the Republic for which it stands ..." - American Minute with Bill Federer

    06/14/2022 1:57:38 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 8 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 14, 2022 | Bill Federer
    Thirteen Stars and Thirteen Stripes. On JUNE 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress selected the FLAG of the United States. Our founders were in the midst of fighting an eight year long war to come out from under the dominion of the most powerful globalist king in world history. Read as PDF ... On JUNE 14, 1783, General George Washington sent a "Circular Letter" to the thirteen Governors of the newly independent states. He stated: "I am now preparing to resign ... Before I carry this resolution into effect, I think it a duty ... to make this my last...
  • John Wesley's "Religion of the Heart" & Francis Asbury, Circuit Riding Preacher "one of the builders of our nation" - American Minute with Bill Federer

    06/10/2022 7:43:24 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 11 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 10, 2022 | Bill Federer
    The King of England was the head of the Anglican Church from the time of Henry VIII in 1534.Download as PDF ... Beginning in 1535, all English subjects, including those in English colonies, were required to the Oath of Supremacy:"I (state your name) do utterly testify and declare in my Conscience, that the King's Highness is the only Supreme Governor of this Realm ... in all Spiritual or Eclesiastical things ... So help me God." For most of England's history from 1535 to 1829, not to take the Oath of Supremacy was considered treason, resulting in government prosecution, fines,...
  • Carl Sandburg, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet: "When a nation goes down ... one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from"

    08/02/2020 2:57:59 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 3 replies
    American Minute ^ | July 22, 2020 | Bill Federer
    "I see America, not in the setting sun of a black night of despair ahead of us, I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning, creative hand of God. I see great days ahead, great days possible to men and women of will and vision," stated poet Carl Sandburg in an interview with Frederick Van Ryn of This Week Magazine (January 4, 1953, p. 11.) Carl Sandburg was born on January 6, 1878, to Swedish immigrants who worked on the railroad. After 8th grade, Carl Sandburg left school, borrowed his father's railroad pass,...
  • Hitler's Brownshirts used Antifa tactics to overthrow Germany's Republic; D-Day began rescue of Europe: "A Struggle to Preserve our Republic, our Religion & our Civilization"-FDR, June 6, 1944

    06/06/2020 10:06:15 AM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 8 replies
    American Minute with Bill Federer ^ | June 6, 2020 | Bill Federer
    American Minute with Bill Federer Hitler's Brownshirts used Antifa tactics to overthrow Germany's Republic; D-Day began rescue of Europe: "A Struggle to Preserve our Republic, our Religion & our Civilization"-FDR, June 6, 1944 After World War I, Germany's economy suffered from depression and a devaluation of their currency. On January 30, 1933, Adolph Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany by promising hope and universal healthcare. Less than a month later, on February 27, 1933, a crisis occurred -- the Rheichstag, Germany's Capitol Building, was suspiciously set on fire, with evidence pointing to Hitler's supporters. Hitler was quick to use this...
  • Syria: Will "Cradle of Civilization ... become its Grave"?

    11/26/2019 1:41:02 PM PST · by Perseverando · 3 replies
    American Minute ^ | September 6, 2019 | Bill Federer
    President Nixon, in his last official address, left a cryptic warning of the Middle East " that the cradle of civilization will not become its grave." The "cradle of civilization" is the Mesopotamian Valley, also called "the fertile crescent." The Fertile Crescent begins south of Mount Ararat, the traditional resting site of Noah's Ark, and continues south to the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This area later became the lands of: Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Syria, and Assyria. Assyria is mentioned in the Book of Genesis, where it describes the location of the Garden...
  • Columbus sailing to India & China by going West? What blocked going East?

    08/07/2019 11:58:52 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 44 replies
    American Minute ^ | August 3, 2019 | Bill Federer
    "There are but 155 years left ... at which time ... the world will come to an end," wrote Christopher Columbus in his book Libro de Las Profecias, composed in 1502 between his 3rd and 4th voyages. Columbus continued: "... The sign which convinces me that our Lord is hastening the end of the world is the preaching of the Gospel recently in so many lands." Though his predictions were off, Columbus' writings revealed his motivation for setting sail on his first voyage AUGUST 3, 1492, with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. He sought to find a sea...
  • D-Day "A Struggle to Preserve our Republic, our Religion & our Civilization"-FDR, June 6, 1944

    06/06/2019 9:56:01 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 25 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 6, 2019 | Bill Federer
    After World War I, Germany's economy suffered from depression and a devaluation of their currency. On January 30, 1933, Adolph Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany by promising hope and universal healthcare. Less than a month later, on February 27, 1933, a crisis occurred -- the Rheichstag, Germany's Capitol Building, was suspiciously set on fire. Hitler was quick to use this crisis as an opportunity to set aside Germany's Weimar Republic and seize emergency powers as a dictator. He suspended basic rights and accused his political opponents of conspiracy. He ordered mass arrests followed by executions, even ordering his SS...
  • J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI, Machiavelli, & the criminal mind without God

    05/08/2019 9:37:39 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 21 replies
    American Minute ^ | May 4, 2019 | Bill Federer
    President William McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist in 1901. The next President, Theodore Roosevelt wanted the government to track anarchist groups, as well as stop sex-trafficking. This led to the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1908, though some Congressmen feared it might evolve into a deep-state secret police. In 1914, an anarchist shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand, beginning World War I. Beginning in 1924, the director of the FBI was J. Edgar Hoover, till his death on May 2, 1972. For 48 years, under eight Presidents, J. Edgar Hoover oversaw the Federal Bureau of Investigation, becoming famous...
  • Memorial Day: There can be no peace with the forces of evil...

    05/29/2017 11:43:41 AM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 14 replies
    American Minute ^ | Memorial Day | by Bill Federer
    Southern women scattered spring flowers on graves of both northern Union and southern Confederate soldiers of the Civil War in which over a half-million died. Many places claimed to have held the original Memorial Day, such as: -Warrenton, Virginia; -Columbus, Georgia; -Savannah, Georgia; -Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; -Boalsburg, Pennsylvania; -Waterloo, New York. One such place was Charleston, South Carolina, where a mass grave was uncovered of 257 Union soldiers who had died in a prison camp. On May 1, 1865, former slaves organized a parade, led by 2,800 singing Black children, and reburied the soldiers with honor as an act of reparation...
  • Interview with William J. "Bill" Federer - LIVE Tomorrow (3/5) at 8 AM EST

    03/04/2016 6:27:05 PM PST · by Randall_S · 2 replies
    USA Transnational Report ^ | March 4, 2016 | USA Transnational Report
    SPECIAL INTERVIEW WITH WILLIAM “BILL” FEDERER! LIVE Saturday (3/5) 8 AM EST!!! William J. Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. Bill’s AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV. Website: American Minute Topics of Discussion: > Super Tuesday and the GOP Debate > Romney’s Against Trump Speech > European Refugee Crisis and the direct implications for Britain’s EU Exit > The Democrats...
  • What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an -A History of Islam & the United States

    12/01/2015 3:29:24 PM PST · by Jim Robinson · 46 replies
    ebook (.pdf) ^ | 5/27/2010, 2007 | By William J. Federer
    PREFACE Thousands of books, documents and articles have been researched over several years in preparation for this book. You will be fascinated by this fast-paced history of the world from a perspective you have never imagined. Current events will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of inconceivable yet true events and conflicts. Every effort has been made to present this information objectively. It is hoped this work is received that way. You will not be the same after you have read what every American needs to know about the Qur'an. Click the source ebook link above...
  • Historian [Federer]: Ben Carson Did Not Plagiarize My Book

    01/07/2015 11:55:37 PM PST · by Jim Robinson · 18 replies
    National Review ^ | January 7, 2015 | By Joel Gehrke
    Bill Federer, the author of a “quote book” featured repeatedly in Ben Carson’s America the Beautiful, defends the neurosurgeon-turned-presidential aspirant from charges of plagiarism. “In my estimation, he has used my material exactly the way I wanted my material to be used,” Federer tells National Review Online. “The fact that he had cited me 16 times shows that his intention was to be honest and up front in his use of my material and the two times that the BuzzFeed article cited that he had not, in my estimation, is an editor’s oversight, errata, and it’s not plagiarism.” The conservative...